Transit Of 2025-Dates|Time|Predictions

This page contains details on all transits of year 2025 and links for effects on all rising ascendant sign is mentioned for each one of them.

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In Vedic astrology
Planetary transits (movement of planets through the zodiac) are also known as "Gochara," and in Vedic astrology, their importance is very high.

Each year, some planets have predictable movements, whereas some 

You will have to keep an eye on all the major and minor transit this year because they have the capability to trigger events in our lives, both good and bad.

In vedic astrology, each planet is associated with certain qualities and characteristics, and its transit through various zodiac signs affects us in different ways.

For example, when Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, transits through a favorable sign in a person's birth chart, it can bring good luck, wealth, and opportunities.

On the other hand, when Saturn, the planet of discipline and limitations, transits through unfavorable signs, it can bring challenges and hardships.

Similarly, the transit of other planets like Rahu, Ketu, and the moon can bring significant changes and challenges in a person's life, depending on their placement in the birth chart and the current transits.

It's important to note that while planetary transits can indicate general trends and tendencies, they are not the only factor that determines a person's fate, and the position of the planets in the sky at any given time influences our personal and collective experiences.

This is why the yearly transits of the planets are closely monitored and analyzed in Vedic astrology.

In this article, I will give all the details and links for the transits that will be happening in 2025.

Before we go ahead, let's recall the basic significations of the planets.

During their transit they act as per their basic nature and as per the lordship of them in the Horoscope.






Soul, General health, Goverment, Fame, Power



Mother, Father, Medicine, Emotions, Mind



Anger, Passion, War, Vitality



Thinking, Logic, Nerves, Skin



Knowledge, teacher, Wealth, Gold



Luxury, Marriage, Females, Sexual pleasures



Hard work, Longivity, Misery



Abroad, Grandparents, Diplomacy



Spiritual growth, Pains, Occult

These qualities and significations of the planets are taken into account and the position of the planets at the time of your birth, known as birth chart or "Janam Kundali," to determine how the yearly transits will affect you.

By comparing the position of the transiting planets to the position of the planets in your birth chart, the astrologer can determine which areas of your life will be impacted and provide guidance on how to navigate the effects of these transits.

Here is the list of the significant yearly planetary transits in Vedic astrology:

1. Saturn Transit: Saturn, known as "Shani" in Vedic astrology, represents discipline, structure, and responsibility. When Saturn transits through a particular sign, it can bring challenges and obstacles, but it can also bring growth and development. The Vedic astrologer will advise you on how to use this transit to your advantage.

2. Jupiter Transit: Jupiter, known as "Guru" in Vedic astrology, represents growth, abundance, and good fortune. When Jupiter transits through a particular sign, it can bring positive opportunities and good luck in areas of your life that are connected to the sign it is transiting through.

3. Mars Transit: Mars, known as "Mangal" in Vedic astrology, represents energy, action, and courage. When Mars transits through a particular sign, it can bring a boost of energy and motivation, but it can also bring conflict and aggression if not properly channeled.

4. Mercury Transit: Mercury, known as "Budha" in Vedic astrology, represents communication, intelligence, and mental clarity. When Mercury transits through a particular sign, it can bring opportunities for learning and growth, but it can also bring confusion and a scattered mind if not properly focused.

5. Rahu Transit: Rahu, one of the "shadow planets" in Vedic astrology, represents the unknown, illusions, and intense change. When Rahu transits through a particular sign, it can bring sudden and unexpected changes, but it can also bring opportunities for transformation and growth. 

6. Ketu Transit: Ketu, another "shadow planet" in Vedic astrology, represents spirituality, detachment, and liberation. When Ketu transits through a particular sign, it can bring a period of spiritual growth, but it can also bring challenges and obstacles in the material realm.

Overall, yearly planetary transits in Vedic astrology provide important insights into our lives and help us navigate the challenges and opportunities that come our way. 

It's important to remember that these transits are not the only influence on our lives and that other factors such as dashas (planetary periods) and nakshatras (lunar mansions) also play a role.

Duration Of Transits In A Zodiac sign

Planets have a fixed rate of motion and they transit a zodiac sign at their designated speed, in year 2024, also their speed of transit through a particular zodiac will be same and is mentioned below:

Planet Transit 2024

The Time It Takes to Transit

Through a Sign


1 Month


45 Days


21 Days


12.5 Months


26 Days


2.5 Years

Rahu and Ketu

19 Months


2.25 Days

Astrology Of Year 2025 Is Special

This year all planets are changing signs; Sarurn will be in Pisces on 29th March. 

The entery of Jupiter in benefic Pisces is going to bring relief and stability, and now spiritual values, holistic healing, and new-age spirituality will become more popular.

The divine Jupiter, who is ruler of the Pisces sign, will be making complex transit. Jupiter will enter gemini sign on may 14th and will become exalted on october 18th. Jupiter will be moving very fast and will have its own impact. 

On November 11th, Jupiter will become retrograde, and the impact of exalted Jupiter will be felt differently.

I’ll share more details about this in a section dedicated to Jupiter’s transit. 

But you must have got an idea of the complexity involved here. 

Rahu will also change signs, moving into Aquarius, where it will boost the themes Saturn has already been building.

From March 29th to May 18th, Saturn and Rahu will be together in Aquarius.

This is a period to watch closely, as it could bring major events worldwide. For individuals, the house in your chart ruled by Pisces will feel the pressure of these two powerful planets.

This year’s transits bring big changes, guiding us toward new ways of thinking, learning, and growing.

It’s a time to stay flexible, work on yourself, and be prepared for the opportunities these shifts will bring.

Sun Transit In 2025

Planet Sun represents self-confidence, authority, vitality, and success. Its movement through the zodiacs plays a significant role in shaping the events happening each year.

In 2025, the Sun will transit through all twelve zodiac signs, beginning its journey with Capricorn on January 14, 2025, at 09:03 AM.

Each transit will last approximately a month, marking shifts in energy that will influence different aspects of life, such as career, health, relationships, and personal growth.

This year, the Sun's transits are particularly noteworthy as they align with other major planetary events, including Jupiter’s rapid movement and Saturn’s steady presence in Pisces. 

