The first Venus transit of the year 2025 is going to happen on 20th December 2025.
In this transit, Venus will enter the sign of Jupiter, which is going to affect the natural significations of Venus. Still, it is an important event to watch out for because both Jupiter and Venus have the status of guru in Vedic astrology, plus Sagittarius is a very significant sign.
In this article, I will discuss all aspects of this transit and give predictions for each ascendant sign.
About Sagittarius Zodiac
1. Ruling Planet: Jupiter (Brihaspati) is the ruling planet of Sagittarius. Jupiter is considered a benevolent and expansive planet, bringing wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual growth.
2. Element: Sagittarius is associated with the fire element (Agni Tattva), reflecting traits such as enthusiasm, energy, and a dynamic nature.
3. Symbol: The symbol for Sagittarius is the Archer or the Centaur, representing a combination of human and animal. It symbolizes the quest for knowledge, higher learning, and a desire for exploration.
4. Nakshatra: The Sagittarius zodiac sign is associated with the Mula ruled by Ketu, Purva ashadha ruled by Venus and Uttara ashadha ruled by Sun.
5. Modality: Sagittarius is a mutable sign, indicating adaptability and a flexible nature. Native dominated by this sign are often open to change and enjoy exploring new ideas and experiences.
6. Positive Traits: Sagittarius sign is associated with optimistic and cheerful outlook on life. It brings adventurousness, freedom-loving, and natural curiosity. This sign is also considered to be generous, idealistic with a good sense of humor.
7. Challenges: Sagittarius sign is associated with challenges related to impatience or a tendency to be overly blunt. It causes commitment phobias because of love for freedom and independence.
8. Career and Education: Due to the influence of Jupiter, sign is associated with fields related to higher education, philosophy, teaching, and spirituality. It brings excellence in careers that exploration of new territories or travel is involved .
9. Relationships: In relationships, sign is associated with freedom and independence. It brings open-mindedness and brings partners who share their enthusiasm for exploration and growth.
10. Health: Sagittarius sign is associated with the hips and thighs. It encourages, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle for the overall well-being of the native.
Significance Of Venus Transit In Sagittarius
As mentioned earlier, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter who is the enemy towards Jupiter. This makes Venus transit a bit complex but still it has the potential to create major events. In general, it has following benefits:
- Enjoyment and a sense of mutual support comes in relationships.
- Couples find pleasure in shared activities and common interests.
- It brings a favorable time for strengthening the emotional connection with loved ones.
- Artists experience a period of increased satisfaction and fulfillment in their work.
- The creative process becomes a source of joy, allowing for self-expression and innovation.
- The combination of Venus and Sagittarius creates an atmosphere of optimism and cheerfulness.
- People may feel more sociable and open to positive interactions with others.
- This transit encourages a positive mindset and an appreciation for life's joys.
But the final results will be based on the ascendant sign, it is looking positive for Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius signs.
Let's see in detail how it will affect them.
Effects For Aries ascendant
For Aries ascendant, planet Venus is the lord of the 7th and the 12th house and is considered as a malefic and a maraka planet. Despite of that, planet Venus rules over the following important significantions for them:
- Marriage.
- Business partner.
- Sexual partner.
- Spouse.
- Health.
- Sleep.
- Expenses.
- Abroad.
- Meditation.
The transit of Venus will be happening over their 9th house which is considered as an auspicious house and will signify luck, father, long distance travel, teacher, guru spiritual advancement.
This transit is going to bring good result in the significations of the 2nd and the 7th which means the native is going to get lucky in matters of marriage, money, partnership and abroad related activities.
The native can move to abroad or can get opportunity during this trance it. Though it is important that the natal horoscope should have those combinations of getting a job at a broad place.
For business this transact is looking really smooth and native is going to get good results and profits. The expansion plans which native is having for his business are going to get frootifications.
