Saturn Mahadasha Effects Through Each House Of Sagittarius Ascendant

By Naveen Rana

saturn mahadasha for sagittarius ascendant

For Sagittarius, the ascendant, Saturn is ruler of the 2nd and 3rd houses, which gives its control the following significations:

  • Income
  • Speech.
  • Health.
  • Family values.
  • Food habits.
  • Travels.
  • Courage.
  • Strength.
  • Siblings.
  • Efforts. 

During Saturn's mahadasha, natives will encounter events associated with these two houses, as well as the outcomes of the house in which Saturn resides. Also, the planets that influence Saturn will come into play, and their results will start to reflect.

Saturn is a malefic planet for Sagittarius natives, and the onset of Saturn mahadasha causes them issues in their lives. Saturn's placement in the 5th, 6th, 8th, or 12th house will impact their productivity, focus, and discipline.

Natives will see a decline in income, and issues in the family will also rise. Only when Saturn is strong in the 2nd, 3rd, or 11th house can they expect auspicious results in the Saturn mahadasha.

Let's see how this Saturn mahadasha will give them results based on the house it is placed in.

Effects In First House

The divine Sagittarius sign ascends here, and the mahadasha lord Saturn instills an action-oriented mindset in the natives. Due to the aspect of Saturn over the 3rd house, which is ruled by Saturn itself, there will be a rise in their ability to work for long durations, giving them the attitude of a winner.

They manage to overcome all obstacles that arise due to Saturn's malefic nature and its aspect over the 10th house. Saturn refines them, bringing perfection to their work. However, for this process to go smoothly, natives should have a well-placed ascendant lord, Jupiter; otherwise, they will fall prey to dejections and become frustrated easily.

Jupiter shouldn't be in the 12th house or in a weak position, and in navamsha, it should neither be combust nor weak. The more auspicious the influence over the mahadasha lord, the better the results are going to be.

When frequent travel is required, Mars' influence over Mahadasha Lord Saturn can open up new opportunities.

Naturally, during this period, natives' fondness for travel tends to increase, and if Rahu is associated with the 3rd, 9th, or 11th house, natives may travel to foreign places.

In certain situations where the natal horoscope includes placements for overseas settlement, the mahadasha of Saturn can present a strong opportunity for such relocation. This period is very beneficial for those who have a union of the Sun and Mercury in the 9th, 10th, or 11th house.

Under such conditions, natives can expect significant career advancement, potentially leading to a major promotion at the onset of the Saturn Mahadasha. With Mars' placement in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, or 11th house, natives can become inclined to start a business.

With hard work and the support of a well-placed Jupiter and 10th house lord Mercury, they can achieve success. Overall, this Saturn Mahadasha can offer stability and career advancement.

Major career issues, such as stagnation, job loss, unfavorable transfers, and enemies at work, may arise when the natal horoscope contains the following conditions:

  1. Weak ascendant lord (Jupiter).
  2. Malefic influences over the 1st house.
  3. Weak or afflicted 10th house.
  4. Affliction over 10th House Lord Mercury.

Other situations can also lead to career issues. If natives are under Sade Sati, then problems in the workplace may arise and force them to change jobs.

Natives may occasionally face challenges in their relationships. In the first house, the Mahadasha ruler can make them emotionally cold and unresponsive. They will have fewer attachments, and the influence of Ketu over the Mahadasha lord Saturn or the placement of the Moon in the 1st or 7th house can make them disinterested in worldly matters.

The natives will delay marriage further if their 7th house lord, Mercury, is weak. Eventually, they settle down in the planet's Antardasha, forming a connection with the 7th House.

Spouse behavior and health can become a concern, and having a weak karaka of the spouse, i.e., Venus for males and Jupiter for females, will lead to such issues. For those who have well-placed karakas, there won't be many issues. Similarly, this period could potentially lead to difficulties in their relationship with their father.

Not having the planet The sun's strength can certainly lead to clashes with him. Regardless of the sun's placement in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house, natives might engage in emotional conflicts with him.