The Sun's transitions throughout the year are as follows:

  • Capricorn (Makara): January 14, 2025
  • Aquarius (Kumbha): February 12, 2025
  • Pisces (Meena): March 14, 2025
  • Aries (Mesha): April 14, 2025
  • Taurus (Vrishabha): May 15, 2025
  • Gemini (Mithuna): June 15, 2025
  • Cancer (Karka): July 16, 2025
  • Leo (Simha): August 17, 2025
  • Virgo (Kanya): September 17, 2025
  • Libra (Tula): October 17, 2025
  • Scorpio (Vrishchika): November 16, 2025
  • Sagittarius (Dhanu): December 16, 2025

Each Sun transit will bring unique effects depending on your ascendant and moon sign, influencing areas like career progression, health improvements, and relationship dynamics.

Let’s start by exploring the first transit of the year, the Sun transit into the Capricorn sign.

Sun transit in Capricorn on January 14, 2025, Tuesday at 09:03 AM

Date: January 14, 2025, to February 13, 2025

Planet Sun will transit in Capricorn on January 14, marking the beginning of its journey through the disciplined and practical sign ruled by Saturn.

The day of the transit is known as Makar Sakranti, which is clebrated across whole India. 

This transit is significant as it emphasizes hard work, responsibility, and long-term planning in our lives.

Capricorn, being an earthy sign, aligns the sun’s fiery energy with grounded efforts, making it a favorable time for career growth, financial planning, and organizing your priorities.

During this period, natives may feel a stronger urge to set goals and work diligently toward achieving them.

The Capricorn sign is associated with government, authority, and public service. Therefore, this transit may bring developments in leadership roles, politics, or large-scale projects, both personally and globally.

On a personal level, Sun transit in Capricorn often rewards those who are consistent and committed to their objectives.

Read the full article on Sun Transit in Capricorn to learn how this transit will influence your zodiac sign.

Sun transit in Aquarius on February 12, 2025, Wednesday at 10:03 PM

Date: February 11, 2025, to March 14, 2025

Planet Sun will transit in Aquarius, which is an Air sign ruled by Saturn. This transit will bring innovation, originality, and sudden changes.

Aquarius is associated with humanitarian causes, social justice, and progressive thinking.

During this period, you might feel a stronger urge to engage in intellectual pursuits, social activism, and exploring new ideas.

This transit can bring progress in career and personal growth, especially in areas related to partnerships, travel, and collaborations. 

It's a favorable time for making effective decisions for the future and embracing new technologies and futuristic ideas.

While Aquarius is progressive, it can sometimes struggle with emotional expression.

You might find it challenging to navigate deep emotional conversations, but focusing on rationality and logic can help.

Read the full article on Sun Transit in Aquarius to learn how this transit will influence your zodiac sign.

Sun transit in Pisces on March 14, 2025, Friday at 06:58 PM

The transit of Sun in Pisces will mark the beginning of first transit of Sun in a water sign. Pisces is a very spiritual sign and its lord Jupiter is friendly towards planet Sun.

Sun transit in Aries on April 14, 2025, Monday at 03:30 AM

This is the transit where planet Sun is most powerful due to its exalted state in Aries. Which means a boost of energy and confidence in natives will rise.

This will also be a good time for pursuing personal goals, taking on challenges, and initiating new projects.

Aries is ruled by planet Mars and it have friendly nature towards planet Sun, this means planet Sun is most capable to protect the significations ruled by it in a Horoscope.

For detailed predictions and effects read Sun transit in Aries

Sun transit in Taurus On May 15, 2025, Thursday at 12:20 AM

This transit is happening in the sign ruled by planet Venus. Taurus is a fixed earth sign, known for its stability, practicality, and material comforts. During this Sun transit through Taurus, native may feel a greater sense of grounding, stability, and security.

It is the transit where natives will be more focused on material possessions, financial stability, and building a solid foundation for the future. Venus is a sensuous sign and transit of Sun will bring a focus on pleasure and sensuality.

Native may feel a greater desire to indulge in comfort foods, relaxation, and physical pleasures. There will be opportunities for enjoying life's simple pleasures. It will be beneficial for Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces ascendant natives. 

For detailed predictions and effects read Sun transit in Taurus

Sun transit in Gemini on June 15, 2025, Sunday at 06:52 AM

This transit of Sun in Gemini which is mutable air sign will bring pace in mind and thinking. Gemini is known for its curiosity, versatility, and communication skills. There will be great sense of mental activity, communication, and socializing.

It is a time when natives will focus on learning new things, exchanging ideas with others, and expanding their network. It will make native more adaptable and will bring flexibility in approach. It will benefit the signs where Sun is lord of the auspicious houses mainly such as Aries, Leo, Sagittarius rising ascendant.

For detailed predictions and effects read Sun transit in Gemini

Sun transit in Cancer on July 16, 2025, Wednesday at 05:40 PM

The transit of Sun in the zodiac of Cancer which is a cardinal water sign, known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing qualities. It means that a great sense of emotional depth, intuition, and sensitivity and more focus will be on nurturing themselves and others.

Native will focus on family and home life and will spend time with loved ones and will create a comfortable home environment, and connect with their roots.

Due to the water element of Cancer zodiac, planet Sun doesn’t feel comfortable in it due to which many ascendant signs will face negative effects from this transit.

For detailed predictions and effects read Sun transit in Cancer

Sun transit in Leo on August 17, 2025, Sunday at 02:00 AM

In this transit planet Sun will be in own sign and here Sun is most comfortable.

Leo is a fixed fire sign, known for its passion, creativity, and leadership qualities.This means that there will be a rise in confidence, ambition, and self-expression. 

It is the transit which will make native more outgoing, charismatic, and passionate about goals.

This transit of Sun will be beneficial for creativity and artistic expression and a desire to engage in creative activities or showcase their talents and abilities will be there. This transit will be beneficial for natives of all rising ascendant signs.

For detailed predictions and effects read Sun transit in Leo

Sun Transit in Virgo on September 17, 2025, Wednesday at 01:54 AM

Planet Sun transit in Virgo which is a mutable earth sign, known for its practicality, attention to detail, and analytical abilities will bring a sense of practicality, organization, and attention to detail. Same time natives will be more focused on work, productivity, and service to others. Also it will bring a focus on health and well-being.

