The following calculator will help to find the Mangal dosha in the horoscope.In Vedic astrology, Mangal Dosha, also known as Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha, is believed to be an astrological condition caused by the placement of the planet Mars (Mangal) in certain positions within the birth chart. This Dosha is said to have an influence on a person's marital life and can impact their compatibility with a potential partner.Mars is considered a fiery planet, and when it is placed in certain houses—usually the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the birth chart—it is believed to create Mangal Dosha. However, the severity of the Dosha can vary based on the specific astrological placements.It is commonly believed that
Sasa Yoga is formed by the planet Saturn and is a Panchmahapurush Yoga. It is one of the most powerful and important yoga in vedic astrology.Sasa Yoga is formed when Saturn is placed in Kendra houses in its own (Capricorn), mooltrikone (Aquarius), or exalted (Libra) sign.Sasa Yoga can be formed for certain ascendants in certain houses only which are as follows:1st House- In Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendant.4th House - In Cancer, Libra, and Scorpio ascendant.7th House -In Aries, Cancer and Leo ascendant.10th House- In Capricorn, Aries, and Taurus ascendant.Benefits Of Sasa YogaAs per traditional texts, Sasa Yoga will bless the native with good health and moral conduct.The person with Sasa Yoga will own lands and buildings and will be a ruler.In
Parivartan Yoga as the name suggests occurs when lords of two houses are placed in each other houses. For example, in a horoscope placement of planet Mercury in Libra and planet, Venus placement in Gemini will be considered as Parivartan Yoga between Venus and Mercury. Technically it is one of the planetary relations which planets make with each other but still inTechnically it is one of the planetary relations which planets make with each other but still in B.P.H.S the greatest astrology work ever, have a separate mention of Parivartan Yoga.Parivartan Yoga is the strongest connection between two planets where their natural and house rulership significations bring a certain outcome.DiferentTypes Of Parivartan Yoga & Their EffectsThere are three ways to recognize Parivartan Yoga and their
In vedic astrology certain types of planets cause health issues or even death and most of the times, maraka planets do that. In this article we will learn about maraka planets and how it works.In simple words, maraka planets are lord of 2nd and 7th house and their lords are called as Markesh.Maraka effects can be defined in the following mannerA maraka planet can kill someone especially when lifespan seems to be complete. Here, calculation of life span is to be done for this and there are many methods to do it but here our focus is on maraka planets, therefore, life Span calculation will be done in the separate article.When maraka dasha planets come in young age or when
While reading a Horoscope the very first thing we look is how planets are related to each other. Any Rajyoga simple or special rajyoga and dhanyoga can only happen when planets are involved with each other and there are few ways planets makes relation with each other. Ideally, these relations should happen between auspicious house lords and malefic house lord shouldn’t make relation with these auspicious lord i.e. Kendra & Trine houses.I have classified these planetary relations in two categories:MAJORMINOR1. Major Ways Of Planetary Relationship1.1.Conjunction Of PlanetsThe conjunction is most known and a frequent occurrence in horoscopes. Conjunction can be btw many planets but more than three or four planets making conjunction is kind of rare. The conjunction of
Astrology Rajyoag mentioned here are from BPHS and don’t have specific names like Ruchaka, Hamsa, Vishnu, Bhadra, Vipreet, Gajakesari or Neechabhnga Rajyoga. These Rajyoga are equally powerful and effective and are much easy to apply on horoscopes.Following guidelines need to be followed before making any judgment on these Rajyoga.The role of planets for every ascendant should be known.Planets involved in Rajyoga should not be afflicted.The house involved in Rajyoga should not be afflicted.Ascendant should be well disposed and its lord should not be afflicted.Planets involved here in Rajyoga should not be weak.One should know how planets establish relations with each other.Important Rajyoga In Astrology1. When the ascendant lord and 5th lord exchange their signs or when Atmakaraka and Putrakaraka are in
The meaning of the word "Maha Bhagya" explains the importance of this yoga. Where "maha" means Great and "bhagya" means Luck or another word which can be used to best described this yoga is "great fortune"This yogas have two kind of variation where for Male it applies to them when birth is in day time whereas for females it applies when birth is in the night.Let's look into the technicalities of Mahabhagya yoga.DEFINITION OF MAHBHAGYA YOGAFor males when the birth is during daytime and the Sun, the Moon, and the Lagna are in odd signs. For females when the birth is during night, the Sun, the Moon are in even signs, Mahabhagya Yoga is said to be formed.RESULTS OF
