Parivartan Yoga as the name suggests occurs when lords of two houses are placed in each other houses. For example, in a horoscope placement of planet Mercury in Libra and planet, Venus placement in Gemini will be considered as Parivartan Yoga between Venus and Mercury. Technically it is one of the planetary relations which planets make with each other but still in
Technically it is one of the planetary relations which planets make with each other but still in B.P.H.S the greatest astrology work ever, have a separate mention of Parivartan Yoga.
Parivartan Yoga is the strongest connection between two planets where their natural and house rulership significations bring a certain outcome.
DiferentTypes Of Parivartan Yoga & Their Effects
There are three ways to recognize Parivartan Yoga and their effects are solely based on how and where it is forming:
- Based on functional nature of planets.
- Based on natural nature of planets.
- Based on nakshatras which is also known as nakshatra or sookshma parivartan yoga.
Parivartan Yoga is based on the functional nature of planets: Here, an emphasis is given to the functional nature of planets which tend to change from ascendant to ascendant.
They are the most important parivartan yoga and are classified into three types:
- Maha Parivartan Yoga.
- Khala Parivartan Yoga.
- Daniya Parivartan Yoga.
To identify a Parivartan Yoga knowledge on the role of planets for various ascendants is very necessary.
This is an auspicious Parivartan Yoga where lords of Kendra houses i.e 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th make an exchange between with lord of 5th, 9th, 2nd, or 11th houses.
If you know about the theory of Rajyoga then you know what happens when Kendra and Trine’s houses make a relationship with each other. Such relation of planets results in Rajyoga which is capable of bringing amazing results in natives life.
Mahparivartan Yoga between the 2nd and 11th houses will create a strong Dhan Yoga.
Same way Mahaparivartan Yoga between the 9th and 10th houses will create a grand Rajyoga known as Dharmakarma adhipati yoga.
But due to the exchange here results of these Dhanyoga and Rajyoga will be more effective than the formation of this yoga via union or mutual aspect.
This is why Mahaparivartan Yoga is considered auspicious in Vedic astrology.
Following examples horoscopes can easily make you understand the magnitude of the auspicious effects of Maha Parivartan Yoga.
Example No.1- Michael Douglas, in his horoscope there is a Parivartan Yoga between 10th and 11th house, giving him worldwide recognition.
Example No.2-Rajesh Khanna was the first superstar of India and was known for immense popularity. The two topmost natural benefic Jupiter and Venus are in Parivartan Yoga.
Example No.3- Julia Roberts, the Hollywood actress who is known for great acting and her interest in Hinduism also has a strong Neechabhanga Rajyoga in her horoscope. In her Horoscope planet, Sun and Venus are in Parivartan Yoga.
Example No.4- Mao Zedong was a Chinese communist revolutionary and founding father of the People’s Republic of China, apart from Parivartan yoga between Venus and Saturn he has Sasa Yoga.
Example No.5- Richard Nixon has Parivartan Yoga between the 7th and the 10th house which is a traditional raja yoga but due to exchange, the results were magnified
With these examples of Maha Parivartan Yoga, you will realize, its power to bring authority and recognition in life.
Khala yoga is formed when the 3rd lord makes an exchange with the lord of any of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th lords.
Khala actually means wicked and this yoga is said to bring some kind of wickedness to the native.
Though the word wickedness is used here if we look into the deep meaning of this yoga, we will find that this yoga can lead to success also.
Here, wickedness can be related to passion also, but in the current world, Khala Yoga can be a blessing, especially for business people, sportsmen, and politicians.
It makes a person do things that might not be liked by others.
They can be a trendsetter if good Rajyoga is forming in the horoscope.
Here, 3rd house is the pillar for Khala Yoga and 3rd house in the horoscope is most important when it comes to excelling in your professional field.
A great example of Khala Yoga where wickedness and excellence are clearly visible is Evel Knievel.
He was the greatest bike stunt performer world has ever seen.
His Khala Yoga made him able to perform stunts and allowed him to go beyond known human limits.
Dainya Parivartan Yoga forms when an exchange happens between an auspicious and a dushanta house.
This is the Parivartan that you don’t want to have in your horoscope because it makes the involved auspicious house weak and the significations ruled by that house tend to suffer.
Following are the ways Dainya Parivartan Yoga takes formation:
- Exchange of 6th house lord with the lord of any of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th house.
- Exchange of 8th house lord with the lord of any of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th house.
- Exchange of 12th house lord with the lord of any of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th house.