Natives will feel a greater desire to take care of their physical, mental, and emotional health, and to adopt healthy habits and routines.Overall, a perfect time for self-improvement and personal growth for all rising ascendant signs.

For detailed predictions and effects read Sun transit in Virgo

Sun transit in Libra On October 17, 2025, Friday at 01:53 PM

This transit of Sun will be the weakest of all transits because the sun is considered debilitated in the sign of Libra.

Due to which it brings mostly negative results of natural significations of the sun and the areas ruled by the sun in the horoscope.

It brings situations where natives become worried on account of relationships and finances. But at the same time, it can bring an opportunity for strengthening personal and professional relationships, pursuing partnership-oriented goals, and developing skills in conflict resolution.

For rising signs such as Gemini and Pisces, it can bring some good results in an unexpected manner, but for most of the ascendant signs, it will bring negative results.

For detailed predictions and effects, read Sun transit in Libra

Sun transit in Scorpio on November 16, 2025, Sunday at 01:44 PM

This transit Sun will be in the most mysterious zodiac, which is ruled by planet Mars. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, known for its intensity, passion, and depth.

Planet Sun and Mars are friendly towards each other, and this transit will trigger the natural effects of the Scorpio zodiac, which will bring emotional and transformative insights for most of the natives.

Also, there will be a deep desire for depth, truth, and authenticity. 

More and more focus on their emotional and psychological wellbeing. It seems like Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Capricorn rising ascendant will benefit the most from this transit.

For detailed predictions and effects read Sun transit in Scorpio

 Sun transit in Sagittarius on November 16, 2025, Sunday at 01:44 PM

The transit of Sun is Sagittarius will bring planet Sun in the arena of divine Jupiter who is also considered as the guru of planets. Planet Sun gives the best results here followed by its transit in Aries.

In fact, as far as knowledge is considered, this is the sign where planet Sun gives the best results. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, known for its optimism, enthusiasm, and adventure. 

During the Sun's transit through Sagittarius, natives may feel a greater sense of freedom and a desire for exploration. It is a time when individuals will be more open-minded, optimistic, and adventurous.

It will also bring a focus on knowledge, learning, and a greater desire to expand their horizons and explore new ideas.

This transit is also helpful for intellectual pursuits and philosophical inquiry over material concerns. It seems to be benefical for Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo,Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Aquarius rising natives.

For detailed predictions and effects read Sun transit in Sagittarius

Mercury Transit In 2025

Mercury, known as the planet of communication, intellect, and adaptability in Vedic astrology, governs our thought processes, speech, and decision-making abilities.

Its transits are quick and dynamic, influencing various aspects of our lives, such as work, learning, relationships, and travel.

In 2025, Mercury will transit through all twelve zodiac signs multiple times due to its retrograde and direct motions.

Mercury will become retrograde 3 times in 2025; the dates for its retrograde transit are given below:

  • Retrograde on March 15, 2025, Saturday at 12:15 PM.
  • Progressive on April 7, 2025, Monday at 04:36 PM.
  • Duration of Mercury Retrograde motion = 24 days.
  • Retrograde on July 18, 2025, Friday at 10:13 AM.
  • Progressive on August 11, 2025, Monday at 12:59 PM.
  • Duration of Mercury retrograde motion = 25 days.
  • Retrograde on November 10, 2025, Monday at 12:31 AM.
  • Progressive on November 29, 2025, Saturday at 11:07 PM.
  • Duration of Mercury Retrograde motion = 20 Days

These transitions are particularly significant because they will play an important role in our mental activity, negotiation opportunities, and shifts in communication styles.

Some of these transits can give us events like marriage, promotion, childbirth, birth, recovery from an illness. It will depend on what role Mercury has in our natal horoscope.

The timeline for Mercury’s transits in 2025 is as follows:

  • Sagiggaritus: (Dhanu): January 4, 2025
  • Capricorn (Makara): January 24, 2025
  • Aquarius (Kumbha): February 11, 2025
  • Pisces (Meena):  January 27, 2025
  • Aries (Mesha): May 7, 2025
  • Taurus (Vrishabha): May 23, 2025
  • Gemini (Mithuna): June 6, 2025
  • Cancer (Karka): June 22, 2025
  • Leo (Simha): August 30, 2025
  • Virgo (Kanya): September 15, 2025 
  • Libra (Tula): October 3, 2025
  • Scorpio (Vrishchika): October 24, 2025

Each Mercury transit in 2025 will bring unique shifts in focus and in other significations of Mercury. The areas like intellectual endeavors, career decisions, and interpersonal communication will become affected in its each transit.

Let’s begin with Mercury’s first transit of the year into Capricorn on January 7, 2025, and examine its implications.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius on January 4, 2025, Saturday at 12:11 PM

This transit will mark the entry of Mercury in the zodiac which is ruled by divine Jupiter.

Here it will influence communication, thinking, and perception in a beneficial way. 

Sagittarius is a sign associated with exploration, learning, and expansion, and Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect, and information. 

Therefore, during this transit a thirst for knowledge, a desire to communicate ideas, and a sense of adventure will be there.

During this time, natives can feel more optimistic and enthusiastic about learning and sharing their ideas and also.Also, it can make one more open-minded and willing to explore new topics or concepts.

Mercury in Sagittarius can also make people more prone to exaggeration, impulsiveness, and jumping to conclusions without careful consideration also less detail-oriented.

Natives may be more inclined to talk in broad terms or big ideas, rather than getting caught up in the small details.

It is looking benefical for most of the ascendant signs expect for Cancer ascendant.

Mercury transit in Capricorn On January 24, 2025, Friday at 05:45 PM

On January 24, Mercury will enter the Capricorn zodiac, ruled by Saturn. It is known for its discipline, practicality, and focus on long-term goals.

This transit will bring your attention over structured thinking, careful planning, and a results-oriented mindset. During this transit, you can put efforts into organize your life and finishing tasks, which can bring growth to your career.

Mercury transit in Capricorn will enhance clarity in decision-making and will encourage a no-nonsense approach to communication.

You may find yourself focusing on professional goals, financial planning, or resolving issues that require logical reasoning and a step-by-step strategy.