We keep hearing and reading about afflicted planets and afflicted houses in astrology and this specific term always raises a question in minds of a beginner.Most of my articles will have mention of "afflicted planets" and one must know the rules what makes a planet or a house afflicted.What AFFLICTION DO TO A HOUSE OR PLANET?The term affliction itself shows the negative associated with it and there is not a single horoscope in the universe which doesn't have afflicted planets or house in it.This is how problem comes in our life and affliction leads a way to learning.Just like Neechabhanga Rajyoga which comes due to the weakness of planets, affliction, same way can generate Vipreet Rajyoga when required placements
In Ruchaka yoga planet Mars attains special capabilities to give special results to the native. Just like Hamsa, Bhadra, and Sasa yoga, it goes under the special distinction of Panchamahapurusha Yogas. Panch means five and Purush means person and as the name suggests it bestows the native with supreme qualities of excluding the Sun, Moon, Rahu & Ketu. Definition: When planet Mars is in one of the Kendra houses(1st, 4th, 7th & 10th) in its own(Scorpio), exalted (Capricorn) or mool trikone (Aries) sign then Ruchaka Yoga is said to be formed. Kendra houses are pillars of any horoscope and are called a powerhouse to any horoscope. When Mars is in its own or exalted sign it tends to impart its qualities of the
In a horoscope, there are some planets which tend to give auspicious results, whereas some give negative results. That depends on the lordship of planets which can be read here. Now, many of you might have heard of the term "yogakaraka planets" here yoga means "good giver" and karaka means "doer". Though as per standard rules of astrology, trines lords always have the tendency to give good results in their periods. But actual result depends on their strength and connection they are making with other house lords. For example, Trine house lord planetary relationship with Kendra house lord is one of the potent Rajyoga one can have, especially relationship with 9th & 10th house, where 9th is the strongest
Bhadra Yoga along with Hamsa, Ruchaka, Malviya, and Sasa yoga goes under the special distinction of Panchamahapurusha Yoga. It is a special Rajyoga and is unique because Bhadra Yoga is formed by a single planet and doesn’t require the involvement of any other planet in its formation. Definition: Bhadra Yoga is formed when planet Mercury is in one of the Kendra houses (1st, 4th, 7th & 10th) in either Gemini or Virgo sign. Since it is one of the panchmahapurush yoga one should understand what it means. Panch Mahapursuh word here suggests that when any of the planets, i.e. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn when placed in one of the Kendra houses in their own, exaltation or exalted
Continuing with my series of Hindu astrology yoga, today I am trying to shed some light on Vishnu Yoga after this I will cover Shiva and Brahma Yoga. Finding yoga in a birth chart is a fun way to learn astrology and should be done by a serious learner of astrology. There is always something new to find in astrology and giving thoughts to these yoga’s always helps to increase the understanding of astrology. As we all know Lord Vishnu is one of the trinity and is the caretaker of mankind as per our Hindu religion. Whenever the proportion of sin exceeds the goodness he takes incarnation to balance things out. Lord Krishna is one of the most popular
Hamsa Yoga is one of the Panchmahapurush Yoga other being  Ruchaka Yoga, Bhadra Yoga, Sasa Yoga, and Malavya Yoga. Hamsa Yoga is formed by planet Jupiter which is considered as biggest benific planet in astrology. HOW HAMSA FORM? When planet Jupiter is in one of the Kendra houses(1st, 4th, 7th & 10th) in a sign identical to its own(Pisces), exalted(Cancer) or mooltrikone(Saggitraius) signs them Hamsa Yoga is said to be formed. In other words, Hamsa Yoga cannot occur with reference to every sign of the zodiac in the same house and it can be explained in a simple manner like this. Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces         1st House Capricorn, Gemini, Virgo       7th House Libra, Pisces,
Hindu astrology is full of Yogas where some are bad result givers known as Arista, whereas good yogas are termed as Shuba Yogas. If  you want to read a good book on astrology yogas, then do read “300 important combinations” by B.V Raman. You will be amazed yet puzzled after reading all these yogas of astrology and sometimes it’s hard to remember all these yogas. Though astrology software like Jagannatha Hora checks them for you and gives a brief description of these yogas but still to interpret them you will require a habit of finding them on random charts. Anyways moving on to the current topic of today which is Dharma Karmadhipati yoga. This word can be translated into
Kaal Sarp Yoga is considered evil yoga in astrology and all sorts of negative results are associated with it. Especially in our country India, people consider it inauspicious yoga. Before we go any further first look what is the meaning of Kaal Sarp Yoga. Here “kaal” is associated with negative incidents whereas “sarp” means snake. You might be wondering why a snake? For that, we need to dig some information about its creators which are known as Rahu and Ketu. In Kaal Sarp Yoga, Rahu acts as a head of a snake whereas Ketu acts as the Tail of the snake. Now still the question of using word “sarp” requires some more details and for that, I need to
