Yellow Sapphire-Who Can Wear?

Yellow Sapphire-Who Can Wear?

Yellow Sapphire is the most benevolent and popular among all gemstones.

It's one of the gemstones that is still within reach of many due to its good supply in the market.

Let's explore the effects and application of Yellow sapphire in this article.

The following benefits can be obtained using a Yellow Sapphire:

Yellow sapphire, also known as Pukhraj in Vedic astrology, is associated with the planet Jupiter. Here are some beliefs in astrology regarding the benefits of yellow sapphire:

  1. Jupiter's Influence: Yellow sapphire is believed to channel the energies of Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is associated with wisdom, fortune, prosperity, and spirituality.
  2. Financial Prosperity: Astrologers often suggest that wearing a yellow sapphire can attract wealth, abundance, and opportunities for financial growth. It is believed to enhance one's luck and prosperity.
  3. Wisdom and Knowledge: Yellow sapphire is thought to promote wisdom, knowledge, and intellectual capabilities. It may aid in making wise decisions and improving one's analytical abilities.
  4. Spiritual Growth: Some believe that wearing yellow sapphire can aid in spiritual development, connecting individuals with higher knowledge and spirituality.
  5. Health Benefits: In some beliefs, yellow sapphire is associated with healing properties, especially related to digestive and circulatory systems. It's thought to promote overall well-being.
  6. Good Fortune: Yellow sapphire is often considered a stone of good fortune, bringing positive energy and opportunities into the wearer's life.

These are very general results of yellow sapphire and its actual results will vary for everyone depending on the functional role of Jupiter, its placement, and other planets affecting Jupiter.

To know whether you can wear yellow sapphire or not, all you need to know is your Ascendant sign, its lord placement, and any union or aspect of another planet on it.

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When To Recommend Yellow Sapphire?

Yellow sapphire should be recommended when native have a benefic Jupiter but is weak and afflicted by malefic planets. In such case despite Jupiter capability to do good, its weakness does not allow Jupiter to give benefic results.

For example, a Pisces ascendant native have Jupiter as ascendant lord and Jupiter is placed in the 10th house in own sign making Hamsa yoga. Same time Jupiter is making a union with planet Sun who is lord of the 6th house.

Thus, causing obstacles in career of the native.

In such a situation, a Yellow sapphire is highly recommended for the native. It will remove obstacles in career path and will bring more opportunity.

For unmarried women who are not able to find a ideal spouse, a Yellow sapphire recommended and it allows them to find a match of their own wish.

Similarly, there can be many kinds of situation where use of Yellow sapphire is a must. 

Yellow sapphire is recommended for natives struggling in their studies. Jupiter is the karaka of education and its weakness and affliction causes troubles in it.


In Aries Ascendant Jupiter rules over the auspicious 9th house and at the same time 12th house which is considered as a malefic house.

But Jupiter overall is a benefic planet for Aries Ascendant natives. Since 9th house here is ruled by mooltrikone sign of Jupiter, its tendency is to give good results to Aries Ascendant natives.

In fact, it is the most auspicious planet for them since 9th house is most auspicious in any horoscope.

Most important thing to notice is that both the houses i.e 9th and 12th are related to the spiritual progress of a person and Jupiter itself is a prime planet for it.

When Jupiter is well placed and has good strength than it brings good results to native in its dasha.

Also, it acts as a protective cover in horoscope where luck acts as a savior in difficult situations.

Thus it becomes very important for them to wear a Jyotish quality yellow sapphire especially when Jupiter is weak and afflicted.

Following condition of Jupiter makes it afflicted in the chart.

  • It's placement in the 6th and 8th house.
  • Too close to Sun which will make Jupiter combust.
  • Jupiter in its sign of debilitation.
  • Debilitation in navamsha.
  • Jupiter's union with 6th lord Mercury or Saturn or with Rahu or Ketu.

Point no 6 will remain applicable if they aspect Jupiter instead of union.

In any case, Jupiter is a must for Aries Ascendant natives.It can bring a difference in their life in "Yellow Sapphire" is up to mark.


Here, Jupiter rules over the 8th and 11th house and is a most malefic planet for them.In any condition, Yellow Sapphire should be avoided.

I saw a case where for Taurus Ascendant with Jupiter in the 5th house someone prescribed Yellow sapphire so that she can excel in her studies.