Capricorn’s grounded energy ensures that ideas are not just theoretical but actionable. This is a favorable time for setting realistic goals, creating to-do lists, and ensuring that your efforts align with your ambitions.

Whether it’s managing finances, revising work strategies, or simply decluttering your thoughts, Mercury’s influence will help you take a methodical approach.

For career-focused individuals, this transit can bring opportunities to showcase your skills, particularly in tasks that demand attention to detail and accountability. However, it’s important to maintain flexibility, as Capricorn’s rigid tendencies may make you resistant to adapting when needed.

One thing to watch out for is becoming overly critical or excessively focused on perfection. While Mercury in Capricorn promotes efficiency, it’s essential to balance high standards with compassion, both for yourself and others.

In relationships, communication might feel formal or reserved, but it’s a good time to have honest conversations about long-term plans or shared responsibilities.

In summary, Mercury’s transit in Capricorn is a time to stay focused, disciplined, and practical. Use this period to work on tasks that require concentration and long-term vision. With the right balance, you can make significant progress toward your goals.

For predictions and its effects, read the article on Mercury transit in Capricorn.

Mercury transit in Aquarius on January 24, 2025, Friday at 05:45 PM

On February 11, Mercury will move into Aquarius, an air sign known for its innovation, originality, and focus on the collective good.

This transit will encourage intellectual growth, unique ideas, and teamwork, making it a favorable period for career growth and improvements in relationships.

Mercury transit in Aquarius will enhance analytical thinking and will help you to approach challenges with a fresh perspective. You may feel more inclined to brainstorm creative solutions and explore unconventional paths.

This is an excellent time for networking, sharing ideas, and engaging in discussions that can expand your horizons.

Aquarius is a socially aware sign, while Mercury is our intellect, so this transit may draw attention toward community issues, group activities, or technology-based advancements.

If you’ve been looking to upgrade your skills, learn new tools, or implement innovative strategies at work, this period will support such endeavors.

But Mercury in Aquarius can sometimes lead to overthinking or getting lost in abstract ideas. To avoid such situations, it is important to stay grounded and ensure plans are practical before executing them.

Interpersonal communication during this time may sound or feel detached or overly intellectual, so try to balance logic with empathy.

Overall, this is a great time for intellectual pursuits, strategic planning, and connecting with like-minded individuals.

For predictions and its effects, read the article on Mercury transit in Aquarius.

Mercury transit in Pisces on February 27, 2025, Thursday at 11:46 PM

On February 27, Mercury will move into Pisces, a water sign known for its creativity, intuition, and emotional depth. This transit brings a shift in how we think and communicate, as Mercury, the planet of intellect and logic, enters its sign of debilitation.

In this transit, Mercury will become debilitated and weak, and it will not be able to protect its natural and functional signification. Pisces is a water sign, and Mercury adaptability gets lost in it.

During this period, practical thinking may take a backseat, and emotions and imagination could drive your decisions.

While this can be a great time for creative pursuits, spiritual growth, and exploring artistic talents, it may also lead to confusion or lack of clarity in important matters.

Expect communication to feel more intuitive but less structured. Misunderstandings might arise easily, especially in professional or legal paperwork, so it’s best to double-check everything before making commitments.

Pisces being a compassionate sign, this transit can also encourage deep, meaningful conversations and connections.

However, avoid overthinking or becoming overly sensitive in relationships, as it could lead to emotional strain.

On the positive side, if you are in fields like writing, art, or spirituality, this is a good time to explore new ideas and projects. Let your intuition guide you, but keep one foot on the ground to avoid making impulsive or impractical decisions.

Use this transit to balance logic with creativity and stay focused on tasks that require attention to detail.

For predictions and its effects, read the article on Mercury transit in Pisces.

Mercury transit in Aries March On May 7, 2025, Wednesday at 04:13 AM

During this transit, Mercury will be in the fiery sign of planet Mars, and Mercury doesn't do well in it. The natural significations of planet Mercury suffers in it. Which means this transit will be negative or mixed for most of the ascendant signs.

But still, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius ascendant or Moon sign natives will get benefits. Especially for those who are involved in intellectual or creative pursuits.

Their communication and analytical skills will become enhanced, and their academic pursuits will be successful.

Read in detail how Mercury transit in Aries will bring effects for all rising ascendant signs.

Mercury transit in Taurus on May 23, 2025, Friday at 01:05 PM

This transit of Mercury in sign of Taurus is going to bring good results in area of finances, wealth and creativity. Taurus is the sign of Venus who is a friend to planet Mercury and this transit of Mercury is going to bring best effects of Taurus and of planet Mercury.

This transit can bring about success and stability in the areas of finance, investments, and business for individuals with Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendant. The rest of the ascendant will see the medium or negative impact of it. 

Mercury transit in Gemini on  June 6, 2025, Friday at 09:29 AM

Now Mercury will be transiting in its own sign of Gemini during this period, which is considered very favorable.

This transit can bring new opportunities for growth, progress, and success in communication, networking, and intellectual pursuits. 

For most of the natives, there will be new opportunities for learning, teaching, and acquiring knowledge.

The house where the Gemini sign is falling will become auspicious, and the native will experience positive results from it. 

It will be beneficial for all rising ascendant signs, but it will be more auspicious for Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces ascendant signs. 

Read in detail how Mercury transit in Gemini will bring effects for all rising ascendant signs.

Mercury transit in Cancer on June 22, 2025, Sunday at 09:33 PM

During this transit, Mercury will be in a sign where it doesn't perform very well. Mercury has enmity with its lord Moon.

This transit can bring emotional stress on individuals, especially where the planet Moon is afflicted in the natal horoscope

It can provide intuitive insights and success in the fields of psychology, counseling, and spiritual matters.

It can prove beneficial for Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces ascendant natives. 

Whereas for others, it can bring negative results, especially for natives who have Sagittarius ascendant in their horoscope. 

Read in detail how Mercury transit in Cancer will bring effects for all rising ascendant signs.

Mercury transit in Leo on August 30, 2025, Saturday at 04:48 PM

This transit of Mercury in the sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, is going to be full of actions and reactions.

Mercury becomes very vibrant here, and its natural significations become a bit volatile. 

It will be auspicious for Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius ascendant signs. 

