Application Of White Sapphire For All Ascendant

who can wear white sapphire

White Sapphire is the Gemstone for planet Venus and is a popular gemstone which blesses the native with following results:

Since it is associated with planet Venus. It is believed to bring benefits related to love, beauty, wealth, and relationships.

Here are some astrological beliefs about white sapphire:

  1. Venus Influence: White sapphire is said to harness the energies of Venus, the planet associated with love, beauty, and prosperity. Wearing white sapphire jewelry might enhance these aspects in one's life according to astrological beliefs.
  2. Enhanced Relationships: It's believed that wearing white sapphire can strengthen romantic relationships, promote harmony, and deepen emotional connections.
  3. Financial Prosperity: White sapphire can attract wealth and abundance by aligning with Venusian energies associated with prosperity.
  4. Balance and Harmony: White sapphire is thought to bring balance and harmony, not only in relationships but also in various aspects of life.

Due to aggressive marketing people gives preference to Diamond but the fact is that all Diamonds are treated and can’t be used in Gemtherapy.

These are very general results of White sapphire and its actual results will vary from person to person which depends on the functional role of Venus, its placement and its planetary relationship with other planets.

To know whether you can wear White sapphire or not, all you need to know is your Ascendant sign which will decide the nature of planet Venus for your ascendant. Then you can follow my article here or email me on

Also if one can’t afford these precious gemstones they can opt for their substitute which is equally powerful and a whole article can be read here.

How To Judge If Native Can Wear White Sapphire

There is no set formula for this but sticking to basic principals can help one to assess the application of white sapphire. In order to do that the following points should be given consideration.

  1. Lordship Of Venus: Here, Venus lordship in the natal horoscope should be seen. If Venus is lord of the benefic houses then White sapphire can be recommended. 
  2. Condition Of Venus: Venus position from all angles should be seen in the Horoscope. Where Venus is placed and which sign it is occupying should be given consideration. For example, Venus as a benefic planet may be sitting in the 1st house in its own sign, then white sapphire may not be necessary because Venus is already well placed. Rather attention should be given to other key planets in the Horoscope. In the same way, Venus as a benefic may be placed in evil houses under affliction. Then in such a case White sapphire is a must to wear.
  3. Dasha: The dasha running in Horoscope controls the current outcome of life and the recommendation of White sapphire will depend on that also. For Venus as a malefic is exalted or in own sign in the Horoscope then native may have to wear White sapphire in the left hand. It can also happen that White sapphire is required because the dasha lord is under heavy affliction. But after the Dasha is over the native may have to remove white sapphire.

There are many possibilities under which a native may have to wear a white sapphire. The foremost important one is lordship of planet Venus and below I have given details of each ascendant sign.

White Sapphire For Aries Ascendant

For Aries ascendant Venus rules over the 7th and 2nd house which is a maraka house.

White Sapphire is not recommended for them though the planetary  association of Venus with Jupiter and Sun will create Rajyoga whereas with Mercury it will be a Dhanyoga. In such conditions, Yellow Sapphire or Ruby should be used. 

If Venus is afflicted then ascendant lord should be made strong using Red Coral otherwise health issues are bound to happen.

White Sapphire For Taurus Ascendant

Here Venus rules over the ascendant and 6th house and is a benefic planet for them, you can follow article planets and ascendants to know why Venus is benefic for Taurus ascendants. White Sapphire is highly recommended here due to Venus lordship over ascendant.

Venus association with Yogakaraka Saturn or with 5th lord Venus creates a rajyoga and White sapphire can be worn in combination with Blue Sapphire or Emerald.

White sapphire becomes very necessary when Venus is in planetary association with Mars and Jupiter and it should be handled in following way:

1.When Venus is making a planetary association with Mars. Mars is maraka and its association with Venus will give affliction to Venus and can result in bad health and relationships.

2.Venus association with Jupiter is again not good for overall success and health of native.

Those who don’t want to spend extra for sapphires or emeralds then they can opt for their substitute commonly known as semiprecious.

White Sapphire For Gemini Ascendant

Here, Venus is lord of 5th and 12th house and as per parashar rules of lordship Venus is a benefic planet for them. White Sapphire is an automatic choice for them and if Venus is afflicted by planets like Mars, Sun or Ketu then it is very necessary to adopt a white sapphire.

Venus association with Mercury or Saturn will create Rajyoga for them, whereas Venus association with Mars will create a Dhanyoga and in such conditions, White Sapphire can be worn in combination with Emerald or Blue Sapphire.

