The Ultimate Guide On Sade Sati

Sade sati guide

What Is Sade Sati ?

Sade Sati, as the name suggests, is the period of 7.5 years of Saturn transit around and over your natal Moon.

If you are aware of Hindi terms then “Sade” means Half, and “Sati” means Seven.

It starts when Saturn enters the 12th sign from the natal moon and ends when Saturn leaves the 2nd house from the natal moon.

In each of the signs, it stays for 2.5 years, and each of its phases of 2.5 years is given a name.

1. The first phase when Saturn is over the 12th house from the natal moon is called the rising phase.
2. The second phase when Saturn is over the natal moon is called  the peak phase.
3. The third phase, when Saturn is over the 2nd house from the natal moon, is called the setting phase.

For example, if you have an Aries Moon sign then your Sade Sati will start when Saturn will enter the Pisces sign. This will be known as the “Rising Phase” of Sade Sati.

Then similarly, when Saturn will enter the Aries sign itself, then your second phase of Sade Sati will start, which is known as the “Peak Phase”.

Then the last phase, which is known as the “Setting Phase” will start when Saturn will enter the Taurus sign.

With the movement of Saturn in the Gemini Sign, the Sade Sati will come to an end for the Aries Moon sign.

I have mentioned how Sade Sati will start for other signs:

1. For Taurus Moon Sign, Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters the Aries Sign and ends when Saturn enters the Cancer sign.

2. For Gemini Moon Sign, Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters the Taurus Sign and ends when Saturn enters the Leo sign.

3. For Cancer Moon Sign, Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters the Gemini Sign and ends when Saturn enters the Virgo sign.

4. For Leo Moon Sign, Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters Cancer Sign and ends when Saturn enters the Libra sign.

5. For Virgo Moon Sign, Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters Leo Sign and ends when Saturn enters Scorpio sign.

6. For Libra Moon Sign, Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters the Virgo Sign and ends when Saturn enters the Sagittarius sign.

7. For Scorpio Moon Sign, Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters the Libra Sign and ends when Saturn enters the Capricorn sign.

8. For Sagittarius Moon Sign, Sade Sati will start when Saturn will enter Scorpio Sign and will end when Saturn will enter the Aquarius sign.

9. For Capricorn Moon Sign, Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters the Sagittarius Sign and ends when Saturn enters the Pisces sign.

10. For Aquarius Moon Sign, Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters the Capricorn Sign and ends when Saturn enters the Aries sign.

11. For Pisces Moon SignSade Sati starts when Saturn enters Aquarius Sign and ends when Saturn enters Taurus sign.

Note: There is a very interesting theory, that states that Sade Sati starts when planet Saturn is within 45 degrees from planet Moon and it ends when Saturn is 45 degrees away from planet Moon.

If the above statement is true, then the total time of Sade Sati will be reduced. 

Rising Phase

This is the first phase of Sade Sati, which starts when Saturn enters the 12th sign from the natal Moon. This is the first phase of Sade Sati, and in this period Saturn starts to put a grip around us. It is often marked by events such as transfers, rise in expenses, sleep issues and loneliness in mind. In this period, natives feel very differently, and their minds become very unfocused and waverly, leading to lots of issues in career & wealth.This period marks the beginning of turbulence and issues and forms the foundation for the transformation that is supposed to come ahead in the peak phase. Usually, this period is not as harmful; it mostly makes the native slow, and a lack of ambition comes during this time. Finances stay moderate, and health only sees some minor impact. However, it can prove very negative if the Moon is in the 9th house of the native because, from the ascendant, Saturn transits into the 8th house to start Sade Sati for them. .

Peak Phase

This phase begins when Saturn transits over the natal moon. It is said to be the most negative period, where hardships increase significantly. The native may lose their job, face financial issues, and suffer in relationships badly. This period also leads to massive health issues and, in some cases, can cause death if longevity is completed. Mentally, this is where anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder can arise. During this time, the native feels helpless, and no remedy seems to help. The only option left is to endure the hardships and emerge as a stronger person. If Saturn Mahadasha or Antardasha is operating during this period, it can significantly increase the sufferings. If the Moon is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, this period proves most negative for the native.