The actions and the results are going to be in favour as far as career is concerned. The impact of this transact over there finances is looking auspicious the native is going to make good income gains and profits through women in general the expenses will finally coming control due to the fact that Venus is Lord of the 7th house and is going to transit in auspicious house.
But still native is going to spend some money on luxury items such as clothes shoes and will spend on dining out.
On the health part is transit is looking great and the native is going to overcome any kind of health issues which bothering currently it can also happen that native can enroll in a yoga course or undertaken journey which will take him to a spiritual victory.
Remedy: Native should worship Goddess Laxmi everyday.
Effects For Taurus Ascendant
For Taurus ascendant Venus is lord of the 1st and the 6th house and is a benefic planet which rules over all areas of their life but have a specific say over their health, well being and legal matters.
The transit of Venus will be happening in their 8th house, which is considered a malefic house. This house rules over significations such as death, losses, sudden gains, hidden gains, lawsuits, and the income of the spouse.
Now, this means that for Sagittarius ascendant, a malefic planet is going through a malefic house, which is going to be detrimental for them.
Let's see how it will affect various areas of their life.
Naturally, the first impact will be on their health. Since Venus is the Lord of the 6th house, its transit here will bring complications to their health. Natives who are already experiencing health issues will find more troubles added to it.
However, it is important that the natives do not lose hope and seek guidance from experienced individuals. Due to the auspicious transit of Jupiter, they will receive divine health in their case.
Venus is the karaka of relationships and attraction, which means the transit is going to bring issues in relationship areas as well, especially when the native is male, as Venus signifies women in Vedic astrology.
Those who have combinations indicating bad marriages in their horoscope will experience a spike in arguments and disharmony at home. The situation can get out of hand.
Considering the transit of Mars, which also shows a negative impact on marriage and relations with other people in the house and with friends, there can be some issues.
Enemies are going to bother the native, and there is a chance that some hidden enemies are plotting something against them.
This means they have to be really careful and watch out for people with negative intentions towards them at their workplace as well.
This transit is going to bring hiccups and delays in their promotion, and the native may suffer due to a conspiracy at the workplace. Since Venus is the Lord of the 6th house, which rules over legal issues, it is advisable that the native avoids engaging in any illegal activities that could bring harm their way.
Indications for inheritance are seen but obtaining such gains won't be easy under these circumstances.
This is the structure of this transit for them.
The impact of this transit on their finances does not look promising either, as there may be expenses related to health issues and necessary movements like job transfers. The impact of the transit on their health does not appear to be smooth, and as discussed earlier, Sagittarius ascendant natives need to be careful in this regard.
Remedy: It is suggested that the native strengthens their ascendant Lord by wearing a Jyotish-quality yellow sapphire on the index finger of the right hand or as a pendant made of silver.
Effects For Gemini Ascendant
For Gemini ascendant, planet Venus is lord of the 5th and the 12th house and is considered as a benefic planet. Venus rules over the following significations for them which are as follows:
- Kids.
- Progeny.
- Mantra siddhi.
- Past life good karma.
- Education.
- Honor.
- Position.
- Abroad.
- Sleep.
- Seclusion.
- Expenses.
This transit of Venus in Cancer will be happening over their 7th house which is a very important house for most matters of life and it signifies important things such as business partnership and marriage etc.
Importance of this house is due to the fact that any planet here will cast a direct aspect on the ascendant itself.
Let's see how this transit will bring results for them.
Since this is going to happen in the 7th house of marriage, the native can get married in this time period. Or a marriage like situation can happen. The auspicious nature of Venus will bring good results here and any existing marital issue will start to resolve for them. Venus there will bring attraction from opposite sex and it is must native don't cross lines.
Such thing can happen if in the natal Horoscope native have union of Mars and Venus or other sports of afflictions in this regard. It is still a good period to enjoy love life and there can be success in converting love into marriage event. On career also there will be auspicious events, native will find lots of luck and chances of getting a promotion or a salary hike is seen. There will be favors from seniors and government.