Those who don’t want to spend extra for sapphires or emeralds then they can opt for their substitute commonly known as semi precious.

White Sapphire For Cancer Ascendant

Here, Venus is lord of the 4th and 11th house and as parashar rules of lordship is a malefic planet for them.

White Sapphire is not recommended for them unless Venus is heavily afflicted. Venus planetary association with Yogakaraka Mars, Moon or Jupiter will create a Rajyoga and Dhanyoga.

In such conditions, white sapphire can be used in combination with Red Coral, White Pearl or Yellow Sapphire.

Venus association with Mars will create a Dhanyoga of a high order but still for Cancer ascendant natives White Sapphire should be recommended after a very careful analysis.

White Sapphire For Leo Ascendant

Here, Venus is lord of the 3rd and 10th house and is a malefic planet for them, White Sapphire is not recommended for them though association with Mars and Jupiter will create a Rajyoga. especially with Jupiter Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga will be formed.

In such cases, Red Coral or Yellow Sapphire will be beneficial.

White Sapphire For Virgo ascendant

Here, Venus is lord of the lord of the 2nd and 9th house and is akin to Yogakaraka planet for them, White Sapphire is recommended in any case.

Use of White Sapphire will increase the strength of horoscope and Venus relation with Mercury and Saturn is a Rajyoga for them which indicates the use of White Sapphire in combination with Blue Sapphire or Emerald. 

Those who don’t want to spend extra for sapphires or emeralds then they can opt for their substitute commonly known as semi precious.

White Sapphire For Libra Ascendant

Here, Venus is lord of the ascendant and 8th house and White Sapphire use is recommended here. White Sapphire use becomes must when Venus is having an affliction or when is involved in Rajyoga or Dhanyoga with yogakarak Saturn, Sun or Mercury.

To make Rajyoga or Dhanyoga more strong one can use a combination of Blue Sapphire or Emerald with White Sapphire.

Those who don’t want to spend extra for sapphires or emeralds then they can opt for their substitute commonly known as semi precious.

White Sapphire For Scorpio Ascendant

Here, Venus is lord of the 7th and 12th house and is a maraka planet for them. White Sapphire is not recommended for them. They should opt for Yellow Sapphire, Red Coral or White Pearl in their gemtherapy.

White Sapphire For Sagittarius Ascendant

Here, Venus is lord pf 6th and 11th house and is a malefic planet for them. White Sapphire is not recommended for them though the planetary association of Venus with Mars, Sun, Saturn or Jupiter will create a Dhanyoga and in such cases gemstone Yellow Sapphire, Red Coral or Sun should be adopted in their gemtherapy.

White Sapphire For Capricorn Ascendant

Here, Venus is lord of the 5th and 10th house and is a Yogakaraka planet for them. White Sapphire is highly recommended in any condition especially when Venus have planetary affliction. Venus planetary association with ascendant lord Saturn or 9th lord Mercury will create a Rajyoga for them and White Sapphire can be worn in combination with Blue Sapphire or Emerald. Same way with planet Mars Dhanyoga will take formation.

Those who don’t want to spend extra for sapphires or emeralds then they can opt for their substitute commonly known as semi precious.

White Sapphire For Aquarius Ascendant

Here, Venus is lord of the 4th and 9th house and is a Yogakarka planet for them and White Sapphire is highly recommended for them in any case. Venus association with Jupiter, Saturn or Mercury will create Rajyoga and Dhanyoga for them and a combination of Emerald or Blue Sapphire can be worn with White Sapphire.

Those who don’t want to spend extra for sapphires or emeralds then they can opt for their substitute commonly known as semiprecious.

White Sapphire For Pisces Ascendant

Here, Venus is lord of the 3rd and 8th house and as per Prashar rules of lordship Venus is the most malefic planet for them.

White Sapphire is not recommended for them.

They should instead opt for Yellow Sapphire, Red Coral or White Pearl in their gemtherapy.

Usually above information is enough to Judge the use of White Sapphire for your horoscope but some cases are complex and require expert opinion.


As you can see, one can wear White sapphire only where Venus is a functional benefic planet like in the case of Gemini and Virgo etc. 

Based on personal horoscope placements and the situation of Venus in it, there can be some exceptions. But for that through analysis of the horoscope is required. Many times people take Gemstone lightly and don’t follow the standard guidelines for Gemtherapy. 

If you have doubt than its better to take expert advice.


About the Author
naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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