Mercury Transit In Virgo Sign On 15th September 2025

Planet Mercury will transit in sign of Virgo and it will be one of the most important transit of 2025 because Mercury will be exalted now boosting its significations which will bring best results for us. 

In this article it's effects for each ascendant sign are mentioned.

Before going ahead lets see some details on planet Mercury and Virgo zodiac sign as per Vedic astrology.

Significance Of Planet Mercury

Planet Mercury is considered as the price in planetary cabinet and it tends to acquire the qualities of the planet it is making association with. This is why Mercury is also known as the mimicker in astrology.Planet Mercury rules over two zodiac signs which are Gemini and Virgo respectively. It becomes exalted in Virgo zodiac sign and becomes debilitated in Pisces zodiac. Planet Venus and Sun have friendly approach towards Mercury, whereas planet Mars is most negative towards it. As per the rules of the lordship planet Mercury is benefic for Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendant signs. Where as it acts as malefic for Aries, Cancer and Scorpio ascendant signs. For Sagittarius and Pisces ascendant signs its nature can be good or bad depending on the planetary association of it in the natal horoscope of the native.

About Virgo Zodiac Sign

The Virgo sign is the 6th sign of the natural zodiac order and is considered as benefic zodiac sign. It is known as Kanya rashi in Hindi and it is a dual sign and is Earthy in nature.When Virgo sign is not afflicted in the Horoscope then it makes the native. Thoughtful, sensitive, efficient, intelligent, industrious, action-orientated and give very good intuitive abilities and brings perfection in whatever they do.Where as affliction over the Virgo zodiac sign in the Horoscope makes one selfish, irritating, secretive, skeptic, cold, inconsistent, short-tempered and timid.

Effects For Aries Ascendant

For Aries ascendant planet Mercury is lord of the 3rd & 6th house and is a malefic planet for them.

The transit of Mercury in Virgo will be through their 6th house which rules over the following significations:

  • Health
  • Enemies
  • Debts
  • Ability to fight
  • Resistance
  • Maternal relationship

Let's see how this transit will affect the various areas of their life.

1. Career: 6th house have a huge importance in career especially for those who are in regular jobs i.e. employees. This transit of Mercury indicates that, there will be stability and same time chances of growth will be there. There can be a salary hike or a opportunity of promotion. Abroad opportunity can come and despite facing competition there will be good results at career front. This transit is also supportive for natives who are in field of sports or politics.

2. Wealth: There will be marginal growth in finances and unnecessary expectations should be avoided. Rather the expenses will become high but they will be for a good cause. Traveling especially can take up resources and can lead to issues in budget.

3. Marriage & Relationship: Considering the busyness in career and chances of going far due to work commitments. There will be less time for the family and relationships.  On its own this transit won't bring any special negativity or positivity in marriage. It will just cause some distance between the native and his spouse.

4. Health: As mentioned earlier the 6th house is house of the health. The transit of 6th lord Mercury in its own sign of Virgo will make the native healthy, fit and active. Existing health issues will start to see the solutions. There will be a increase in inclination to do exercises and native will work hard on the fitness. A very good transit for physical transformation.

Effects For Taurus Ascendant

Mercury is lord of the 2nd and 5th house and is a benefic planet for Taurus ascendant natives.

The transit of Mercury in Virgo sign will be happening over the 5th house, which rules over the following significations:

  • Education
  • Children
  • Passion
  • Past life punya
  • Love affairs
  • Abilities
  • Kids.
  • Wisdom.
  • Honors.
  • Fame.
  • Creativity.
  • Stomach.
  • Open mindness.

This transit of Mercury in sign of Virgo is looking very auspicious and will affect the life of Taurus ascendant natives in very positive way.

Let's see how.

1.Career: The impact of Mercury over the 5th house will make the native very confident about his own abilities. There will be rise in intellect and all decisions will start to favor. Definitely a rise in seen in the ranks and the influence of the native will increase in the work place. Be it job, business or freelancing, things will be in favor all the way. Especially in business there will be gains and new strategy will start to give results. This transit is supportive for politics and sports also and chances of getting honored will be there.