Note: In theory, this is the most negative and hard phase of Sade Sati

Setting Phase

The setting phase begins when Saturn enters the second house from the natal moon. This period is considered less malefic than both the Rising and Peak phases. This is a time for regaining strength and learning from the challenges faced earlier. The transformation is completed during this phase, and it can be very beneficial for natives who have a well-placed moon in their natal horoscope. If it ends with Saturn in the 3rd, 10th, or 11th house, it brings the most beneficial results. The house where this phase ends in the natal chart will see the most improvement. For example, if the Moon is in the 9th house and the setting phase ends in the 10th house, the native sees a massive rise in their career. If Saturn is a functional benefic (i.e., for Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, or Aquarius ascendants), this setting phase can be a game-changer. The house Saturn aspects during this phase also see beneficial results, bringing progress in their significations.

This is the technical definition and description that I gave you above.

The question is, what exactly happens in Sade Sati, and what is the purpose of it?

We all know Saturn is the most major planet in whole vedic astrology and the slowest among all 9 planets when it comes to its movement through a sign.

Saturn is keeper of karmic order and its job is to deliver the results of the placements we are born with.Whatever rajyoga you have in your natal horoscope will only deliver its results when you have at least experienced one cycle of Sade Sati in your life.

In the Sade Sati period, Saturn gains the most influence over us, and it puts us in a process where we are held accountable for our karmas, and at the same time, it gives us total awareness of what is happening in our lives.

That is why when you enter the Sade Sati period, you are mentally more sensitive and you feel every emotion with more depth. You become more prone to arguments, losses, and you start to attract negative events more than ever.

It is widely acknowledged in psychology that growth often comes through pain or adversity and only Sade Sati brings such pain which fuels our growth.

In India, we have a belief that during the rising phase, Sade Sati is on your upper part of the body, and then in the peak phase, it is over the middle part of the body. Whereas in the setting phase it is over the lower part of your body.

Similarly, one more belief is that, before Sade Sati ends, you get some sudden luck when Sade Sati is ending.

My Guru told me that in the second phase he got into a big accident and then right before Sade Sati ended he got very honorable work without much effort.

But question is that, do all people go through the same pattern and routine in Sade Sati, the answer is no!!

When I started my Sade Sati in November 2011, I suffered the very same day and the first phase of Sade Sati was very tough for me.

But I also know a lot of people who got great results on the beginning day of Sade Sati. Sade Sati is not always bad and is transit-only, and one should not stress much about it.

Your current planetary dasha and other factors matter here more than anything, and without considering these factors, nothing accurate can be predicted.

There are 12 zodiacs, and the population of the whole world is around 6 billion, which means one zodiac gets 50 million individuals approximately, which means at any point in time 50*3 equal to 150 million people are under Sade Sati, and if we add Kantaka Shani (Saturn transit in 4th house) and Ashtma Shani ( Saturn transit in 8th house), then this figure we reach 250 million.

Obviously, not all are suffering here, and the fear of Sade Sati is unnecessary sometimes; we must rise above it & embrace the transformation it brings for us.

Let's discuss this more in next section.

Sade Sati is that scary? Do people really get affected by it?

The fear of Sade Sati is well known and a lot of people looks for solutions of it.

For your information, there is no mention of the term Sade Sati in classical books of astrology but yes, there is a mention of bad effects of Saturn transit through 12th, 1st & 2nd houses from the Moon and only negative is written about it.

Let's see what classic books have stated on effects of Saturn transit through these houses with respect to planet Moon.

  • Sage Mantreshwar in Phala Deepika states that Saturn in 12th house from Moon causes loss of wealth.
  • Whereas transit of Saturn over the Natal Moon causes mental issues and lack of effectiveness in actions or karma.
  • Over 2nd house from the Moon, it causes loss of wealth and same time cause issues in the family.

