Questions regarding future spouse are most frequent in astrology consultations, and qualities of the spouse, both physical & mental, are most exciting & interesting to know beforehand.
Let’s explore it through basic fundamental concepts of astrology.
As per Vedic Astrology, your 7th house and its lord decide the basic results pertaining to marriage and spouse, although aspects, navamsa, D-60, upapada Lagna, and nakshatra also have a say in the final result.
Each zodiac & planet have their own characteristic; for example, Pisces is a dual sign, last of the moksha trine, soft speech, highly imaginative, good-looking, short stature, prominent nose, round shoulder, etc.
These aspects tend to modify due to the planetary association in a horoscope.
Also, planetary affliction may lead to negative traits being more pronounced than the positive quality.
So, it is important to see if the 7th house is in good state or not.
For appearance, nature, profession, mental setup, or any other feature of the spouse, we need to see the zodiac that rules over the 7th house and the position of its lord.
Now the basic characteristic of that Zodiac will be present in your spouse, for example, if the Aries sign rules over the 7th house, then the spouse will be enterprising, incisive, spontaneous, daring, active, courageous, and energetic.
It is well known that Aries-dominated people are the proverbial infants, guileless and optimistic to the fault.
However, they are also impatient, impetuous, vain, proud, and egoistic; they may also be liable to come across as selfish, jealous, coarse, ruthless, and violent.
Now as we know, each zodiac has positive and negative qualities, and if the zodiac lord of the 7th house is auspicious placed, then the positive qualities of that zodiac will be more pronounced in the spouse.
Let's see how it works and what kind of spouse comes when the 7th lord is placed in different zodiac signs.
Suppose the 7th Lord is auspiciously placed in Fiery signs, viz., Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, then the spouse will be tall, good-looking, and will have a caring attitude towards you.
Fire sign rules over 1st, 5th, and 9th houses (trines) in Kaalpurush zodiacs & is the significator of Dharma. A well-placed 7th Lord in Fiery signs will give a spouse a balanced approach towards life; at the same time, they will have high moral values. Religion is more important for them than philosophy, and they can be a hard taskmaster when it comes to following their religious practice.
They make good parents and want their kids to follow their religion. Sometimes they can push their kids to excel over others. They are good at finance management and don’t spend on unnecessary things. They know where to stop while spending money & always have enough funds for emergencies.
Same way if 7th Lord is posted in Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, then the spouse will be tall, good-looking, dynamic, sharp, & will have a positive but materialistic approach towards life. Their spouse will be very social & outgoing, and they love to be around many people.
Because of their intelligence, they are experts in managing time between work & family. They make excellent parents, especially considering the present era. They encourage their kids for sports & studies equally and want them to do good in their own lives. They are good at financial management and always have money for emergencies. They love to spend on family outgoings.
In the earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, the spouse will be medium-tall in height, average-looking, and will have a calculative approach towards life & relationships. They make an excellent breadwinner & give more time to work. Most of the time, marriage for them is a contract between two individuals & they can be cruel towards you due to their highly practical approach. They can be jealous of their relatives and neighbours.
They make good parents but are strict when it comes to the studies of their children. They want their kids to follow the norms laid by society; it doesn’t matter if its wrong or not good for the overall development of their own children’s.
They are very aware of what they are spending for and have a tendency to hoard money. Their financial management is good for themselves but can irritate their better half or kids by being a miser sometimes.
In water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the spouse might be of medium height, soft, speech, romantic, dreamy, imaginative, & will have a unique philosophical approach towards life & relationships. Though their impractical approach towards life & social duties can disturb their relationships with their spouse.
If you’re dominated by Earth signs, then clashes are bound to happen. They are caring for relationships and can easily understand your needs. They make good parents and impart their knowledge to their kids.
They don’t push their kids and allow them to follow their own dreams. They are not good at managing finances and have a tendency to spend over their limits. Usually, they will never have enough funds for emergencies.
To know in detail about the appearance, nature, status, and financial prospects of the spouse, read my article on spouse predictions.
Profession Of Spouse Via Astrology
In Vedic astrology, the 10th house represents career, and there is a concept called "bhavat bhavam." According to this concept, if we count the 10th house from the 7th house, which signifies the spouse, we land on the 4th house.
This means the 4th house is generally seen for the spouse profession in a Natal birth chart.
