In the astrological transit calendar of 2024, planet Jupiter is going to remain in sign of Aries until May 1st 2024.
Read detailed article on Jupiter transit in Taurus
Since, its retrograde period is over now, we are going to see some major events in our life now. Jupiter will finally give results as promised by its transit for us.
Jupiter transit is one of the most important transit and along with the transit of Saturn it manifests the results as promised by the dasha.
Hence it is must that we all take it seriously and in this article I have tried to decode its effects for all rising ascendant signs and along with that other key details are given.
Lets start with the date and time of this transit.
About Planet Jupiter & Aries Zodiac
It is important to understand features and significations planet Jupiter and Aries zodiac because the effects of this Jupiter transit will depend on that a lot. Like how it behaves in the sign of Aries sign etc. So lets start will the vital information on planet Jupiter first.
Nature: Satvik, Shubha.
Significances: Son, husband, wealth-prosperity, teacher, intelligence, education, auspicious work, gold, grain, physical strength, fat, astrology, logic, virtue, progeny, control over senses, devotion, sacrifice, grandfather, religion, faith, Religious Activities, Royal Honors, Second Language, Algebra, Medicine, Hindu Law, Civil Law, Economics, Philosophy, Higher Educational Qualifications, Education Department, Executive Officer, Film Censor Board, Secretariat, Minister, Advisor to Governors, Barrister, Bank Officer, Revenue Officials, officials related to religious institutions, NGOs, Law and Judiciary Department, Courts, Auditors, Speakers, Saints, Preachers, Thinkers, Philosophers, etc.
Jupiter is the natural significator of the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th, and 11th houses.
Friendly planets: Sun, Moon, Mars.
Enemy planets: Mercury, Venus.
Neutral planet: Saturn.
Sign ownership: Sagittarius, Meena.
Mooltrikona: Sagittarius (up to 00-10 degrees).
Highest degree of exaltation: At 05 degrees in Cancer.
Sign of exaltation: Ascendant: Cancer.
Degrees of deep debilitation: At 05 degrees in Capricorn.
Sign of debilitation: Capricorn.
Aspects: Full vision on 5th, 7th, and 9th houses. Gender: Masculine.
Direction: North-East.
Colour: Fair with a yellowish tinge.
Metal: Gold.
Season: Hemant or Shishir.
Interests: Sweet Vedas and Rigvedas.
Kalbali: Evening.
God: Indra.
Gemstone: Yellow Sapphire.
Region: From Godavari to Vindhyachal.
Varna (Caste): Brahmana.
Tattva: Aakasha.
Directional Strength: Lagna (1st house).
Tree: Fruit tree.
Aries zodiac is the first sign of natural zodiac and is ruled by planet Mars who is the hot and malefic planet. More key details are given below:
1. Body Parts: Aries is associated with the head and face, which are governed by Mars, the ruling planet of Aries.
2. House: In Vedic astrology, Aries rules the first house of the zodiac, which represents the self, the physical body, and one's personality.
3. Symbol: The symbol for Aries is the Ram, which represents leadership, power, and courage.
4. Nakshatras: Aries is associated with three Nakshatras or lunar mansions, namely Ashwini, Bharani, and Krittika. These Nakshatras signify healing, rebirth, nurturing, and leadership qualities.
5. Colors: The colors associated with Aries are red and orange, which represent energy, passion, and enthusiasm.
6. Gemstone: The gemstone for Aries is the red coral, which is believed to bring courage, protection, and good health.
7. Mantra: The mantra for Aries is "Om Hraam Hreem Hroum Sah Suryaya Namah", which is believed to invoke the energy of the Sun, the ruler of the first house.
8. Positive direction: The positive direction for Aries is East, which is believed to bring success, growth, and new beginnings.
Overall, Aries is associated with leadership, courage, and energy, and it signifies the beginning of a new cycle, a new journey, and a new identity.
Factors To Keep In Mind While Predictions For Jupiter Transit In Aries
This is very important to understand and one can use these steps to make analysis on how this Jupiter transit will affect them.
1. Functional Nature Of Jupiter: Just like any other planet Jupiter also changes its roles and nature depending on which houses it is ruling in the Horoscope. Despite Jupiter being the biggest benefic it can act as a malefic for certain rising ascendant signs. For example due to the lordship over the 8th and the 11th house Jupiter becomes the most malefic planet for them. To know more about the functional nature of Jupiter you can read my article on functional benefic and malefic planets.
2. Jupiter Behavior In Aries Zodiac: Planets tends to behave in certain manner based on the sign they are transiting into, here also Jupiter will brings some unique impact which are as follow.
2.1. Spiritual Growth: Jupiter in Aries can bring a strong desire for spiritual growth and self-realization. Individuals with this placement may be drawn to spiritual practices, meditation, and philosophy.
2.2. Leadership: Aries is a sign of leadership, and when Jupiter is placed in Aries, it can amplify this quality. Individuals with this placement may have a natural ability to inspire and lead others.
2.3. Boldness: Jupiter in Aries can make individuals bold and confident, and they may be willing to take risks to achieve their goals.
2.4. Impatience: Aries is a sign of action and quick decisions, and when Jupiter is placed in Aries, individuals may be prone to impatience and impulsiveness.
2.5. Optimism: Jupiter is a planet of positivity and growth, and when it is placed in Aries, individuals may have a strong sense of optimism and a belief in their ability to achieve their goals.