This can be one of the best transit to make important decision for career and business. Native will be able to resolve issues business partner and growth will be seen together. Funds will be available for expansion and in such transit native can make future plans and can even start to put foundation for it.
On health, there will be good impact and native will be able to experience good sleep, mood and energy levels.
Mind will be optimistic and the physically native will look very attractive due to the aspect of Venus on the 1st house. Existing illness will find its cure and native will feel very healthy and happy due to that.
Remedy: To increase the good effects of planet Venus, native should wear a Jyotish quality White sapphire in finger or on Pendant in silver metal.
Effects For Cancer Ascendant
For Cancer ascendant natives, planet Venus is lord of the 4th and the 11th house and rules over the following significations for them:
- Luxury.
- Mother.
- Mental peace.
- Assets.
- Mother land.
- Gains.
- Friends.
- Networking.
- Paternal uncle.
- Victory.
The transit of Venus will be happening over their 6th house which is a malefic house and rules over the significations such as enemies, debts, health issues and conflicts.
This transit is going to make their 4th and 11th house weak and on top of that planet Venus natural significations won't be soothing to them.
Let's see in detail how they will get affected by it.
As soon as transit of Venus will occur their will be issues in health and relationship mainly. The males will find conflicts with women and can suffer on the account. If in their natak horoscope, there are placements which gives marital issues then this Venus transit will bring sufferings for them.
Which means that this transit of Venus is not for their marriage and love life. On top of that due to lordship of Venus over the 4th house of mother, there can be issues on their mother health and relationship with them. Which will lead to lack of emotional peace in them. This transit sounds truly tough on that.
On works front this transit is going to bring some good results, there can be abroad opportunities and native may travel to a far distance place which will bring good results.
But there will be a need to give lots of hardwork and there can be enemies in your path with which you will be required to deal swiftly. Venus transit in the 6th house will make you a bit hesitant to take actions but it is a must that native analyse the situation and make strategy to deal with enemies. In terms of wealth, over expenditures are seen and can put a drain on your savings.
A property can get stuck in legal issues and matter related to paternal inheritance can be there.
If the 4th house is unafflicted in the natal Horoscope then this inheritance matter can come from the mother side. Health wise this transit is looking average and native can get into indulge mode and can feel lack of energy and enthusiasm.
It is recommended to exercise in the morning to get the energy burst throughout the day.
Remedy: Native should give strength to their Venus via a Jyotish quality White sapphire in right hand ring finger or on Pendant in silver metal.
Effects For Leo Ascendant
For Leo Ascendant planet Venus is the lord of the 3rd and the 10th house and rules over the following significations for them:
- Sibling.
- Courage.
- Short distance travels.
- Will power.
- Strength.
- Career.
- Father position.
- Karma.
- Status.
- Maraka for Father.
The transit of Venus will be happening over their 5th house which is a auspicious house and it signifies the following in Vedic astrology:
- Education.
- Children.
- Passion.
- Digestive system.
- Love affairs.
Now here it means that the most malefic Venus for them will be entering a auspicious house of which will lead to a situation where the significations of the 3rd and the 8th house will flourish.
Whereas the 5th house will suffer due to the malefic nature of Venus.
Let's see how they will get affected overall in different areas of their life.
The entry of Venus in their 5th house will cause a surge in their emotions and depending on the situation of the native and relationship matters of theirs. This Venus transit can make their situation worse or can bring a solution for them. In any case, native will find emotions running wild and especially for womens this transit can bring tears in small small things. There can be issues in relationship regarding love. On career, its impact is going to be mixed in nature.
This transit is especially good for those who are in the field of arts, research, medical and occult or similar profession where decoding of hidden aspects are applied. But native should not aspect promotion rather this transit can slow down their growth momentarily. But overall the experience will be good and will prove valuable in future for them.
