Sade-Sati is the 7 1⁄2 years-long period of Saturn (Shani) and this astrological phase is said to be a time, when one may experience difficulties in personal relationships and a general feeling of unhappiness.
According to beliefs, Sade Sati is a negative event and this is a period with many challenges; it literally brings intense fear in people's minds when they hear that Sade Sati is coming into their life.
On average Sade Sati comes every 25 years in native life and contains three phases in it .i.e rising, peak and setting phase.
All these cycles take around 7.5 years, and if you are aware of Hindi Terms then “Sade” means Half, and “Sati” means Seven.
That is how the Sade Sati word came into force.
In whole Vedic astrology, it is the most feared among all other negative transit. In many cases, Sade Sati caused a lot of damage and affected natives' finances, careers, relationships, and health.
But in many cases, natives did well in Sade Sati and got all kinds of glory and comforts.
Now there is a very interesting theory, which states that Sade Sati starts when planet Saturn is within 45 degrees from planet Moon and it ends when Saturn is 45 degrees away from planet Moon.
If the above statement is true then the total time of Sade Sati will be reduced. Sade Sati is not bad always and is a transit-only and one should not stress much about it.
Your current planetary dasha and other factors matter here more than anything and without considering these factors nothing accurate can be predicted.
Dates for Sade Sati for Capricorn Moon Sign
Capricorn Moon sign is currently running the final phase of Sade Sati from 17th January 2023 to 29th March 2025 for the following cycle:
- Their First Phase started in 26th January 2017 to 23rd January 2020
- The second phase started on January 23, 2020 and continued until January 17, 2023
- Final Phase started in 17th January 2023 to 29th March 2025
Next Period of Sade Sati For Capricorn Moon
- First phase: 8th December 2046 to 6th March 2049
- Second phase: 7th March 2049 to 24th February 2052
- Third/Final phase: 24th February 2052 to 14th May 2054
S.N | Sade Sati/Panoti | Saturn Sign | Sade Sati Phase | Start Date | End Date |
1 | Sade Sati | Sagittarius | Rising | Friday, January 27, 2017 | Tuesday, June 20, 2017 |
2 | Sade Sati | Sagittarius | Rising | Friday, October 27, 2017 | Thursday, January 23, 2020 |
3 | Sade Sati | Capricorn | Peak | Friday, January 24, 2020 | Tuesday, July 12, 2022 |
4 | Sade Sati | Aquarius | Setting | Friday, April 29, 2022 | Tuesday, July 12, 2022 |
5 | Sade Sati | Capricorn | Peak | Wednesday, July 13, 2022 | Tuesday, January 17, 2023 |
6 | Sade Sati | Aquarius | Setting | Wednesday, January 18, 2023 | Saturday, March 29, 2025 |
7 | Small Panoti | Aries | 4th House | Thursday, June 3, 2027 | Tuesday, October 19, 2027 |
8 | Small Panoti | Aries | 4th House | Thursday, February 24, 2028 | Thursday, February 24, 2028 |
9 | Small Panoti | Aries | 4th House | Saturday, October 6, 2029 | Tuesday, April 16, 2030 |
10 | Small Panoti | Leo | 8th House | Thursday, August 28, 2036 | Friday, October 22, 2038 |
11 | Small Panoti | Leo | 8th House | Wednesday, April 6, 2039 | Tuesday, July 12, 2039 |
12 | Sade Sati | Sagittarius | Rising | Saturday, December 8, 2046 | Saturday, March 6, 2049 |
13 | Sade Sati | Capricorn | Peak | Sunday, March 7, 2049 | Friday, July 9, 2049 |
14 | Sade Sati | Sagittarius | Rising | Saturday, July 10, 2049 | Friday, December 3, 2049 |
15 | Sade Sati | Capricorn | Peak | Saturday, December 4, 2049 | Saturday, February 24, 2052 |
16 | Sade Sati | Aquarius | Setting | Sunday, February 25, 2052 | Thursday, May 14, 2054 |
17 | Sade Sati | Aquarius | Setting | Wednesday, September 2, 2054 | Friday, February 5, 2055 |
Facts related to Sade Sati
We all automatically assume that Sade Sati is a period of bad events, and it is hard to survive it. That is only causes, delays, disturbances, losses, and so on.
But in reality, how Sade Sati affects depends on many other factors.