Naturally, the above mentioned effects seem to be bad, and at any point of time total three signs are in Sade Sati.

I don't think everyone with these Moon sign are experiencing such deep issues in their life.

Hence, we do need to see things holistically.

Around 150 million people are in their Sade Sati right now and not all are having a bad time! There are certain conditions in which Sade Sati doesn't give much bad effects.

  1. Sade Sati won’t prove bad if you are in dasha or antardasha of a beneficial planet.
  2. As per Astrology texts, Saturn gives good results in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses.
  3. In Bhinashtakvarga of Saturn in Capricorn sign, there are more than 3 bindus.
  4. In Sarvashtakvarga, there are more than 30 bindus in 12th, 1st and 2nd from planet Moon.
  5. Sade Sati won’t be severely bad if Saturn is going through Capricorn or Aquarius sign. These two signs are owned by Saturn only, also, Sade Sati doesn’t affect much when present in Sagittarius or Pisces sign.
  6. Along with this, always check where Jupiter is going in its transit during Sade Sati Jupiter tends to cross 7 signs, so there are not many chances that all 7 signs transit will be good. But a few years will be there where Jupiter will protect you from the bad effects of Sade Sati.
  7. If the ascendant in the natal chart is Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, or Aquarius, then Sade Sati tends to not harm much.

Above rules can be bended because each horoscope contains different dynamics, People with strong rajyoga usually don’t lose everything because they are bound to reach at good heights. Rather they gather more awareness on their abilities and capabilities.

I have written a detailed article which explains how Sade Sati can give beneficial results. After reading this you will have less fears on Sade Sati.

Sade Sati Dates

Given below are the dates of the upcoming period of Sade Sati for all moon signs.




MAR-29, 2025
MAY-30, 2032
JUN-02, 2027
JUL-12, 2034
AUG-08, 2029
AUG-27, 2036
MAY-30, 2032
JUL-12, 2039
JUL-12, 2034
JAN-27, 2041
AUG-27, 2036
DEC-11, 2043
OCT-22, 2038
DEC-07, 2046
NOV-14, 2011
JAN-23, 2020
NOV-02, 2014
APR-28, 2022
OCT-26, 2017
MAR-29, 2025
JAN-23, 2020
AUG-08, 2029
APR-28, 2022
AUG-08, 2029

Currently In 2024 What Signs Are In Sade Sati?

In 2024, no changes will occur, and like last year, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces moon signs will be under Sade Sati.

  • The Capricorn moon sign setting phase will operate.
  • For Aquarius, the moon sign peak phase will operate.
  • For Pisces, the moon sign rising phase will operate.

In 2024, the impact will be severe and harder, especially in the retrograde period of Saturn from June to November.

Therefore, individuals born under these three signs should exercise extreme caution and vigilance. They cannot afford to make more mistakes, and engagement with their inner self and higher power is a must for them, especially for Pisces moon sign who are in their first phase of Sade Sati.

Major changes in Sade Sati will happen next year in 2025 because there will be a transit of Saturn after 2.5 years, and on 29th March 2025 Saturn will enter the sign of Pisces, changing the cycle of the Sade Sati.

  • Capricorn Moon sign Sade Sati will come to an end.
  • Aquarius Moon sign will enter in the last phase of Sade Sati.
  • Pisces will enter the peak phase of Sade Sati.

Sade Sati Calculator

Given below is the calculator, which you can use to find the dates of Sade Sati for your Moon sign. 

All you have to do is enter your birth details and hit the enter sign. A more advanced version of the calculator can be found using the link given below.

Sade Sati Effects For All Moon Signs

Given below are the details on Sade Sati for all moon signs, and for each moon sign, a detailed article, which you can access using the link given for each moon sign.

Effects of Sade Sati will vary from the Moon sign to the Moon sign. Despite Saturn's transit in the same houses (12th, 1st, 2nd), the effects will depend mainly on the zodiac sign in these houses.