2.6. Self-assertion: Aries is a sign of self-assertion and independence, and Jupiter in Aries can amplify this quality. Individuals with this placement may have a strong sense of self and be willing to stand up for their beliefs.
2.7. Physical Energy: Aries is a fire sign associated with physical energy and activity, and when Jupiter is placed in Aries, individuals may have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for physical activity.
Overall, Jupiter in Aries can bring a lot of positive qualities such as leadership, confidence, and optimism. However, individuals with this placement may need to be mindful of their impatience and impulsiveness.
3. Running Dasha: Transit don't have mind of their own they depend on the dasha and the structure of the horoscope. The transit on surface may look good but who knows it can harm you if the dasha is negative. Hence, it is must one make a holistic analysis before declaring any results. For for information you can read the article on how to read transit in vedic astrology.
Lets see the general effects of Jupiter transit in Aries for all ascendant signs. For personal consultation you can email m on
Effects On Aries Ascendant
Jupiter is the lord of the 9th and the 12th houses and it rules over the following significations for them:
- Religion.
- Teacher.
- Father.
- Divine grace.
- Pilgrims.
- Luck.
- Abroad travel.
- Expenses.
- Hospital visits.
- Isolation.
During its transit in Aries, planet Jupiter will enter the 1st house, which is the most important planet in astrology.
Jupiter is going to aspect the following houses from the 1st house.
- 5th house of education, children, kids, and creativity.
- 7th house of marriage, partnership, and maraka.
- 9th house of father, seniors, teachers, and long-distance travels.
This transit is going to be very significant and auspicious for most areas of their life.
Let's see how.
1. Impact on Career: Jupiter is a planet that is the karaka of optimism, and here the native will have first-hand experience of it. Hopes will be high, and anxiety and negative feelings won't be there. There will be support of luck in all professional activities. Promotion is on the cards, and the support of seniors and co-workers will be there. Every factor is going to support the native's growth. If the dasha is supportive, then a big promotion is seen, which will come with good perks. This transit is supportive of business and freelancing work also. There will be gains of a large sum, and expansion of the business will happen. The creativity and speculation abilities of the native will be at its peak. Overall a very auspicious transit for their career.
2. Impact on Wealth - In order to be lucky in matters of wealth, one needs to have the auspicious influence of planet Jupiter over the 1st, 5th, and 9th houses. As mentioned earlier, the aspect of Jupiter is exactly falling over the 5th and 9th houses. Now, this means that financial progress is a sure shot thing for them. This transit has the ability to bring gains effortlessly. The rise in career will bring more opportunities to gain wealth. Similarly, expansion in business will bring instant gains. Apart from that, natives will be able to create alternate sources of income. The activation of the 5th house holds the key here. It is the house that enables one to explore one's limits and brings new opportunities for wealth. Those who have a connection of the 5th house with the 1st, 10th, and the 11th house will see this effect. Chances of gains from father and in-laws are also there. This may sound out of the theme of Jupiter's functioning, but during its retrograde period, natives can gain through litigations. In all scenarios, this transit is going to support the native's financial growth.
3. Impact on Relationship: It is said that Jupiter's presence in the 1st house, both in the natal horoscope and in transit, cancels many evils. This means that this Jupiter transit will bring an auspicious impact on the relationship, especially on marriage because its presence on the 1st house will allow the native to think and behave properly. Even the most hot-headed native will feel the calmness in their head. The way to handle an argument will also be smooth, and this way, any difference in opinion will go away. The same way, the aspect of the transit Jupiter over the 7th house will bring positive reactions from the spouse. All this means that the married life is going to be good for the native. Due to the same aspect of Jupiter, the spouse of the native will experience positive events in life like a good career, wealth, and health.
Those who are unmarried will be able to find a life partner, provided supportive dasha is running for the same.
The relationship with the father will also improve significantly. Plus, the father's health will see improvements, and his overall condition will become better than ever.
4. Impact on Health - The first house where Jupiter will transit stands for health mainly. Jupiter's presence here will bring a drastic improvement in physical health. The native's awareness of health will become sharper. This will lead to an effective exercise routine and a healthy diet. The existing health issues of the native will turn mellow. For mental health also, this transit is very auspicious and will bring optimism, a rise in faith, and will remove fears. Overall, a very auspicious transit for the health of the native. It will give a chance to restart and live life to the fullest.
Remedy: The native should wear a Jyotish quality Yellow Sapphire of 2-3 carats on the index finger or on a pendant. Remedies will matter case to case and only a personalized Horoscope reading can help it.
Conclusion: Overall, it seems that the Jupiter transit in the 1st house will bring positive changes in various areas of life, such as career, wealth, relationships, and health. The aspect of Jupiter over the 5th and 9th houses will particularly support financial growth and expansion in business, and the activation of the 5th house will bring new opportunities for wealth. The transit will also cancel many evils in relationships, especially in marriage, and bring positive events in the spouse's life. The improvement in health will be drastic, both physically and mentally, and the transit will bring optimism, faith, and the removal of fears. It's important to note that the effects of this transit may vary depending on individual horoscopes and dasha periods.
Effect On Taurus Ascendant
For Taurus ascendants, the planet Jupiter is the most malefic planet due to its lordship over the 8th and 11th houses, which stand for the following significations:
- Chronic health issues.
- Death.
- Sudden gains.
- Obstacles.
- In-laws.
- Spousal income.
- Large gains.
- Friends.
- Paternal uncle.