Sibling-related issues can also demand immediate attention, and there may come a time when individuals become engrossed in trivial matters. Natives with such placements tend to live separately in Saturn Mahadasha, primarily due to a sibling and their spouse's behavior.

Since the Mahadasha lord is located over the 1st house, it carries the potential to cause illness in its Mahadasha chart. The following positions in the horoscope have the potential to induce illness:

  1. Weak or afflicted ascendant.
  2. Affliction of Ketu over Jupiter.
  3. Jupiter and Mars are in the eighth house.
  4. Mercury's placement in the 6th house.
  5. Debilitated mahadasha lord in navamsha.

Other placements can also cause health issues in Saturn Mahadasha. The most dangerous is the union of Rahu and Mars in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house. If natives have that in their natal horoscope, they may encounter severe health issues and even suffer an accident. Ketu's influence over Saturn and Mercury's weakness can cause spine and nerve problems.

Remedies: Natives should wear a Jyotish-quality yellow sapphire on the index finger of their right hand. This will help them counter the malefic influence of Saturn Mahadasha. Natives should also perform pranayama daily to keep their nervous systems strong.

Effects In Second House

Saturn's own sign, Capricorn, rises in the the 2nd House, and its Mahadasha brings balance to most areas of natives' lives.

Natives often strive to change their negative habits that are preventing them from realizing their full potential. They gain self-realization, which is essential and helpful to making new patterns in life. They may even transform their personalities, ranging from their speech patterns to their positive habits.

The process towards these changes can be a bit daunting, but it can become effortless if the Mahadasha lord is under the influence of Jupiter or when Jupiter is in the 1st, 5th, 7th, 9th, or 10th house.

The divine Jupiter aspect of Saturn eliminates the resistance that arises from Saturn's inherent malefic nature. The positive changes in natives' behavior begin to manifest at work. Their performance and results will peak, but there will be a price to pay. There will be sacrifices made, and let's see what they are.

We all know that Saturn has two additional aspects: the third and the 10th. The third Mahadasha lord falls over the fourth house of domestic peace, motherhood, and real estate.

Its direct aspect focuses on the 8th house of in-laws, spouse health, and longevity. The 10th aspect aligns with the 11th house of gains, friends, and acquaintances. Natives become absorbed in their work and demonstrate perfection and excellence in performance. Their demand for things to be perfect can take a toll on their co-workers, spouses, and family members.

If natives understand these negative traits, then surely life will become easier and smoother. During this Mahadasha period, they can anticipate a promotion that will bring complete satisfaction to their career. Natives who are involved in the family business can expect expansion, and excellence in their performance increases their reputation and status among their people.

Natives' wealth prospects become stable, and they make solid investments, particularly in currency, bonds, precious metals, and even real estate. For success in real estate matters, it is important to have Mars in a favorable placement, with the exaltation of Mars in the 2nd house being particularly effective.

It can provide sudden gains and inheritances. However, Saturn Mahadasha accentuates some of its negative aspects. Bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and sudden anger can become part of natives' personalities and aggravate the situation on the domestic and marriage front.

There is a possibility that natives may move from their current residence and opt to live in a better location. They may also buy a new car and do renovations on the existing house. The planet Venus, the ruler of the 11th house of gains, ascends to the 4th house.

Having Venus here is very beneficial for fulfilling material desires, the aspect of the 2nd house lord over the exalted 11th lord, which is placed in the 4th house. In some cases, where the planet Sun is in its sign, the 10th or 11th house, Saturn Mahadasha has made natives super-rich.

Natives with Ketu, Mars, or Rahu in the 4th house will feel the greatest burn, and in some cases, even separation from a brother can happen. From time to time, they may experience some tense moments at home. In a similar situation, natives will lose their mental peace and will constantly bombard themselves with negative thoughts. Poor placement of the mother's karaka moon can also compromise her health.

As you have observed above, the condition of the 4th house and Jupiter significantly influences the outcomes and characteristics of the Saturn Mahadasha.

In the realm of health, it is important to consider other factors. Usually, their physical health improves. For them, Mahadasha Lord Saturn is maraka, and its placement in its own sign is beneficial for recovering from illness and cultivating healthy habits.