For instance, if you are a Virgo Moon sign, the effects of the rising phase of Sade Sati will differ from those experienced by a native of Leo or any other Moon sign, as the sign in your 12th house will be unique.

To learn about the effects of Sade Sati on your Moon sign, read the description and use the link to delve deeper into the details.

Sade Sati Effects For Aries Moon Sign

Aries moon sign Sade sati

Sade Sati for Aries Moon begins when Saturn enters the sign of Pisces, marking the start of the Rising phase. The Peak phase occurs when Saturn transits over the natal Moon in Aries. Finally, Sade Sati ends with Saturn's transit into Taurus, which is referred to as the Setting phase.

1.Rising Phase of Sade Sati will mark the start of internal and external turbulence. You may face isolation, increased expenses, and feel burdened by responsibilities. Financially, this period tends to bring some difficulties as unexpected expenses may rise. You may also feel emotionally detached from family and loved ones, leading to feelings of loneliness. Health-wise, minor issues may start to show, particularly in areas like the legs, feet, and joints. However, this phase may also push you toward spiritual growth, as Saturn often prompts reflection and inner development.

2.Peak Phase of Sade Sati will be the most intense and challenging phase. You may face a lot of pressure from your career, personal life, and health. Financial struggles can deepen, and job security may feel threatened. This phase often tests patience and endurance, as emotional stress levels rise. You may feel mentally overwhelmed, dealing with anxiety, sleep disturbances, and even depression. Relationships, especially marital or close partnerships, could be strained. Health problems may also escalate during this period, particularly if pre-existing conditions exist. It's a phase of karmic challenges, where you must endure and stay strong to push through the difficulties.

3.Setting Phase of Sade Sati brings some relief, as challenges start to diminish. Financial stability begins to return, and you might recover from earlier financial setbacks. In terms of health, you start to regain strength, and mental stress reduces significantly. The focus during this period shifts toward rebuilding and finding balance in your life. Relationships, especially within the family, begin to improve, and you may experience more harmony at home. Career opportunities may also resurface, and this phase marks the start of a new, more positive chapter, where lessons learned from earlier hardships can help you grow.

Sade Sati Effects For Taurus Moon Sign

Taurus moon sign Sade sati

Sade Sati begins when Saturn enters Aries, initiating the Rising phase. The Peak phase occurs when Saturn transits over the natal Moon in Taurus. The Setting phase, and the end of Sade Sati, happens when Saturn moves into Gemini.

1.Rising Phase of Sade Sati brings troubles from all directions and a feeling of hopelessness. Health starts to decline, and family quarrels become common. Professionally, desired results are elusive, and enemies seem to emerge from every corner.

2. Peak Phase of Sade Sati brings travels and hectic schedules. There can be pressure at work, but you may also get the opportunity to go abroad. Despite progress in life, there is an element of obstacles. However, it is very helpful for business, freelance work, sportspeople, and politicians.

3. Setting Phase of Sade Sati is known to cause health issues, although other areas of life remain stable and balanced. The health challenges can create severe obstacles, but things tend to work out in the end.

Sade Sati Effects For Gemini Moon Sign

Gemini moon sign Sade sati

Sade Sati starts with Saturn’s transit into Taurus, marking the Rising phase. The Peak phase happens when Saturn moves over the natal Moon in Gemini. The Setting phase concludes Sade Sati when Saturn enters Cancer.

1. Rising Phase of Sade Sati tends to bring success in education and long-distance travels. There will be some auspicious events related to your father, and your mind will be drawn toward religion and spiritual progress. You will start to appreciate life during this period, and gratitude for self-improvement will follow. This can be considered one of the best periods for personal growth.

2. Peak Phase
of Sade Sati brings severe losses and increase in hospital bills. Sleep disturbances may occur, along with frequent, unnecessary dreams.

3. Setting Phase of Sade Sati brings an element of relief, and your interest in academics and other areas of life begins to return. Energy levels improve, and physical activity becomes a priority. By this time, you will have gained a full understanding of the hardships of Sade Sati. However, if your horoscope is strong, these negative outcomes may not manifest.