- Networking.
The transit of Jupiter will be happening over the 12th house, which stands for abroad, expenses, dream, sleep, and isolation. The aspect of Jupiter will be falling over the following houses:
- 4th house of mother, comforts, luxury, assets, residence, and mental peace.
- 6th house of illness, enemies, debts, maternal relations, and aggression.
- 8th house of longevity, spousal income, and chronic health issues.
This transit of Jupiter is going to be tough for them. A functional malefic going to a malefic house can create severe issues in the life of the native. On top of that, Rahu is already transiting through their 12th house. Let's see what kind of impact it can create for them.
1. Impact on Career - When it comes to career, this transit is carrying both positive and negative shades. Positive for those who are looking for abroad-related opportunities. Because during this transit, there will be a conducive environment for getting success in visa-related work. The native will find an opportunity for abroad, but this will be possible only when the native has such combinations in the horoscope. Despite this, the overall tone of Jupiter transit is negative. It will bring stress at the workplace. It will create strong enemies, and the native will find it hard to counter them. The native will become prone to mistakes which can lead to job loss, unfavorable transfers, or demotions. In business also, there will be losses and troubles through improper documentation. The native is advised to keep documents up-to-date. The malefic aspect of Jupiter over the 6th house can trigger legal issues. Humiliation can also come if the horoscope of the native is weak and the running dasha of a malefic or afflicted planet.
Overall, this transit should be watched carefully, and the native should take steps after proper assessment.
2. Impact on Wealth - Jupiter ownership over the 11th house makes it a prime planet for wealth. Its transit over the 12th house of abroad and losses means two things:
- The native can gain money in abroad lands or from abroad sources.
- The native can experience financial losses.
How the reality will unfold will depend on the structure of the natal horoscope and the dasha native is running into. Still, the tone of the transit is malefic for them. Even for slight gains, the native will have to work very hard. There will be obstacles in gaining money, especially when the quantity is of a large sum. Chances of financial losses and unnecessary expenditures are very high. Expenditures can be on health issues or litigations. The theme of this transit is worry, and what makes a human most worried in today's world? Money!! So it is advisable to plan things in advance and keep a solid crisis management mindset.
3. Impact On Relationships - Jupiter is the significator of marriage and husband for females, and its transit in Aries is going to affect them in a negative way. That doesn't mean males with Taurus ascendant won't be affected by it. There will be physical distances with the spouse, and there will be a lack of intimacy. Those who are going through a rough patch in their marriage will not be able to handle the intensity. Things can take ugly turns, and the native may feel abandoned. Divorce-related proceedings won't yield favorable results either.
Remedy: The native should wear a Jyotish quality Green Emerald of 2-3 carats on smallest of right hand finger or on a pendant. But remedies will matter case to case and only a personalized Horoscope reading can help it.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the transit of Jupiter over the 12th house for Taurus ascendant is going to be challenging. With Jupiter being the most malefic planet for them, its placement in a malefic house along with the aspect falling on other malefic houses can create severe issues in various aspects of their life. Career-wise, there will be stress, strong enemies, and prone to mistakes, leading to job loss, unfavorable transfers, or demotions. Financially, there will be obstacles in gaining money, financial losses, and unnecessary expenditures, which can be on health issues or litigations. Relationship-wise, there will be physical distances with the spouse, lack of intimacy, and divorce-related proceedings won't yield favorable results either. Hence, it is advisable for the native to watch this transit carefully and take steps after a proper assessment. Crisis management mindset and planning in advance can help them deal with the challenges better.
Effects For Gemini Ascendant
For Gemini ascendant, the planet Jupiter is the lord of the 7th and the 10th house, which stand for the following significations:
- Spouse.
- Marriage.
- Business partners.
- Maraka.
- Career.
- Status.
- Knees.
- Father's income.
The transit of Jupiter will be happening over the 11th house of gains, networking, and friends.
Transit Jupiter will aspect the following houses:
- 3rd house of siblings, short distance travels, and courage.
- 7th house of spouse, marriage, and partnership.
- 9th house of luck, teacher, long distance travels, parents.
Let's see how it will affect them.
1. Impact On Career- The transit of Jupiter over the 11th house will bring a lot of new developments in career. There will be all round growth and progress. Old issues at work place will solve now. As the the transit progress native will see events which will be very auspicious. A promotion is seen and native will see a rise in rank and salary.
2. Impact On Wealth -For Gemini ascendant the transit of Jupiter through the 11th house is going to bring massive gains and financial growth for them. Native will be making good money from the business and on job front there will be hike in salary. Native will be able to make money from speculative activities like share market and trading. If the native is looking for a new business partner then this transit will be very supportive in this regard. Friends and family will be there for the native if any financial crises comes. Any existing issue with money will go away.
3. Impact On Relationship - The aspects of transit Jupiter is going to fall on very important houses. Those who are looking to find a life partner will get lucky. Any existing marital issues will get fixed and native will be able to find a solution for troubles. With siblings and parents also things will improve and will become good.
4. Impact On Health - Jupiter rulership over the 7th house makes it a very important planet for health and related matters with it. This will be very supportive to recover for a ongoing illness and the native will feel fresh and rejuvenated. There will be good habits and native may join a yoga or a retreat camp. Mentally native will feel at peak and will grow personally a lot.
Remedy - Native should wear a Jyotish quality Green Emerald of 2-3 carats in right hand index finger. Native can worship Shri Laxmi Narayan and can read purushsutuk or shrisutak. Establishing the yantra of Jupiter is also advisable.