In order to make a prediction on the nature of the spouse’s profession and to know if the spouse will be rich or not, this 4th house and its lord are very important to analyse.
This house becomes double important because, in astrology, the 4th house shows luxury, cars, gadgets, real estate, and material assets.
So if you marry someone rich, your own life will become luxurious and comfortable.
If in a female horoscope, the 4th house is well placed, like in an exalted state, in pushkar navamsa or in benefic planetary association then the Husband will be rich and will lead to the betterment in lifestyle for her.
Same way for a male auspicious 4th house and its lord leads to a wife with a good income or from a wealthy family. Though in a male Horoscope, the role of the 8th house becomes important to know if the family of the wife will be from a rich family or not.
The same 8th house and its lord will decide the number of funds the man will be getting from his wife’s family.
So some additional rules will come into play if we want to know about rich husbands in a horoscope of females.
The 4th house gives a primary glimpse on the profession and the status of the of the spouse.
Let's see a example horoscope where the application of the rules mentioned above is seen.
The horoscope given below is of Sonia Gandhi, who is the wife of the late Shri Rajeev Gandhi and was a vibrant Prime Minister of India.
Despite the fact that Sonia Gandhi was from a humble background, her spouse was the most powerful man in India and rich also.
Her Horoscope is given below:
As you can see that the 7th house Saturn is placed in the 1st house which is good for having a spouse from a good background.
Then you can see that, her 4th & 11th house lord Venus in own sign of Libra and is making a union with auspicious 5th house lord Jupiter.
This is a excellent Rajyoga and shows a Spouse who is almost a King.
Let's see one more example Horoscope which shows the profession of spouse and the magnitude of success.
Her husband is none other Mega star Amitabh Bachchan, who is considered one of the greatest actor of all time. You can see in her horoscope that the 7th house lord is placed in the 7th house, which is planet Jupiter.
The 4th house has aspect of auspicious Mercury, 3rd house lord Sun, and 2nd house lord Moon. Their combined influence on the 4th house shows the career line and the magnitude of her spouse.
The method of finding the spouse from the 4th house of the Horoscope can be misleading sometimes.
So best is to consult the navamsa also because it is a very important divisional chart and has a major role in married life.
Let's see in detail the judgment of spouse profession from the navamsa because navamsha is more effective when it comes to matters related to marriage.
Spouse Profession From Navamsa
Navamsa is the most important divisional chart in whole Vedic astrology.One of its main usages is to decode details of the spouse.
And the spouse profession is one of the main areas that can be known by this.
Let's see how Navamsa can help to find the profession of spouse and how it can be used to know the status and wealth prospects also.
In order to know this following house spouse be analyzed:
- First house of Navamsa.
- Fourth house of Navamsa.
- Seventh house of Navamsa.
- Tenth house of Navamsa.
You must have noticed that all of the houses mentioned above are Kendra house which are known as the Vishnu houses in astrology and are most important in any division chart.
Technically, the 10th house is the strongest Kendra house.
If we follow the guidelines, navamsa is your spouse, then the 10th house of navamsa should indicate the career of the spouse. Which means here, while checking the profession of spouse, 10th house should be given most importance.
As per Vedic astrology texts, navamsa can be used in finding the career for natives also. Which means both native and native spouse career can be the same, and we do see that a lot now a days.
This is just a general way to see things.
Don't forget planetary placements and their association matters the most. Plus, what dasha is the native, and his spouse also has a important say in career and professional prospects.
After the 10th house, equal importance should be given to the 1st and 7th house of the navamsa and an assessment should be made on the sign rising and planets placed in there.
In the end, the role of the 4th house comes into play, which actually can be a deciding factor. I saw in many places people have given full importance over the 4th house while delineating the spouse's profession, which is actually wrong.
You can not ignore the 1st, 7th, and 10th house while doing so.
Let's see the probable professions denoted by planets when placed or associated with one of these houses in navamsa.
Note: You will have to judge carefully and make an analysis on which house is strongest among these four mentioned houses, the particular planet placed there will have a strong say in judging the career of the spouse.
1. Planet Sun: When Sun is placed in any of these houses, then the spouse profession can be that of a government worker, and if other factors are supportive, then a good position in government like political post, IAS, IPS, or PSC is indicated. Planet Sun rules over other professions also, like businesses related to wood, timber suppliers, and theater owners. If Sun is influenced by Mars or Ketu then the spouse's profession can be related to an Arms dealer or supplier.