On their wealth its impact will be average in nature but native can expect some sudden gains and is a good time for doing speculative activities and playing lottery.
On relationship areas as mentioned in the beginning the emotions can be overwhelming. Native will need to exercise cautions and should not over expect from people and partner. Such kind of transit can bring disappointed in love and can add up to the misery.
The 5th house also rules over stomach and gut region and there will be cravings to eat sugar and sweets. Definitely not good for people who have diabetes in their them or in their family. Such transit can flare it up.
Remedy: Native should give strength to their 5th house lord Moon via a Jyotish quality Sea water pearl in silver metal Pendant or Necklace.
Effects For Virgo Ascendant
For Virgo ascendant, planet Venus is the lord of the 2nd the 9th house and its rules over important significantions for them such as :
- Family.
- Speech.
- Food intake.
- Income.
- Longevity of spouse.
- Father.
- Divine grace.
- Long distance travels.
- God.
- Guru.
In this transit planet Venus will be over their 4th house of luxury, comforts, mother and mental peace and it does well in the 4th house and tends to bring luxury, comforts and increases the material desires.
Venus transit can bring abroad travels for them and even permanent residence there. For their career this transit can give good events such as a new project but as mentioned earlier a new opportunity will bring them far from their current place of residence.
Though expenses will arise because of that and same time native will spend on household items and gadgets. Even purchase of a new car can happen though in some cases it won't be that necessary.
So it is advisable that native asses the need for it and don't follow the impulses. On marriage front there can be good times, such as going to vacation with spouse or buying something important as a gift. There will be peace at domestic front and the career of spouse will progress.
Native will be getting full support from the spouse and there will be mutual trust and respect in marriage and will be able to sort out issues in marriage. Those who are unmarried, there is a chance that native will find a suitable marriage partner.
Also, indications of getting a child birth is there or a relative like siblings of the native can get married during this period. Smooth events are going to happen in the married life of the native. There can be abroad visits with the spouse and at the same time native will experience indulge in diners and outings with the spouse.Overall a happy mood will be there in the family and among friends.
On health the impact of this transit is going to be neutral, on one side the auspicious transit of Venus over this maraka house will help the native to feel and experience good health.
But the temptations of Venus here will bring bad food habits which can cause temporary issues with digestion and metabolism. Possibilities of weight is there for sure but it can get checked by other positive transits which are happening for them.
Remedy: Native can wear a Jyotish quality White sapphire in the middle finger of the right hand.
Effects For Libra Ascendant
Venus will transit over their 3rd house of courage, sibling, short distance travels and strength.
Here the ascendant lord will transit the 3rd house which is associated with efforts and movements hence the natives of Taurus rising ascendant will be seeing major changes and let's see how it will turn out for them.
On their career, it is possible that they can make a change in their job and will progress into a better one. Those who were looking to make a change, this is the best transit to make such changes.
The luck is going to be supportive and it is very good for those who tends to delay things. This is the time the native will rise and take steps to fix things which have stopped the growth for quite some time.
There will trips to work and they will short and fruitful trips. This transit is looking is going to be more favorable for natives who are in journalism, travel and business. The 3rd house have a important say in business and this transit is going to bring events which will bring a rise and success in their business. Plus the mental clarity which will be very significant for their future.
Wealth wise, this transit will depend on the natal horoscope placements. Though there will be positive signs here and there but the overall outcome will depend on how planets are placed in the Horoscope of the native.
Native will be making some good investments during this timeline which will bring good results in future.
On health there will be the biggest positive impact, native will get into a positive health routine and will exercise daily and will be following a routine. If there is any health issue running then this transit can play a vital role to bring a cure for it. Self beliefs will rise and mentally native will feel better and secure. The best part is the confidence which is going to be at top level.
Remedy: Native should recite Shri Laxmi suktam daily.