2. Wealth: The positive impact on the career will bring the best results in wealth also. There will be rise in income and the native will be making smart investments in this time frame.Share, stocks and speculations will give good results in this transit.There can be gain from inheritance also provided such combinations are present in the Natal Horoscope of the native.

3. Relationship: There will be increase in positive feelings and romance will be there. Native will experience good time with the partner or spouse. For unmarried natives, this transit will bring opportunity for getting married. Chances of getting childbirth is also very high. With parents and siblings, native will share good equation.

Effects For Gemini Ascendant

For Gemini ascendant, Mercury is lord of the 1st and the 4th house and is a very important planet for them.

The transit of Mercury in Virgo will be happening over their 4th house which rules over the following significations in Vedic astrology.

  • Home.
  • Family.
  • Domestic peace.
  • Properties.
  • Cars.
  • Assets.
  • Basic education.

Let's see how this transit will will affect them.

1. Career: The transit of Mercury over the 4th house will affect the 10th house of career. If native is currently looking for a job then this period is looking very supportive for same. It will lead to good effects and rise in career for the native.There are chances of promotion and rise in the influence of the native at work place.For business also this transit of Mercury will bring auspicious results and will brings all round growth for the native.

2. Wealth: The wealth of the native will see a rise and there are chances of gains from land and property.There will be gains from Mother or her side of family also.Native will experience easy time and can do a smart investment in this time frame.

3. Relationship: Mercury is natural karaka of maternal relationships and for Gemini ascendant its rulership over the 4th house of Mother and domestic environment, makes this transit as very important. Considering its transit in the sign of Virgo, it is going to be auspicious for them. Native will be able to spend quality time with the spouse and family. Chances of getting gifts from mother or mother in law's is also there.

4. Health: Since Mercury is the ascendant lord, the transit of Mercury in own sign is showing good impact on the health of the native.There will be new found energy and native will be able to recover from the existing health issues. A indication of native going for a retreat of a Yoga camp is also there.

Effects For Cancer Ascendant

For Cancer ascendant natives Mercury is lord of the 3rd and the 12th house and is a malefic planet for them.

Mercury transit in Virgo will be happening over the 3rd house which rules over the following significations in Vedic astrology:

  • Courage.
  • Strength.
  • Grit & Determination.
  • Siblings.
  • Traveling.

Let's see how this transit will affect them.

1. Career: The transit of Mercury through the 3rd house is showing rise in courage and innovation for the native. There will be tendency to take risk and native will be able to see good results from the risks and decisions he will be taking.Chances of traveling related to work is seen and there will be good results from the same. Native will be able to understand the dynamics of his career more then ever. There will be good growth in business and native will be able give expansion in it. This transit is looking auspicious for teacher, politicians, businessman and traders.

2. Wealth: This Mercury transit can make you commit financial mistakes and it can becomes disastrous if you don't take care of it on time. There will be unnecessary expenditures on account of unwanted traveling and shopping. 

3. Relationship: The transit of malefic Mercury on 3rd house will affect your communication and it will lead to relationship issues. With spouse there will be misunderstanding and confusions. The marital crisis can really becomes big if you don't check it on time. With siblings and parents, especially with the Father there will be some intense stress moments.

4. Health: The transit of Mercury will make the native lazy and careless on matters related to health. The 3rd house is your courage and will power, the impact of malefic Mercury on it can bring negative impact on health.

Effects For Leo Ascendant

For Leo Ascendant Mercury is lord of the 2nd & the 11th house. This makes Mercury a important planet when it comes to finances and family of the native. The transit of Mercury will be happening over the 2nd house of Leo ascendant which rules over the following significations in Vedic astrology.

  • Family
  • Speech
  • Food intake
  • Maraka for native
  • Death of spouse
  • Savings
  • Salary

Let's see how this transit of Mercury in Virgo sign will affect them.