- It gives you results as per our karma in this life, and if we do something bad to someone, then in this period, everything comes back to us. During Sade Sati the negative aspects of the horoscope become active. Which means if we have a negative birth chart and have bad things, then only we should be afraid of Sade Sati.
- If Saturn is auspicious, i.e., in exalted, own sign, pushkar navamsa or in yoga karaka then Sade Sati can give positive results such as promotions, recognitions, hike in salary and other professional achievements.
- If Moon is in an auspicious state in the horoscope and is not placed in the malefic houses, then the native does not experience its malefic effects much.
- Similarly, malefic Saturn debilitated, combust, afflicted, retrograde or in malefic houses will lead to bad effects of Sade Sati.
- Sade Sati results are more malefic when the native is in Mahadasha-Antardasha period of Saturn.
- Remedies for Sade Sati are not easy and one needs to be disciplined and show full devotion to make it work.
- A strong and auspicious ascendant helps to deal with negative effects of Sade Sati.
- Problems in Sade Sati can come in any form, from accidents to loss of job to lack of wealth.
First Phase: 26th January 2017 to 23rd January 2020
The first phase of Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters the sign of Sagittarius and ends when Saturn enters the sign of Capricorn.
Native career will take a fall, and negative events like demotion or loss of reputation can happen. Enemies will be very powerful and will affect the native's day-to-day work. There won't be much relief.
Sade Sati will keep the native far from family and loved ones. Even when they are close, there will be tense moments and a lack of interaction, which will lead to tensions.
Native marriage will be delayed further, and the married ones will be facing rudeness of spouse, marital disharmony, and in the worst case divorce or separation. Native relationship with Father will go down further, and with Mother also things won't be good.
Most likely,, the mother of the native will be facing physical or mental issues. With siblings, the native may find some support, but only limited help will be from them. Matters related to children won't be good either, and the native will be seeing issues in childbirth, and the grown-up children will be causing issues and showing rebellious attitude.
Moon is a maraka for Capricorn moon sign and, in its first phase, will lead to severe health issues, which can land the native into the hospital. Undiagnosed health issues will be bothering the native and there will be a chance of surgery if the native is running the dasha of Mars. Mental tensions will peak, and sleep-related issues will be felt.
Second Phase: 23rd January 2020 to 17th January 2023
The second phase of Sade will start when the Moon enters the sign of Capricorn itself. In general, the planet Moon doesn't do well in Capricorn, and under the influence of Sade Sati, the results will be more extreme.
There will be some stability in career, and the intense negativity like the first phase of Sade won't be there.
The native will be able to please seniors and will get along with co-workers. Those having a business in partnership will be seeing good synchronisation with a partner, and agreement on important matters will be there.
This will lead to an increase in revenue and sales, bringing more wealth for the native. Overall, financially, this period can make the native's position better, and the spouse's income growth will also help the native.
Native in the dasha of benefic Venus and Mercury will yield the best results. Where the dasha of malefic Mars, Ketu or Rahu can bring some challenges. Natives will be getting a chance for marriage, and though there can be obstacles, it will finalise.
Support of marriage-giving dasha is a must, along with favourable transit of Jupiter. The married ones will be getting a chance to improve and work on relationships.
Native spouses will be acting well towards the native, and an amicable environment will be available at home. Tension with Mother can arise, and if in the natal horoscope Mars is weak or afflicted, then chances of severe clashes can be there.
Native reputation among loved ones and friends will become better, and exchanges of pleasantries will be there on festivals and important occasions.
This means that native social life will get better now, and definitely this second phase of Sade Sati is going to make them feel better.
The Moon is maraka for them, and Saturn over it indicates awareness of health issues, and depending on the overall condition of the natal chart, this awareness can either come easy or the hard way. The native will worry unnecessarily, which will lead to issues with blood pressure.
Also, hormonal imbalances can arise, which can affect skin and hair quality. Natives having a weak or afflicted Moon in their natal horoscope will be seeing a negative impact on their physical safety, and the chance of having an injury is seen for them.
Final Phase: 17th January 2023 to 29th March 2025
The third phase of Sade sati started for them when Saturn entered the sign of Aquarius in January 2022. the 2nd position from the natal moon. For them, it is Aquarius, sign and Saturn went in it
This third phase usually brings relief for them in most areas of life, and the native finally reaches a position where learning from mistakes leads to wisdom and acceptance of reality. The native does not take unnecessary risks and keeps faith and good karma at heart.