This period encourages them to maintain a healthy diet under auspicious influences. Under malefic influences, there is a possibility of substance abuse.

If natives have Mars in the 8th house along with Rahu, then Saturn Mahadasha can cause a heavy intake of alcohol and even drugs. Similarly, a lunar affliction can lead to mental health issues. But this period has huge potential to spark interest in the occult and spirituality.

For this purpose, Jupiter and the Moon should be in a favorable position. Having exalted Jupiter in the 8th house is ideal for probing the religious and spiritual sides. Additionally, it enhances one's ability to conduct effective research. In this regard, Saturn Mahadasha can bring the best from the natives.

Remedies: Natives should recite Bajrang Baan daily and worship Lord Hanuman. If there is trouble over the 4th house, then natives should wear a Jyotish-quality yellow sapphire on the index finger of their right hand.

Effects In Third House

The Mool-trikone sign of the Mahadasha Lord rises, and during this period, the native is blessed with vitality, confidence, energy, and stamina. Natives strive for changes in this period, and they experience a strong urge to break the shackles of restrictions that have been stopping their growth.

They immediately start to learn new things that can upscale their careers, and at the same time, they start to meet and form new connections. Their efforts are always in the right direction, bringing them new leads and opportunities. Saturn Mahadasha gives them energy and courage to confront their demons.

If Saturn is under the influence of Venus, Mercury, the Sun, Mars, or Jupiter, then the results of their efforts will come quickly.

Here, the influence of all planets except Ketu is helpful.

Natives practicing Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga can reach new heights in Saturn Mahadasha. This period is perfect for extracting the best from their behavior, skills, and talents.

It supports growth in various career fields, especially in areas such as politics, sports, law, real estate, and travel, where the energies are more constructive.

They will defeat their workplace enemies by fighting and taking a stand. They will transform and become calculative, cold, and ruthless.

The new behavior patterns of natives may bring surprise and fear to their enemies. In this scenario, Ketu or Rahu in the 6th house, known for their ability to win and defeat enemies, can be extremely helpful.

Their relationships will also improve, and they won't miss any opportunities to resolve existing issues with their loved ones. But they may have to work especially hard on matters relating to their love affairs and with children.

The association between Mars and Venus can make them emotionally vulnerable, and they may end up spending a lot of time with their partner. They may neglect their other responsibilities, leading to a potential imbalance. Struggles with children in terms of their health and lack of focus on studies can become challenging.

If Mercury is not in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, or 12th house, natives will find it easy to navigate their marriage. If natives have a weak Sun in their natal horoscope, then the aspect of the Mahadasha ruler over the 9th house can cause issues with the father's health.

There will be noticeable improvements in existing health issues. Native Americans will be able to overcome their illnesses and focus on a healthy lifestyle. They will engage in a lot of outdoor activities and be involved with people of similar mindsets. This will help them see self-development and keep their mental health in good shape.

Remedy: Natives should worship Lord Hanuman to increase the beneficial effects of Saturn Mahadasha. Doing so will increase their confidence and energy level, resulting in a winner's mindset.

Effects In Fourth House

Here, the benefic Pisces sign rules the 4th House, and the Mahadasha of Saturn has the potential to do good in it.

But due to a lack of directional strength and its aspect over the 1st house, the beginning of the Mahadasha is tough and often puts natives in a tough spot.

They feel the impact of these negative experiences in every aspect of their lives. A decrease in career growth, issues with enemies, and a decline in physical and mental health can all lead to stress and unhappiness.

The direct aspect of Saturn, the Mahadasha ruler, over the 10th house creates obstacles, and this occurs through enemies, specifically the 3rd aspect over the 6th house.

Natives feel helpless and cannot figure out a way to come out of the situation. If Mars and Jupiter are weak in the natal horoscope, then these issues can also go out of hand.

Sade Sati's operation can further compound their misery.

Jupiter or Venus in the 4th house will shield them from unfavorable situations and promote their growth and prosperity.

However, there is a high possibility that Saturn is sitting alone in the 4th house and may have malefic influences over it.