In astrology, there are signs where planets get debilitated which in Hindi means “neecha” and is termed as powerless and when such debility gets annulled by some special planetary alignments then it’s called Neecha bhanga. When such “neecha bhang condition” converts into raja yoga then it is called “neecha bhang rajyoga”. Clearly, there is a difference between neecha bhang and neccha bhang raj yoga. In simple words, neecha bhang rajyoga is a state where a planet in a state of neecha bhang achieves capabilities to bless a native with the rise in life. Sages have given some combinations where a planet overcomes the weakness due to its debilitation. Though sign placement of planets should be checked in D3, D7,
lf benefics are situated on the 6th,7th, and 8th from the Moon or ascendant Adhi Yoga is formed.Adhi yoga makes a person polite worthy, and healthy and he leads a happy life, surrounded by luxuries.It makes one defeats his enemies and he lives long.Adhi Yoga is one of the most important combinations which can not be overlooked. Astrological authorities classify this Adhi Yoga as Papadhi yoga and Shubhadhi yogi.As per Varahamihira only the three benefics Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus can cause Adhi Yoga.All these benefics may be in the 6th, 7th, or 8th or in two houses or all of them may be in any one of these houses. If there is one planet in full strength in any
In Vedic astrology, Manglik Dosha is also known as Kuja Dosha. It is a popular yoga but mostly negative things are associated with this Yoga where planet Mars the creator of Manglik Yoga is highlighted as an agent to destroy marriages. Manglik dosha is said to create problems in married life and leads to bad health, frequent quarrels, and separation from the spouse. In some cases, even the death of the spouse is also predicted on the basis of Manglik Yoga which is an absurd thing to say to anyone. In short Manglik Dosha is said to affect marriage negatively. Though most of the results seem to be negative here while analyzing Manglik Dosha or Manglik Yoga we should pay
The Yoga mentioned here is based on the condition of the Moon in a Horoscope.We all know how important is the planet moon in our chart and every Dasha or Antardasha should be judged from the natal Moon also.Yoga like Sunapha, Anapha, Dhurdhura, and Kemadurma are based on Moon's condition i.e. whether any planet is sitting next to it or aspecting it.These yogas when you see in a practical way look synonymous with judging Chandra (Moon) Horoscope.Whatever sages have said always has a subtle meaning to it. Since these yogas are related to the planet Moon, they can amplify or destroy the potential of Horoscope.Kemadruma YogaThe First yoga in this series is Kemadruma Yoga, Â which is considered negative yoga.Definition-
Gajakesari Yoga is one of the popular yet most misunderstood yoga in astrology.Since two benefices are involved here i.e. Moon & Jupiter, where Moon represents the mind and Jupiter represents divine grace, all astrology classics have given a lot of significance to it.Here "Gaja" stands "for Elephant" & "Kesari" stands for Lion. Both are powerful & are the symbol of authority & intelligence.As per Sage Parashar, he mentioned the formation of Gaja Kesari Yoga as follows:Jupiter should be in Kendra from Moon.Jupiter should not be aspected by malefic.Jupiter should not be retrograde.As per sage Parashar, following good results will be felt by the natives due to formation of Gajakesari Yoga in their Horoscope.Wealthy.Courage.Respected by all.A good speaker.Good in debates.Noble
The first and most important step in astrology is to know about the role of planets for each ascendant, in other words one need to determine the functional role of planets for each ascendant i.e. benefic and malefic.So this guide will help you with that, and once you master it, i guess it will be easy for you to gauge the effects of planets for each ascendant.Planets acts on humans with two types of significations one is static which is applicable to all like Venus signifies luxury, pleasure, marriage and is universally applicable to each of us.Then planets also have modified significations which they acquire due to their lordship of houses which differs from ascendant to ascendant.For example, Venus
Today I will discuss Vipreet Rajyoga, the reason I chose Vipreet Rajyoga is because of the wide confusion over it.There is not much information available on this Yoga.So I thought to do some work on it.Sage Parashar in his work BPHS didn't describe good results for placements of dusthana lords in other dusthana houses.For example as per Parashar 6th house lord when making a planetary association with the 8th house via house placement, makes one immoral, a chaser of someone else's wife, and sickly in nature.You can gauge by these words that in no wild imagination, it's an Astrology Rajyoga.Though Parashar described some better results of placements of 8th and 12th lords in other dusthanta houses still they are