Transit In Astrology

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In our daily life or while reading on astrology we keep hearing about transits aka goachar.

Every other day one or more transit happens which attracts our attention through various means. You must be curious about this and want  to know every detail about it.

So in this article, I have tried to give the best possible explanations on this important subject of vedic astrology.

So, what exactly are planetary transits? 

In Vedic astrology, the movement of planets across different zodiac signs is believed to have a profound impact on our lives. These transits can influence various aspects like career, relationships, health, and even personal growth.

Or in simple words, Planetary transits in Vedic astrology refer to the movement of planets as they travel through different zodiac signs.

So basically, when a planet moves from one sign to another, it is called its transit movement and it could bring about changes or shifts in those areas.

Each planet has its own unique qualities, and as they move through the different signs of the zodiac, they interact with the planets and points in the birth chart in different ways.

This interaction triggers the opportunities for growth and positive change, as well as challenges and obstacles that are promised in the Horoscope (written in destiny).

This also means that by analyzing the movement of the planets and their impact on birth chart, one can gain a deeper understanding of their life's purpose and how to navigate the ups and downs.

Now we'll explore the significance of different planetary transits and their effects on our birth charts. 

Why Transits Are Important 

Transit is an essential tool in Vedic Astrology that can provide valuable insights into future of the native.

Each planet controls an area of our life and during the transit through different zodiacs and nakshatra different kinds of effects are created.

Planetary transits, acts as a catalyst, modifier, influencer or you can call it an agent, to activate what is promised in the natal horoscope. 

Their role is as important as planetary dasha

By analyzing the movement of the planets and their impact on the birth chart, we can gain a deeper understanding of life's purposes and how to navigate the ups and downs in life.

Transit have ability to trigger events such as marriage etc, the best example for this is double transit where the combine influence of Saturn and Jupiter creates important events in our life.

Let's see an example which shows the ability of transit to give marriage.

In the Horoscope of Amitabh bachchan, Aquarius ascendant rises and Leo sign becomes the 7th house rulers whose lord is planet Sun which is placed in the 8th house.

As per the rule of Vedic astrology, for marriage to happen both Jupiter and Saturn should influence the 7th house of its lord on the marriage day.

use of transit to predict marriage example chart

He got married on the day 3rd of June 1973 and the following transits were happening on that day:

  1. Sun was transiting in Taurus zodiac.
  2. Moon was transiting in Gemini zodiac.
  3. Mars was transiting in Aquarius zodiac.
  4. Mercury was transiting in Gemini zodiac.
  5. Jupiter was transiting in Capricorn zodiac.
  6. Venus was transiting in Gemini zodiac.
  7. Saturn was transiting in Taurus.
  8. Rahu was transiting in Sagittarius zodiac.
  9. Ketu was transiting in Gemini zodiac.

Now, notice that both Jupiter and Saturn were influencing his 7th lord Sun on hi s marriage day. i.e Saturn was with Sun in sign of Taurus whereas Jupiter was casting its aspect on Taurus from the sign of Capricorn.

The combined analysis of Saturn and Jupiter transit to predict an event is called Double transit.

Read more on Double transit theory.

Based on their intent and impact on us we can classify transits as positive or negative transits mainly

Positive Transits

Positive transits are those which facilitate growth in all areas of our life. Transit periods can be favorable for personal growth, career advancement, financial gains or starting new relationships. During these periods, you may experience a surge in creativity, productivity, and motivation.

This can be an excellent time to set new goals and take steps towards achieving them. Example of such transit is as follows:

  • Transit of Venus over the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th house gives such experience.
  • Transit of Mercury over the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th.
  • Transit of Jupiter over the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th.
  • Transit of exalted Sun over the 1st, 3rd, 10th and the 11th house.
  • Transit of exalted Moon over the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th house.
  • Transit of 1st house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 7th, 9th,1 0th and the 11th house.
  • Transit of 2nd house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house.
  • Transit of 3rd house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house.
  • Transit of 4th house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house.
  • Transit of 5th house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house.
  • Transit of 6th house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house.
  • Transit of 7th house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house.
  • Transit of 9th house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house.
  • Transit of 10th house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house.
  • Transit of 11th house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house.

