While reading a Horoscope the very first thing we look is how planets are related to each other. Any Rajyoga simple or special rajyoga and dhanyoga can only happen when planets are involved with each other and there are few ways planets makes relation with each other.
Ideally, these relations should happen between auspicious house lords and malefic house lord shouldn’t make relation with these auspicious lord i.e. Kendra & Trine houses.
I have classified these planetary relations in two categories:
1. Major Ways Of Planetary Relationship
1.1.Conjunction Of Planets
The conjunction is most known and a frequent occurrence in horoscopes. Conjunction can be btw many planets but more than three or four planets making conjunction is kind of rare. The conjunction of two planets is the most common kind of conjunction in horoscopes.

You can see in example horoscope no.1. MOON and Venus are in 7th house, where Venus lord of 4th house and Venus is lord of 7th house itself.
1.2. Mutual Aspect Between Planets
The mutual aspect between planets is also a common occurrence and can happen in the following manners.
A. DIRECT MUTUAL ASPECT: Here, two planets are placed 7th house away from each other which means they are exactly opposite to each other. Check example horoscope no.2 where Saturn and Jupiter are in Mutual aspect creating Dharma karmadhipati Yoga.

B. INDIRECT MUTUAL ASPECT: This applies to planets which have additional aspect i.e Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Check example no 3. horoscope for a better understanding of Indirect mutual aspect.

Here Mars is in 6th house and Saturn is in 9th house.
Mars is aspecting Saturn via his 4th aspect and Saturn is aspecting Mars via its 10th aspect. This makes mutual aspect relation with them and is ignored by most beginners of astrology.
1.3. Kendra Relationship
Planets in Kendra, which means planets in conjunction, 4th house, 7th house and 10th house from each other will be related to each other and it is an advanced version of conjunction and mutual aspect.
This also is ignored by beginners of astrology and its importance can be understood from Gajakesari Yoga, where the vital conditions for it are Kendra relation between Moon and Jupiter. This explains why planets in the Kendra house are related to each other.

Check example horoscope NO.4 which belongs to Shri K.N Rao here Moon is in ascendant and Jupiter is in 10th house creating
This Kendra relationship serves very well with the natural signification of planets like Moon-Venus in 1 – 10 from each other and will give benefits or career in the art field. Same way Mars in ascendant and Saturn in 10th is good for property. I have Mars in ascendant and Saturn in 10th house and I inherited a good amount of lands from my father.
1.4. Trine Relationship
Though not much popular in Parashar astrology but frequently used in Nadi astrology. Here, planets should be in trine with each other. Here, trine means 5th or 9th from each other.