Let's see how this phase affects the various areas of their life:
The 2nd house from natal Moon stands for the mindset towards income and sometimes affects the magnitude of gains also.
Now with Saturn transiting over it and Sade sati third phase, the native becomes disciplined with finances and spends wisely.
The native also invests in good areas that bring profits, and not to forget the aspect of the 4th house that shows income from real estate and family business, and the native may find continuous rental income.
Issues at the workplace, which were going on for the last two phases, will resolve now, and the native will be able to make peace with seniors and co-workers.
Promotion can happen if the native is in the dasha of yogakaraka Venus, Saturn, or Mercury. The native will buy valuables like gold, silver, or gemstones and can be buying a new vehicle of Sade sati.
This phase of Sade sati will provide native new opportunities to make things more soothing in relationships. The native will become more prone to keeping harmony at home and will not repeat the mistakes that have hampered domestic peace.
Despite that, stress due to bad health of spouse can happen. For that to happen, native should have a weak or afflicted 7th house in the natal horoscope. Mother's health will also need attention, and age-related issues will bother her.
Sade sati now will clear up things and will bring good habits to the native.
Regular exercises and healthy food intake will bring good energy levels. The native will become more punctual and will be stress-free now.
The learning from the last phase will make the native value health. The native will speak less, will be more thoughtful in their approach, and will believe in doing more than talking only.
Awareness and understanding of the situation will make the native's mind free from unnecessary worries.
Sade Sati For All Moon Signs
- Sade Sati for Aries Moon Sign (Effects): 29 March 2025 to 30 May 2032
- Sade Sati for Taurus Moon Sign (Effects): 2 June 2027 to 12 July 2034
- Sade Sati for Gemini Moon Sign (Effects): 2 June 2027 to 12 July 2034
- Sade Sati for Cancer Moon Sign (Effects): 30 May 2032 to 22 Oct 2038
- Sade Sati For Leo Moon Sign (Effects): 12 July 2034 to 27 Jan 2041
- Sade Sati for Virgo Moon Sign (Effects): 27 Aug 2036 to 11 Dec 2043
- Sade Sati for Libra Moon Sign (Effects): 22 Oct 2038 to 7 Dec 2046
- Sade Sati for Scorpio Moon Sign (Effects): 27 Jan 2041 to 6 March 2049
- Sade Sati for Sagittarius Moon Sign (Effects): 11 Dec 2043 to 24 Feb 2052
- Sade Sati for Aquarius Moon Sign (Effects): 23 Jan 2020 to 2 June 2027
- Saturn Sade Sati for Pisces Moon Sign (Effects): 24th Jan 2023 to 7th Aug 2029
Frequently Asked Questions
Sade Sati is a seven-and-a-half-year period in Vedic astrology during which Saturn transits the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses from the Moon sign. For Capricorn Moon sign individuals, this period can bring challenges related to career, relationships, and personal growth. The intensity of these challenges depends on Saturn's natal position and aspects in the birth chart. Sade Sati begins when Saturn enters Sagittarius, the 12th house from Capricorn, and ends when Saturn leaves Aquarius, the 2nd house from Capricorn. Each phase lasts approximately 2.5 years, totaling around 7.5 years for the complete Sade Sati cycle. During Sade Sati, Capricorn Moon sign individuals may experience increased responsibilities, financial constraints, career shifts, and health issues. Relationships may face stress, and there could be a sense of isolation or burden. However, it is also a period of significant personal growth, discipline, and maturity. Yes, while challenging, Sade Sati can also bring positive changes. It often leads to increased discipline, long-term planning, and spiritual growth. Capricorn Moon sign natives may find themselves more focused and determined, leading to achievements that have lasting impact. To reduce the adverse effects of Sade Sati, Capricorn Moon sign individuals can: Preparation involves maintaining financial discipline, focusing on long-term goals, and cultivating a positive mindset. Building a strong support network and engaging in spiritual practices like meditation can provide emotional strength. Understanding that Sade Sati is a phase of growth can help Capricorn Moon sign natives navigate its challenges with resilience.
What is Sade Sati, and how does it affect Capricorn Moon sign individuals?
When does Sade Sati start and end for Capricorn Moon sign?
What are the common effects of Sade Sati for Capricorn Moon sign?
Can Sade Sati bring positive changes for Capricorn Moon sign natives?
What remedies can help alleviate the challenges of Sade Sati for Capricorn Moon sign?
How can Capricorn Moon sign individuals prepare for Sade Sati?