In conclusion, the transit of Jupiter through the 11th house brings exciting opportunities for those with a Gemini Ascendant. The energy of Jupiter will amplify their financial gains, bringing abundance and prosperity. Additionally, this transit will have a positive impact on their relationships, promoting harmony and closeness with loved ones. Health-wise, this transit will bring relief and rejuvenation for those who have been struggling with an ongoing illness.
Effects for Cancer Ascendant
For a Cancer ascendant, Jupiter is the lord of the 6th and 9th houses. Jupiter's nature is favorable for them, and it rules over luck, religion, father, teachers, long-distance travels, divine essence, debts, health, enemies, and legal matters.
Jupiter's transit in Aries will occur over the 10th house of career, knees, status, father's income, reputation, etc. Jupiter will aspect the following houses:
- 2nd house of income, maraka, family.
- 4th house of domestic peace, mother, luxury.
- 6th house of enemies, debts, health.
Let's see how it will affect them.
1. Impact on Career: The transit of Jupiter is considered auspicious in the 10th house. Its auspicious influences will bring a rise in career, reputation at the workplace, and can even bring massive opportunities to the native provided the dasha is supportive of the same. The native will get good support from seniors, and government policies will favor the native. This transit is very good for those who are in the public domain, in politics, or in the entertainment industry. This transit can bring fame and an opportunity to showcase skills to the world. It can make the native explore more opportunities beyond limits. For natives looking for a new job or wanting to change the existing one, this transit is going to be very helpful. It is a very good transit overall.
2. Impact on Wealth: Jupiter is the natural karaka of wealth, and its aspect on the 2nd house of income is desirable to make gains from career and via family. The native will be able to make more sources of income. Family businesses will expand, and gains from parents are seen. Investment in real estate, stocks, and gold is possible. Overall, this transit will bring a new mindset towards wealth and growth. It will allow the native to secure a future for themselves and their family.
3. Impact on Relationship: From the 10th house, Jupiter will cast an aspect over key houses that are related to family and happiness. The native will be able to experience good times with loved ones. Issues in marriage will see some improvements. Those who were not able to spend quality time with family will finally find opportunities to do that. The relationship with the father will be fruitful, and he will bring gains and assets for the native. The whole family will grow along with the native.
4. Impact on Health: Since Jupiter rules over the 6th house, which represents health, this transit is significant in this regard. The native will be able to make things alright in this department. Any existing health issue will find its cure. The aspect of Jupiter over the 7th house can be a bit complex until October because the affliction of Rahu on it can trigger the results of the 6th house. But once Rahu moves to the Pisces sign, Jupiter will be capable of bringing 100 percent fitness for the native. A newfound energy will be there.
Remedy: Native should wear a Jyotish quality Sea water pearl on right hand smallest finger or on a pendant. Native can also chant "om namah shivay" for 108 times daily.
Conclusion: Based on the analysis, the transit of Jupiter in Aries is going to be very favorable for Cancer ascendants. The impact on career and wealth is likely to be significant, with opportunities for progress and growth. Jupiter's aspect on the 2nd house of income is especially beneficial for making gains through career and family. In addition, relationships and health are also likely to improve during this transit. However, the aspect of Jupiter over the 7th house may be a bit complex due to the affliction of Rahu, but this should resolve once Rahu moves to Pisces sign. Overall, this transit is expected to bring very positive results for Cancer ascendants. As a remedy, it is recommended that the native wear a Jyotish quality Sea water pearl on a silver metal pendant.
Effects For Leo Ascendant
The planet Jupiter is the lord of the 5th and 8th houses, and is considered a benefic planet for those with Leo ascendant. It rules over several significations including knowledge, education, children, past life deeds, hobbies, in-laws, longevity, hidden gains, and occult. Jupiter will transit to their 9th house of luck, father, teacher, and long-distance travels, and will aspect over the following houses:
- The 1st house of self, which is the most important house.
- The 3rd house of courage and communication.
- The 5th house of education and children.
It seems that those with Leo ascendant are going to have a wonderful time, so let's see how this transit will impact them.
1. Impact on Career: The transit of Jupiter is going to make them super lucky in life. Anything they desire will come towards them. Jupiter's influence over the 9th house and its aspect over the most significant houses are going to bring once in a lifetime opportunity in their career. There may be a new job for those who are actively looking for it. Those who are already employed will find opportunities to grow further. New avenues will be waiting for them with better growth prospects. Business-wise, growth is also seen, and expansion is sure to happen. There will be favors from seniors and the government. Natives will shine at the workplace and excel in the tasks given to them.
2. Impact on Wealth: The karaka of wealth, Jupiter, is going to bring gains and stable finances. The natives will have an auspicious 12 months for it. Until the union of Rahu is valid, the gains can come from abroad places. However, the applicability of abroad will depend on the horoscope. The native's father will benefit them financially. Due to the rise in luck, the natives will make gains from unexpected sources, and at the same time, the aspect of Jupiter over the 5th house will bring gains from speculative abilities. Overall, it is a very beneficial period for gains and finances.
3. Impact on Relationship: Relationship-wise, this transit has very positive indications. The natives will be able to visit paternal places like the village or hometown for an auspicious event like a ritual or a wedding. The whole family will gather, and sweet memories will be formed. The natives will be able to learn a lot about their own culture and will be more aware of their identity than ever. This transit can bring an opportunity for marriage provided the dasha is supportive and transit Jupiter aspect on the 7th house lord. Those who are married will find support from luck, and positive times will be spent with their spouse. There is an indication of childbirth for them, and positive news will come in this regard.