Effects For Scorpio Ascendant
For the scorpio ascendant, Venus is lord of the 7th and 12th house which makes Venus a maraka planet for them, apart from that Venus rules over the following significations for them:
- Spouse.
- Marriage.
- Abroad visits.
- Partnerships.
- Sexual union.
- Abroad.
- Expenses.
- Sleep.
- Dreams.
- Meditation.
The transit of Venus will be happening over their 2nd house of wealth, food intake and speech, income, moral values, family, savings, valuables etc.
This is looking quite positive for them and let's see in detail how it is affect them.
On their career the impact will be quite positive with good money making opportunities from abroad and related places. Luck will be very supportive if the native is trying for getting a job abroad. Those who work in MNC's will find more conducive environment.
There can be slight improvement in their position and rank at work. But same time a possibility is there that they can get assigned to a new team at work place. If that happens then native should understand that this move will be fruitful for their future career prospects.
On wealth the impact is looking balanced, on one side gains will come. It can come from a business from abroad, or from a family member living abroad. Those who are abroad will find time more supportive for their income. Spouse can also get monetary benefits by this transit. Overall native will be in a better financial condition by the time this transit ends.
On relationship, this transit can bring good news.
Effects For Sagittarius Ascendant
For Sagittarius ascendant, the planet Venus is the Lord of the 6th house and the 11th house. This makes Venus a malefic planet for them, and it rules over the following significations:
- Enemies.
- Debts.
- Servants.
- Health issues.
- Injury.
- Accidents.
- Maternal relations.
- Pets.
- Gains.
- Networking.
- Elder siblings.
- Paternal uncles.
- Fames.
The transit of Venus will be happening over their 1st house which is the most important house in astrology. Considering the materialistic significations of Venus this transit is looking quite fruitful for them.
Let's see how.
The impact of this transit on their Career is going to very positive. There will be a opportunity for promotion or a new project to which native will be leading. The popularity will rise among co-workers and native will connect with people in power, such association will turn fruitful in future. So it is advisable that native look for such people and see how the association will them in future.
On wealth, this transit will have the best impact on them. Singe Venus is lord of the 11th house, during this transit it will bless the native with wealth and gains of large sums. Depending on the wealth combinations the results will vary but it is sure that gains will come for them. Native can benefit through women or wife or spouse in general also. There will be good financial decisions made by the native.
On relationship, Venus is karaka of women which means it is looking more significant for their relationship and marriage. It can bring a opportunity to find a partner or even can bring the event of marriage for them.
Native will be feeling romantic and will seek outings and fun time with the life partner and loved ones. Emotions will be balanced and right judgement will come in relationship.
On health, the impact of Venus here will bring a glow and beautiful appearance in native. It will bring awareness about health but native will need to exercise discipline about their food habits and over indulgence in outside food.
Those who are going through some issues will find some solutions for it but still the problem won't be going all the way. It will need time me and discipline. Mentally native will be feeling better then before and more cheerful disposition will be there.
Remedy: Native should make planet Jupiter strong via a Jyotish quality Yellow sapphire.
Effects For Capricorn Ascendant
For Capricorn ascendant, planet Venus the lord of the 5th and the 10th house and is a Yogakaraka planet for them.
Venus rules over some of the important significantions for them which are as follows:
- Education.
- Children.
- Love.
- Digestive system.
- Hobbies.
- Passion.
- Career.
- Sources of income.
- Father status.
- Position in society.
The transit of Venus will be happening over their 12th house which rules over significations such as abroad, expenses, sleep, seclusion etc.
On their career the impact will be quite positive with good money making opportunities from abroad and related places. Luck will be very supportive if the native is trying for getting a job abroad. Those who work in MNC's will find more conducive environment. There can be slight improvement in their position and rank at work. But same time a possibility is there that they can get assigned to a new team at work place. If that happens then native should understand that this move will be fruitful for their future career prospects.