Sade Sati Effects For Cancer Moon Sign

Cancer moon sign Sade sati

Sade Sati begins when Saturn enters Gemini, starting the Rising phase. The Peak phase takes place when Saturn transits over the natal Moon in Cancer. The Setting phase occurs when Saturn moves into Leo, ending Sade Sati.

1. Rising Phase of Sade Sati brings unnecessary travels and expenses. Controlling these expenses becomes difficult, and the resulting stress impacts your health, leading to feelings of lethargy and laziness.

2. Peak Phase is the most challenging for Cancer natives. Health issues become serious, especially during the period of a Maraka planet, and if the Moon is afflicted in your horoscope, even kings cannot escape the hardships of this time.

3. Setting Phase of Sade Sati works better than the Rising and Peak phases, but issues still persist. Health needs particular attention, as the Maraka effects of Saturn can be pronounced while it leaves your 2nd house, which is also a Maraka house.

Sade Sati Effects For Leo Moon Sign

Leo moon sign Sade sati

Saturn’s entry into Cancer marks the Rising phase for Leo Moon sign. The Peak phase occurs when Saturn transits over the natal Moon in Leo. Sade Sati ends with Saturn's transit into Virgo, which starts the Setting phase.

1. Rising Phase of Sade Sati can cause foreign travel, though these trips may not yield effective results. Expensive items tend to malfunction, and gadgets may fail. These minor issues can build up during this phase.

2. Peak Phase causes intense arguments with your father and troubles with the government. It is wise to pay your taxes and dues on time to avoid greater penalties later. Health, especially teeth, joints, and spine, may become weak, and the pain can lead to mental distress.

3. Setting Phase of Sade Sati is generally favorable, with improvements in life overall. However, your spouse or other family members may face health issues, leading to expenditures.

Sade Sati Effects For Virgo Moon Sign

Virgo moon sign Sade sati

The Rising phase begins when Saturn enters Leo. The Peak phase occurs as Saturn transits over the natal Moon in Virgo. Finally, Sade Sati ends when Saturn moves into Libra, starting the Setting phase.

1. Rising Phase of Sade Sati leads to desires for travel and luxury. This phase is generally balanced, but caution is advised if you are running a negative Dasha.

2. Peak Phase of Sade Sati works very well for you, though you may set unrealistic targets, which can ultimately cause pressure. You may also find a life partner through your spouse, which can put you in a tight spot. Parents' health may decline during this phase, causing additional stress.

3. Setting Phase of Sade Sat brings a period of recovery and stability. You will start to regain your confidence and make significant progress in your career. Finances also improve, and long-standing issues begin to resolve. This is a time for rebuilding and growth, both personally and professionally. However, health may still require attention, especially if you have neglected it during the earlier phases. Relationships, especially with close family members, also begin to heal, and overall, this phase provides a much-needed sense of relief and optimism for the future.

Sade Sati Effects For Libra Moon Sign

Sade Sati Libra Moon sign

Sade Sati starts with Saturn's transit into Virgo, marking the Rising phase. The Peak phase happens when Saturn moves over the natal Moon in Libra. The Setting phase, and the end of Sade Sati, happens when Saturn transits into Scorpio.

1. Rising Phase of Sade Sati can bring out the best in you, with some positive news related to abroad events. You may find a new source of income and develop strong connections that lead to future gains.

2. Peak Phase is considered the best period of life for Libra natives. Career, marriage, and health all improve during these 2.5 years, and if you are running the Yogakaraka Saturn Dasha, there is little else you could ask for.

3. Setting Phase again proves favorable, with happiness in the family prevailing. You will feel complete with the positives in your life and may desire even more progress.

Sade Sati Effects For Scorpio Moon Sign

Sade Sati for scorpio moon sign

Sade Sati begins when Saturn enters Libra, initiating the Rising phase. The Peak phase occurs when Saturn transits over the natal Moon in Scorpio. The Setting phase ends Sade Sati as Saturn moves into Sagittarius.

