Saturn is the slowest moving planet in Vedic astrology and out of all major planetary transits this year, Saturn transit 2022 in Capricorn zodiac is most important.
Planet Saturn is most feared in whole Vedic astrology and its mahadasha and transit needs the most attention.
Using standard rules of Vedic Astrology we can easily find out how this Saturn transit in Capricorn is going to affect us and what special situations it is going bring for natives of each zodiac sign.
In this article I will cover following points in detail:
NOTE: Why these predictions are from ascendant is mentioned here and anyways you can still apply this to your Moon sign also.
Saturn Transit 2022 Date & Time
You need to understand this carefully because in Saturn transit 2022 a lot of movement is going to happen and these movements will trigger different kinds of events in life.
We all know that planet Saturn is in Capricorn sign since 24th of January 2020.
Also, with Saturn transit into Capricorn sign following major changes happened in Astrology:
- Sade Sati for Scorpio Sign ended.
- Aquarius Moon Sign started the first phase of Sade Sati
- Sagittarius Moon sign reached the last phase of Sade Sati.
- Whereas Capricorn Moon Sign entered the second phase of it.
- Libra moon sign started their Shani Dhaiya.
- Gemini moon sign are in Ashtama Shani now.
To make analysis more fine, this time I have included the dates when planet Saturn will change the nakshatra pada and date and time for same is given below.
- Saturn entered Shravana Fourth Pada January 21, 2022, Friday at 04:42 AM.
- Saturn entered First Pada February 18, 2022, Friday at 03:22 AM.
- Saturn entered Dhanishtha Second Pada March 19, 2022, Saturday at 10:31 PM.
- Saturn entered Dhanishtha Third Pada April 29, 2022, Friday at 12:17 PM.
- Saturn entered Dhanishtha Second Pada July 12, 2022, Tuesday at 10:27 AM.
- saturn will enter Dhanishtha First Pada August 29, 2022, Monday at 05:35 AM.
- Saturn will enter Dhanishtha Second Pada December 15, 2022, Thursday at 12:14 AM.
- Within Capricorn sign planet Saturn will become Retrograde in sign of Aquarius On June 5, 2022, Sunday at 03:16 AM.
- On July 12th 2022, planet Saturn will enter the sign of Capricorn in retrograde state.
- Planet Saturn will turn direct On October 23, 2022 in sign of Capricorn on Sunday at 09:37 AM.
- Duration of Saturn Retrograde motion is 141 Days
Role Of Saturn In Vedic Astrology
In Vedic Astrology, Saturn is considered the lawmaker and punisher who judges our actions.
It is essential to understand the various aspects of planet Saturn through the lens of Vedic astrology.
Directly or indirectly it will affect the Saturn transit 2022 results.
Saturn is the slowest planet and takes almost 30 years to cross all signs, i.e., approx. 2.5 years in one sign.
Saturn is a barren, binding, cold, constant, dry, defensive, hard, nervous and secretive planet.
It gets exalted in Libra at 20 degrees and debilitated in Aries at 20 degrees.
Saturn owns Capricorn and Aquarius signs directly related to career and gains.
In a horoscope, Saturn is the lord of Karma and ruler of the 10th and 11th houses.
Therefore, it is natural karaka for these two houses, and the planet Saturn represents the following in astrology:
- Profession.
- Labor work.
- Gains.
- Pain.
- Misery.
- A long-term health issue.
- Delays.
- Denial.
- Knees.
- Iron.
- Masses.
- Dejection.
- Difficulty
- Disharmony.
- Disputes.
According to Uttara Kalamrita, Saturn is proved to be beneficial when it sits in its own sign or when it occupies the signs of Jupiter or when it is exalted. Saturn rules over Pushya, Anuradha and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatras.
Saturn is significator of sixth, eighth, tenth and twelfth houses.
- Sixth house is house of debt, enemy and diseases, if Saturn is placed in 6th house it bestows the native to compete challenges or beat competitions with less efforts.
- Eighth house is house of longevity and sudden inheritance, if Saturn is placed in this house, it will bestow you with lots of inheritance and longevity.
- Tenth house is house of karma or profession.