In the definition of Dainya Parivartan Yoga, you will see the exchange of the 6th house lord with the 8th house or 12th house lord mentioned.
Many might say this is a Vipreet Rajyoga but BPHS doesn’t say so.
Same way parivartan between two debilitated planets never gives Neechabhanga Rajyoga.
One good example of Dainya Parivartan Yoga is Joesph Stalin where he abused his powers generated by other Rajyoga in his horoscope.
In his horoscope, Daniya Parivartan yoga is present which made him cruel and a ruthless leader. He also has other Rajyoga i.e Ruchaka Yoga and Vipreet Rajyoga.
Parivartan Yoga is based on the natural nature of the planets
Here Parivartan Yoga is classified based on the natural nature of planets i.e benefic or malefic nature.
Planet MOON, MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS are called as natural benefic whereas planets MARS, SUN, SATURN, RAHU-KETU are called as natural malefic.
Based on the natural nature of planets they can be further classified into three types.
1.Parivartan Yoga between natural benefic: This kind of parivartan yoga occurs when involved planets in parivartan yoga are natural benefics.
For the sake of your convenience, I have made a bullet list of possible combinations of these natural benefic planets which create Parivartan Yoga.
- The exchange between Jupiter and Mercury.
- The exchange between Jupiter and Moon.
- The exchange between Venus and Mercury.
- The exchange between Venus and Moon.
- The exchange between Mercury and Moon.
- The exchange between Jupiter and Venus.
Due to the involvement of two benefics, outcoming results will be good in nature.
For example, an exchange between Moon and Jupiter will produce effects like Gajakesari Yoga and a person will be noble and lucky in life.
2.Parivartan Yoga between natural malefic: This kind of parivartan yoga occurs when involved planets in parivartan yoga are natural malefic and can happen in the following ways.
- The exchange between Mars and Saturn.
- The exchange between Saturn and Sun.
- The exchange between Sun and Mars.
Parivartan Yoga between two natural malefic is considered as bad. For example, suppose Mars and Saturn are in Parivartan Yoga in such conditions there can be injuries to the person and there will be setbacks in life.
3.Parivartan Yoga between a natural benefic and a natural malefic: This kind of parivartan yoga occurs when one of the involved planets in parivartan yoga is a natural benefic whereas another one is a natural malefic.
This can happen in the following ways:
- The exchange between Saturn and Mercury.
- The exchange between Mars and Venus.
- The exchange between Moon and Mars.
- The exchange between Jupiter and Mars.
Here exchange between a natural benefic and a natural malefic will bring mixed results where the involved benefic planet will lose its potency to deliver good whereas the malefic planet will tend to give good results of its natural and functional rulership.
So far we have discussed the exchange of planets and there is another kind of exchange that happens between nakshatra and is called Sookshma Parivartan.
It can be identified easily, for example, if Sun is in Jupiter nakshatra and Jupiter is in Sun nakshatra then it is called Sookshma Parivartan.
Here, planets are related to each other on the nakshatra level and you need to see the lordship of nakshatra lords from the D-1 chart.
Suppose in a Pisces ascendant horoscope, there is a nakshatra exchange between the 6th house(Sun) and 1st and 10th house(Jupiter) lord.
Here, during Dasha of Sun, there will be progress in career and during Dasha of the 10th lord, there will be health issues.
Nakshatra is directly related to navamsa and anytime if there is a nakshatra parivartan in a horoscope do pay attention to navamsa also.
How To Read Parivartan Yoga
As mentioned before in the definition of Parivartan Yoga, it is one of the many ways for a planetary relationship and should be dealt same way as you read any other planetary combination but with a few extra tricks.
First, see the rulership of planets involved in parivartan yoga and see where it is forming.
Then make a holistic interpretation of it, suppose the 5th and 7th houses are in exchange for yoga.
The very few things which will pop in your mind are Love Marriage, Success in business, Kids living a good life and abroad opportunities for them, etc.
The very few things which will pop in your mind are Love Marriage, success in business, Kids living a good life and abroad opportunities for them, etc.
The above interpretation is the same as when the 5th lord is placed in the 7th house.
But due to the exchange between the 5th and 7th houses, their significance will mix deeply and a shadow effect of 5th house will fall on the 7th whereas the 7th house will make an impression on the 5th house.
Now during the Dasha of any of these lords, both houses will give results simultaneously.