1.Rising Phase of Sade Sati brings tensions and affects your life negatively. This period should be approached with caution and patience.

2.Peak Phase causes similar issues, but this time your health takes the greatest hit. Your spouse may also face difficulties in their career.

3.Setting Phase leads to rebuilding your life with newfound faith and devotion. Career and finances begin to improve, and relationships, especially with your spouse, get better.

Sade Sati Effects For Sagittarius Moon Sign

Sagittarius Moon sign Sade sati

Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters Scorpio, marking the Rising phase. The Peak phase takes place when Saturn transits over the natal Moon in Sagittarius. The Setting phase occurs as Saturn moves into Capricorn, ending Sade Sati.

1.Rising Phase of Sade Sati leads to distance from family and work. Peace of mind is hard to find, and a sense of insecurity prevails. Expenditures rise, and frequent health issues trouble you.

2.Peak Phase of Sade Sati starts to bring some improvement, but growth is still limited by various obstacles. Career and health are the most affected areas, with no clear solution in sight.

3.Setting Phase brings hope and improvement, putting your life back on track. Progress becomes steady, and opportunities begin to find their way to you.

Sade Sati Effects For Capricorn Moon Sign

Capricorn Moon sign Sade sati

The Rising phase of Sade Sati begins when Saturn enters Sagittarius. The Peak phase happens as Saturn transits over the natal Moon in Capricorn. The Setting phase concludes Sade Sati when Saturn moves into Aquarius.

1.Rising Phase is the toughest part of Sade Sati for you. Life slows down, and you lose opportunities to rise. Expenses increase, and unnecessary worries plague you.

2.Peak Phase starts to bring improvement. A newfound energy emerges, with improvements in health and confidence, making life better overall.

3.Setting Phase can bring a high point in your career, provided you are running the Dasha of Yogakaraka Venus or Saturn. This phase can mark the beginning of your rise, provided other factors are supportive.

Sade Sati Effects For Aquarius Moon Sign

Aquarius Moon sign Sade Sati

Sade Sati starts with Saturn’s transit into Capricorn, initiating the Rising phase. The Peak phase occurs when Saturn moves over the natal Moon in Aquarius. The Setting phase, and the end of Sade Sati, happens when Saturn transits into Pisces.

1.Rising Phase tends to bring prosperity, and you indulge in a luxurious lifestyle. Foreign visits and vacations with family are common during this phase. Career, wealth, and marriage all progress positively.

2.Peak Phase allows you to take advantage of what you built during the Rising phase. You may start a new source of income and achieve consistent success.

3.Setting Phase also proves favorable, though your spouse's health may decline. However, it remains a positive period compared to what others experience during Sade Sati.

Sade Sati Effects For Pisces Moon Sign

Pisces Moon sign Sade Sati

Sade Sati begins when Saturn enters Aquarius, marking the start of the Rising phase. The Peak phase takes place when Saturn transits over the natal Moon in Pisces. Sade Sati ends with Saturn's transit into Aries, beginning the Setting phase.

1. Rising Phase of Sade Sati makes you very spiritual, and you may travel long distances for religious purposes. Seclusion, meditation, and spiritual practices become important parts of your life.

2. Peak Phase proves bad for your health, and laziness prevails. You may ignore important work and fail to pay attention to your spouse.

3.Setting Phase of Sade Sati can bring intense negative results for your health, and your spouse may also be affected. Finances decline, and career troubles continue throughout this period

Examples Showcasing The Effects Of Sade Sati

First, I will start where people progressed in their Sade Sati.

1. Jawaharlal Nehru's moon was in the Cancer sign. He became the first prime minister of India in 1947, when Saturn was over his moon. Which means he achieved a significant position in his peak phase of Sade Sati. This example shows that Sade Sati can bring good results also; all you need is a benefic Moon in an unafflicted state. Strong rajyoga in the horoscope and dasha of a benefic planet. All these parameters are present in the horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru.

The Ultimate Guide On Sade Sati

Moon is in Cancer sign.