Following unfavorable encounters in Saturn Antardasha, people can experience a great desire to make adjustments and begin acting to improve their lot in life.

Here, the significance of Saturn's position in the Pisces zodiac becomes evident. Native engagement in self-development can eradicate most of their issues, and they may start to live a completely different life.

The first step is relocation, and natives frequently move, sometimes even changing their country.

Mars' placement in the 1st or 10th house can lead to real estate gains. Natives' financial situations begin to improve, leading them to make wise financial decisions.

Despite their efforts in relationships, the situation may not come under control.

The 4th house represents karmas related to family and mother, requiring both suffering and understanding. The best option here is for the natives to make peace with the situation and not try too hard.

The influence of Ketu or Rahu over the 1st, 4th, or 9th house can aggravate the situation.

Health problems may cause the mother to suffer, especially when the Moon is weak and has either a union or an aspect of Rahu.

Then she may have to deal with chronic health issues.

Natives can face health challenges, and may feel trapped and physically weak. Laziness can also grip them, and lifestyle diseases can affect their productivity. 

Their struggle with health can remain throughout the Mahadasha of Saturn.

Remedies: Natives should make ascendant lord Jupiter strong by wearing a Jyotish-quality yellow sapphire. This will help them counter the malefic aspect of Saturn over their ascendant.

Effects In Fifth House

This presents the most challenging position for the Saturn mahadasha.

The Aries zodiac, which is where Saturn becomes debilitated, can reduce their luck. This period destroys their wisdom and thinking abilities.

 They may not be able to find a solution for their situation, and their efforts often go in the wrong direction. Further influence from malefic planets can increase the severity of the situation. Jupiter's placement in the 1st house of the 4th house is the only way to manage this period. Additionally, a well-placed moon can effectively counterbalance the negative effects of this Saturn mahadasha.

Natives may lose their jobs and face an investigation. There is a high likelihood of losing everything, so it is crucial to approach each step with caution.

 Natives should never consider engaging in any illegal or unlawful activities, as the influence of Saturn's mahadasha can lead to severe consequences. As the 3rd house lord, Saturn's position in the house of entrepreneurship can instill false hopes, leading Natives to consider starting a business. Such actions often result in financial losses. They might also lose important friends and individuals from their social circle.

When it comes to relationships, they might experience setbacks and initiate a breakup. The aspect of mahadasha lord Saturn over the 7th house causes rifts and troubles in their marriage. Natives with this placement often marry in haste and frequently select the wrong type of partner.

 In this Saturn mahadasha, one can discern the true nature of the individual. During this phase, Mercury's placement in the 2nd, 6th, 8th, or 12th houses can lead to divorce. Natives often struggle to maintain positive relationships with both friends and loved ones.

Despite being guilt-free and giving their best to others, Natives often face betrayal from loved ones. Natives are confused and feel unable to express themselves, which leads to frustration.

Natives suffer from a weak and disturbed digestive system, which negatively impacts their health. When Mars, the lord of the 5th house, aligns with the 8th house, it can lead to extended sickness, potentially necessitating surgery. Their ability to recover from illness and immunity also take a hit. Only when Jupiter aligns with the 1st house can they anticipate improved health. Natives' mental health also suffers, and Rahu's affliction over the Moon, particularly in the 12th house sign, can lead to severe mental illness.

Remedies: Natives should appease mahadasha lord Saturn by engaging in meditation, and they should also light diya and offer mustard oil to lord Saturn on Saturdays.

Effects In Sixth House

The Taurus sign rises in the 6th House, providing favorable conditions for the mahadasha lord, Saturn. The natural results of Saturn's mahadasha are beneficial in this house, encouraging hard work, dedication, and sacrifice.

The native puts their all into their work, resulting in rewards such as promotions and salary hikes. When Venus aligns with Saturn, natives strive for excellence, and with the support of Jupiter in the right position, they can achieve their desired results. Their relocation abroad necessitates Rahu's assistance (1st, 4th, 7th, or 12th house).