- Twelfth house is house of spirituality, jail, asylums, hospitals etc.
Saturn is a malefic planet and tends to create negative results if afflicted.
On the other hand, Saturn can produce raj yoga when in a state of Pushkar navamsa or a planetary relationship with the benefic or yoga karaka planet.
NOTE: Saturn has three unique aspects, i.e., 3rd, 7th & 10th.
Together with the transit of Jupiter, they trigger events in our life as promised by dashes and are known as the Double Transit Of Saturn Jupiter.
All famous people have strong Saturn and Rajyoga by it like Sasa Yoga.
The general effects of planet Saturn transit are never soothing to ears, and some of them are mentioned below:
- Saturn is known to bring poverty and hardships.
- Saturn can cause severe health issues and bring health issues like cancer and other chronic health issues.
- Saturn doesn't allow one to have stable married life and can deny one's children also.
Planet Saturn causes the worst type of issues one can go through.
But see, all this is general and will happen if Saturn is weak or severely afflicted in the Horoscope.
The same effects can be generated by the planets Rahu & Ketu also.
We tend to blame planet Saturn for every situation of our life.
On positive side, Saturn gives us the capabilities & patience to fight back.
It provides us with the hope of having a promising future that controls life and affects our decisions.
So once you figure out what significations Saturn rules in astrology, it will be easier for you to predict Saturn transit 2022 results.
About Capricorn Zodiac Sign
During the event of Saturn transit 2022, planet Saturn will be mostly in sign of Capricorn and as mentioned before Capricorn sign is owned by planet Saturn itself.
Capricorn sign is the 10th sign of the Kaalchakra scheme and rules over Work and Career and Status. Capricorn sign is ruled by planet Saturn and works very well in it.
Capricorn sign forms the Artha trine along with Taurus and Virgo sign.
Capricorn sign is an important sign and any transit over this planet tends to become important.
Some other characteristics of Capricorn zodiac are as follows:
- Hue: Dark.
- Color:Blue.
- Element: Earth.
- Gender: Male.
- Varna (Race): Shudra.
- Direction: West.
- Symbol: Ibex.
And in short words here is what happens when Saturn passes through Capricorn sign:
- In general it is one of the best sign where Saturn can be.
- Saturn gains authority here.
- Saturn will be in own which means Saturn will have good powers to bestow its results be it good or bad.
- Is considered as good for economy.
- Saturn through Capricorn sign is once in a rare time which can bring social awareness.
- It also brings some kind of practicality to individuals.
How To Judge The Effects Of Saturn Transit In Capricorn
Using standard rules of Vedic Astrology, we can easily find out how this Saturn transit will affect us and what special situations it is going to bring for natives of each ascendant.
I have written a complete guide on how to read transits, and you can refer to it to understand it better or take the help of tips for reading Saturn transit.
Like any other planet, Saturn also changes its role for different ascendants. It is a significant factor to consider while analyzing the effects of Saturn transit 2022.
For example, Saturn is malefic for Aries ascendant, whereas Saturn is yoga karaka for Taurus ascendant.
Due to this change in Saturn’s role for different ascendants, the effects of Saturn transit 2022 will also change towards a particular ascendant.
For quick reference, final predictions for Saturn transit 2022 will depend on the following factors:
- Saturn produces promising results for Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius ascendants.
- Saturn produces inauspicious results for Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces ascendant.
- We should also keep a crucial point in mind that naturally, Saturn produces good results in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses.
- Account Saturn's natural effects in the Aquarius sign.
- Since we are dealing with transits here, it's essential to look into the ashtakvarga bindus of Saturn in the Capricorn sign.
- If more than 3, Saturn will give good results during this transit.
- Also, check if Saturn transit in the Aquarius sign. Is going over 22nd Drekkana or 64th Navamsha. Any malefic planet like Saturn transit over these sensitive points results in injuries or health issues.
Since all transits are dependent on each other to deliver results.
It is important to know about them.
These guides on transits will help you to understand the transit for all planets individually.
Given below are links for other transits of 2022:
For accurate predictions, other factors in Horoscope will matter, especially the running vimshottari dasha.