2. Indira Gandhi, the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, became prime minister of India when she was running Sade Sati. Again, a good example that shows that Sade Sati can bless the native with major success.

The Ultimate Guide On Sade Sati

Moon is in Capricorn sign.

3. Morarji Desai Sade Sati was an amazing period for him. During his second Sade Sati, Morarji Desai became a cabinet minister, and during the third Sade Sati, he became prime minister of India. However, his tenure as prime minister was not without its challenges, primarily due to Ketu's influence over the planet Moon and the rotation of the 5th and 8th house lords.

Sade Sati example

Moon In Leo

Now, here are examples where natives went through rough patches during their Sade Sati.

1. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30th January 1948 during his Sade Sati. He was in maraka dasha also at that time.

Sade sati effects

Moon is in Cancer


2. Indira Gandhi lost her mother in her first Sade Sati. She also lost her husband and father during her second Sade Sati.

The Ultimate Guide On Sade Sati

Moon is in Capricorn sign.

With these examples, you can see that there were positive occurrences in Sade Sati, and there were no negative outcomes. 

Life After Sade Sati

It is very obvious that after the period of Sade Sati, the planet Moon, which signifies the mind, gains relief from Saturn's trials over it.

After Sade Sati, Saturn enters the 3rd house from the natal moon, bringing good results. In the 3rd house, Saturn functions exceptionally well, naturally bringing courage, a rise in efforts, strength in the body, and a strong willpower.

Additionally, it's important to remember that overcoming Sade Sati doesn't guarantee the absence of future problems.

It's just the experiences of Sade Sati that will allow the native to give better handling.

Let's see what progress we can experience and how we can utilize it more effectively.

1. Personal growth: The difficulties faced in the Sade Sati period make the mind stronger, more experienced, more disciplined, and more resilient. Now this new version of the native is more capable of handling life and its dynamics. The native will not panic easily and will be more thoughtful before making any decisions. Better discipline will bring improvements in life and deliver good results for them.

2. Career Improvement: As Saturn is the karaka of career and position, this area is most affected. Natives can make major moves and can become very successful in the next couple of years. If Dasha is a supportive planet, then surely they can leave their mark and have a lasting impact on everyone around them. It is seen that after Sade Sati, the career line can change and natives can enter into a profession that will be more suited and capable of extracting the best out of them.

3. Better Relationships: Relationships post Sade Sati phase are always good, and native now develops a new point of view about them and maintains better behavior and also responses better in conflicts. Their loved ones also treat them fairly, particularly through their spouse. If their marriage survives through Sade Sati, then it can be a sign that it will not break. The possibility of childbirth is always high, and natives form good bonds with Father also.

4. Financial Recovery: Due to improvements in their career and mindset, now natives will be able to work on finances. Life after Sade Sati can be full of ideas for wealth generation. They experience a very good flow of finances now and also can form more sources of income. They make some amazing decisions when it comes to investments. Native starts to exert control over expenditure and forms good financial habits.

5. Good Health: Both physical and mental health sees a very positive impact, and post-Sade Sati natives engage in positive health habits. They take better care of their physical health and don't engage in harmful activities. Vices like smoking, drinking, and drugs can become a thing of the past. This new version of their will be into physical exercise and activities that promote good health. Similarly, their mental health receives a massive boost. Meditation and similar mindfulness techniques become part of their daily routine. Even when the natal moon is highly afflicted in the horoscope, the behavior and issues related to it start to subside after the end of the Sade Sati period.

Let's discuss the example of a native who improved the quality of his life after Sade Sati and became a successful businessman. He also worked hard on his marital issues and took sessions of marriage counseling in the last phase of Sade Sati; this helped him immensely in his marriage. For his health also, he made major changes in his lifestyle, and after the heart attack in his peak phase of Sade Sati. He learnt his lessons and stopped smoking.

life after Sade Sati example

You can see above his Horoscope, the native have Sagittarius rising with the exalted Moon in the 6th house. His Sade Sati started on June 7, 2000, to May 30, 2007. 

