Saturn Sade Sati for Aries Moon Sign (Effects): 29 March 2025 to 30 May 2032

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  • Saturn Sade Sati for Aries Moon Sign (Effects): 29 March 2025 to 30 May 2032
Sade sati for Aries moon sign

Sade Sati is a significant and often feared period in Vedic astrology. The term "Sade Sati" translates to "seven and a half," which refers to the seven and a half years that Saturn, known as Shani in Sanskrit, takes to transit over three consecutive zodiac signs: the sign before the Moon sign, the Moon sign itself, and the sign after the Moon sign in a person's natal chart.

Sade Sati is often associated with difficulties, delays, financial stress, health issues, and obstacles in various aspects of life.

Saturn is a strict taskmaster that brings karma to the forefront, forcing individuals to confront their responsibilities and past actions.

Despite the challenges, Sade Sati is also a period of transformation. It pushes individuals to develop qualities like discipline, perseverance, and humility.

The lessons learned during Sade Sati can lead to significant personal growth and maturity.

In this article we will learn about the impact of Sade Sati for Aries Moon Sign.

Sade Sati For Aries Moon Sign

In Vedic astrology, the Aries zodiac is ruled by the planet Mars, which is considered a fiery sign. It represents aggression, passion, arrogance, willpower, courage, impulse, wars, weapons, rocks, rivers, mountains, etc.

Natives of this sign are prone to making mistakes and often react aggressively towards situations and crises.

The period of Sade Sati is never kind to them, and they tend to go through various hardships in this period. 

Planet Saturn signifies patience, hard work, persistence, misery, poverty, sickness, etc.

The nature of Mars and Saturn are polar opposites. Mars wants things to get done quickly, while Saturn strives for perfection and often causes failures at the beginning. Saturn makes the native take time before making the final move. 

Let's see the general trend for them through the 3 different phases of Sade Sati.

1. Rising Phase: The rising phase of Sade Sati begins when Saturn enters the sign 12th from the natal Moon. For the Aries moon sign, the transit of Saturn in the Pisces sign marks the beginning of the Rising Phase of Sade Sati. This period is usually not that difficult for them because the benefic Pisces sign keeps Saturn in control. This period can lead to opportunities such as living abroad and experiencing significant spiritual growth. They can get an edge at work due to their competitive streak, and this period can bring them good events like a promotion. Opportunities to travel around and gain new experience tend to happen in this phase. But we can't underestimate Sade Sati, and the affliction of malefic planets over the 12th house can cause sleep issues, over expenditures, and an inability to connect with people. Financial issues can also arise if natives are running in dasha, which is connected with the 6th house of their natal horoscope.

2. Peak Phase: The peak phase of Sade Sati starts when Saturn transits over the natal moon, and for the Aries moon sign, the transit of Saturn over the Aries sign marks the beginning of this period. Due to the debilitation state of Saturn, this period is the hardest, and in fact, out of all signs, Aries natives experience the hardest effects of Sade Sati on them. Usually loss of job and reputation tends to happen, making natives unemployed for a significant period of time. They become prone to mistakes also and can do a massive blunder in this period. If Ketu or Rahu is present in the sign of Aries, then natives will struggle badly in finances also. They can suffer due to debts, and their ability to repay will be affected badly. Relationships will have their own challenges, and natives can face more delays in marriage. The married ones will experience turbulence in relationships; there can be events that will affect their trust in their spouse. If the 7th house of their horoscope is weak and they have placements for marital issues. Then this phase of Sade Sati can trigger those placements leading to separation or even divorce. Mental and physical health both become vulnerable, and natives can suffer from anxiety or depression. Physical issues can turn chronic in nature, and their recovery will be slower. Only when the Aries sign is influenced by benefic planets such as Jupiter or Venus can there be some relief from the ill effects of Sade sati.

3. Setting Phase: The setting phase of Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters the 2nd house from the natal moon. For Aries, this period starts when Saturn enters the sign of Taurus. Taurus, ruled by Venus, is a benefic sign, and as this period begins, Aries begins to feel some relief from their ongoing issues. Issues at work begin to resolve, and they now enjoy the trust and confidence of their superiors. Job stability and security can be expected in this period. After the onslaught of the peak phase, they will learn from their mistakes and will introduce positive changes in their communication and behavior. Financial condition will also improve, but some issues over inheritance-related matters can arise. These matters have the potential to negatively impact relationships with family members. This of Sade Sati can still test their patience with people, and they feel tested quite often in this period. Particularly, their in-laws can become very demanding, and they can put them through various hardships. The health of natives improves significantly, but some challenges with bad habits can arise. If the 2nd of their natal horoscope is afflicted by Mars, Rahu, or Ketu, then this phase of Sade Sat can make them addicted to smoking, drinking, or even drugs. But if the 2nd house is influenced by natural benefics, then such issues will not arise. 