4. Impact on Health: The direct aspect of Jupiter over the first house is very capable of fixing any current health issues. Though slight weight gain can happen, other factors will also matter. Mentally, it is the time when the natives will be at their peak. Optimism and faith will rise and will cure any kind of negativity from the mind. The thought process will be smooth, and ideas will enlighten the natives. Spiritual growth is also seen, and the natives' interest in hobbies will increase.
The natives should make Jupiter strong via a Jyotish quality Yellow sapphire of 3 carats in the right-hand index finger or on a pendant.
Based on the analysis of the planetary transit for Leo Ascendant, it can be concluded that this is a highly favorable period for them. With the influence of benefic planet Jupiter over significant houses, there are indications of growth and success in career, finances, relationships, and health. The transit of Jupiter to the 9th house and its aspect over the 1st, 3rd, and 5th houses bring excellent opportunities for career growth, stable finances, positive relationships, and spiritual growth.
Effects For Virgo Ascendant
For Virgo ascendant, the planet Jupiter is the lord of the 4th and 7th house, and it is an important planet for their material growth. Jupiter rules over the following significations for them: Home, Luxury, Mother, Mind, Mental peace, Assets, Spouse, Marriage, Partners, Favors from Boss, and Maraka. Jupiter will transit to their 8th house, which stands for transformation, occult, in-laws, longevity, etc. During this transit, the aspect of Jupiter will be falling over the following houses:
- 12th house of losses, isolation, abroad, and expenses.
- 2nd house of earnings, family, and speech.
- 4th house of home, domestic peace, and mother.
This transit seems to be a bit complicated for them. Let's see how.
1. Impact On Career - Here the role of dasha is important because Jupiter's journey through the 8th house can bring sudden rise or fall. The dasha of the native will decide the final outcome and how the transit will impact. Still, overall, the vibration of it is not so positive. There will be delays and obstacles in current growth in the career. The native will find it hard to navigate the situation at the workplace. There will be improvements post-October, and some relief will come. Though it is very favorable for natives who are working in the research field, as a doctor or scientist. Business-wise, this will be a negative transit, and it is important not to make impulsive decisions. Overall, it seems to be a negative transit that requires caution and planning in advance.
This transit period is not favorable for salaried Aries people. There is a possibility of transfer in this transit period. Obstruction in promotion or punishment in any other way can also arise. There will be a possibility of estrangement from high officials and suffering from their anger.
2. Impact On Wealth - If we see on the bright side, then this transit has the ability to bring sudden gains. Which means those who are expecting gains from unearned sources like inheritance, then this will be auspicious for them. If not, then this transit of Jupiter expects caution. There will be ups and downs in income. At the same time, there may also be obstacles in the sources of regular income. There will be a possibility of loss due to theft, fire, and accidents. Risky investments should not be made during this period.
This transit period is also not favorable for businessmen. There may be ups and downs in business. Situations of recession in business can also become visible. Due to not experiencing the expected progress in business, the mind can be upset. Lending, etc., should be avoided during this period. Along with this, special care should also be taken that health should not be violated by government rules, etc.
3. Impact On Relationship: Care should be taken in family matters as well. Unnecessary debates should be avoided; otherwise, the peace of the house may be disturbed. Circumstances of staying away from family members can also arise. Worry related to parents can also bother you, while there can also be worry related to a life partner. This transit period cannot be called favorable and fruitful for students. Studies can be affected due to misbehavior, misbehavior, or activeness in non-study activities earlier. If so, the test results may also be affected.
4. Impact On Health - From the point of view of health, this transit of Jupiter requires caution. Unexpected health problems may arise. The native will be sensitive to diseases related to the gall bladder, bile duct, liver, kidney, and abdomen. At the same time, there is a need to be careful about fever and sudden diseases
To pacify the negative effects of Jupiter transit it is important to chant Shri Vishnu sahasranaam daily or on regular basis.
Individuals who have a Virgo ascendant may experience a complex period of transformation and challenges during Jupiter's transit through their 8th house. Although there may be unexpected financial gains, the transit is not ideal for career growth or business ventures. Therefore, it is important to exercise caution in financial matters and to avoid making hasty decisions. Moreover, family relationships and health may also be affected during this time, and it is advisable to take necessary precautions and seek medical attention as required. Chanting Shri Vishnu sahasranaam regularly may help alleviate the negative effects of this transit. However, individuals working in research or scientific fields may benefit from this transit. Overall, this period requires careful planning, patience, and attention to navigate successfully.
Effects For Libra Ascendant
For Libra Ascendant, the planet Jupiter is the lord of the 3rd and the 6th house and is considered as the most malefic planet for them. Jupiter rules over the following significations for them:
- Courage
- Siblings
- Short-distance travels
- Strength
- Willpower
- Debts
- Health
- Enemies
- Injuries
- Maternal relationship
Jupiter will transit through their 7th house of marriage and all kinds of partnerships. The aspect of Jupiter will be falling over the following houses:
- 11th house, which stands for gains, networking, and paternal uncles.
- 1st house, which is the ascendant and is the most important house in Vedic astrology.
- 3rd house of siblings and courage.
Let's see how it will affect the various areas of their life.