Career: The impact of Mercury transit will surely will positive results in the career especially for those who are working in finances, banking, acting and music industry. There will be new projects and there will good success in them. Native will be able to gain trust and confidence of the seniors. There will be new contacts made and native will enjoy gains from them.

Wealth: The role of Mercury for Leo ascendant is supportive for the finances of the native. There will rise in gains and savings of the native will increase. Native will be able to do better financial planning and will be able to make smart investments. Chances of gains from in laws and inheritance is also there.

Relationship: Mercury transit will surely help in the matter of family.  There will be a auspicious event like a function at home. The health of the spouse will become better. There can be a childbirth or a additional in the family i.e. marriage of sibling. With parents there will be good time spent and their health will be good due to the transit of planet Mercury.

Health: Mercury lordship over the 2nd and the 11th house makes it a important planet for the health of the native. This transit will bring good health and fitness for the native.Native will be able to have a control on his diet and will be able to pursue activities which will bring good health.

Effects For Virgo Ascendant

Planet Mercury is lord of the 1st and the 10th house and is the most beneficial planet for them. The transit of Mercury will be happening over the 1st house which is the most important house in Vedic astrology.

Let's see how it will affect them in detail.

Career: The transit of Mercury over the first house will give good confidence and idea on what is happening on the career front. It will bring a good opportunity for the native and the exalted state of Mercury will be very beneficial for the career of native. They will be getting benefits from the good dignity of 1st & 10th house lord transit. A new opportunity will be coming their way which will be very beneficial in their future. Business will flourish and gains from speculation will be there.

Wealth: For finances this transit will be very beneficial and there will gain of money and the native will be able to generate cash at his will. Gains from own hard-work will come and plus there will be good gains from Father also. There is a possibility of buying a land or a house. Or native can sell some of his ancestral property. Very auspicious this transit is going to be for them.

Relationship: The aspect of Mercury over the 7th house of marriage will prove very auspicious for the marriage of native. Native will be able to find spouse of own choice and during this period can get engaged. The current marital issues will start to resolve and native will be able to find a solution for it. Relationship with father and sibling will also improve by a big margin.

Health: Health wise this transit is looking great and due to Mercury role as the 1st house lord. The impact of this transit will turn health related matter positive for the native. Any existing health issues will become better. Native will adopt a new healthy life style and will become more energetic and enthusiastic.

Effects For Libra Ascendant

For Libra ascendant planet Mercury is lord of the 9th and the 12th house and is a auspicious planet for the. The transit of Mercury in Virgo will be happening over the 12th house of the Libra ascendant natives.

The 12th house which rules over the following significations in Vedic astrology:

  • Expenses
  • Abroad
  • Sleep
  • Dream
  • Mediation capacity
  • Spiritual progress
  • Far off places

Let's see how this transit will affect the various areas of their life.

Career: The major focus here will be falling in abroad and related matters. Native can get a opportunity to go abroad. If native is waiting for the visa or related papers, then this transit will bring that. There is a very good possibility of settling abroad for a long time. The overall impact on health is looking auspicious. Business will flourish and native will see gains from new business strategies. This transit can bring some enemies at work place but in the end everything will become all right.

Wealth: It can get tricky in the wealth part because of the rulership of Mercury over the 12th house. Once Mercury starts to go in retrograde state on 10th September 2022, there can be a increase in expenses and losses can be there. But despite of that, the overall outcome will be on the positive side for the native.

Relationship: This can transit can bring physical distance between the native and the spouse. Due to the work related commitment and new posting native may not be able to spend much time with the spouse. It is important to pay attention to the emotional needs of the spouse.With parents and siblings things are looking normal. Though there is a need to keep a check on the health of the Father.

Health: The health of the native will become better in this transit. There will be a intensity in natives approach towards the health. Though the retrograde state of Mercury can cause some issues and can cause loss of sleep.

Effects For Scorpio Ascendant

The lord ship of Mercury here over the 8th and the 11th house and it makes Mercury a functional malefic planet for them. The transit of Mercury in Virgo sign will be happening over the 11th house.