On wealth the impact is looking balanced, on one side gains will come. It can come from a business from abroad, or from a family member living abroad. Those who are in abroad will find time more supportive for their income. Spouse can also get monetary benifits by this transit. Overall native will be in a better financial condition by the time this transit ends.
On relationships, this transit can bring some issues, the unavailability of native for the loved ones will cause disappointments in them. Physical distance is going to create more issues for those suffering from marital issues. Issues related to children will be felt and native may not get along with their mother. Property disputes are likely to happen and some legal work will be required to protect what belongs to the native.
Health wise, things are looking normal and no major issues are seen, native will bask in luxury retreat to refresh the mind. Ashtama patients should take care now because some complications can arise and may need to increase the dosage of medicines.
Remedy: meditation and charitable deeds will help the native to control the negative impact of this transit.
Effects For Aquarius Ascendant
For Aquarius Ascendant, planet Venus is the lord of the 4th and the 9th house and is considered as a Yogakaraka planet for them.
Venus rules over auspicious and important significantions for them which are as follows:
- Mother.
- Mental peace.
- Assets.
- Luxury.
- Real estate.
- Luck.
- Father.
- Religion.
- Long distance travels.
- Divine grace.
The transit of Venus will be happening over their 11th house which signify gains, friends circle, paternal uncle etc.
This transit is looking very auspicious for them because Venus as a benefic house lord is going to a auspicious house.
Let's see how it will affect them.
On their career, there will be a positive impact right away, native will be able to secure a promotion or a salary hike. The influence at work place will grow and native will surely gain respect even from their opponents.
Which means native can turn into a force due to this transit. It is looking very beneficial for particular career lines like politics, sports, arts and entertainment.
For business also it is looking quite positive need
On their wealth there is going to be a significant rise. This rise can be due to success in speculation or by getting a salary hike or by getting a large contract in business.
Additionally, the positive effects of the Venus transit extend beyond the professional and financial realms, influencing the native's overall well-being. Health improvements are indicated, with the tenth house's alignment bringing a sense of vitality and vigor. The native may find themselves more energized and capable of taking on physical challenges with ease. It is an opportune time to prioritize self-care and adopt a healthy lifestyle, as the cosmic energies favor wellness and resilience.
Remedies: Native should make Venus strong via White sapphire.
Effects For Pisces Ascendant
For Pisces ascendant planet Venus is lord of the 3rd and the 8th house and is considered as the most malefic planet for them.
Venus rules over following significations for them:
- Sibling.
- Short distance travels.
- Strength.
- Siblings.
- Courage.
- In laws.
- Longevity.
- Spouse income.
- Hidden gains.
- Sudden gains.
During the transit of Venus, it will grace their tenth house, which is highly advantageous in the contemporary world, particularly in terms of one's career. This transit brings forth promising results, including potential promotions and salary increments. The native's efforts and actions will gain recognition from superiors and appreciation from others. Therefore, it is crucial to devote full attention and make the most of this Venus transit.
Future plans can be successfully realized during this period, and prospects for expansion and growth look promising. Unexpected opportunities may arise, thanks to the influence of the eighth house, which represents unforeseen events.
For business also this transit of Venus will bring opportunity for expansion and surely they will be getting funds for it in from very unexpected sources.
The impact of this transit on financial prospects appears to be smooth. The native may experience gains through their father, women, government, and unexpected windfalls. Moreover, this transit may bring inheritances or sudden financial gains.
For those engaged in legal battles or disputes related to inheritances, this transit brings a stroke of luck and the potential to enhance their assets and overall wealth, which bodes well for the future. Furthermore, this transit suggests that the spouse of the native will enjoy financial success, ultimately benefiting the household income.
The impact of the transit on relationships is highly auspicious. Those seeking to settle down will likely find suitable partners, while those already married and experiencing difficulties will find resolutions to their issues.
With Venus transiting their tenth house, the native will exude a pleasant disposition. They will handle situations and arguments with a charming demeanor and persuasive words, winning over others. Consequently, this transit promises the best outcomes for the native.