Similarly, if you're looking to advance your career, a favorable transit will be Jupiter or Saturn in the 10th house.

Also, the transit of the lord of the 1st, 2nd,4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and the 11th house gives such positive impact.

Similarly, if you're looking to start a new relationship, the transit of Venus in 1st, 5th, 7th, 9th is very benefical. There are many variations of a benefic transit and depending on the rising sign and placements of planets, it will differ most of the time.

Let's see an example where transit triggered the rise of the native status and position. For this we see the Horoscope of Bill Clinton who became on 20th January 1993.

exmaple horoscope for negative transit of planets

Bill Clinton Horoscope

For this we have to see the transits of planets on 20th of January 1993 and they are as follow:

  1. Sun was transiting in the sign of Capricorn.
  2. Moon was transiting in the sign of Sagittarius.
  3. Mars was transiting in the sign of Gemini.
  4. Mercury was transiting in the sign of Capricorn.
  5. Jupiter was transiting in the sign of Virgo.
  6. Venus was transiting in the sign of Capricorn.
  7. Saturn was transiting in the sign of Capricorn.
  8. Rahu was transiting in the sign of Sagittarius.
  9. Ketu was transiting in the sign of Gemini.
transit chart for 20th-01-1993 for rise in career

Transit Chart For 20th-01-1993

If you apply the transit on Clinton Horoscope who is a Virgo ascendant, you will see that on the day of his Presidency he was having Moon transit who is the 11th house lord over his 4th house of political position.

Similarly, his 5th house of fame had Saturn and ascendant lord Mercury transit.

Along with the auspicious dasha, the transit looks auspicious enough to give him a rise in career.

Now lets see details on transits which gives negative results with an example Horoscope.

Negative Transits

In vedic astrology there are transits which are dreaded by all. They can bring challenges, such as unexpected obstacles, relationship issues, health concerns or financial losses.

During these periods, you can experience a sense of stagnation, frustration, bad health, loss of career, loss of wealth and confusion.

Example of such transits are as follows:

  • Transit of Saturn in Aries over 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and the 12th house. 
  • Transit of Rahu in Scorpio sign over the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and the 12th house.
  • Transit of Rahu in Scorpio sign over the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and the 12th house.
  • Transit of Mars in Cancer over the 6th, 8th and the 12th house.
  • Transit of Saturn over the natal moon or 12th from it also known as Sade Sati.
  • Transit of 1st house lord in 6th, 8th or the 12th house.
  • Transit of 2nd house lord in 6th, 8th or the 12th house.
  • Transit of 4th house lord in 6th, 8th or the 12th house.
  • Transit of 5th house lord in 6th, 8th or the 12th house.
  • Transit of 6th house lord in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 11th or the 12th.
  • Transit of 7th house lord in 2nd, 6th, 8th or the 12th house.
  • Transit of 8th house lord in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th or the  12th.
  • Transit of 9th house lord in 6th, 8th or the 12th house.
  • Transit of 10th house lord in 3rd, 6th, 8th or the 12th house
  • Transit of 12th house lord in 6th, 8th or the 12th house.

It is well known that the transit of malefic planets over 64th navamsa and 22nd drekkna is known to cause death and marak effects.

There are many more transits which can bring challenging time, but it's important to remember that these periods are temporary and will eventually pass.

Let's see an example of Bill Clinton again and we need to see the transits of the day when the news of the scandal broke out. So, the transit on January 17, 1998 are as follows:

  1. Sun was transiting in the sign of Capricorn.
  2. Moon was transiting in the sign of Leo.
  3. Mars was transiting in the sign of Capricorn.
  4. Mercury was transiting in the sign of Sagittarius.
  5. Jupiter was transiting in the sign of Aquarius.
  6. Venus was transiting in the sign of Capricorn.
  7. Saturn was transiting in the sign of Pisces.
  8. Rahu was transiting in the sign of Leo.
  9. Ketu was transiting in the sign of Aquarius.

See the transit chart for same day below and you will find that most planets were under Rahu-Ketu that day.

transit negative impact example

Transit chart for 17-01-1998

Mars and retrograde Venus were in his 5th house with 12th house lord Sun which indicates controversy because both are indicators of love and sex.