The 11th house rules over the following significations in Vedic astrology:

  • Gains.
  • Big brother.
  • Networking.
  • Friends.
  • Father's siblings.

Let's see how Mercury transit in Virgo will affect the native.

1. Career: There will be good signs in career especially for when the native is in banking or work financial institutions. There will be opportunity to grow further and native will be able to cash in them with both hands. This transit is good for starting a new business and to give expansion to the existing one.

2. Wealth:  Big financial gains are going to happen and native will see solid time ahead. The transit of Mercury in the 11th house gains is surely make native condition stable.

3. Relationship: The impact of Mercury transit is going to bring secret relationship and there can be chances of child birth also. The existing marital issues will see some complex situations and the native will see some new issues in his married life.

4. Health: On health there will be a negative impact and it will affect the stomach and shoulder area. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and there will be expenses on account of health.

Effects For Sagittarius Ascendant

Planet Mercury is lord of the 7th and the 10th house and is a very important planet for them.

The transit of Mercury in Virgo will be happening with in the 10th house which rules over the following significations.

  • Career
  • Status
  • Father income
  • Knees
  • Social identity

Let's see how it will affect them.

1. Career: Since the transit of Mercury will be happening over the 10th house of career it self. Its impact will be very deep and there will be results and events of very big magnitude.This transit has the potential to bring about major breakthroughs and opportunities for professional growth. The individual may experience a rise in their career trajectory, with the possibility of promotions, recognition, or new projects that will elevate their status. Plus it will give a opportunity to capitalize on skills, make strategic moves, and showcase their expertise to make substantial advancements in their chosen field. Overall the final outcome is looking very positive and the native will see major rise in his career and his status in the society. It is the kind of transit which brings events of major level and can make native reach dizzy height. Provided the required Rajyoga for meteoritic rise is there in the Horoscope.

2. Wealth: The good impact of this transit on the career will surely impact the wealth of the native in a very positive manner.With the positive impact of Mercury transit in the 10th house, there is a strong possibilities of financial gains and improved wealth prospects. The native may witness an increase in income, particularly through their career. Additionally, there could be opportunities for profitable investments or ventures that contribute to their financial stability. The blessings of Mercury in this transit may bring unexpected windfalls or financial rewards, creating a favorable period for accumulating wealth.Native will be making good money and can make gains from real estate and can receive a large sum of money in one go.Also, there will gains from Father and even spouse can help you or bring some extra money in the family. Overall a good period for finances for you.

3. Relationship: Lordship of Mercury over the 7th and 10th house makes it very important planet in area of relationship. Which means this transit is going to bring significant impact on marriage. There will be good events in the career of spouse and at same time the relationship with spouse will also improve. Existing marital issues will solve down in this transit. There will be good events at home and the native will enjoy with family members.

4. Health: The lordship of Mercury makes it a maraka planet and its transit in the sign of Virgo is indicating improvement in health and fitness of the native.There will be good energy and native will undergo a good physical transformation. Along with that, the native existing health issues will start to get better.

Effects For Capricorn Ascendant

For Capricorn ascendant, planet Mercury have lordship over the 6th and the 9th house.

Depending on the condition of the Mercury in the Horoscope, it gives results of either 6th or 9th house lord or both of the houses. The transit of Mercury in Virgo will be receiving the aspect of Jupiter who is a functional malefic planet for them. Which means the effects of this transit should be measured very carefully.

Let's see the general effects of this transit.

1. Career: The transit of Mercury over the 6th house can bring some good results and there will be some events where the native will be able to impress the seniors. There can be a opportunity to go abroad for work related matters. Also, native will see happiness at work place and the mind will be engaged in it fully. This transit is looking very supportive for business and investment related matters. If native is in banking, law or fields related with traveling or religion. Then the results will be quite good.Though in the end the Horoscope of the native will matters the most because the dynamics of this transit are bit complex for them.

