Yogakaraka Planets

Yogakaraka Planets

In a horoscope, there are some planets which tend to give auspicious results, whereas some give negative results.

That depends on the lordship of planets which can be read here.

Now, many of you might have heard of the term "yogakaraka planets" here yoga means "good giver" and karaka means "doer".

Though as per standard rules of astrology, trines lords always have the tendency to give good results in their periods.

But actual result depends on their strength and connection they are making with other house lords.

For example, Trine house lord planetary relationship with Kendra house lord is one of the potent Rajyoga one can have, especially relationship with 9th & 10th house, where 9th is the strongest trine and 10th is strongest Kendra house which is known as Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga yoga.

Yogakaraka planets have the potency of Kendra-Trine combination

Let me elaborate to you how.

Definition of yoga karaka planets: A planet is said to be a yoga karaka when it has lordship over a Trine and Kendra house simultaneously.

Here you can see in the definition of yoga karaka planet that by virtue of its lordship over Kendra and Trine simultaneously, it have a capability of producing Rajyoga effects even without the help of any other Kendra of Trine lord.

Though, if a yogakaraka planet is involved with any other Kendra or Trine lord, then it is a win-win situation.

In any horoscope 1st, 5th and 9th house are known as Trines whereas 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th are known as Kendra house.

As you can see, first house or ascendant have dual lordship Trine and Kendra house and that is why ascendant is considered as the most important planet in any horoscope.

This proves the point that ascendant lord Dasha is always beneficial unless it is severely afflicted.

Now, the question is how we find our yoga karaka planet in the horoscope.

It's actually quite simple and with basic knowledge of astrology, you can easily identify yogakaraka planets.

Planets that have lordship over Trine and Kendra simultaneously will be ticked as Yoga karaka planet.

For example Mars in Cancer ascendant rules over the 5th house, which is a trine house and same time Mars rules over 10th house also, which is a Kendra house. This makes Mars a yogakaraka planet for Cancer ascendant.

Mars relationship with Moon, Jupiter or even Venus produces a Rajyoga of high quality.

That is why also Manglik Yoga/Dosha doesn't really applicable to Cancer Ascendant native.

You can read on manglik yoga/dosha here.

This also makes a point that not all ascendant can have yoga karaka planet and only 5 ascendant have yoga karaka planet.

1.Taurus Ascendant: Saturn lordship over the 9th & 10th house.
2.Cancer Ascendant: Mars lordship over the 5th & 10th house.
3.Leo Ascendant: Mars lordship over 4th & 9th house.
4.Libra Ascendant: Saturn lordship over 4th & 5th house.
5.Capricorn Ascendant: Venus lordship over the 5th & 10th house.
6.Aquarius Ascendant: Venus lordship over 4th & 9th house.

Here you can see that the so called malefic planets Mars & Saturn are yogakaraka for 5 ascendants. Jupiter, the biggest benefic is not a yogakaraka for any ascendant.

This proves a point that in astrology one should have a dynamic approach.

I have noticed that Venus for  Virgo & Mars for Pisces ascendant works like yogakaraka for them though they can't match the potency of yogakaraka planets but still works very good, as far as money is considered.

It's because Venus rules over 2nd and 9th house in Virgo ascendant, whereas Mars have the same position for Pisces ascendant.

A yoga karaka planet is said to produce good results of all kind like power, position, money, influence etc.

And, is due to that fact that a yoga karaka alone works like a combination of Kendra-Trine combination.

A yoga karaka planet should always be endowed with strength especially in case of Leo and Aquarius ascendant since Yoga karaka planet i.e Mars and Venus rules over the 9th house which rules over luck and is considered as most important house after ascendant.

Here, I want to elaborate more on Yoga karaka planets for these ascendants.

For Taurus Ascendant 

Saturn is lord of 9th and 10th house and its placement in Kendra or trine will create a grand Rajyoga.

Wherever Saturn will be placed that house will flourish, though in bad houses like 6th, 8th and 12th Saturn will lose its potency to give good results to some extent, but that won't stop Saturn to bring the best out from these house.

Taurus ascendant the placement of Yogakaraka Saturn in 12th house will be worst since Saturn will be debilitated here and same time it is a dusthana house.

For Cancer Ascendant

Mars became the yogakaraka planet due to its lordship over the 5th and the 10th house. It gives very good results in all houses except for the 8th house, though Mars will enhance the significations of the 8th house but being in sign of Saturn, that too in an air sign is not good for Mars.

In ascendant mars will be debilitated but still mars will deliver good results, as far as material aspect of life is concerned but here mars can make one bad in relationships.

Mars association with Moon, Jupiter and Venus is rajyoga for them.

For Leo Ascendant

Due to lordships over the 4th and the 9th house, Mars becomes a yogakaraka planet for them. Mars gives good results in all the houses except for the 8th &12th house.

8th house of Leo belongs to the watery sign Pisces and Mars on the 8th and to make it worse in the water sign, makes mars not to give good results.

The best placement for Mars here is in 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house. In the 7th house, it gives rise to ruchaka yoga

Mars association with Sun, Jupiter and Venus creates a strong rajyoga for them.

For Libra Ascendant

Yoga karaka Saturn works well in all houses, though Saturn will be debilitated in 7th house which can delay marriage but Saturn’s direct aspect over ascendant is very supportive all matters of life.Its association with Venus, Saturn and Sun makes horoscope strong and brings good results in terms of health, career and wealth. In first house, it makes a strong Sasa yoga and is seen in Horoscope of ultra successful natives.

For Capricorn Ascendant

Yoga karaka Venus works well in all houses, even in 9th, where Venus will be in its sign of debilitation. Here, 5th lord Venus will be in a direct relationship, which is very supportive for all matters of life. Its relationship with Mercury, Saturn and even with Mars creates rajyoga.

For Aquarius Ascendant

Yogakaraka Venus works well in all houses except in 8th house where Venus will be debilitated, but Venus in 8th can give lots of support from in laws and inheritance too.

Therefore always keep an eye on Yogakaraka planets they can change things easily, never ignore them.

Examples Of Strong Yogakaraka Planets


Barack Obama is of  Libra Ascendant where Saturn is a yogakaraka planet. Saturn is placed in 4th house, creating Sasa yoga and is aspecting his ascendant, 6th and 10th house.

Where Saturn is sitting is house of throne and 6th & 1oth houses are very important for a politician.

He is two time president of most powerful country in world. Yogakaraka Saturn is also involved with neechabhanga rajyoga also.

Clearly Saturn has played a crucial role in his success.

Shahrukh Khan ascendant is Leo and planet Mars is Yogakaraka for him.


Mars is in 4th house creating Ruchaka Yoga and is aspecting his 7th,10th & 11th house.All these houses are very important for an actor and he despite all the hardships and humble beginnings, made a name for himself.

His detailed horoscope analysis can be read here.

I hope you guys now understand the role of yogakaraka in astrology and let me tell they can do a lot of good in a horoscope if endowed with strength and unafflicted.

Yogakaraka Planets
Yogakaraka Planets

In a horoscope, there are some planets which tend to give auspicious results, whereas some give negative results. A planet is said to be a yoga karaka when it has lordship over a Trine and Kendra house simultaneously.

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About the Author
naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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  1. Why mercury is not yogkarak for Gemini ascendant as it has lordship of 1 st house ( trikon) and kendra too ( 4th house).

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