For your Horoscope analysis, please email me at
Saturn is a slow planet, and predicting Saturn transit 2022 in the Capricorn sign can be tricky; therefore, the predictions of this Saturn transit are general in nature.
The above mentioned rules are applied while drawing the effects for Saturn transit in Capricorn and using the links given below you can read the effects for your rising ascendant.
Effects For Aries Ascendant
Aries is the first sign of Vedic astrology, and it spans from 00-30 celestial longitude.
It is the sign where Saturn goes in debilitation, and despite Neechabhanga conditions, Saturn always possesses challenges in such conditions.
Planet Mars, the fiercest among all planets, rules Aries among all zodiacs, which form a potent Ruchaka Yoga.
Aries ascendant natives are very dominating, and they don't give up easily.
They do things with full passion, and they always give their 100% in it, provided Mars is vital in the needle horoscope.
They do well in technology, army manual labor, and legal work.
They are one of the most forceful signs. They do not budge under pressure; instead, they perform better when surrounded by hostile forces and start to act like a commander. Moreover, they know how to rotate the troops.
In a relationship, they tend to face difficult times quite often because both the sexual signs are opposite each other.
The rulership of Venus over the 7th house tends to contradict the sign rising in the first house, which is Aries here.
Still, they make good spouses, but due to their aggressive nature and enormous ego, they often see trouble in their paradise.
Saturn is a malefic but still a significant planet for Aries ascendant due to its lordship over the 10th & 11th houses.
Saturn mainly rules over the following significations for Aries ascendant natives:
- Status.
- Career.
- Gains from father.
- Influence.
- Aura.
- Ability to convince others.
- Gains.
- Father's income.
- Friend circle.
- Achievements.
- Networking.
During Saturn transit 2022, planet Saturn will be transiting over the 11th house and will aspect 1st, 5th, and 8th house, respectively.
And following significations will come under the influence of Saturn transit in Aquarius.
- Health.
- Physical presence.
- Gains.
- Networking.
- Friends.
- Children.
- Passion.
- Hobbies.
- Love matters.
- Longevity.
The Transit of Saturn is looking very promising. However, it also has some negative shade because the Saturn aspect will be falling over the 7th house.
But the transit of Jupiter seems to be supporting them.
I feel that Saturn transit will be life-changing for you.
It can bring once-in-a-lifetime opportunities in your way, considering Saturn transit is from the 11th house.
This year can become memorable for you though we need to see the overall potency of the Horoscope and other factors.
Jupiter transit should also be included here because Jupiter will be over the 12th house in its sign of Pisces.
Let's see in detail how it will affect Aries ascendant native.
1. CAREER- The presence of Planet Saturn on your 10th house will bring steady growth in your career, though, at the same time, you will have to push harder to extract the best from the transit.
There will be opportunities for promotion/salary rise in the month of August 2022.
If you are running through auspicious and unafflicted Saturn Dasha.
In that case, you can expect some life-changing career growth for yourself.
There can be a change in place for you due to transfer at the workplace, and this change will be very positive.
If you have plans to move abroad, 2022 is looking very auspicious for it.
If you are already abroad, then this is the kind of transit you need to get the best from your life.
Any current issue at the workplace will start to go away, and you will be able to have some peace of mind at work.
Your seniors will give you great credit for your excellent work.
If you are into a salaried job, then a steady rise is seen for you and the month of June is showing some definite rise in the salary.
If you are in business, expect some good growth in your gains, and expansion plans will work great. However, issues with business partners are very much likely to happen in the month of September 2022.
Reckon you are into politics or any other work where you can gain power and position, then this time. In that case, you will be able to take the proper steps and will be able to achieve your dreams.
Overall an excellent transit this is going to be, and the year 2022 can be the best year of your life, provided Dasha is supportive.
2. WEALTH- This Saturn transit is auspicious for your wealth.
Since Saturn has lordship over your 11th house of gains, the presence of Saturn in the 10th house is going to improve your quantum of wealth.
There will be more sources of income, and your mind will know how to act correctly this time.
As mentioned in the Career section, you will see a rise in your career, which is directly proportional to an increase in finances.
The year 2022 is perfect for investments, especially in real estate. If you have Mars and Saturn connection in your Horoscope, there will be good gains from it.