Remedy: Native should read Shri Laxmi suktam daily or on Friday at least to appease Goddess Laxmi which is the ruling Deity of planet Venus.
In conclusion, the Venus transit holds significant and varied effects for individuals based on their ascendants. Let's summarize the key points for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces ascendants:
For Aries Ascendant:
- Beneficial impact on marriage, money, partnership, and abroad-related activities.
- Favorable for business, with opportunities for expansion and profits.
- Positive outcomes in career, finances, and relationships.
- Good health prospects and potential spiritual victories.
- Remedy: Worship Goddess Laxmi daily.
For Taurus Ascendant:
- Challenging impacts on health, relationships, and legal matters.
- Potential issues in marriage, relationships, and career growth.
- Caution needed in dealing with hidden enemies and legal disputes.
- Hiccups and delays in promotions and financial gains.
- Remedy: Strengthen ascendant Lord with a Jyotish-quality yellow sapphire.
For Gemini Ascendant:
- Positive impacts on marriage, love life, and career decisions.
- Opportunities for marriage or converting love into marriage.
- Favorable period for career advancements and business growth.
- Good health, attractive appearance, and resolution of existing issues.
- Remedy: Wear a Jyotish quality White sapphire.
For Cancer Ascendant:
- Challenges in health and relationships, conflicts with women.
- Issues related to mother's health and emotional peace.
- Positive outcomes in career, with opportunities for abroad travel.
- Legal issues related to property and paternal inheritance.
- Average health impact; exercise recommended.
- Remedy: Strengthen Venus with a Jyotish quality White sapphire.
For Leo Ascendant:
- Emotional challenges in relationships; need for caution.
- Positive impact on career, with opportunities for change and growth.
- Balanced wealth impact; potential for sudden gains.
- Impact on health with a focus on discipline and exercise.
- Remedy: Strengthen 5th house lord Moon with a Sea water pearl.
For Virgo Ascendant:
- Auspicious impact on career, with opportunities for growth.
- Balanced impact on wealth; good for investments.
- Positive impact on relationships, marriage, and family.
- Neutral health impact; watch food habits.
- Remedy: Wear a Jyotish quality White sapphire.
For Libra Ascendant:
- Positive impact on career, opportunities for change.
- Mixed impact on wealth; potential for sudden gains.
- Emotional challenges in relationships; exercise caution.
- Cravings for sweets; potential impact on diabetes.
- Remedy: Recite Shri Laxmi suktam daily.
For Scorpio Ascendant:
- Positive impact on career, opportunities for promotion.
- Balanced impact on wealth; success in speculation.
- Issues in relationships, potential for legal matters.
- Neutral health impact; exercise discipline.
- Remedy: Meditation and charitable deeds.
For Sagittarius Ascendant:
- Positive impact on career, popularity, and associations.
- Significant rise in wealth; gains from abroad.
- Positive impact on relationships and marriage.
- Positive health impact; improved mental disposition.
- Remedy: Strengthen Jupiter with a Yellow sapphire.
For Capricorn Ascendant:
- Positive impact on career, opportunities for change.
- Balanced impact on wealth; potential for gains.
- Issues in relationships; legal matters may arise.
- Normal health impact; exercise discipline.
- Remedy: Meditation and charitable deeds.
For Aquarius Ascendant:
- Positive impact on career, promotions, and respect.
- Significant rise in wealth; gains from abroad.
- Positive impact on relationships and marriage.
- Positive health impact; improved mental disposition.
- Remedy: Strengthen Venus with a White sapphire.
For Pisces Ascendant:
- Positive impact on career, opportunities for promotion.
- Balanced impact on wealth; success in speculation.
- Emotional challenges in relationships; caution needed.
- Neutral health impact; discipline in food habits.
- Remedy: Recite Shri Laxmi suktam daily.