But thanks to her powerful yogkaraka Saturn she survived bad results of yellow sapphire. 

But still, I think she could have done better if Yellow Sapphire wanted to be adopted when she was 12 years old. Sometimes destiny comes from anywhere and her case yellow sapphire restricted her progress in school days.

For them, best is to use Emerald or Blue Sapphire and do remedies for Jupiter.

There is no point giving extra strength to Jupiter.

Yellow sapphire here can be worn if someone has a potential inheritance coming. Since Jupiter is lord of 8th and the 11th house where the 8th house is a house of inheritance while 11th is a house of gains.

But such yellow sapphire should not exceed 1 carat in weight while same time Emerald and Blue sapphire should also be adopted.


Here, Jupiter is lord of the 7th and 10th house.Both being a Kendra house makes Jupiter an auspicious planet for them.

But same time 7th house is a maraka house also and Yellow Sapphire use can arise chances of physical injuries. 

If it seems very necessary to use Yellow sapphire then for protective cover Emerald should also be used.

In the following case, Yellow Sapphire should be worn.

  • If combust.
  • If placed in the 8th or 12th house.
  • If Jupiter is aspected by Mars, Rahu or Ketu.

Note: Here if Jupiter is in 6th house then never wear yellow sapphire because being lord of 7th house and placed in the 6th house it can cause severe health issues to native.

Rather Emerald should be adopted here.

If Job problems are occurring then 1 carat Yellow Sapphire can be adopted but at the same time an Emerald should also be adopted.

Best is to consult an expert.


Here, Jupiter is lord of the 6th and 9th house, where 6th house is malefic while 9th house is a benefic hence it becomes very important to check the strength of Jupiter.

The rule is that any planet when weak or afflicted can not save its natural and house significations and gives bad results.

Therefore here if Jupiter is weak or afflicted will give bad results of 6th house and luck which comes under the 9th house will also become weak.

Hence, Yellow Sapphire can be used here but with proper analysis by an expert.

But if in the natal horoscope, Jupiter is making a union with Mars or Moon then Yellow sapphire can be worn in combination with Red coral or Pearl.


Here, Jupiter is lord of 5th and 8th house and Jupiter here is a strong benefic planet for them.

The rule is that any planet when weak or afflicted cannot save its natural and house significations and gives bad results. 

Therefore here if Jupiter is weak or afflicted will give bad results of the 8th house.Yellow sapphire is must in any case and should be employed asap if the following condition exists in the horoscope.

  • Jupiter is making relation with Mars.
  • Jupiter Mars relation is a grand raja yoga for Leo Ascendant natives and if it's present in your chart then you should use yellow sapphire to reap benefits of this yoga.
  • If Jupiter is making a relationship with Venus.
  • Venus is the 10th lord here and its relation with Jupiter creates Rajyoga.
  • If Jupiter is making a relationship with Mercury.

Mercury is lord of wealth houses here and its relationship with Jupiter creates a strong Dhanyoga for them.

Even if these conditions didn't exist in your chart still you should wear a yellow sapphire to gain mileage in all areas of your life.


Here, Jupiter is lord of 4th and-and 12th house. Both being a Kendra house makes Jupiter an auspicious planet for them.But same time the 7th house is a maraka house also and Yellow Sapphire use can arise chances of physical injuries.

If it seems very necessary to use Yellow sapphire then for protective cover Emerald should also be used.

In the following case, Yellow Sapphire should be worn.

  • If Jupiter is combust.
  • If Jupiter is placed in the 8th or 12th house.
  • If Jupiter is aspected by Mars, Rahu or Ketu.

Note: Here if Jupiter is in 6th house then never wear yellow sapphire because being lord of 7th house and placed in the 6th house it can cause severe health issues to native.Instead, Emerald should be adopted here.

If there is some property issue going on then 1 carat Yellow Sapphire can be used but same time an Emerald should also be adopted.Best is to consult an expert.


Here Jupiter is lord of the 3rd and 6th house and is a malefic planet for them.

In any case, Yellow sapphire should be avoided and should not be worn.

For them, Blue Sapphire is the best gemstone.

For reasons known to them many times, I saw Libra Ascendant natives wearing a yellow sapphire.I don't  know for what reason Blue Sapphire was advised.