Overall, this Saturn transit 2022 looks very auspicious for finances. You will also see a rise in your Father's wealth.
3. RELATIONSHIP- Planet Saturn is quite separative in nature. Saturn transit in 2022 from your 10th house will lead to its aspect on your 7th house via its 10th aspect.
There can be some issues with your spouse, provided you have those combinations in your horoscope, or at the same time, there can be health issues with your spouse.
If you are unmarried, then the year 2022 is not looking that helpful; maybe the year 2023 can bring some bright chances for marriage though it is necessary to have Dasha running, which gives marriage.
Things may go sour with Father, and his health may be affected.
However, he will see some promising career developments in his Father's life, improving his financial status.
There will also be some issues with the Mother, and her relationship with your Father can go wrong.
With children, things are looking easy now, and the current issues will start to cool off, and you will see some good events in their life.
Those looking for childbirth will find good support from this transit of Saturn.
4. HEALTH- Health wise, this Saturn transit looks promising and will lead to a healthy year for you.
You will be able to maintain a good lifestyle and be interested in living healthily.
I don't see any significant issues with your health.
If any issue is bothering you currently, you can expect some good relief in 2022.
Though I would suggest you take some cautions and this constant aspect of Saturn on your 12th house will bring expenditures on your health, it can be due to a short visit to the hospital.
So better be prepared for it and plan nicely.
The best remedy is to make the ascendant strong because your health will be affected in 2022.
In addition, you should wear a Jyotish quality yellow sapphire or Beryl on your right-hand index finger.
Effects For Taurus Ascendant
Saturn transit 2022 is very important for Taurus ascendant because planet Saturn is a Yogakaraka planet for them.
Taurus is the 2nd sign of the natural zodiac scheme.
It spans 30-60 celestial longitudes, owned by the planet Venus which has a beautiful planetary friendship with Saturn and Mercury.
An Earth sign forms the Kama Trikone and Virgo & Capricorn characters.
It is one of the most potent and successful signs.
In addition, Taurus ascendant natives tend to reach a higher position faster than the other signs.
The bull represents Taurus, and here despite the rulership of Venus, they take things aggressively.
They want growth, and they don't joke around and believe in hard work and the smooth execution of their plans.
Planet Saturn is yoga karaka here, whereas Mercury is lord of the second and fifth house.
When well placed in the natal Horoscope, magic is bound to happen.
Saturn simultaneously lord rules over the 9th & 10th houses and rules over the following significations for them:
- Luck.
- Religion.
- Spiritual advancement.
- Father.
- Seniors at the workplace.
- Father's income.
- Status in society.
- Job-status.
- Knees.
- 3rd child.
- Long-distance travels.
- Father.
In 2022 planet Saturn will be over the 10th house, and the aspects of Saturn will fall over the 12th, 4th and 7th houses, affecting the following areas of their lives.
- Father status.
- Your status.
- Well being of Mother.
- Mental Peace.
- Properties.
- Domestic environment.
- Spouse.
- Married life.
- Maraka effects.
- Abroad.
- Expenses.
Let's see in detail the effects of this transit.
1. CAREER- The Saturn transition will ideally impact the Career.
There will be sudden opportunities coming your way, and you will see positive changes in the people around you.
Stagnation in your Career will ease out now, and required luck will be on your side now.
Sure shot by August 2022, you will have a chance of promotion or salary hike.
This Transit is looking suitable for both the service and business sectors. You will notice an increase in courage and make some bold movements.
You won't hesitate before making decisions on big financial deals. Your business partner will have a favorable agreement with you.
Relationships with seniors at the workplace will also improve, and you will start to see a good change in his attitude towards you. Finally, Saturn transit 2022 can be a blessing for your Career; Saturn was in the 8th house and had been grinding you for the last 2.5 years.
Now is the time to rise and shine because other major transits of Jupiter and Rahu transit are in your favor now.
2. WEALTH- Saturn will be expecting your 11th house in 2022.
So there is an indication that finances will shoot up now, and the blockages will start to clear.
Your money stuck up somewhere will see clearance, and that cash flow will also improve.