It will bring success at work, monetary gains, happiness from relationships, and recognition in academic pursuits. Plus, the leadership and public speaking for individuals will improve.

There can be some sort of miscommunication, but the overall impact will be soothing. 

For predictions and its effects, read the article on Mercury transit in Leo.

Mercury transit in Virgo on September 15, 2025, Monday at 11:10 AM

This transit will be the most powerful transit of Mercury since Mercury is considered as exalted in Virgo.

Which means Mercury transit will give benefits for all ascendant signs in areas related to the house ruled by it.

At the same time, the natural significations of Mercury will also be at its peak level. For example, the logic, thought, and calculation abilities will be at their peak level. But the ascendant signs where Mercury is a functional benefic will see the best results.

For detailed predictions and its impact, read Mercury transit in Virgo.

Mercury transit in Libra on October 3, 2025, Friday at 03:47 AM

This will also be a transit where planet Mercury will perform very well and will give good results as per its natural and lordship significations. 

During this transit, there will be a significant boost to the creativity and literature skills of the native.

Plus, a push in the finance and banking sectors will be there. Ascendant signs such as Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius will benefit the most from it.

For detailed predictions and its impact, read Mercury transit in Libra

Mercury transit in Scorpio on October 24, 2025, Friday at 12:39 PM

This transit will make Mercury uncomfortable since Mercury has enmity with planet Mars. Which means Mercury's natural results will see a negative impact.

But Mercury is the only planet that does well in the 8th house, and Scorpio has the element and vibration of the 8th house.

Which means that Mercury can give some outstanding results in it.

But only to those natives who have Mercury as a benefic planet which are Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Out of which for Gemini ascendant, it may not be much beneficial except for abroad-related matters.

For detailed predictions and its impact, read Mercury transit in Scorpio.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius on December 29, 2025, Monday at 07:27 AM

On December 29, Mercury will transit into Sagittarius, a fire sign known for its optimism, exploration, and thirst for knowledge.

This transit brings a shift in thinking, encouraging open-mindedness, philosophical discussions, and the pursuit of wisdom.

Mercury in Sagittarius will enhance curiosity and broadens mental horizons. You may feel inspired to explore new ideas, cultures, or belief systems. 

It’s a great time to study, travel, or engage in discussions that challenge conventional thinking. Sagittarius’s adventurous energy can spark enthusiasm for learning and sharing knowledge, making this transit favorable for teachers, writers, and communicators.

However, Mercury’s logical nature may sometimes clash with Sagittarius’s expansive approach, leading to a tendency to overlook details or jump to conclusions.

To avoid this, aim for a balance between big-picture thinking and attention to specifics.

In professional matters, this transit supports creative brainstorming and planning for long-term goals. You might find opportunities to expand your network or take steps toward a project that aligns with your passions.

However, be cautious of overpromising or taking on too much, as Sagittarius’s energy can sometimes lead to overconfidence.

In relationships, communication will feel lively and engaging, but it’s essential to listen as much as you speak. Avoid being overly blunt or dismissive of others’ perspectives, as Sagittarius’s straightforward nature can sometimes come across as insensitive.

For detailed predictions and its effects, read the article on Mercury transit in Sagittarius.

Saturn Transit In 2025

Saturn is considered the most malefic planet in Vedic astrology and is the significator of sorrow, poverty, misery, hardships, etc.

Despite that, its transit is considered the most important one in Vedic astrology. Its significance is so important that no other transit can be compared with it.

It rules over signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn becomes exalted in Libra and feels comfortable in signs of Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

The movement of Saturn through a sign is known as Saturn transit and is the most discussed and important planetary transit.

Right now transit Saturn is in Aquarius zodiac and will remain in Aquarius until March 29th, 2025.

The following ascendant signs seem to be getting benefit from it:

  • Aries.
  • Taurus.
  • Virgo.
  • Libra.
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces.

Whereas other signs will be feeling negative effects of it or mediocre ones.

It is important to understand the concept and functioning of Saturn's transit in Vedic astrology. Without its proper understanding and application, making predictions is next to impossible in astrology. One needs to understand that Saturn's transit is the most important transit in astrology.

Use the link given below to understand the dynamics and its impact on all ascendant signs.

Read more on Saturn transit 2025 in Aquarius

Saturn combust in Aquarius From 28 Feb to 5th April 

Combustion is something that happens when a planet comes closer to the sun, and during its combust state, the concerned planet is considered very weak and gives negative results of its lordship and natural significations. 

This is quite unfortunate that Saturn will become combust in last degrees of its transit in Aquarius. Any transit in its near end become complex and hard to handle. The transition from one sign to another usually leads to upheaval in our lives.

Now the additional heat of of combustion can make this duration more complex and troublesome in nature.

The month of March will be crucial for world peace, some major event is likely to happen which will bring a change in shift for all of you. Something related to religious beliefs, medicines and diseases is expected to happen in this phase of Saturn combustion. 

Read more on Saturn combust in Aquarius

Saturn Transit In Pisces

This year, on 29th March 2025, Saturn will move into the sign of Pisces. After a long time, Saturn transit will be through a benefic sign, and Pisces is considered one of the most favourable.

This transit has the potential to bring relief from ongoing issues and challenges. The cycle of Sade Sati will also shift with this transit.

Aries moon sign will enter the first phase of Sade Sati, while Capricorn moon sign will be completely free of it. 

Pisces moon sign will experience the peak phase, and Aquarius moon sign will move into the final phase.

Since Saturn is a planet of discipline, structure, and long-term changes, its impact on society and the world cannot be ignored. With Saturn entering Pisces, the focus will shift towards more meaningful and positive pursuits.

The trend of superficial attention-driven activities will decline, and people will start focusing on purposeful actions in their lives.

Holistic healing methods like yoga, meditation, and astrology will become mainstream, and awareness about these practices will grow globally. 

This period may contribute to a rise in consciousness, promoting global peace and harmony.

From an economic perspective, Saturn in Pisces will bring stability to financial markets, and inflation is likely to come under control.

During the early days of this transit, Saturn union with Rahu in Pisces could create some turbulence.

A major controversy involving a religious leader or guru may come to light, drawing public attention. On personal level, you may experience challenges or negative results in the areas governed by the house where Pisces is placed in your chart.

Read more on Saturn transit in Pisces.

