The following calculator will help to find the Mangal dosha in the horoscope.In Vedic astrology, Mangal Dosha, also known as Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha, is believed to be an astrological condition caused by the placement of the planet Mars (Mangal) in certain positions within the birth chart. This Dosha
Astrology Rajyoag mentioned here are from BPHS and don’t have specific names like Ruchaka, Hamsa, Vishnu, Bhadra, Vipreet, Gajakesari or Neechabhnga Rajyoga. These Rajyoga are equally powerful and effective and are much easy to apply on horoscopes.Following guidelines need to be followed before making any judgment on these Rajyoga.The role of planets
We keep hearing and reading about afflicted planets and afflicted houses in astrology and this specific term always raises a question in minds of a beginner.Most of my articles will have mention of "afflicted planets" and one must know the rules what makes a planet or a house afflicted.What AFFLICTION
In Ruchaka yoga planet Mars attains special capabilities to give special results to the native. Just like Hamsa, Bhadra, and Sasa yoga, it goes under the special distinction of Panchamahapurusha Yogas. Panch means five and Purush means person and as the name suggests it bestows the native with supreme qualities of excluding the Sun,
Bhadra Yoga along with Hamsa, Ruchaka, Malviya, and Sasa yoga goes under the special distinction of Panchamahapurusha Yoga. It is a special Rajyoga and is unique because Bhadra Yoga is formed by a single planet and doesn’t require the involvement of any other planet in its formation. Definition: Bhadra Yoga
In astrology, there are signs where planets get debilitated which in Hindi means “neecha” and is termed as powerless and when such debility gets annulled by some special planetary alignments then it’s called Neecha bhanga. When such “neecha bhang condition” converts into raja yoga then it is called “neecha bhang
Gajakesari Yoga is one of the popular yet most misunderstood yoga in astrology.Since two benefices are involved here i.e. Moon & Jupiter, where Moon represents the mind and Jupiter represents divine grace, all astrology classics have given a lot of significance to it.Here "Gaja" stands "for Elephant" & "Kesari" stands