Then exchange between Saturn and Jupiter was happening in 6th and the 7th house.  

Such negative transit he had that particular day, that there was no escape from the negative effects of it. It resulted in shame, loss of power and dignity for him.

Transit Duration Of Planets

All 9 planets in Vedic astrology have different speeds of transit from each other. Interior planets which are the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars transit faster through a zodiac sign.

Whereas the exterior planets which are Jupiter and Saturn along with invisible Rahu-Ketu move slowly through a zodiac sign.

The transit period of planets is depends on many factors and the duration of the transit can go up also, especially when planets goes in retrograde state.

Check the table below to see the transit duration of each planet through one Zodiac sign.


Duration In A Zodiac Sign


2 Days


30 Days


45 Days


27 Days


365 Days


25 Days


30 Months


18 Months


18 Months

For completing one cycle where a planet transit through each of the 12 zodiac, the duration is naturally bigger and are mentioned below: 


Duration Through All Zodiac Sign


1 Year


1 Years


2.5 Years


18 Years


18 Years


27 Days


30 Years


288 Days


365 Days

Transit Charts

In order to read transits and its impact, we need to cast an astrology chart which represents all transits in it. Then we need to read it along with natives natal birth chart and see its impact on their life.

Which means transit charts are an essential tool in Vedic Astrology that can provide valuable insights into your cosmic path and help you achieve your goals.

By analyzing the movement of the planets and their impact on your birth chart, you can gain a deeper understanding of your life's purpose and how to navigate the ups and downs of your journey.

With this knowledge, you can make informed choices about your future and take steps to achieve your goals.

For example on 23-06-2022 the planetary positions of planets are as follows:

transit example

As you can see above in the image, there is the mention of degrees of the planets they are in.

These degrees indicates where exactly the planet is situated in its transit.

These Zodiacs are made of Nakshatras, each nakshatra have span of 13 degrees 20 minutes and each nakshatra have total 4 pada or quarter in them which are of 03 degrees 20 minutes.

Each planet creates a different kinds of results when they transit through these Zodiac signs.

If you need more specific effects of transit then you can monitor the transit of the planet through the nakshatra pada.

All this means within a sign, the transiting planet creates a different kind of results.

During the whole duration of the transit will never be the same, the effects will keep changing.

For example Saturn takes 2.5 years to transit through a sign and the effects are never the same throughout the 2.5 years because while in its transit Saturn will change Nakshatra and its pada which will bring their own effects.

The same way all planets transit through zodiac signs at their designated speed.

Transit Calculator

In order to check the live transit use the calculator given below. After feeding you birth details you will  get a chart which is called transit chart. More details on transit chart is given below.

Current Transit Of Planets In 2025

This year is a special one because Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Jupiter will be changing signs and this includes the union of Rahu and Saturn for some duration. (from 29th March to 18th may).

Jupiter will be having the most complex transit because in the same year, it will transit twice, first in Gemini and then in Cancer. 

Even the transit of Mars and Venus will be unusual. Given below are the dates of all transit for the year 2025.

1. January 2025: 4th Mercury in Sagittarius, 14th Sun in Capricorn. 24th Mercury in Capricorn, 21st Mars in Gemini. 28th Venus in Pisces.

2. February 2025: 4th Feb Jupiter direct, 11th Feb Mercury in Aquarius. 12th Sun in Aquarius. Mars direct 24th. Saturn combust 28th, Mercury Pisces 27th.

3. March 2025: Venus retrograde in Pisces on 2nd. Sun in Pisces 14th, Mercury retrograde March 15th in Pisces, and 29th Saturn in Pisces.

4. April 2025: Sun Aries 14th, Mercury direct April 7th. Venus direct in Pisces on 13th. Saturn out of combustion 5th. Mars transit into Cancer on 3rd

5. May 2025: Sun transit in Taurus on 15th, Mercury transit in Aries of 7th. Venus transit in Aries 31st. Rahu transit in Aquarius 18th, Ketu transit in Leo 18th. Jupiter Transit in Gemini on 14th. Mercury transit in Taurus on 23rd.

6. June 2025: Sun transit in Gemini on 15th. Mercury transit in Gemini on June 6th. Venus transit in Taurus on 29th. Mars transit in Leo on 7th. Mercury transit in Cancer on 22nd.