Note: He was able to learn his lessons and had a positive transformation because of the strength of planet Moon.

Remedies For Sade Sati

So here in this remedy section I will state remedies for Sade Sati, these are effective remedies and one should do them in full faith. Though these are general remedies but work very well, remedies are always designed as per the dynamics of the individual Horoscope.

During the rising phase of Sade Sati

The beginning of Sade Sati requires special attention because by taking things seriously and making necessary actions one can set the tone of the remaining period to come ahead.

1.1 Worship Lord Shani: Every Saturday, offer mustard oil, black sesame seeds, and flowers to Shani Dev. You can also visit a Shani temple to offer your prayers. One should read 108 names of Lord Saturn daily, and along with that, avoid malefic foods like meat, alcohol, tobacco, etc. You need to start Sade Sati on a positive note and your devotion will be here.

1.2 Wear Black or Dark Blue: Wearing black or dark blue on Saturdays is believed to appease Saturn and reduce its malefic effects.

1.3 Donate: Make donations to the poor or physically challenged. Giving away black clothes, iron, sesame oil, or black lentils on Saturdays can alleviate Saturn’s harsh influence.

1.4 Observe Fasting: Fasting on Saturdays can help reduce the difficulties brought by Saturn. You can fast from sunrise to sunset and break the fast with light food in the evening.

1.5 Recite Shani Mantra: Chanting Shani Mantras like “Om Sham Shanishcharaya Namah” 108 times daily can reduce Sade Sati’s hardship

During the peak phase of Sade Sati

In this phase, full focus should be on the moon because the transit of Saturn over the natal moon can cause major emotional issues and turbulence.

2.1 Strengthen Your Moon: Since the Moon is heavily affected in the last phase of Sade Sati, strengthen it by reciting Chandra Mantras like “Om Som Somaya Namah.

2.2 Silver Donations: Donating silver or wearing a silver chain can help balance the lunar energies affected during the Setting phase.

2.3 Offer Milk to Shiva Linga: Pouring milk on a Shiva Linga every Monday will soothe the effects of Saturn on the mind and emotions.

2.4 Respect the Elderly and Poor: Serve the elderly, disabled, or poor. This action directly appeases Saturn, as he values humility and compassion.

2.5 Avoid Alcohol and Meat: Stay away from alcohol, meat, and other indulgences that may enhance negative Saturn energies.

2.6 Meditation and Yoga: Practice meditation and yoga to manage mental stress and keep your health balanced. Saturn’s peak phase can often bring mental strain, which these practices can mitigate.

2.7 Help Laborers or Workers: Assisting people who work in Saturn-related fields (like laborers or miners) is another way to appease Saturn.

During the setting phase of Sade Sati 

In the last phase of Sade Sati, the following remedies should be performed to ward off the malefic influence of Sade Sati.

3.1 Worship Lord Hanuman: One should donate "Hanuman Samagri" to Lord Hanuman Temple for 11 or 21 Tuesdays, and at the same time read "Bajrang Baan" daily.

3.2 Engage in Charitable Work: Continue to do good deeds, focusing on serving the needy and underprivileged, as this pleases Saturn and softens his final influence during this phase.

3.3 Wear Blue Sapphire: If suitable, wearing a blue sapphire gemstone can reduce Saturn’s adverse effects.

3.4 Stay Disciplined and Focused: Saturn values hard work and discipline,, and since this will be the last phase of Sade Sati. Staying focused on goals, remaining ethical in your actions, and maintaining patience will help you get through the final phase.

3.5 Worship Saturn: Light mustard oil lamps and offer it at Shani temples. You can also offer water to a peepal tree while reciting Saturn mantras.

When Sade Sati starts it is very advisable to make the ascendant Lord strong by wearing a suitable gemstone in a relevant finger or on a pendant. For example, if you have Pisces ascendant, then you can wear a Gemstone of Jupiter to make your ascendant lord strong.

For application of various gemstones, you can take reference of articles written by me.

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About the Author
naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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