2. Wealth: There are chances of getting gains but same time any kind of carelessness can brings losses also. The native need to understand the value of money and hard work here.Because as soon as Mercury goes in retrograde state, the native will experience sudden slackness and irresponsible behavior towards money. Despite of that gains from Father or Grandfather is seen for them.

3. Relationship: The house where planet Mercury is going to transit represents father, teacher and authority. Which means this transit will bring good results in these areas for them. The native will be seeing good environment at home and with the spouse there can be a short distance travel. Overall the native will experience smooth events in the marriage.

4. Health: Mercury is prime planet for their health due to the lordship over the 6th house and its transit in the 9th house is looking auspicious for their health and well being. Native will indulge in good health habits and will engage in outdoor activities which will boost the health of the native. Any existing health issue will see a cure and positive developments in it.

Effects For Aquarius Ascendant

Mercury is lord of the 5th and the 8th house and is a benefic planet for Aquarius ascendant.

The transit of Mercury will happen over the 8th house which rules over the following significations in Vedic astrology:

  • Chronic health issues.
  • Obstacles.
  • Delays.
  • In laws.
  • Sudden events.
  • Ghosts.
  • Sudden gain.

Let's see how this transit will give results to Aquarius ascendant natives.

1. Career: Career wise, Aquarius ascendant natives will be seeing sudden rise and a sudden opportunity. They will be able to cash in it all the way. Though a lot will depend of the running dasha. If the native is in Saturn mahadasha then this transit will give good results.Or similar dasha like of yogakaraka Venus. If the running dasha is negative then there can be opposite results also like sudden obstacles and hindrance in plans and progress. Despite of all the speculations, there will be good results for natives who are in filed of medical, mining or research.

2. Wealth: Again dasha here will decide on what status on wealth will be. Though definitely some sudden gains can be there and matters related to inheritance will solve for the native. But the native can not expect tremendous gains or solutions for the existing financial situation.

3. Relationship: The 8th house is 2nd to the 7th house which means it have a significant impact on marriage and in laws. Which means transit of Mercury will impact it significantly. Same time there will be some complex situations with in laws. If the combinations for a bad marriage is present in the Natal Horoscope of the native, then this transit can trigger some negative events. Overall the native need to tread carefully during this whole duration.

4. Health: Health wise there can be some support by this transit.  The native will see some sudden interest in health related matters and will be able to make good progress in physical fitness. Any chronic health issue which is running will see its cure.

Effects For Pisces Ascendant

For Pisces ascendant, Mercury is lord of the 4th and the 7th house and is nature depends on the association of the planet Mercury in the Natal Horoscope.

The transit of Mercury will be happening over the 7th house which rules over the following significations in vedic astrology:

  • Spouse
  • Marriage
  • Maraka house
  • Sexual power
  • Business partners

Let's see how Mercury transit in Virgo will affect them:

1. Career: The impact of Mercury over the career seems to be looking positive. Native will be able to make his stride and his plans will become successful. There will be chances of promotion and salary hike. Native marketing skills will be enhanced and same time his communication skills will also be at top level. There will be contact with some very influential person with whom native will learn a lot of new things. The impact of this transit is looking very good in business and freelancing also. Native will see a rise in his status for sure and the work done in this transit timeline will give good results in future.

2. Wealth: Sure shot a rise in wealth is seen. Native will be able to save money and will make a good use of it. Money which is stuck will come back and native will be able to get his work done from it. Chances of gains through spouse is also there.

3. Relationship: The 7th house from where Mercury will transit is the house of marriage and spouse. The strength of this transit indicates that the relationship of the native will turn very solid. There will be good times with the spouse and the current marital issues will find a solution.With parents and siblings also there will be good times spent and native will be spending good times with them.

4. Health: Mercury rules over the maraka house and its transit in Virgo is very important here. It indicates that Pisces ascendant natives will be feeling the most healthy and will be able to gain good results in area of health. They may even start a new exercise program or may join yoga classes or a gym. There will be interest in learning alternative medicine science for betterment in health.

Read effects of other transits of Mercury in 2024

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naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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