So a win-win situation is seen for you here now.
Chances of getting gains from friends and elder siblings will be there.
If you see an opportunity or offer which you think can lead to gains in the future, then grab it with both hands.
Overall, the best Saturn transit you will have, you are likely to gain money from Father.
3. RELATIONSHIP- Gemini ascendant natives are more prone to marriage issues, and even a slight presence of deadly combinations for marriage can trigger troubles in marriage for them.
If you have such combinations in your Horoscope, this Transit of Saturn in 2022 can save you from negativity.
Relationships will also be improving now, and you will be seeing positive responses from the spouse.
Your spouse will likely enjoy good career growth, and their finances will also shoot up.
The 9th house where Saturn is going to Transit is 3rd from the 7th house of spouse and marriage.
This means there will be the right decisions taken by your spouse, allowing them to gain good in life.
With Father, things will improve now, and you will see betterment in his health. At the same time, your relationship will also be becoming healthy.
With Mother, things may not be that good, and she may suffer from chronic health issues, or if she is already having some, then there are chances that it may aggravate further.
Your younger sibling is likely to gain a lot from this Transit, and their life will be coming to track effectively.
If you are looking for a child, this Transit of Saturn can bring good news.
I think children are looking very well and are likely to perform very well at school or in their Careers.
I see a lot of good events in this regard.
4. HEALTH- I am sure that the past three years were not great for you, and you were facing health issues here and there, but in the year 2022, you will see some promising developments on the health front.
One main reason for the same is Jupiter transit which is favorable now.
You will be able to find the right kind of treatment for your existing health issues.
There will be newfound energy and a sense of good health, and finally, you will be able to live with a newfound zeal.
The year 2022 is the year of rejuvenation for you. When planet Jupiter enters your 11th house, you will see a transformation in your look and how you feel about yourself.
REMEDIES- Remedy-wise, you should wear Jyotish quality Emerald or Peridot on the smallest finger of your right hand or a Pendant.
It will allow you to gain new opportunities, and the old blockages from the past will start to clear now.
Effects For Gemini Ascendant
Gemini is a dual sign which spans from 60 to 90 celestial longitude—ruled by planet Mercury where mischiefs of Mercury are most pronounced.
Good humor and enjoying fine things in life are two top traits of the Gemini sign.
It is an Airy sign and the planets Saturn and Venus do very well for them.
The attitude of Gemini ascendant in Career is very bright and balanced.
They tend to achieve success quickly and have patience in their life goals.
They do very well in language, communication, management, and law.
In relationships also, they have a very balanced attitude, and they keep the priorities of their spouse at the top of their agenda.
They do make good husband and wife unless the 7th house is severely afflicted, which can change their approach towards their spouse.
For Gemini ascendant, Saturn is lord of the 8th & 9th house and has tricky lordship; here, you need to carefully judge the strength of planet Saturn.
Saturn rules over the following significations for them:
- Longevity.
- Chronic health issues.
- In-laws.
- Spouse health.
- Insurance.
- Sudden gains.
- Obstacles.
- Delays.
- Legacy.
- Transformation.
- Parents.
- Religion.
A weak Saturn can lead to adverse effects on the 8th house. It will lead to complicated situations for the native-like obstacles, delays, and health issues.
Now planet Saturn will transit over the 8th house.
As a result, it will aspect the 10th, 2nd, and 5th house, respectively, which will lead to Saturn influences over the following significations for Cancer ascendant.
- Health.
- In-laws.
- Career.
- Status.
- Well being of Father.
- Family.
- Salary.
- Passion.
- Love affair.
- Children.
- Speculation abilities.
This Transit of Saturn can be complex and bring sudden twists in life.
Let's see in detail how Saturn transit will affect Gemini natives in 2022.
1. CAREER-Saturn will be aspecting the 10th house from the 8th house.
This aspect is not looking well and can affect your career growth and suddenly cause some disturbance, especially in the Dasha of Saturn or Ketu.
Until July end, there can be sudden changes in your career, and your position may get reduced to low capacity.
But, at the same time, workplace issues can bother you a lot.
There can be hidden enemies at the workplace who can disturb your peace of mind, and even friends can backstab you out of nowhere.