Saturn is Yogkaraka here and Jyotish quality blue sapphire can do wonders for them.


Here, Jupiter is lord of the 2nd and 5th house and is a benefic planet for them.

Yellow sapphire should be used here in any case.

Use of yellow sapphire will bring wealth and position in their life plus the following effects listed below:

  • Enhanced Wisdom and Clarity: Yellow sapphire is thought to amplify the positive energies of Jupiter, fostering clarity of thought, better decision-making, and enhanced wisdom.
  • Financial Prosperity: Jupiter is also associated with wealth and abundance. Wearing a yellow sapphire may attract financial opportunities and success in endeavors related to finances or business.
  • Health Benefits: Some believe that wearing a yellow sapphire can have positive effects on physical health, particularly on the liver, circulatory system, and overall vitality.
  • Improved Relationships: Jupiter symbolizes expansion and growth. Wearing a yellow sapphire might bring harmony and positivity to relationships by promoting understanding and tolerance.
  • Spiritual Growth: Jupiter represents higher knowledge and spirituality. Wearing a yellow sapphire may aid in spiritual pursuits, meditation, and inner growth.

If functional benefic like Moon and Mars makes an association with Jupiter the Yellow sapphire should be adopted asap to reap their good effects.


Here, Jupiter is lord of the 1st and 4th house, being lord of the 1st house Jupiter is benefic for them and Yellow sapphire should be worn asap.

A Jyotish quality yellow sapphire will bring health, wealth, and position in their life.

  • Wearing  Yellow sapphire, can enhance one's self-expression, confidence, and vitality. It may promote better health, boost self-awareness, and strengthen one's individuality. 
  • The 4th house signifies home, family, roots, emotional stability, and inner peace. Wearing Yellow sapphire will bring benefits related to domestic happiness, property matters, and emotional well-being. It can foster a sense of security, strengthen family bonds, and promote harmony within the household. Native will also see success in resolving issues related to property or real estate.

If Jupiter making a relation with functional benefic like Mars and Sun then native should wear Red coral or Ruby in combination with Yellow sapphire.


Here Jupiter is lord of the 3rd and 12th house and is a malefic planet for them. Jupiter harms the house where it is sitting and aspecting.

Yellow sapphire should be avoided at all cost instead Blue Sapphire should be worn in difficult times.


Here, Jupiter is lord of wealth houses which are 2nd and 11th but still Jupiter gemstone should be avoided unless some special conditions arise.

Yellow sapphire can bring health issues and if it becomes necessary to wear yellow sapphire then at the same time Blue sapphire should also be adopted.


Here Jupiter is lord of the ascendant and the 10th house. This makes Jupiter the most auspicious planet for them.

Use of yellow sapphire will bring good health and honor to them.

Plus, it will boost the significations of the house where it is sitting or aspecting.

Yellow sapphire should be adopted asap if following benefic yoga is occurring in the chart.

  • Mars making an association with Jupiter.
  • Moon making an association with Jupiter.
  • If Mercury making an association with Jupiter.


Yellow sapphire is for planet Jupiter which is karaka of wealth and expansion.

Use of Yellow sapphire will help the native to overcome obstacles in spiritual and material growth. But no one should wear Yellow sapphire without the proper assessment of the natal horoscope.

Ascendant signs where Jupiter is a functional benefic are as follows;

  • Aries.
  • Gemini.
  • Cancer.
  • Leo
  • Virgo.
  • Scorpio.
  • Sagittarius.
  • Pisces.

Each of these signs mentioned above can wear Yellow sapphire and it will  boost the significations of Jupiter plus will boost the house where it is sitting and aspecting.

Usually, above information is enough to Judge the use of Yellow Sapphire for your horoscope but some cases are complex and require an expert opinion.

Many times people take Gemstone lightly and don't follow the standard guidelines for Gemtherapy. 

If you have doubt and willing to spend money for Gemstone then it is better to take expert advice.

About the Author
naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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  1. I am Venu born in 28.10.1982 @ 11.15am hyderabad please suggest suitable gem for good prospects in business and career. Also let me know whether i can wear Yellow Sapphire with Jupiter combust in 11th house.

  2. in my natal chart mars & mercury are at the weakest point & hindering my career. can I wear yellow saphire since my sun sign is pisces ? My D.O.B is 17.04.1985 & birth time 2.45 PM.

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