1. Impact on Career - Jupiter's transit will impact the native's career positively. The 3rd house significations will have an important role in career growth, hence the native's mindset will become aggressive and they will actively seek growth opportunities. This transit will be beneficial for individuals in sports, politics, and sales. Jupiter's conjunction with Rahu indicates a short trip abroad. At the workplace, the native will engage in some form of competition, and their efforts will lead to favorable results. Those in business or freelancing will put in more efforts, leading to good results. Additionally, Jupiter's influence will help the native develop good relationships with colleagues and seniors. At the workplace, the native will be able to make good relationships with colleagues and seniors. In business, the native will make a very important decision that will bring good results. Overall, it is a very positive transit for their career.
2. Impact On wealth-Jupiter's transit will bring financial stability for the native. They will be able to control their expenses and make more money than before. Any investments made during this period will bring gains in the future. The native's spouse will experience a rise in income, and the native will be able to make bold decisions regarding their finances. This transit will also help the native recover any past losses.
3. Impact On Relationship- Jupiter's transit will have a positive effect on the native's relationships, especially marriage. The 7th house, which is directly related to marriage, is where this transit will occur. Jupiter's direct aspect on the 1st house will make the native softer in nature, leading to improved relationships with their spouse. Unmarried individuals will find suitable partners and may even get married by the end of 2023. There may also be chances of childbirth, and those who already have children will experience happiness from them.
4. Impact On Health- Jupiter's rulership over the 6th house makes it a crucial planet for the native's health. Jupiter's direct aspect on the 1st house will inspire the native to stay healthy, and any old health issues will start to resolve. The native will experience growth and betterment in their health after October 2023.
Remedy- Native should he following remedies to get the best from this transit:
- Native should wear a Jyotish quality Emerald on silver metal pendant.
- Reciting Vishnu Sahasranam daily or weekly.
- Donate Hanuman samagri in Hanuman temple for 21 tuesdays.
Overall, this transit of Jupiter will bring positive results for the native's career, finances, relationships, and health. By following the recommended remedies, the native can enhance the beneficial effects of this transit.
Effects For Scorpio Ascendant
For them planet Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd and the 5th house and Jupiter rules over the following significations for them:
- Wealth and Finances: Jupiter rules the 2nd house of wealth and finances for Scorpio ascendants, which can indicate financial stability, accumulation of wealth, and good fortune in monetary matters.
- Family Values: The 2nd house also represents family and values, and a strong Jupiter can indicate a deep sense of loyalty and attachment to family members.
- Speech and Communication: Jupiter also governs the 2nd house of speech and communication, which can indicate excellent communication skills, an ability to express oneself eloquently, and a persuasive speaking style.
- Personal Values: The 2nd house represents personal values, and a strong Jupiter can indicate a strong moral compass, high ethical standards, and a deep sense of integrity.
- Creativity and Intelligence: Jupiter rules the 5th house of creativity, intelligence, and learning, which can indicate a talent for the arts, academic excellence, and a love of learning.
- Romance and Love Affairs: The 5th house also represents romance and love affairs, and a strong Jupiter can indicate a tendency towards romantic relationships with intelligent and creative partners.
- Children and Parenting: The 5th house represents children and parenting, and a strong Jupiter can indicate a love of children, a talent for parenting, and a desire for children.
- Speculation and Gambling: The 5th house also governs speculation and gambling, and a strong Jupiter can indicate good luck and success in these areas.
- Spiritual Growth: Jupiter is the planet of spirituality and enlightenment, and a strong Jupiter can indicate a deep interest in spiritual practices and a desire for spiritual growth.
- Leadership and Authority: Jupiter is also associated with leadership and authority, and a strong Jupiter can indicate a natural talent for leadership, a sense of authority, and respect from others.
In this transit Jupiter will enter the 6th house of illness, enemies, debts, legal issues, maternal relationship and anger.
During its transit Jupiter will aspect the following houses:
1. 10th house of career, status and father's health.
2. 12th house of abroad, seclusion, expenses and spiritual growth.
3. 2nd house of speech, values and income.
All this means this transit is going to be super important for them and let's see how it will affect them.
1. Impact on Career - The transit of Jupiter seems to be beneficial for careers, especially for those who are employed in a job. It is also supportive for business as Jupiter's aspect is falling into the 2nd and 10th house, which are key houses for career growth. However, various situations can arise, and the transit can give unique results in the same house depending on the possibilities that exist in Vedic astrology. For example, the presence of planets like Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn in the 6th house can cause conflicts and struggles in the workplace, and competition may arise. Nevertheless, overall, the native is likely to come out successful. This transit is very supportive for natives in the field of law, police, politics, and sports. It may also bring opportunities to move abroad, depending on the condition of the birth chart and the combinations in it. It is advisable for natives to follow the rules, pay taxes on time, and not take risks in important paperwork.
2. Impact on Wealth - The transit of Jupiter in the 6th house can cause overspending on various areas, such as health, unnecessary traveling, and legal issues. It is advisable for the native to have a backup plan and some emergency funds. Legal issues related to financial matters may arise, and the native may need to take on debts for urgent work. It is recommended that the native should not lend money to anyone.
3. Impact on Relationship - The Jupiter transit may not be auspicious for relationships. The native may experience tussles and ego issues with people. It can also happen that the native's children may go against or not perform well in their respective life areas. The native may face troubles with their lover, and on the marriage front, constant arguments may arise.