During this phase, natives initially gain momentum, but eventually, the influence of the mahadasha lord Saturn over the 8th house begins to pose challenges. Ideally, the placement of Mars, Venus, Ketu, Rahu, or Mercury in this house should leave it empty. If natives encounter an obstructive force, they will need to expend significant energy and time to overcome it.

When faced with enemies at work or a debilitated Mars, natives may consider changing their company to avoid complications. It can be a smart move, but it will only benefit the 10th house lord, Mercury, when he is not weak or afflicted.

Mercury's placement in the 12th house, either with or under Rahu's influence, could potentially turn this move into a mistake. The native may have to remain unemployed, which could have a negative impact on their financial situation.

This period is beneficial to those involved in service and care. It supports growth in careers related to NGO's, doctors, and even animal breeding. A special love for animals and pets marks this period.

It brings them peace, calmness, and a sense of purpose. Natives often experience a lack of connection with others and feel disappointed by greed and manipulation. In marriage, they may feel withdrawn from their spouse and don't get along with their spouse's family.

There can be fights with family members over inheritance-related matters. The influence of Mars, Ketu, Rahu, or Venus over the 4th, 6th, or 8th houses can lead to legal work being required in this regard.

This period brings a special focus on health-related matters. Native feels very determined to make changes in their lifestyle. If Mars is in the 12th house, the native may follow an intense workout routine to lose weight. This period can occasionally lead to health issues, particularly when the ascendant lord, Jupiter, is weak or ill. However, major illnesses are rare, and natives recover from illnesses easily.

Remedies: Natives should work selflessly for poor and needy people. This will result in the beneficial influence of Saturn on them.

Effects In Seventh House

The Gemini sign rises in the 7th House, and its lord, Mercury, has a friendly relationship with the mahadasha lord. This period can cause delays in their rise, among other things.

However, the horoscope never fails to fulfill the promises it makes. In fact, if natives develop patience and understanding of the situation, then Saturn mahadasha can reward them in the most unexpected manner.

The mahadasha lord aspect falls over the 9th, 1st, and 4th houses. During this period, Natives turn into doers and begin to believe in actions. They may take small but effective steps, and they usually know where improvement is required to bring about visible changes.

Their seniors may notice their dedication, which can give them an important role in the workplace. Such events can mark the beginning of their ascent and journey to management positions.

As lord of the 3rd house, Saturn can install inclinations to engage in business ventures within the mahadasha. If a native's natal chart includes Jupiter in the 1st house, Mars in the 5th house, or Mars in the 10th house, then surely they will start their journey toward becoming entrepreneurs.

Their wealth rises, and their ability to save improves. If Mars is well-placed in the natal horoscope, real estate matters can yield significant profits. Natives with this placement typically experience delays in marriage, often due to either the Saturn mahadasha or the antardasha of Saturn in a different mahadasha causing these delays. The spouse exhibits a serious demeanor, communicates concisely, and frequently overlooks intimacy and romance in their relationships.

Such behavior can cause issues when natives have a mutual association with Mars and Venus, as it creates a deep need for intimacy, which Saturn mahadasha will not allow to occur.

This period often poses a threat to their marriage, with malefic transits over the 7th house or its lord potentially triggering marital issues.

In the natal horoscope, the placement of Ketu, Rahu, Mars, Venus, or the Sun in the 7th house can lead to severe issues in marriage and negatively affect the spouse's health.

Native behavior is also not up to par, and the direct aspect of Saturn over the 1st house can make them act cold and unresponsive in emotional matters. 

Similarly, when it comes to health issues, people tend to be careless and fail to take necessary action when their health is not improving. Issues related to bones, teeth, and eyes are likely to occur.

But if Ketu, Rahu, or Mars are placed in the 7th house, then health issues will be more severe. A similar situation can arise if the 6th house lord is placed in the 8th house.

Remedies: By wearing a Jyotish-quality yellow sapphire, they can counter the malefic aspect of Saturn over the first house. At the same time, appeasement for Saturn is to be done by donating blankets to the poor and needy.