It would be best if you were careful in this regard because the possibility of having issues at the workplace is very high for you.
If you are in Business, then Saturn transit 2022 will bring unnecessary issues to Business, and cash flow will be stuck for you.
You should not take any chances with monetary decisions and avoid taking risks at any cost.
The above prediction seems negative, but everything depends on the dasha you have right now.
The effects mentioned above may not come true if you are in Raja Yoga karaka dosha.
From October 2022 onwards, you will be seeing tremendous growth, and your career will skyrocket with ample chances to choose.
You have the support of auspicious Jupiter and Rahu transit, which will help deal with this Saturn transit's negative impact.
2. WEALTH- Despite career issues, Saturn transit 2022 has some bright areas from which you are likely to gain good gains.
Chances of inheritance will be there or sudden gains from the investments from the past.
It would be best if you still were careful with the money.
Don't make any critical decisions in your life, and don't make any investment is not advisable.
This transit will favor if your source of income is from an illegal source, bribe, or any other questionable sources.
From April onwards, income flow will become very good.
As a result, new opportunities to make money will come, and you will be able to cash in.
3. RELATIONSHIP- Saturn transit from the 8th house will be 2nd from your 7th house of marriage.
It would be best to be careful of your equation with your spouse.
There can be situations where things may get tense between you two.
It would be best not to use foul language because Saturn's aspect over your 2nd house of speech can cause issues.
With parents, things are looking ok, and I don't see issues with either Father or Mother.
A heavy focus on relationships with in-laws will be there.
Good or Bad?
It will depend on the structure of your Horoscope and the dasha you are running.
There can be some issues with siblings, especially when you are having a dispute over an inheritance.
There can be arguments, and relationships with siblings may not remain the same.
There are some chances of childbirth in your case, and there will be happiness through children.
They may perform well in their studies, and if they are grown-ups, their career will see a positive direction.
4. HEALTH- Health will be much because Jupiter the markesh is out of your 8th house now.
Instead, you will reinvent your health and chase a sound body and mind.
From April end on wards, things are looking very positive in this department.
You will choose a healthy way of life, and you may enroll yourself in a gym or go for a retreat.
The best way to deal with Saturn's presence in your 8th house is via making your ascendant strong via a Jyotish quality Emerald on a pendant or the smallest finger of your right hand.
Effects For Cancer Ascendant
In Astrology, Cancer is the fourth sign of Vedic astrology, and it spans from 90 degrees to 120 degrees.
It is a very feminine sign, and its tattva is water.
It forms the first angle of the Moksha trine and Scorpio and Pisces signs.
Planet Jupiter achieves exaltation here, whereas it is the only sign for planet Moon.
Planet Mars becomes powerless here, and it is very natural to understand why.
Mars is of the Fire element, and as mentioned earlier Cancer sign is throughout made up of water elements.
Cancer ascendant natives are very soft and have a superior sense of calmness.
They tend to have a very cautious approach in matters of their life.
They never show aggression, and it is easy to work with them to make excellent managers.
Their subordinates tend to feel comfortable around them.
They excel in teaching, management, transportation politics, and accounts.
For Cancer, ascendant Saturn is lord of the 7th & 8th houses.
Planet Saturn is functional malefic for them, plus a mysterious maraka planet if there is affliction over planet Saturn.
Saturn rules over the following significations for them:
- Longevity.
- Chronic health issues.
- Marriage.
- In-laws.
- Spouse health.
- Insurance.
- Sudden gains.
- Obstacles.
- Delays.
- Legacy.
- Transformation.
Saturn transit will be through their 7th house, and aspects of Saturn will be falling over the 9th, 1st, and 4th house, which will affect the following significations for them:
- Marriage.
- Spouse.
- Sexual power.
- Religion.
- Father.
- Spiritual advancement.
- Health.
- Mother.
- Mental peace.
- Real estate assets.
- Gadgets.
Let's see in detail what can happen to Cancer ascendant.
1. CAREER- This Transit of Saturn will bring much relief to your issues running for the past few years.
You will start to see the required traction in your career, and you will be taking steps to move ahead.