4. Impact on Health - The transit of Jupiter in the 6th house, which is the house of illness, is not considered good for the native's health. They may suffer from stomach-related issues like food poisoning and appendicitis, etc. If the native is going through any health issues, this transit can further ignite troubles.
Remedies - Following remedies are recommended to be followed:
- Wear a Jyotish quality Yellow sapphire of 2-3 carats on the right-hand index finger or on a silver metal pendant.
- Put an image of Gotra rishi and worship it daily.
- Recite Shri Vishnu sahasranam daily.
- Native should wear a 10-face rudraksha.
Effects For Sagittarius Ascendant
For those with a Sagittarius Ascendant, the upcoming transit of Jupiter through the 5th house is an auspicious time. Jupiter, as the lord of the 1st and 4th houses, carries important significations related to health, body, complexion, abilities, mother, mental peace, assets, gadgets, and luxury. As Jupiter aspects the 1st, 9th, and 11th houses during this transit, its impact will be felt across a broad range of areas in the native's life. From health, luck to gains every area will be benefited by Jupiter transit.
1. Impact On Career- Career-wise, this transit promises exciting opportunities for those with a Sagittarius Ascendant. A rise in position, promotion, and salary increase is likely. Additionally, the native will receive honors and recognition for their hard work and efforts, enhancing their reputation. On the business front, this transit is especially auspicious, as Jupiter's grace will bring positive results and expand the business's horizons. The native may make decisions during this transit that will impact their future generations positively.
2. Impact On Wealth- Financially, the direct aspect of Jupiter over the 11th house of gains will bring massive results, with gains coming from all directions. The native's speculative abilities will rise, and they may even win a lottery or a contest. This is a highly auspicious transit for wealth and prosperity, with opportunities for the native to learn new skills that will bring in more income.
3. Impact On Health- This transit also has significant positive impacts on the native's health. Any existing health issues will be resolved, and the native will feel rejuvenated and full of energy. This is an excellent time for the native to establish healthy habits, such as practicing yoga and consuming organic foods.
Remedy- To fully harness the energy of Jupiter during this transit, the native should consider wearing a Jyotish quality Yellow Beryl or Sapphire in their right hand index finger. They may also listen or recite Shri Vishnu Sahasranam daily as a remedy to strengthen the planet Jupiter. Overall, this transit represents an exciting time of growth, expansion, and abundance for those with a Sagittarius Ascendant.
Effects For Capricorn Ascendant
For Capricorn ascendants, planet Jupiter is the most malefic planet due to its lordship over the 3rd and 12th houses. Despite this, Jupiter rules over several significations for them, including courage, siblings, short distance travels, strength in arms, abroad, expenditures, sleep, dreams, isolation, and bed pleasures.
During its transit through the 4th house, which stands for family, domestic peace, mother, and assets, Jupiter will also influence the 8th house of in-laws, spouse income, sudden gains, the 10th house of career, status and father's health, and the 12th house of abroad, sleep, and expenses.
This Jupiter transit has shades of both positive and negative effects, and much will depend on the native's dasha and other placements in the horoscope.
1. Impact on Career: The direct aspect of Jupiter over the 10th house will be beneficial for career growth, with good opportunities for the native, and the influence of Rahu acting as a booster. Times will definitely be better, and if the dasha is very supportive, Jupiter can give a massive boost to their status. For those looking for a change in company or an opportunity to work abroad, this transit will be very beneficial. For businesses dealing with real estate, precious metals, visa consultancy, farming, etc., this transit will be very supportive.
2. Impact on Wealth: Since Jupiter is the prime planet for wealth, its transit in the 4th house will bring gains and the addition of assets like a new house, investment in land or a car, provided that the native has a supportive dasha for this. The combined force of Rahu and Jupiter transit is very good for gains from abroad, bringing new clients and customers from overseas and more cash flow for the native. There are also chances of gains from mother provided that the dasha is supportive for this event. Transit Jupiter can surely bring such gains, and overall, it is looking supportive for wealth and luxury in life.
3. Impact on Relationships: The 4th house, where Jupiter is going to transit, is the house of domestic peace, mother, and tranquility. However, Jupiter's transit can harm these significations to some extent. Also, with Rahu there, the combined effect of them is not going to be good for relationships. The native may be present physically with their family due to work-related commitments, and there can be disharmony in the house. Mother's health can also suffer from seasonal sickness. The double transit of Saturn-Jupiter over the 7th house, which signifies the spouse, will be positive or negative depending on the dasha and other factors, such as the condition of the 7th house and its lord. If they are afflicted, this transit can cause arguments with the spouse, misunderstandings, and situations like separation. It is advisable that the native takes precautions in this area of life.
4. Impact on Health: Jupiter's role as a maraka can cause health issues, including obesity, lung-related issues, and heart issues. If the native is already suffering from such issues, this transit can trigger them. The operation of weak or afflicted Ketu, Mars, and Saturn mahadasha or antardasha can add to more troubles. This transit has the ability to bring spiritual growth and a good understanding of religion. If the native's natal horoscope has placements related to spiritual advancements, this transit is going to be helpful.
The native should read the Aditya Hridyam stotram daily and same time should wear a Jyotish quality white sapphire on a pendant in silver metal.
The transit of Jupiter has shades of positive and negative effects, and the results experienced will depend on the native's natal horoscope. However, it is supportive of growth in career and finances, while other areas will need attention and care.