Effects In Eight House

In this Saturn mahadasha, the cancer sign ascends, but neither the sign nor the house are conducive to favorable outcomes. The aspect of Saturn over the 10th house (3rd) is very malefic in nature and can lead to job loss or severe issues at work.

Natives can feel stuck in their situation and may not get relief easily. Strong Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter placement is necessary for natives to handle career and workplace crises.

Operational Sade Sati during the antardasha of Saturn can be very severe. In terms of finances, natives often struggle with saving and tend to accumulate debt.

Natives might either lose their capacity for speculation or succumb to its influence. This is due to the aspect of mahadasha lord Saturn over the 5th house. If Ketu or Rahu exert their influence over the 5th house while Mars is in the 8th house, natives may face significant losses due to their own mistakes.

Relationship issues can also escalate, leading to the onset of significant difficulties. Affliction over the 7th house or Mercury in the 6th or 7th house will lead to instant divorce or separation.

Natives tend to have strained relationships and may not reach a consensus during the Saturn mahadasha period, even with in-laws. With their own family members, natives may engage in a battle over inheritance-related matters.

Only when natives stay humble and resort to forgiveness can they gain some peace of mind.

The 8th house plays a major role in the health of natives and is the house of longevity. While Saturn's mahadasha promotes longevity in this house, it can also lead to a variety of health issues and troubles. Ideally, Saturn should not have a malefic influence over it, and 6th house lord Venus should be well placed to avoid such scenarios. 

Remedies: Natives should first strengthen their ascendant lord Jupiter, and reciting Vishnusahastraamvali is also a mandatory practice. They must pacify Saturn by worshipping him daily and reciting the Shani Beej mantra.

Effects In Ninth House

The Leo sign, which represents Lord Saturn's arch enemy, rises. But being in the 9th house, its period prospers and supports the house ruled by Saturn, i.e., the 2nd and 3rd houses.

Also, its direct aspect over the 3rd house will boost the specifications associated with it. This mahadasha signifies a surge in courage, stamina, strength, and vitality among the natives. This will enable the native to advance in their career and accomplish a variety of goals. There will be an itch to start a business or do something where natives can use their skills and talents.

If Sun and Mercury are together, especially in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 10th, or 11th houses, then this period will give a massive boost to their status and career. Natives can do remarkable feats and will not hesitate to make bold steps and statements. This period is very auspicious for politics and similar kinds of leadership roles.

They will develop a close relationship with influential individuals in their workplace and begin to receive favorable treatment. This could potentially incite jealousy among colleagues due to Saturn's influence over the 6th house.

However, natives without Mars in the 6th or 8th house shouldn't worry. When travel is required, new opportunities can arise, and meeting new people and exploring new places can redefine the perception of being native.

When the Mahadasha Lord Saturn is under the auspicious influence of Jupiter or Mercury, their inclination towards knowledge will increase, leading to a constant gathering of information. This will add a new dimension to their personalities and enhance their skill sets.

As the 2nd house lord, the aspect of mahadasha lord Saturn over the 11th house will create new avenues for financial prosperity, ensuring the success of efforts to increase wealth. Placements of Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, or even Rahu in the 11th house will result in significant financial success during this period.

In such a scenario, they will be creating new income sources. They may also reap benefits from their father, and they will undoubtedly resolve inheritance-related issues amicably.

Malefics like Rahu, Mars, or Ketu, who shouldn't be in the 8th house, are likely to help make this happen smoothly. Additionally, if the planet Moon, the lord of the 8th house, is weak, it can lead to issues in such matters.

Natives will undoubtedly face conflicts over relationships and love. This may be due to their dedication and honest approach towards loved ones. However, the world's workings today can easily shatter ideals, and traditional idealistic approaches may not always prove effective.

Particularly when 7th Lord Mercury is weak or ill-placed, it can lead to feelings of disappointment with one's spouse. Mahadasha Lord Saturn in the 9th house has a huge role in marriage and its outcome. While not all natives will experience such an impact, their beliefs will undoubtedly face a test at some point.

They may improve their communication skills and form new bonds. If Jupiter is in the 1st, 4th, or 10th house, it will significantly enhance the social circle, making natives more popular and likeable.