7. July 2025: Saturn retrograde on 13th, Sun transit in 16th in Cancer, Mercury retrograde on 18th in Cancer. Venus transit in Gemini on July 26th. Mars transit in Virgo on 28th.

8. August 2025: Sun transit in Leo on 17th. Mercury transit in Leo 30th. Mercury direct August onwards 11th. Venus transit in Cancer on 21st.

9. September 2025: Sun transit in Virgo on 17th, Mercury transit in virgo on 15th Venus transit in Leo on 15th,  Mars transit in Libra.

10. October 2025: Mercury transit in Libra on 3rd . Venus transit in Virgo on 9th. Sun transit in Libra on 17th. Jupiter Transit in Cancer on 18th. Mercury transit in Scorpio 24th.Mars transit in Scorpio on 27th.

11. November 2025: Venus transit in Libra on 2nd. Jupiter retrograde in Cancer on 11th. Saturn direct on 28th.  Venus transit in Scorpio on 26th. Sun transit in Scorpio on 16th. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio on 10th. Mercury transit in Libra in retrograde state on 23rd. Mercury direct on 29th in Libra.

12. Dec 2025: Sun transit in Capricorn 16th. Mercury transit in Scorpio 6th. Mars transit in Sagittarius on 7th. Venus transit in Sagittarius on 20th.

This year is special because every planet will have a transit. It is rare that in a year all planets change sign and this cosmic drama will start in March.

To know more in detail on date, time, and predictions on all planetary transit of 2025 use the link given below.

Sun Transit In Astrology

Sun transit refers to the journey of the sun as it moves through different zodiac signs in the Vedic astrological calendar.

This movement of Sun affects various aspects such as our personality traits, relationships, career prospects, vitality, energy, leadership qualities, and our sense of self. overall well-being.

Planet Sun is considered as the king in the planetary cabinet and it has Royal status and is known as the king among planets and it rules over the zodiac sign of Leo.

Each zodiac sign has its own unique characteristics and energies, and when the sun transits through them, it influences different areas such as career, relationships, health, and overall well-being.

To know more about Sun transit use the link given below.

Moon Transit In Astrology

Planet Moon is considered as the queen in the planetary cabinet and it stays in a zodiac sign for 2 days approx. It is a benefic planet and it never goes into a retrograde state. It rules over the zodiac sign of Cancer . Planet Moon rules over mother, milk, domestic peace, mind, dreams, water, silver etc. During its transit planet Moon affects us daily lives and gives results as per its natural significations, the house it is in and the results of its lordship.

Mars Transit In Astrology

In Vedic astrology, the transit of Mars, like other planets, holds significance and can influence various aspects of life when it moves through different zodiac signs.

Mars is a cruel and malefic planet and is considered as the commander of the planetary cabinet and it rules over Aries and Scorpio zodiac.

Mars is considered a fiery and energetic planet, representing courage, drive, ambition, and assertion. Its transits through the zodiac signs can affect different areas of life based on its placement in an individual's birth chart and the houses it rules.

It rules over courage, blood, violence, land, younger siblings, passion, arms, weapons etc.

It transits in a house for approximately 45 days and its retrograde motion is of long duration and can go up to 180 days. 

During its transit, planet Mars gives results of its natural significations, the house it is transiting from and the results as per its functional nature.

When Mars transits specific houses in a birth chart or influences certain areas of life due to its transit in the sky, it can bring about changes in one's temperament, energy levels, ambitions, and even indicate potential conflicts or initiatives in various life domains.

For instance, if Mars transits the 1st house, it may boost confidence, assertiveness, and physical energy. On the other hand, a transit through the 4th house might bring about changes or some form of activity related to home, family, or property matters. These effects can be further modified or intensified based on the zodiac sign Mars is transiting.

Jupiter Transit In Astrology

Jupiter is the most benefic planet and rules over  etc. Jupiter rules over Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac signs.

The transit of Jupiter in Vedic astrology is highly significant as it represents expansion, growth, wisdom, knowledge, wealth, religion, homa, festivals, husband, teacher and blessings. Known as the 'Guru' or teacher in Vedic astrology, Jupiter's movement through the zodiac signs influences various aspects of life.