Effects For Aquarius Ascendant
For Aquarius Ascendant, the planet Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd and the 11th house. It signifies the following areas of life for them:
- Wealth
- Income
- Family values
- Morals
- Speech
- Mouth intake
- Friends
- Large gains
- Networking
- Paternal uncles
Jupiter's transit will be happening over their 3rd house of courage, siblings, short-distance travels, etc. During its transit, Jupiter will aspect the following houses:
- 7th house of spouse, marriage, business partners
- 9th house of luck, religion, spiritual growth, long-distance travels
- 11th house of gains, father siblings, networking, and friends
Let's see how Jupiter's transit will affect the key areas of their life.
1. Impact On Career: The 3rd house is a house which under the auspicious planetary influences, gives growth in career. The movement of Jupiter here will bring growth and new opportunities. The native will excel in projects and tasks and will be able to make new plans. As the transit progresses, the native will start to feel the positive vibrations.
If the native is in the positive dasha period then this transit give good support to the career and growth in it.
There will be an opportunity for a promotion, and if the dasha is supportive, the native will be able to get it. The primary role of Jupiter is related to wealth and gains, so the native will take steps for material growth. There will be expansion in business.
The native will undertake short-distance travels for the same. New alternate sources of income will be generated during the auspicious influences of Jupiter transit.
Presence of Rahu is already there in the 3rd house, and the native is already in the mindset of achieving growth. Jupiter will expand that and will make the native a bit unorthodox in approach.
But if the native is in the dasha of negative planets then there can be unwanted transfer and at work place the seniors or the boss can get upset due to no reasons. It is important that native follows the rules and don't break the rules and laws.
Overall, it's going to be a very positive transit for career, and it may happen that results won't be visible right away. But the efforts will be meaningful and will prove useful in the future.
2.Impact On Wealth: For them Jupiter have a major say on their wealth. This transit will act as per the dasha native is in. If benefic dasha of Venus, Saturn or Mercury is running then the native will experience growth in finances and will be taking actions to solidify their finances in future. There will be efforts and actions for secure the finances for future. One more positive indication of getting financial gains from younger sibling is seen.
Native will be able to make solid plans and will invest in stocks and commodities. But if the dasha is not auspicious then the native can make financial mistakes like some bad investments or overspending.
3. Impact On Relationship- Jupiter is natural karaka of children and for females it is karaka of Husband.
Effects For Pisces Ascendant
For Pisces ascendant, planet Jupiter is the lord of the 1st and the 10th house and it rules over the following significations for them:
- Body.
- Health.
- Skin.
- Height.
- Career.
- Wealth.
- Success.
- Karma.
- Father status.
- Knees.
During this transit, Jupiter will aspect the 6th house of enemies, health, career, and mouth intake, the 8th house of hidden gains, longevity, spouse family, and the 10th house of career and status.
This transit looks very auspicious for them, and it can change things for the better. Let's see how.
1. Impact On Career - The direct aspect of Jupiter over the 10th house is going to be very beneficial for them. It will uplift their career and status at the same time. The native will achieve glory and attract praise. If a supportive planet's dasha is running in parallel, then this transit will surely bring a milestone in their life. Promotion is guaranteed, along with the promise of growth in the future. For businesses, this transit will bring expansion and gains. If the native is involved in politics, then this transit can boost the possibility of a golden opportunity. The impact is going to be so good that the native will find success in everything they touch. People may wonder because even the very traditional ones will choose an offbeat path. In the end, the results will favor the native.
2. Impact On Wealth - The second house where Jupiter is going to transit has a prime role in wealth. An auspicious Jupiter there will bring good results for sure. There will be gains that will keep rising with time. There can be an increase in the income of the spouse, and that too in a sudden way. The native will also get a boost from unearned income, which will be icing on the cake.
3. Impact On Relationship - Jupiter is the prime karaka of happiness, and there is no happiness beyond a healthy relationship and family. Now here, a lot will depend on the dasha of the native because there are indications that the native may go abroad or far from home. So physical distances will be there. Despite that, love, trust, and respect are going to be there. Those who are looking for marriage, this period is quite supportive, especially if it is about a second marriage. Though those who are experiencing some trouble in marriage, they may be able to find some unique solutions that can be helpful for both parties. Other family members will grow in this timeline, and a happy period will be observed. A perfect time for child birth planning is also seen clearly here. An addition of a family member is seen clearly here.
4. Impact On Health - Jupiter signifies health here, and its transit in Aries is going to be very beneficial. The native will develop good habits and a positive lifestyle. There will be weight loss, and the native will be very active both physically and mentally. Any existing health issues can find their cure. Though the dasha should be supportive of the same.
Remedy - Wear a Jyotish-quality Yellow sapphire of 3 carats in a silver metal pendant or ring.
In conclusion, the transit of Jupiter for Pisces ascendant is a highly auspicious period that promises significant growth and success in multiple areas of life. With Jupiter's direct aspect on the 10th house, career and status will be uplifted, and natives can expect promotions and expansion in their business ventures. Wealth will also increase, with unearned income adding to their financial gains. Relationships and family life will thrive, and physical distances will not hinder the love, trust, and respect between partners. Health will also improve, with existing health issues finding a cure. Overall, this transit is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for growth and positivity, especially with the presence of Rahu bringing unique and unorthodox methods for success. To further enhance the benefits of this transit, wearing a Jyotish quality Yellow sapphire of 3 carats in a silver metal pendant or ring can be a helpful remedy.