 Saturn retrograde in Pisces From July 13, 2025 To July 13, 2025

Retrograde Saturn transit is always seen as negative and tends to cause issues but it can provide a period for hard work, analysis and learning. 

Without the retrograde motion of Saturn the potential of a native can never frutify and the cycle of life and rebirth depends a lot on this transit.

Jupiter Transit In 2025

In 2025, the transit of Jupiter is unusually fast-paced and complex. Currently it is retrograde and will become diect on 4th February. Its direct transit will be very helpful for all aspects of our lives.

Particularly in relationships and finances, it will bring stability. The house where this transit is happening will experience expansion in its governing meanings.

Jupiter will remain in Taurus until May 13, 2025, before transitioning into Gemini. Which means from 4th February to May 13th will be a period of marked improvement, growth in career, and improved relationships.

The direct transit of Jupiter in the Taurus sign will emphasise loyalty, reliability, and stability in relationships.

Jupiter Direct in Taurus on 4th February

You will likely prioritise building strong, dependable connections with your loved ones. 

For some, this transit may even bring opportunities for committed partnerships or strengthening existing bonds. You will feel encouraged to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Spending time in nature, gardening, or reconnecting with the earth will feel particularly fulfilling during this period.

Remarkably, it will traverse the entire sign of Gemini within just four months, entering Cancer, its sign of exaltation, on October 18. This rapid pace continues as Jupiter turns retrograde on November 11, moving back into Gemini by December 5.

This exceptional speed of Jupiter's movement is a rare occurrence, and its effects are likely to be profound.

Traditionally, Jupiter represents growth, wisdom, and expansion, and its steady transit typically fosters long-term development. 

However, this year, the quick transitions may disrupt the natural flow of these qualities, bringing challenges to the houses it influences in your chart.

1. Jupiter in Taurus (until May 13): In Taurus, Jupiter’s energy focuses on stability, material growth, and values. However, as it prepares for its swift journey, the benefits of this placement may feel short-lived or hurried. It’s essential to focus on solidifying gains and not overextend during this time.

Read more on Jupiter transit in Taurus

2. Jupiter in Gemini (May 13 – October 18): The rapid transit through Gemini, a sign of communication and intellect, may bring an influx of ideas, learning opportunities, and connections. However, the speed can lead to a lack of depth or clarity. Projects or plans initiated during this period may feel rushed, leaving little time for refinement.

3. Jupiter in Cancer (October 18 – November 11): As Jupiter enters its exaltation sign, it brings the promise of emotional growth, nurturing, and abundance. Yet, its short stay may not allow these positive influences to fully manifest, making it vital to act swiftly on opportunities that arise.

4. Retrograde and Re-entry into Gemini (December 5):
The retrograde motion and return to Gemini may reignite unfinished tasks or unresolved issues from earlier in the year. It’s a time for reflection and review rather than initiating new ventures.

Jupiter Transit In Gemini On 14th May 2025

Gemini is a Air sign ruled by benefic Mercury. The results of Jupiter in Gemini are highly praised and this year you will experience a increase in desires to gain knowledge, particularly in areas of communication, education, and travel. You will also enjoy learning new and diverse subjects and will be excited to share these ideas with others.

Your communication skills will improve significantly and thriving in professions involving writing, teaching, or public speaking. But as mentioned in the introduction this year this transit is very fast in speed and in Vedic astrology such transits tends to cause issues and can result in negative impact on the house it is happening. If you have ascendant as Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio or Capricorn then you should exercise cautions & think twice before making a decision.

Jupiter Transit In Cancer On 18th October 

Probably hearing this brought a smile on your face:) but the exalted state of Jupiter won't for long. It will being on 18th October and will end on 5th December when in its retrograde state Jupiter will enter back in Gemini sign. Nothing in nature and universe is random, each transit have its relevance in our life.

So this exalted state will also play some role but not the way we generally except form a traditional transit of Jupiter. I firmly believe that on world level this transit will have a deep impact. In our personal lives also the houses ruled by Jupiter will go through some major shifts. For example I am a Pisces ascendant and during this exalted state of Jupiter in my 5th house I am expecting new addition to my educational credentials. I am already having impulses to pursue more knowledge & develop my skills.

Rahu Transit In 2025

In Vedic astrology, the transit of Rahu (also known as the North Node of the Moon) is considered to be significant because it represents change, transformation, and upheaval.

The transit of Rahu through different houses of the birth chart is believed to bring about significant life events and influences, which can range from positive to negative.

When Rahu transits through the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house, it can bring about changes in the areas of life related to those houses.

For example, if Rahu is transiting through the first house, it can indicate a time of change in the way you present yourself to the world and a transformation in your identity.

If Rahu is transiting through the seventh house, it can indicate a time of change in your relationships, both personal and professional.

It is also important to consider the position of Rahu in the birth chart, as well as its relationship with other planets, when evaluating the effects of its transit.

During the year 2025, Rahu will transit in the Pisces sign, which is ruled by planet Jupiter, and Rahu will have mediocre results in it. 

Rahu represents obsession, desires, unexpected events, and worldly pursuits. Pisces is a sign associated with spirituality, creativity, emotions, and intuition. This transit will blend the spiritual and material realms, sometimes leading to confusion or profound spiritual insights.

As you can see, the core intent of Rahu and Jupiter is different from each other, but still, it seems to be a very interesting transit of the year 2025.

Rahu transit effects in year 2025

Ketu Transit In 2025

In Vedic astrology, the transit of Ketu (also known as a "shadow planet") is considered significant because it is believed to bring transformation and spiritual growth.

The transit of Ketu can affect a person's life in different ways, depending on its position in the individual's birth chart and the house it is transiting through.

During its transit, Ketu can bring endings, separations, and a release of negative habits, experiences and past karma. It can also bring feelings of detachment, a shift in perspective, and an increased focus on spirituality.

Ketu's transit can also bring challenges, such as loss, confusion, and a feeling of being disconnected from reality.

However, it is also believed to bring opportunities for spiritual growth, increased intuition, and a deeper understanding of one's true purpose in life.

It is important to note that the effects of Ketu's transit are tricky to read due to its shadow nature and effects similar to Saturn.