Sade Sati Dates for Aries Moon Sign

Aries Moon Sign natives will begin their Sade Sati in the year 2025 when Saturn transits into the sign of Pisces.

The first phase will run from March 29, 2025, to June 1, 2027. The second phase will start on June 2, 2027, and continue until August 7, 2029. The third and final phase will begin on August 8, 2029, and end on May 30, 2032.

Given below, I have given a table where all dates for Sade Sati and Saturn panoti i s mentioned.


Sade Sati/Panoti

Saturn Sign

Sade Sati Phase

Start Date

End Date


Sade Sati



Saturday, April 18, 1998

Tuesday, June 6th 2000


Sade Sati



Wednesday, June 7, 2000

Monday, July 22, 2002


Sade Sati



Thursday, January 9, 2003

Monday, April 7, 2003


Small Panoti



Monday, September 6, 2004

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Small Panoti



Thursday, May 26, 2005

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Small Panoti



Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Small Panoti



Monday, November 3, 2014

Thursday, January 26, 2017


Small Panoti



Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Sade Sati



Sunday, March 30, 2025

Wednesday, June 2, 2027


Sade Sati



Thursday, June 3, 2027

Tuesday, October 19, 2027


Sade Sati



Wednesday, October 20, 2027

Wednesday, February 23, 2028


Sade Sati



Thursday, February 24, 2028

Tuesday, August 7, 2029


Sade Sati



Wednesday, August 8, 2029

Friday, October 5, 2029


Sade Sati



Saturday, October 6, 2029

Tuesday, April 16, 2030


Sade Sati



Wednesday, April 17, 2030

Sunday, May 30, 2032


Small Panoti



Thursday, July 13, 2034

Wednesday, August 27, 2036


Small Panoti



Saturday, December 12, 2043

Wednesday, June 22, 2044


Small Panoti



Tuesday, August 30, 2044

Friday, December 7, 204


Sade Sati



Friday, May 15, 2054

Tuesday, September 1, 2054


Sade Sati



Saturday, February 6, 2055

Friday, April 6, 2057


Sade Sati



Saturday, April 7, 2057

Tuesday, May 27, 2059


Sade Sati



Wednesday, May 28, 2059

Sunday, July 10, 2061


Sade Sati



Tuesday, February 14, 2062

Monday, March 6, 2062

First Phase (29th March 2025 to 1st June 2027)

For the Aries moon sign, the rising phase of Sade Sati will start on 29th March 2025 when planet Saturn enters the sign of Pisces.

This period will be mixed in nature, and there will be some positive results, especially when the 12th house from the natal moon is occupied by benefic planets.

Saturn does very well in the sign of Pisces, and its malefic nature is controlled by the benefic influence of Pisces.

This phase of Sade Sati is associated with favorable outcomes, particularly in terms of career and professional growth. Saturn rulership is over the 10th and 11th houses, and this phase of Sade sati can bring sudden positive changes in their career, and most importantly, this period can bring a movement to abroad countries.

But for such a positive event to happen, the 12th house from the natal moon should be occupied either by Venus or Jupiter.

This rising phase of Sade sati can prove benefic for their career, especially when the Dasha in their natal horoscope is of a benefic planet.

Natives can gain the trust and faith of their seniors and can be given an important role in their organization. Frequency of travel will increase, and they will gain tremendous exposure, which will be beneficial for their future.

The 12th house from the Moon has a special role in spiritual growth. For the Aries Moon sign, the transit of Saturn from this place is very ideal to give interest in spiritual activities. Natives will take an interest in pilgrimages and will perform auspicious tasks such as helping the poor and needy.

But since Sade sati is phenomenal, which tends to test the patience and bring learning for the natives. We cannot rule out the malefic effects of it, and there will always be a possibility of bad things happening in this period.

Especially when the natal moon is afflicted in the horoscope or there are malefic planets in the 12th from their natal moon. In such situations, Sade Sati will surely give them bad results, and natives may have to face an unfavorable transfer, which will take a toll on their emotions and relationships.