2. Planet Moon: In astrology, Moon is also a royal planet, and when well associated, it indicates ministership as a spouse profession. An adviser, pearl trader, cosmetic, business related to milk, sailor, nurse, hotel owner, tour & travels, waiter, catering, fisherman, flowers, garments. The influence of planet Rahu over the Moon shows spouse's profession in acid, chemicals, and poison. The influence of planet Venus over the Moon shows cinema, music composers, and business in music equipment.
3. Planet Mars: When Mars is connected to these houses then the spouse's profession can be a policeman, army personnel, real estate agent, owner of land, barber, surgeon, chemist, or butcher. If Mars is under the influence of Rahu then illegal arms dealing or mafia can be predicted. If Jupiter is influencing Mars then the profession of the spouse can be a lawyer.
4. Planet Mercury: If Mercury is placed in these houses then the career of the spouse can be of a writer, publisher, chess master, astrologer, interpreter, language teacher, or orator. If Mars is influencing Mercury then the profession of a spouse can be a chemistry teacher or civil engineer. If Saturn is influencing Mercury then the spouse's profession can be related to theater.
5. Planet Jupiter: If planet Jupiter is placed in these houses then the profession of a spouse can be related to banking, chanting mantra, money lender, Sanskrit teacher, or head of a religious institution. If Mars is influencing Jupiter, then the spouse can be a good lawyer by profession. If Saturn is influencing Jupiter then the profession of a spouse can be of a politician whose ideals are strong.
6. Planet Venus: If planet Venus is placed in these houses then the profession of a spouse can be related to arts, cinema, beautician, trader, flower seller, entertainer, photography, cartoonist, hair stylist, poet, painter, art dealer, collector, perfumes.
7. Planet Saturn: If Saturn is connected to these houses then the profession of the spouse can be a jailor, judge, miner, plumber, labor, watchman, shoemaker, road construction, estate manager, undertaker.
8. Planet Rahu: When Planet Rahu is placed or in association with these houses then the spouse profession can be a jailor, gambler, liquor dealer, petrol pump owner, gang member, airline pilot, astronaut, event manager, air steward, electrician.
9. Planet Ketu: When the planet Ketu is related to these houses can the profession of a spouse can be related to the monastery, foreign language, occult activities, computers, horse breeding, magician, or street performer.
Now once you have figured out the profession for the spouse, it becomes important to see the quantum of wealth which spouse can bring in your life.
Placement For Various Profession Of Spouse
In this section, I will mention the placements for various professions of spouse, like how to know if your spouse can be from IAS or IPS service, or if your spouse can be a doctor. I will provide specific examples of placements for each profession.
The basic principle, as mentioned in the beginning, remains unchanged: the 4th house, the karaka of the spouse, and navamsha hold the key to understanding this.
So let's see the exact placement for various possible professions.
1. Business: In order to make a business, one needs to have the courage and willingness to take risks. So for a spouse to be from a business background, having success in it requires the connection of the 7th house or its lord with the 3rd house.
Even a link between the 4th house and the 3rd house is sufficient. This is the first and foremost requirement to have.
After this, a link between the 5th and 11th houses is also a must. The 5th house is the house that controls our ideas and opportunities.
Whereas the 11th house is all about gains, victory, and success from the ideas. These houses can be linked with the 7th house in many possible ways.
But the strongest is exchange, union, and mutual aspect in decreasing order.
Business means money, and the natal horoscope with good strength of the 7th house and its lord brings an encouragement to inspect the navamsha to find the placements of wealth, and involvement of the karaka of marriage or the 7th house lord indicates that spouse will be making huge profits from the business.
Let's see an example for this: the following horoscope belongs to women whose husband is a successful businessman.
In her horoscope, the 4th house lord and 7th house lord are sitting together in the 5th house, and in the mutual aspect relationship with 3rd house Lord Jupiter, which is in the 11th house of gains.
This union indicates that her husband is in business and is successful in it.
2. Lawyer Profession: Law is represented by Jupiter and Mars combined influence. In houses, the 6th house indicates a profession related to law and order. The ruler of the 7th house, karaka of marriage, or the nakshatra ruler of the 6th house lord should make a connection with the 7th house or its lord.
Also, this profession requires logic, reasoning, argumentation, and a sense of justice. which means planet Saturn also becomes important in it.