During the year 2025, Ketu will transit in sign of Virgo which is ruled by Mercury, who signifies analytical thinking, practicality, attention to detail, and service-oriented tendencies. Ketu generally does well in signs of Mercury and here in virgo will bring balanced results for most of the natives.

Especially, if it is happening in 3rd, 6th and the 11th house. In other houses also it can give good results provided favorable placements for available for Ketu transit.

Ketu transit 2025 effects

Venus Transit In 2025

Venus is the second most benefic planet after Jupiter. Its transit holds significant value because many important life events, such as marriage, buying jewelry, dining out, and vacations, are associated with its influence.

The transit of Venus often brings joy and prosperity into our lives. Without its auspicious presence, life can feel monotonous and uninspired.

Venus also plays a crucial role in procreation, and its impact becomes prominent when it forms specific aspects or angles with our natal Ascendant, Moon, Venus, or Mars.

In 2025, Venus will begin its transit in conjunction with Saturn in the sign of Aquarius.

By the end of January, it will enter its exalted state in Pisces. One of the most notable features of Venus's transit in 2025 is its prolonged exaltation. 

However, due to its retrograde motion, this exaltation may not deliver the full benefits typically expected from an exalted Venus.

While Venus will bring moments of significant impact, its retrograde state, starting on March 2, will limit its ability to manifest positive outcomes.

Adding to the complexity is the presence of Mercury, also retrograde, in Pisces during the same period. From March 15 to April 7, the unusual combination of debilitated and retrograde Mercury with exalted and retrograde Venus will result in intricate and unpredictable outcomes.

During this time, there may be a higher likelihood of entering unconventional or controversial relationships. This transit could also influence decisions involving luxury, relationships, or creative pursuits in unexpected ways.

Below are the dates, information and links for each transit of Venus in 2025.

Venus transit in Pisces On January 28, 2025, Tuesday at 07:12 AM

During this transit, Venus will enter the Pisces zodiac, which is ruled by planet Jupiter.

Venus is exalted here, though Venus and Jupiter are not compatible with each other. 

One is the guru of gods, whereas the other is the guru of demons.

Despite all that, this transit of Venus is powerful, and it prioritizes empathy, compassion, and spiritual connection in relationships and values.

There will be an increase in artistic inclinations, and natives will be drawn towards mystical subjects. Natives having Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces rising ascendants will benefit from this transit.

To know its impact on all signs, read more on Venus transit in Pisces.

Venus transit in Aries On May 31, 2025, Saturday at 11:42 AM

As Venus moves into the Aries zodiac, which is ruled by the planet Mars, Venus and Mars are inimical towards each other.

Mars is a male planet with a fiery nature, whereas Venus is a female planet and of an airy nature. Aries zodiac is a fire sign and is associated with energy, passion, and enthusiasm.

Planet Venus's base material nature becomes highlighted in the Aries sign. This transit will bring a surge of passion and assertiveness to relationships and values.

Natives will seek excitement, adventure, and independence in relationships. 

But at the same time, there can be issues in relationships and marriage due to over expectations and the impulsive nature of the native.

This transit will benefit natives with rising ascendants such as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, and Aquarius. The rest of the rising ascendants will be seeing issues ranging from negative to mediocre in nature.

To know its impact on all signs, read more on Venus transit in Aries.

Venus transit in Taurus On June 29, 2025, Sunday at 02:17 PM

This new transit of Venus will bring it into its own domain where Venus will feel comfortable and powerful to deliver results. Venus here will give strong results of its natural significations and the house ruled by Venus will become strong. This will prove auspicious for all signs but some signs like Taurus, Aquarius and Capricorn will gain the most from it.

To know its impact on all signs read more on Venus transit in Taurus.

Venus transit in Gemini On July 26, 2025, Saturday at 09:02 AM

As Venus moves into Gemini,, which is ruled by planet Mercury. Both Mercury and Venus form a friendly relationship in Vedic astrology.

Venus gives very positive results here because of the air element of the Gemini zodiac.

This transit will encourage a more social and communicative approach to relationships and values.

The small steps taken in this transit will benefit the natives greatly in the future. Natives will prioritize intellectual connections, curiosity, and versatility in their approach, and the houses ruled by Venus will benefit greatly from this approach.

Natives with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, and Aquarius ascendant will benefit the most from this transit.

To know its impact on all signs read more on Venus transit in Gemini

Venus transit in Cancer On August 21, 2025, Thursday at 01:25 AM

During this transit, Venus will enter the zodiac of Cancer, which is ruled by the planet Moon. Venus and the Moon have a friendly relationship, and Venus does quite well in it.

Venus feels comfortable in Cancer's caring and sensitive atmosphere, encouraging a loving and family-oriented approach to partnerships.

It enhances the feminine side of Venus by a large extent, bringing a soft disposition in nature and attitude.

This transit can benefit the natives who have an aggressive attitude in their relationship. It can bring an emotional connection, nurturing, and domestic harmony in relationships. Which is what we need to save a marriage sometime.

This transit will benefit Aries Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn rising ascendant natives.

To know its impact on all signs read more on Venus transit in Cancer

Venus transit in Leo On September 15, 2025, Monday at 12:23 AM

After its refreshing and beneficial transit in Cancer, Venus will now enter the dynamic sign of Leo, which is ruled by the planet Sun, considered the King of all planets in Vedic astrology.

Sun and Venus have enmity towards each other, and Venus's core values and significations get distorted in this transit. However, this transit does bring an element of flamboyance to natives and is good for those in the field of cinema and drama.

Leo is the natural ruler of the 5th house of creativity, and Venus's transit here is considered good for artists and those who are shy and timid by nature.

This transit evolves the communication and social skills of natives. In relationships, it can bring ego and a demanding style of functioning, which may not be suitable for a peaceful relationship. 

Overall, natives with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius rising ascendants will see benefits from it. 

Read more on Venus transit in Leo for all rising ascendant signs.

Venus transit in Virgo On October 9, 2025, Thursday at 10:55 AM

This transit of Venus will weaken the planet, as Virgo is the sign of its debilitation. Although the lord of Virgo, Mercury, is a dear friend to Venus, the characteristics of Virgo, such as being analytical and practical, oppose what Venus stands for: unconditional love and care. This transit will be negative for all rising ascendant natives unless counteracted by other planetary transits.