If the native is suffering from a health issue, then the beginning part of the mahadasha can test their patience. Bad placement of Mars and Venus in the natal horoscope can lead to injury at the onset of the Saturn mahadasha cycle. But with patience and understanding of illness and the body, they can control it and live a healthy life.

Remedies: Since the mahadasha ruler is in the house of luck, whose ruler is the planet Sun, Natives should recite Aditya hridyam stotram daily to cover their weaknesses. Natives should memorize Shani Chalisa, and doing it daily will boost their prospects

Effects In Tenth House

A favorable Virgo sign rises in the 10th house, and the results of the Saturn mahadasha are typically favorable. If natives have a well-placed Jupiter and Mercury in their natal horoscope, then they are going to witness a steady rise in their career.

Their reputation will grow, and people will easily trust them. A promotion or a new role may come their way, and they will carry out their responsibilities with complete honesty.

Mahadasha Lord Saturn in the 10th house makes one a hard worker, and in an intelligent sign like Virgo, their work style becomes very productive. Natives never slack off, but instead, they embrace innovation and smart strategies to boost their productivity.

The aspect of Saturn over the 12th house can present opportunities for international travel and even permanent settlement.

For this reason, supportive placements of Mars and Rahu should also be present in the horoscope.

During this period, natives who have Jupiter in the 3rd, 5th, or 9th house or Mercury in the 3rd, 5th, or 11th house may consider starting a business and are willing to take the risk.

Venus in the 1st, 4th, or 11th house will also lead to success and significant profits. Their financial situation will naturally improve, but having wealth-supporting placements will make the process easier.

Mahadasha Lord Saturn influences the domestic environment's 4th house, which may lead to some relationship issues. Because it is a natural malefic, it frequently disturbs the peace at home.

If Jupiter, the Sun, Mars, or Mercury are weak, then their relationships will start to suffer. They must take excellent care of themselves.

Natives are likely to live far from their loved ones and will spend a significant amount of time without family members. In certain instances, natives may find solace in isolation, which can enhance their productivity by reducing distractions.

When it comes to health matters, it's important to exercise caution, as Saturn, the lord of the 2nd house, will be influencing the 7th house. Both of these houses are maraka, and if their ascendant is weak or has challenging placements, such as the union of Rahu Mars in the 8th or 12th house, they may experience frequent health issues. 

Remedies: Natives should meditate daily, and taking care of street dogs will give beneficial result.

Effects In Eleventh House

In the 11th House, the exalted mahadasha of Saturn has the potential to give everything that the native desires. The only requirement is a strong ascendant and its lord, and in Navamsha, Saturn should not be weak.

This period also has the capability to trigger the Rajyoga present in the horoscope. As the lord of the 3rd house, the exalted state of Saturn, located in the 11th house of victory, offers a variety of benefits and advantages.

It gives rise to life through sheer hard work, discipline, persistence, and determination.

As soon as a native steps into this mahadasha, favorable circumstances begin to unfold. Their awareness and knowledge of situations allow them to capitalize on all the opportunities that come their way. This implies that they could potentially secure a promotion within the initial year of the mahadasha program.

Natives with the following placements should prepare themselves for a significant event:

  • Union of Sun and Mercury.
  • Jupiter is in either the 1st or 4th house.

Even the placement of Mars in an exalted state can get a push from Saturn's mahadasha.

Existing issues in the workplace start to resolve, and natives gain victory over their enemies. This period is very beneficial for those who want to pursue their path in politics, sports, administration, research, healing, mining, and even the entertainment industry.

Why the entertainment industry? 

Exalted Saturn's aspect over the 5th house of showmanship can lead to a significant surge in creativity if natives have Venus positioned in either the 5th or 11th house. Venus in the 5th or 11th house can present them with unique opportunities and instant fame.

This is particularly true in the era of the internet, where a single viral video has the power to drastically alter someone's life. This placement is highly advantageous for them. During this period, their businesses will flourish, and those considering starting one will find ample support.

They will gain the association of a highly influential individual who will guide them and allow them to become part of his inner circle. Natives will greatly benefit from these friendships and mentorships, ultimately transforming into highly influential individuals.