It transit through a zodiac sign for 12 months and goes in retrograde state for 120 days.

Jupiter's transit is generally considered auspicious, bringing opportunities, growth, and positive developments. Here are some common effects of Jupiter's transits:

  1. Expansion and Growth: Jupiter tends to expand and enhance the qualities of the house it transits. For example, if it transits the 2nd house, it may bring financial growth and an increase in wealth. In the 5th house, it could signify expansion in creativity, education, or children-related matters.
  2. Wisdom and Learning: Jupiter represents higher knowledge and spirituality. Its transit can encourage learning, higher education pursuits, and spiritual growth.
  3. Blessings and Opportunities: Jupiter is associated with blessings and opportunities. Its transit can bring favorable circumstances, luck, and support from mentors or guides.

It also have ability to triggers events like marriage, child birth and can act as a savior when planet Jupiter is benefic in the natal Horoscope.

During its transit, planet Jupiter gives results of its natural significations, the house it is transiting from and the effects of its rulership in the natal horoscope.

For more information use the link given below.

Mercury Transit In Astrology

When it comes to Mercury transit, it holds a special place in Vedic astrology. Mercury, known as Budha in Sanskrit, is considered the planet of communication, intellect, and analytical thinking. .

Planet Mercury has the most complex transit and it goes into a retrograde state quite often and it transits in a house for 25 days approx.

It is a benefic planet which governs the learning, nervous system, speech, books, maternal uncles, communication patterns, business ventures, learning abilities, decision-making skills, and even relationships.

During its transit, Mercury can either be direct or retrograde. When direct, it enhances our ability to express ourselves clearly and promotes effective communication.

On the other hand, during its retrograde phase (when it appears to move backward), we may experience challenges in communication and may need to exercise caution while making important decisions.

To know more about Mercury transit, use the link given below.

Venus Transit In Astrology

In Vedic astrology, planet Venus is benefic planet and it rules over the zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra. 

It transits in a zodiac sign for 27 days and holds a special significance as it is considered the planet of love, beauty, relationships, and material comforts.

When Venus goes through a transit or moves from one zodiac sign to another, it affects our romantic lives, artistic pursuits, financial matters, and overall sense of harmony.

We also experience shifts in our emotional connections and attractions. Our sense of style and aesthetics can also be influenced during this period. Additionally, Venus transits also have implications for financial matters.

Depending on the placement of Venus in your birth chart and its alignment with other planets during the transit period, it can bring opportunities for financial growth and prosperity.

Saturn Transit In Astrology

Saturn transit refers to the movement of the planet Saturn from one zodiac sign to another. This transit holds great importance in Vedic astrology as it is believed to bring about significant changes and lessons in our lives.

Planet Saturn is the slowest moving planet whose transit duration is of 2.5 years in a zodiac sign. It rules over sorrow, bad health, poverty, labor, karma, gains etc. 

It is the most important planet in terms of teaching us lessons and it goes into a retrograde state for 140 days.

During a Saturn transit, various aspects of our lives can be affected, such as career, relationships, health, and overall well-being.

It is said that this period serves as a teacher, pushing us to confront challenges and learn valuable life lessons.

Saturn transit causes sade sati when it transit from the 12th house of natal Moon and it ends when Saturn finishes its transit over the 2nd house from the natal Moon in a horoscope.

For more information on Saturn transit use the link given below. It has all the important lessons on the transit of Saturn and how it affects us.

Rahu Transit In Astrology

Planet Rahu is a shadow planet and is considered as a natural malefic in vedic astrology. Representing the North Node of the Moon, its transit through the zodiac signs is considered significant and can bring about various changes and influences in one's life.

Planet Rahu rules over poison, illusion, glamour, deception, robbers etc. It transit over a zodiac sign for 18 months and during its transit gives results as per the house it is transiting from, the zodiac it is in and the aspects of other planets in transit.

Its influence is often seen as mysterious, unconventional, and associated with desires, ambitions, obsessions, and sudden events.