Venus transit in Libra On November 2, 2025, Sunday at 01:21 PM

Finally, Venus will be in its mooltrikone sign where the planet performs exceptionally well. This will lead to improvements in finances, communication skills, and awareness of happiness. It will also bring harmony in relationships and peace of mind. The houses ruled by Venus will give terrific results, especially for Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius ascendants. Other ascendant signs will also experience positive results, such as increased spiritual growth and improved health, especially for Taurus and Pisces ascendant natives.

Venus transit in Scorpio On November 26, 2025, Wednesday at 11:27 AM

Venus Transit in Scorpio: This time, planet Venus will enter another sign ruled by Mars, but unlike Aries, Venus feels more comfortable in Scorpio due to its water element. It can make natives overthink relationships and indulge in sensuous activities.

There will be a spike in secretive activities, and natives may engage in extramarital affairs. However, Venus can bring a negative transformation for natives with an Aries rising ascendant. It is looking beneficial for other rising ascendants, especially for artists and researchers.

Read more on effects of Venus transit in Scorpio.

Venus transit in Sagittarius On November 26, 2025, Wednesday at 11:27 AM

The first transit of Venus will be in sign of Sagittarius which is ruled by planet Jupiter who is the biggest benefic in vedic astrology. Sagittarius is a fire sign which is dual in nature and Venus transit works and gives good results in it.

Venus which is prime karaka of love, beauty and glamour gives native a bold attitude, charm and charisma, also it brings more creativity in native through various art forms. It can make native to explore their boundaries in love and increases interest in religion, spirituality and the occult. 

It is seen that Venus goes to Sagittarius, the entertainment industry sees a massive shift and new genres become popular among viewers.

Read more on Venus transit in Sagittarius

Mars Transit In 2025

There will be a total of 7 transits of Mars in 2025.

Planet Mars is known as the enforcer and is the karaka of courage, passion, blood, weapons, explosives, strength, stamina, and wars.

Mars transit can trigger all this and can lead to chaos, but we cannot forget that planet Mars can be a yogakaraka and can bless the native with success and happiness.

Mars transit in a favorable position is always desirable because, when in favor, it makes tasks easy.

In 2025, Mars will go through significant transits, each bringing its unique effects. Let’s break them down step by step to understand their impact.

Mars Transit Name

Mars Transit Date

Mars Enters Gemini
January 21, 2025
Mars Enters Cancer
April 3, 2025
Mars Enters Leo
June 7, 2025,
Mars Enters Virgo
July 28, 2025
Mars Enters Libra
September 13, 2025
Mars Enters Scorpio
October 27, 2025
Mars Enters Sagittarius
December 7, 2025

Mars Retrograde in Gemini (January 21 - February 24)

In 2025, we will witness some complex transit of Mars. On 21st Mars in its retrograde state, will enter the sign of Gemini. Malefic planets like Mars are never beneficial in retrograde state.Their violent tendencies can increase during this phase, and its aspects become more lethal to cause damages. Though for some ascendants like Cancer and Leo where Mars is a Yogakaraka planet, some auspicious impact can be observed. Mars will become direct on 24th February, leading to the end of a dangerous period, but not everything is going to resolve with it. 

Read in detail on Mars retrograde in Gemini

Mars in Cancer (April 2 - June 6)

Mars will start its journey towards its debilitation sign again, and on 2nd April it will enter the Cancer sign. The phase of 24th February to 2nd April will be very result oriented and you can expect some major impact on your overall life. Until Mars enter the favorable sign of Leo on 6th June, cautions are advised. 

Mars in Leo and Union with Ketu (June 6 - July 28)

The transit of Mars in Leo will lead to the formation of the union of Ketu and Mars. In Vedic astrology their union is known to cause violent issues, if you are having this union in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th or 12th houses. Then you should be careful of debts, enemies and injuries. 

Mars in Virgo (July 28 - September 13)

The next transit of Mars in Virgo sign on 28th July will be slightly better but Virgo is not so favorable for Mars. It is well known that Mars in Virgo leads to unscattered mindset and constructive conflicts. You might find yourself worrying about your health for no reasons and can develop some OCDs or obsessions.

Mars Transit in Libra and Union with Mercury (September 13 - October 27)

Mars next transit will be in Libra sign which will be happening on 13th September. Now in the domain of Venus and in sensual zodiac this transit can lead to deep focus on relationships. You might find yourself getting attracted to opposite sex easily. Which can result in lack of focus from work and other important tasks of daily life. In October Mercury will form union with Mars which will be interesting to watch. For many natives, it will lead to attention-seeking behaviour, in age of social media & shorts this period will have a very high relevance. 

Mars in Scorpio (October 27 - December 15)

On 27th October, planet Mars will transit its own sign of Scorpio which will be beneficial for all of us. The natural significations of Mars will get a boost and the rulership of Mars will deliver positive results. But the union of Mercury and its retrograde transit can ruin the natural state of Mars. Still you can expect real estate gains, success in career and gain of wealth due to this transit of Mars. 

Mars in Sagittarius and Union with Venus (December 15 - End of Year)

For the last few days Mars will transit in Sagittarius sign and this period will set the tone for the new events which will be experienced in December. Union of Venus from 20th is going to be very interesting. Mars and Venus union tend to cause major deep events in relationships and form new passionate affairs. Marital issues can become highlighted & you may become obsessed with your partner.

Moon Transit In 2025

Moon transit is the shortest transit and is still significant because it rules over our minds and actions. It can bless the native with good results and smooth execution of events.

During the year 2025, it is important to keep an eye on Moon's transit because planet Moon transit decides the day of the event in astrology.

Moon Transit Name

Moon Transit Date

Full Moon Day in January
13 January 2025
Full Moon Day in February
12 February 2025
Full Moon Day in March
13 March 2025
Full Moon Day in April
12 April 2025
Full Moon Day in May
12 May 2025
Full Moon Day in June
10 June 2025
Full Moon Day in July
10 July 2025
Full Moon Day in August
9 August 2025
Full Moon Day in September
7 September 2025
Full Moon Day in October
6 October 2025
Full Moon Day in November
5 November 2025
Full Moon Day in December
4 December 2025

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naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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