Dasha of afflicted functional malefics like Mercury, Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, can cause loss of job, loss of reputation, and humiliation. Natives in malefic dasha, with a weak or afflicted 12th house, may encounter unfavorable circumstances at work.

Apart from that, expenses will rise and unnecessary spending will happen on account of health issues, and natives may exhibit impulsive behavior while spending money. Which means finances will be affected negatively during this rising phase of Sade Sati.

Second Phase (2nd June 2027 to 7th August 2029)

With the entry of Saturn in the sign of Aries on 2nd of June 2027, the peak phase of Sade Sati will start for them.

In the Aries sign, Saturn becomes debilitated, and the Aries Moon sign faces the intense wrath of Sade Sati. Due to Saturn's debilitation, they suffer greatly in this period. If the rising ascendant in the horoscope is Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, or Capricorn, then the impact will be double malefic on them.

During this period, they may experience feelings of depression and defeat, and they may be greatly affected by mental illness. From anxiety to depression to sleep problems, they will have to deal with significant challenges. They will often feel impulsive and may make poor decisions. At work, a significant negative event may occur, potentially threatening their position.

If the Moon is in the company of malefics or is influenced by them, the impact of Sade Sati will intensify. In such situations, a native can lose his job and may have to stay unemployed for a long period of time. Enemies become very active, and they can cause major damage to their reputations. Major financial losses are expected to happen, and investments in business and trading will fail. Debts may accumulate during this period, leading to a sense of helplessness.

Even small needs will become hard to complete, and natives will have to ask for financial assistance. This period is known to cause marital issues, and it can activate issues with spouse which will be hard to resolve.

Even the health of the spouse will need attention, and there is a possibility that the spouse,'s career will suffer greatly. Natives who have malefic planets, i.e., Ketu, Rahu, or Sun, placed in the Aries sign will not get any respite, and this period should be passed with extreme caution.

Third Phase (8th August 2029 to 30th May 2032)

With the entry of Saturn in the sign of Taurus on 8th August 2029. The third phase of Sade Sati will start for them. This period will bring significant relief for them. The ongoing crisis in their life will start to get better. Each month of this period will bring relief and new solutions.

Now, due to Saturn's transit in a benefic and friendly sign, they may even have some opportunities at work. Old issues with seniors and colleagues will start to resolve now. The possibility of having stability at work will become higher.

Enemies will not bother them much, and natives will start to get along with people easily. During this phase, they are likely to reunite with their family members and will be able to come back to their original place of residence.

If the rising ascendant is Virgo, Capricorn, or Aquarius, then a major promotion can also happen. Elevation is a common occurrence during the Sade Sati period, particularly when an individual undergoes a profound experience during the rising or peak phase. Natives speech may become dominant, and improvement in manners and behavior will help them to forge new connections.

Relationships with loved ones can also improve if the 2nd house from natal Moon is not occupied by malefics and from natal 1st house Saturn transit is not happening in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house. Inheritance-related matters will start to resolve, and they can get a fair share of part in it.

Their intelligence will become better, and natives will engage in meaningful work in their lives now. They will become more religious and spiritual in nature and will engage in activities that will bring them relief.


These are traditional remedies associated with Shani (Saturn) to help mitigate the challenges during periods of Sade Sati or Saturn’s unfavorable transit:

1. Shani Mantra Recitation: : Om Pram Preem Proum Sah Shanaischaraya Namah.
Chant this mantra 19,000 times over 40 days for protection and blessings from Saturn.

2. Shani Donation Items: Donate a buffalo or black sesame seed (*til*) on Saturdays to appease Saturn.

3. Fasting for Shani: Observe a fast on Saturdays, abstaining from food or having a simple diet, to seek Saturn's favor.

4. Shani Pooja: Perform Hanuman Pooja, as Lord Hanuman is believed to reduce the malefic effects of Saturn.

5. Shani Rudraksha:
Wear a 14-mukhi Rudraksha, which is associated with Saturn and believed to bring strength and protection.

6. Shani Jadi: Carry or wear Dhature ki Jad (the root of the Datura plant) as a talisman for Saturn’s blessings.

7. Shani Gemstone: Wear a Blue Sapphire (Neelam) after proper astrological consultation, as it is the gemstone associated with Saturn and can bring positive results if suitable to the wearer.

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About the Author
naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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