To a large extent, planet Mercury also plays a role in it because it represents communication and intellect, which are essential for a lawyer.
Therefore, these planets—specifically Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Mercury—should have an impact on the 7th house or its ruler.
The following example horoscopes belong to a couple, and both are lawyers by profession.
The female native horoscope is given below, and she has Saturn in her 10th house, aspecting the 4th house of spouse profession and the 7th house of spouse.
While the 7th house lord is placed in the 12th house, aspecting the 6th house.
The 4th house lord Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter, and the union of Mars is happening in it.
Now in her spouse's horoscope, which is given below:
The placement of 7th house lord Sun in the 6th house with ruler of the 6th house Mercury. Jupiter is aspecting the 7th house from the 1st house. Saturn, along with the 6th house lord Moon, has an aspect over the 4th house.
All these placements show that his spouse is a lawyer.
3. Doctor: To know if a spouse will have the noble profession requires some intense placements in the horoscope. Check if the 4th or 7th house lord is sitting in the following nakshatra:
3.1 Ashwini Nakshatra: Known as the "star of transport" or "horse-headed twins," Ashwini is ruled by the Ashwini Kumaras, the celestial physicians. This Nakshatra is often associated with healing, medical practices, and the ability to cure ailments.
3.2 Revati Nakshatra: Revati represents nurturing and care. It is often associated with providing service to others, making it suitable for careers related to healing and healthcare.
3.3 Shatabhisha Nakshatra: Also known as the "star of a hundred healers," Shatabhisha is linked to healing through unconventional or alternative methods. It represents hidden knowledge and is ruled by Rahu, which adds an element of mystery and deep insight into medical and healing practices.
3.4 Hasta Nakshatra: Hasta is associated with healing hands and precision, making it an excellent Nakshatra for surgeons, nurses, or anyone working in a medical profession that requires hands-on care.
3.5 Dhanishta Nakshatra: People born under Dhanishta have strong leadership qualities and are often involved in professions related to medicine, particularly surgery or research, as this Nakshatra is connected to Mars, which governs blood, surgery, and medical fields.
These nakshatras are related to the medical profession, healing, and medicines. Then there should be a link between the 6th house lord and the 4th and 7th houses.
Sun is karaka of medicine and should be linked with the 7th house or its lord in natal or navamsha.
I have an amazing example to show you here: the native spouse is a Radiologist, and in his horoscope given below, you can see that. The 6th house lord Jupiter is placed with karaka of the medical profession Sun in the 4th house. The 6th house lord Jupiter is placed in Dhanista nakshatra.
4. IAS & IPS Profession: The career of a spouse in this field, which is related to government and associated with high status, requires the strong placement of a 4th or 7th house lord in the nakshatra of the sun.
It should be aspected by natural benefic also. And in divisional charts, it should have good strength. This will create ideal conditions for the powerful spouse.
It's core strength and benefic influences on it will make sure that the spouse is holding a major rank like IAS or IPS.
The navamsha should also be filled with rajyoga like Adhi yoga, Sasa yoga, Ruchaka yoga, Dharamkarma adhipati yoga, etc.
The following horoscope belongs to a woman whose husband is an IAS. In her horoscope, due to Moon placement in the 7th house, there is a direct connection between the 4th and 7th houses. The ruler of the 7th house, lord Venus, is placed in the nakshatra of the Sun in the 9th house of the government. These placements indicate clearly that the spouse is a powerful individual holding a very high rank.
In her navamsha, you will find the placements, which again gives more clear indication of the powerful job of the spouse. In the 4th house of navamsha, the union of Saturn and Moon is happening, where Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn.
The 11th house has a union of Mars and Jupiter, which shows a powerful spouse.
Status & Wealth Of Spouse
Our classic text has given subtle hints regarding the status of the spouse.
1st house represents you, and 7th house denotes your spouse. If the 7th house is stronger than the 1st house, then the spouse will be of higher status.
Also, the strong ascendant of navamsa also results in the spouse from the rich background.
Following rules should be checked in order to check if you will get a rich spouse.
Check Rajyoga and Dhanyoga in your navamsa, if strong Rajyoga and Dhanyog are present in your navamsa then your spouse will be rich.
For your information, you can read articles Rajyoga and Dhanyoga or follow the leads given below.
In general words, Rajyoga takes formation by the association of 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 10th houses and their lords.