In example horoscope no.5, Mars is in ascendant and Moon is in 9th house, which means Mars is 5th house away from Moon and Moon is 9 house away from Moon. Which makes Mars and Moon trine to each other.
1.5. Exchange Relationship
Also known as parivartan yoga, this is the strongest relationship two planets can have. This is quite easy to detect but requires skills to makes interpretation of them.
It is formed when two planets are in each other signs. Suppose Venus is in Virgo and Mercury is in Libra here, they are in each other sign and exchange relation will be established.
You can check
The other famous example of exchange in horoscope belongs to the first female prime minister of India and you can see three exchange in her horoscope.
I have written a detailed article on the
1.6. Nakshatra Placement
The relation between planets are also very important and is used in giving results of dashas.
1. Planet occupying the constellation of a planet shall be considered related to that planet. Thus, when the Sun is in a constellation of Jupiter it may also give results that Jupiter indicates in the birth chart.
2. When two or more planets are placed in the same constellation of a planet, they would be related to each other. Suppose Venus and Jupiter are in Rohini constellation of the moon. Here, Venus and Jupiter shall be considered related to each other, though they may be in different signs.
So far, I have covered Major ways on how planets establish a relationship with each other and now I will be mentioning the minor ways in the following paragraph. These might be minor but still, are important especially in dasha results.
2. Indirect Ways For Planetary Relationship Between Planets
1. The owner of a sign projects an aspect to a planet placed his sign. For example, if Venus is placed in Pisces and Jupiter aspects it via 5th or 9th then Venus and Jupiter will be in relationship, where Jupiter will have total control on Venus.
Suppose here Venus is malefic and Jupiter is benefic then Jupiter can alter the bad results of Venus in Venus periods.
The second version of it is in the same tune but have different meaning while judging horoscope.
2. A planet in a sign projects an aspect to the owner of the sign. Let us take Mars in Taurus and Venus in Leo. Mars will project an aspect to Venus and this way there will be relation btw them.
- Two planets would be related if the depositor is in relation to the depositor of the other in the birth or navamsha chart. Let us suppose that Jupiter and Saturn are together in a sign. Let us also suppose that Rahu is placed in Pisces and the Moon is in Capricorn. Here, Rahu and Moon to be related to each other due to conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter.
- A planet placed in any sign in the navamsha chart, would be considered associated with any planet that occupies the same sign in the birth chart. Suppose Mars is in Libra in the navamsha chart. If Mercury is in Libra in the birth chart then Mars and Mercury would be considered in an association.
- A planet placed in a sign in the birth chart shall be considered associated with any planet that occupies that sign in the navamsha chart.
These are the ways planets make relation with each other and create yogas. Usually, we considered only major ways of planetary association but the minor ways are also important especially for making minute dasha predictions.
Hello sir
Is there any connection between saturn and mars.. Mars is in 12th house (leo sign magha nakshatra) and saturn+ketu in 7th house (uttara bhadrapada nakshatra Pisces sign).
And jupiter is in 4th house (purva shada nakshatra Sagittarius sign)
Hi, these placements looks quite tough. Mars has an aspect over Saturn from the 12th house and Ketu is also placed there. No direct connection looks like one side traffic from Mars.
Hi Naveena Rana,
I have a humbe question…
Scorpion Asc..
Jupiter and venus in Anuradha nakshatra.
Saturn in Aq.
Now in anyway jupiter and venus is connected to saturn?
Since they are in the nakshatra of Saturn they are connected to Saturn on the micro level. But this is not a mutual connection unless Saturn the influence the planets mentioned by you.
Sir coJunction of two planets and if planet in there sign are connected like mercury sun in conjunction and mars in virgo Venus in leo ?? So Venus and mars is connected?? And how to judge this association?? Plzz say
This is not an association at all. This is more like the individual state of planets where they are sitting in a certain sign.
hello Sir, this is Himanshu Snigh Rajput;i am a piscean. as my lagna sign and sun sign is pisces and my moon sign is scorpio. i have exalted but retrograde venus in lagna at 25 degree. my lagna is of 20 degree and Sun is also in lagna at 1 degree.as i am march born piscean i.e. 15th march 1993 at 07:08 am at varanasi.my lagna lod jupiter is retrogradein 7th house hence venus and jupiter mutually aspecting each other. since both are retrograde thus whose effect will be more in my life? is venus is malefic for me? is jupiter grace will cause raj yoga in my life? what will be the effect of both retrograde planets aspecting each other????
This is quite a complex placement for you. Exalted Venus is the 1st house is good but any planet in a retrograde state loses its power and behaves as a weak planet. Plus Jupiter and Venus are in mutual aspect and their retrograde state means issues like marriage diabetes and laziness. When two planets in the retrograde state affect the ascendant then it makes one of our life areas very complex. It can bring you success in the field of commerce, and the occult and can give you a rich life partner.
Why nakshatra sequence started with Ketu. Venus sun……. Mercury. Like this? What is the mystery behind it.
Kaushik From Kolkata
Email – k77mukherjee@gmail.com
The sequence of Nakshatras (lunar mansions) starting with Ketu, followed by Venus, Sun, and so on, is a fundamental aspect of Vedic astrology. This sequence is based on the placement of the Nakshatras along the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun in the sky.
The Nakshatras are divided into 27 equal segments along the ecliptic, each approximately 13 degrees and 20 minutes in length. These segments correspond to the positions of specific stars or asterisms.
The sequence begins with Ashwini Nakshatra, which is associated with the star Beta Arietis and ruled by Ketu.
While the specific rationale for starting the Nakshatra sequence with Ketu is not explicitly documented, it is likely rooted in ancient astronomical observations, mathematical calculations, and symbolic associations with the lunar nodes and other celestial bodies. Ketu, as one of the lunar nodes, holds significant spiritual and karmic significance in Vedic astrology, which may have contributed to its placement at the beginning of the Nakshatra sequence.
Thank you… very clearly explained
thanks 🙂