Here are some key points about Rahu's transit:

  1. Unconventional Influences: Rahu's transit can introduce unconventional and unexpected elements into various life areas. It tends to amplify desires and can lead to intense pursuits, sometimes resulting in both positive and challenging experiences.
  2. Karmic Influences: Rahu is associated with karma, especially unresolved or past-life karmic imprints. Its transit can trigger events or experiences that are linked to one's karmic path or destiny.
  3. Material and Worldly Aspects: Rahu is often linked to materialism and worldly desires. Its transit might bring opportunities for material gain, but it can also create illusions or uncertainties, requiring discernment in decision-making.
  4. Sudden Events and Changes: Rahu's influence is often tied to sudden and unexpected events, both positive and challenging. It can create a sense of unpredictability in various life spheres.
  5. Amplification of Planetary Effects: Rahu tends to magnify the influence of any planet it conjoins or aspects during its transit. This amplification can intensify the effects of other planetary energies.

Interpretations of Rahu's transits depend on its placement in an individual's birth chart and the houses it rules. Its conjunctions with other planets and its aspects to significant points in the chart also play a crucial role in determining its effects on different areas of life.

Given Rahu's complexities and its ability to create unexpected situations, one need to have a good command over astrology.

Ketu Transit In Astrology

Ketu, the South Node of the Moon, holds significance in Vedic astrology, and its transit through the zodiac signs is considered influential in shaping various life aspects.

Similar to Rahu (the North Node), Ketu spends approximately 18 months to two years in each zodiac sign due to its slow movement.

Ketu's influence is often seen as more spiritual, karmic, and linked to past experiences and detachment from material desires.

Here are some key points regarding Ketu's transit:

  1. Spiritual Growth and Detachment: Ketu's transit is associated with spiritual growth, introspection, and detachment from material desires. It encourages individuals to explore deeper aspects of themselves and seek inner wisdom.
  2. Karmic Influences: Ketu represents past-life karma and experiences. Its transit can bring about events or situations linked to karmic patterns or unfinished business from the past.
  3. Mystical and Intuitive Insights: Ketu is often connected with psychic abilities, intuition, and unconventional knowledge. Its transit may enhance one's ability to perceive subtle energies or gain insights from unconventional sources.
  4. Sudden Transformations: Ketu's influence can bring sudden changes or unexpected events, particularly in areas related to the house it transits in an individual's birth chart.
  5. Disconnection and Reassessment: Ketu's energy might prompt individuals to reassess their priorities, detach from certain aspects of life, or let go of attachments that no longer serve their higher purpose.

As with Rahu, the effects of Ketu's transit depend on its placement in an individual's birth chart, the houses it rules, and its conjunctions or aspects with other planets. Its influence can vary significantly based on these factors, impacting different areas of life uniquely for each person.

How To Read Transits

The process of analyzing transit charts can be complex and require awareness of standard vedic astrology rules, but there are a few key steps through which it can be simplified.

The first step in analyzing transit charts is to keep a focus on the planet you are trying to read. 

We are all aware that planets Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu-Ketu transits are very long in duration, and along with Dasha, they give us various events in our lives.

Some planetary alignments are considered to be extremely auspicious, while others are believed to be more challenging. 

The transit of interior planets, which are Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, and Mars, is considered mild in impact.

Where as the transit of exterior of planet which are Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu-Ketu is considered as most impactful.

Then it is very important to see the functional nature of the planet because that decides the theme of the transit.

Each planet brings its own set of complications and modifications that are directly related to its natural signification and signs owned by the transit planet.

For example, Saturn is slow moving and causes grief and delays, whereas Jupiter is karaka of progress.

Then, identify, in which zodiac signs it is transiting and where that zodiac falls in your birth chart. 

It is also important to see if in transit the planet is making association with other planets or not, if yes, than what are the possible modifications in the results of the transit.

By analyzing the position of the transit planet in relation to the birth chart, you can gain valuable insights into how they are going to impact you. More details are given in the 2nd step.

The transit planet will be in a particular house where a planet may already exist.

Now, depending on the nature and the functional nature of the transit planet, you will experience events related to these significations.

The best example of how planetary transit works in on a horoscope is double transit theory, where transit of Saturn and Jupiter creates significant event in the life of native.

These two steps can give a fair idea on how to read a transit or a transit chart. For detailed explanations and steps, use the link given below.

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About the Author
naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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