For sake of convenience suppose Dasha running is of 7th house lord and follow the steps given below:
For sake of convenience suppose Dasha running is of 7th house lord and follow the steps given below:
Include 5th house Dasha results independently along with 7th house Dasha results.
In normal circumstances like the union of 5th and 7th house lord, we take mixed significations of 5th and 7th house signification to predict results.
Moreover, we do a synthesis of the union here using bhavat bhavam etc.
But as said before, parivartan yoga is special and you need to bring 5th house signification completely into the 7th house.
In simple words, you need to calculate the Dasha results of two houses separately.
That is why in mahaparivartan yoga results are amazing for native because the Dasha results of two auspicious houses are active at same time.
Also, this kind of auspicious Parivartan Yoga will improve the strength of the horoscope drastically.
For example, in Indira Gandhi horoscope there is an exchange between the 5th(Mars) and 2nd(Sun) house.
Now, to interpret this Parivartan Yoga you can follow these steps.
- The exchange between the 2nd and 5th lord resulted in the birth of a powerful family.
- This exchange also gave her a huge status and position.
- 5th house is the house of honor and 2nd house is the house of gains.
- Treat the 5th house as ascendant here and you will see there is an exchange between ascendant and 10th house. It shows a great rise in her kids. Here, the 5th is for kids and the 10th is for status. Her second son was Prime minister of India and is still one of the most talked about Prime Ministers ever.
- Her both son died a violent death. Though it is a mahaparivartan yoga and gave good rise to her kids the involvement of malefic planets resulted in the death of her children.
- Sun in the 5th house not for kids and being a Maraka due to its second house lordship, it affected the longevity of her kids.
- Sun in the 5th house in an exchange with Mars also shows how she interacted with people in general and her image was a hard taskmaster where many consider her a ruthless leader when she declared an emergency, which is considered a black mark on democracy of India.
Though the 5th point here is not only due to the exchange between the 5th and 2nd house, her other exchange 6th and 11th house have a big say in it.
Let’s interpret her other exchange, the 6th house is the house of Enemies and the 11th is the house of achievement in general.
This Parivartan Yoga in the chart can be dissected like this:
- If you will look into her life you will find that she had to face a lot of opposition in her political career and she got victory over her enemies every time people went against her. It’s all due to an exchange between the 6th and 11th house lord. Where Victory over enemies is seen after a hard-fought battle.
- This Parivartan Yoga made her very courageous and she took some bold decisions like war with Pakistan which resulted in the creation of Bangladesh.
- This exchange of yoga between the 6th and 11th houses gave her Victory over enemies and made her bold enough to take extreme steps for it.
She has three exchanges in her horoscope and she made a special place for herself in Indian history.
One very important trend you will see that natives with Parivartan of planets have very distinct life pattern and they don’t live a regular life, they think different, they act different and makes bold decisions which a normal Joe or Jonny can’t make.
They have a sudden rise and falls in life and in plain simple words they live a heavy karmic life.
Parivartan Yoga leaves a deep mark on someone’s identity and they mostly thrive for significations of houses involved in it. It should be given good attention and always ready to face some surprises during their Dasha periods.
This is an auspicious Parivartan Yoga where lords of Kendra houses i.e 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th makes an exchange between with lord of 5th, 9th, 2nd or 11th houses. If you know about the theory of Rajyoga then you know what happens when Kendra and Trine’s houses make a relationship with each other. Such relation of planets results in Rajyoga which is capable of bringing amazing results in natives life.
Khala yoga is formed when 3rd lord makes an exchange with the lord of any of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th lord. Khala actually means wicked and this yoga is said to bring some kind of wickedness to the native. Though the word wickedness is used here but if we look into the deep meaning of this yoga, you will find that this yoga can lead to success also. Here, wickedness can be related to passion also,but in the current world, Khala Yoga can be a blessing especially for business people, sportsman, and politician. It makes a person to do things which might not liked by others. They can be a trend setter if good Rajyoga is forming in the horoscope.
Dainya Parivartan Yoga forms when an exchange happens between an auspicious and a dushanta house. This is the Parivartan which you don’t want to have in your horoscope because it makes involved auspicious house weak and the significations ruled by that house tend to suffer.
Thank you very much. You have explained it very clearly and this information was very useful. God bless you.
What will be the result for Libra Asc & exchange of hoses with Moon in 2nd – Scorpio ( Debilitated ) and Mars in 10th – Cancer ( Debilitated ). Is it Neechabanga Rajayoga ? If this is aspected by Jupiter in 6th – Pisces .