For all this to transpire, the placement of Jupiter in an auspicious house is also essential.

In particular, one should position Jupiter in either the 1st or 4th house, thereby creating Hamsa yoga. Such individuals excel in the Saturn mahadasha period, which can be overwhelming and requires a strong ascendant. They experience a surge in earnings and can establish multiple revenue streams.

Natives can also make sudden gains, and inheritance-related matters favor them easily. Success in love boosts their confidence, and if Mars is in a favorable position, they may eventually marry the same person.

If Mars is under the influence of the Moon or Ketu, the relationship may encounter some challenges. The quality of married life will remain good, and the native will become a proud parent.

Although delays in childbirth are a hallmark of this mahadasha, the native's happiness stems from having children. Given that Saturn is the lord of the 2nd house and can affect the digestive system (an aspect of the 5th house), it may be necessary to pay attention to gut health.

Additionally, Saturn's influence over the 1st house (3rd aspect) may lead to certain health issues for them. Placement of malefic planets such as Ketu can lead to joint pain; Mars can lead to hair falls and injuries; and Venus can affect their sexual functions. This period will undoubtedly limit their movements and physical abilities.

Remedies: Natives should wear a Jyotish-quality yellow sapphire on their right index finger.

Effects In Twelfth House

The Scorpio sign rises here, and neither the house nor the sign is favorable for the proper functioning of Saturn and its mahadasha. The aspect of Saturn falls over the 2nd, 6th, and 9th houses. With the exception of the second house, the other two houses experience significant adverse effects.

The planets positioned in these houses will also experience their impact.Mahadasha lord Saturn, in this position, brings dissatisfaction at work and causes commitment issues. Natives may easily become distracted, which can negatively impact their ability to focus. 

This leads to frustration and low output at work. Their poor performance can result in scolding or even demotion.

In extreme cases, Rahu's alignment with Saturn can also result in job losses. 

If this happens, natives may struggle to secure new employment, which could have a negative impact on their finances and potentially lead to debt.

For this period to yield positive results, the following conditions are ideal: 

  • The aspect of exalted Jupiter from the 8th house can transform a native from a losing position into a winner, enabling them to swiftly regain their momentum and overcome opponents and adversities. Mahadasha natives may also have the opportunity to relocate abroad to Saturn.
  • The 10th House unites the Sun and Mercury This placement is itself capable of sustaining the native. However, within the context of Saturn mahadasha, the native has the potential to achieve success in politics or leadership roles. Saturn mahadasha will greatly enhance their oratory skills, enabling their words to work like magic.
  • Jupiter in the 1st or 4th house, this is known as Hamsa yoga, and it is believed to bring success and knowledge. In the context of Saturn mahadasha, there will be spiritual growth, and the native can become a karma yogi who believes in doing tasks with full honesty.

Natives with the three placements listed above need not worry. Other placements in Saturn mahadasha might benefit the native, but a thorough examination of the natal horoscope is necessary.

Relationship issues pose a significant challenge, and even the most beneficial planets may not be able to assist the individual. Saturn mahadasha indicates that natives will be forced to live in isolation, and the physical absence of natives will lead to issues in their marriage and bonds with people.

The aspect of Saturn over the father's 9th house can potentially cause health issues. If the sun holds a weak position in his natal horoscope, it will also impact their relationship.

If the moon is with Saturn, it will have the most detrimental effect on a relationship, as its weakening will render the individual emotionally incapable. 

They won't be able to form meaningful connections and may give up on relationships and marriage without much effort.

This placement may also lead to feelings of depression and loneliness among the native population. This, in turn, will impact the native's mental well-being. 

In such cases, the influence of the Saturn mahadasha can significantly worsen the native's mental state, potentially even affecting their physical health. If Jupiter is weak or affiliated, then a native may need to seek medical attention from time to time.

Remedies: Natives should worship Lord Saturn daily, and since the Scorpio sign is involved here, there is a requirement to worship Lord Hanuman (the ruler of Mars).

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About the Author
naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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