- Lagan lord mutually related to any of the lords of 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 10th.
- Fourth lord mutually related to any of the lords,5th,7th,9th and 10th.
- Seventh lord mutually related to any of the lord 5th or 9th houses.
- Tenth lord mutually related to any of the 5th or 9th houses.
Note: the relation between 9th and 10th house is the best Rajyoga.
Such kind of Rajyoga in navamsa with the involvement of 7th house or its lord can give a famous spouse.
A relation between 5th and 10th is also strong but not as strong as 9th and 10th house lords combination.
For example, in your navamsa, there might be the relation between 4th house and 9th house or between 7th house and 9th house.
This will be called as a Rajyoga in navamsa.
Rajyoga is not limited to these house relations only, there are some complex rajyoga which take place with certain planetary alignments like Vishnu Yoga etc.
I have done a separate series on these special rajyoga, which you can follow and apply on your horoscope and navamsha.
If these Rajyoga are present in navamsha then your spouse will definitely be from a good status and will hold a good position in life.
Similarly relation between 2nd and 11th house lord with 1st,5th and 9th creates dhanyog in a horoscope and also check these in your navamsa too.
Best dhanyoga comes from the planetary relation between 2nd and 11th house lords.
Also, placement of 7th lord in upachaya(growth) house is also an indicator of the spouse with a heavy pocket or heavier than yours.
For working spouse, check in your birth chart if 7th house is making a connection with 2nd, 10th or 11th.
Not so long ago, working spouse was not common in India but with modern needs of society, we can see women working in many fields and earning better than their spouses.
Sometimes it might happen that things contradict in D-1 and D-9.
It means your birth chart might show working spouse but in D-9 combinations are not supportive for same. In such cases, it indicates that spouse will have a job but with lower or medium salary which is applicable to 90% of our Indian population.
Now, what if D-1 does not show working spouse but D-9 holds clues for same. Then in such cases spouse will have a job but good progress will come slowly with time.
If a combination exists in both D-1 and D-9 then it indicates a spouse with a good-earning profession.
This example can be used for Status of the spouse.
Let's see the example of Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary Clinton, who was very successful in USA politics.
It’s all due to the Pisces sign in the 7th house of Bill Clinton's horoscope.
It’s lord Jupiter is in Libra sign, which gives her good looks.
Now we have to consider the aspect of Mars and Venus over Bill Clinton’s 7th house also.
Both Mars and Venus are in the Virgo sign, where Venus gets debilitated, and Mars also doesn’t feel good in Virgo.
This combination made Bill Clinton's image very controversial and affected their marriage too. Though Mars and Venus aspect over 7th of Bill Clinton made her successful, courageous, and lucky.
Will You Be Lucky To Have A Powerful Spouse?
In today's modern era, the rich are powerful, and the powerful are rich by default.
So to know if your spouse is going to be rich and powerful, all you need to do is look at the 7th house and its lord first.
If the 7th house is occupied by functional benefic planets, especially in their own or exalted sign, then the spouse is going to be a very capable individual and will be very driven by nature and purpose.
This is the top most requirement to become successful. Then see where the 7th house lord is placed.
In the following conditions of the 7th house lord, the spouse will be holding influence in society:
1. 7th house lord placement in own sign under the influence of natural benefics.
2. 7th house lord placement in 1st house under influence of 10th house lord.
3. 7th house lord placement in 5th house under influence of benefic planets and ruler of the 9th, 10th, or 11th house lord.
4. The placement of the 7th house lord in the 9th house is influenced by the 5th, 10th, or 11th house lords.
5. 7th house lord placement in 11th house under the influence of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, or the 11th house lord.
NOTE: The placement of the 7th house lord mentioned in point no. 5 is the strongest and is capable of giving spouse great power, wealth, and influence.
If your horoscope has strength in the 7th house or its lord. Then navamsha should be checked to see if classic rajyoga exists in it or not.
You have to check these Rajyogas in a very standard manner. For example, yoga like Sasa yoga, Ruchaka, and Gajakesari will all be applicable.
The more the Rajyoga in navamsha better the status will be of spouse.
But remember, the involvement of the 7th house and its lord in these Rajyoga will make things more obvious
My future wife name…??????
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Very informative article. The best astrologer he is 🙂
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dob-27/9/2001, pob-kolkata ,tob-1:31 pm