There will be situations where you will see your enemies on the rise, but you will be able to overcome them.
The slow and steady rise will be there, but you never know if some sudden positive news comes from Jupiter's Transit in the 8th house.
There can be abroad opportunities for you after a hard-fought battle among your competitors, which is the best aspect of this Transit.
However, it would be best if you had such combinations in your Horoscope, making one travel abroad for work.
If you are employed, then a good chance that you will be able to crack an exam and land a job for yourself.
However, suppose Business is your primary source of income.
In that case, this Transit indicates that you may take one loan for raw material or expansion of Business.
Try not to go overboard with your debts and keep a check on people who work for you.
This Transit will prove best for athletes and politicians mainly; lawyers are also likely to benefit.
Overall, Saturn Transit 2022 is not bad for you; just some precautions, patience, and wisdom are advised.
It will be much better than Saturn transit in Capricorn, for sure.
2. WEALTH- There will be a rise in wealth for you and may happen due to sudden and unearned income.
Money from insurance, policy, or inheritance can come.
The direct aspect of Saturn over the 4th house shows that you may take a loan for the home.
I suggest you control a few things in your lifestyle and go overboard with expenses.
3. RELATIONSHIPS- Saturn transit 2022 shows some issues on the Marriage front. There can be more delays in finding a partner for yourself.
Patience will bring good news for you.
If you are already married, you can expect some differences in opinion from your spouse.
Though they won't be large unless you have severe harmful combinations for bad Marriage.
This Transit will cause some drifts between parents and siblings, and you may have some arguments with your father.
Mother will remain supportive, but still, you need to understand and respect them as much as possible.
This Transit doesn't impact siblings, and their lives will be the same as before.
I don't see many changes for them in the year 2022
4. HEALTH- Your health will see improvements, and you may start going to the gym now.
There will be a focus on improving your appearance, and you will be giving your best in it.
Any ongoing health issue will find its cure but not right away.
You do need to give your best efforts for this.
Naturally, some expenditures will occur on account of health, but at least you will be able to find the cure.
You may experience thinning of hairs, or severe hair falls depending on the condition of the ascendant in your natal birth chart.
REMEDIES- The best way to deal with Saturn's presence in your 7th house is via making your ascendant strong via a Jyotish quality Seawater pearl on a pendant or the smallest finger of your right hand.
Effects For Leo Ascendant
Leo is the most extraordinary sign, spanning from 120 to 150 celestial longitude.
It is a Fiery sign and immovable by nature.
Ruled by the planet Sun, Leo signs have a lot of ego and pride.
They are born with a king-like attitude which can backfire sometimes.
They do very well in their careers and like to lead and want to be famous.
In relationships, they are very balanced, and despite the conflicts with spouses, they believe in long-term settlement.
For Leo ascendant, Saturn is lord of the 6th & 7th house and is a malefic planet.
Saturn can be severely malefic if it is afflicted or weak in Horoscope and Saturn transit 2022 becomes important by default.
Planet Saturn rules over the following significations for Leo ascendant natives:
- Enemies.
- Debts.
- Health.
- Aggression.
- Arguments.
- Maternal relations.
- Legal matters.
- Partnership.
- Marriage.
- Spouse features.
- Masses.
In 2022 planet Saturn will be transiting over the 6th house. It will aspect the 8th, 12th, and 3rd house, respectively, and the following significations will come under its scanner:
- Health.
- Legal matters.
- Debts.
- Enemies.
- Abroad.
- Expenses.
- Spiritual advancement.
- Courage
- Sibling.
- Hobbies.
- Short travels.
1. CAREER- Transit of Saturn through your 6th house will bring some betterment on the career front, provided you are in a salaried profession or make money via commission.
Things will start to get better and, old issues will start to die now, relationships with colleagues will improve.
You will begin to gain respect for your hard work and achievements.
Suppose you are in Business and have a partner in it.
In that case, this transit of Saturn can improve your overall experience with some marginal gains in it.
There will be moments when you will see gains more than you expect.
If there is any legal case going against you or over your Business, you can expect relief.
You will be interested in getting a loan to expand your Business.
Saturn transit is most favorable if you are in sports or politics.
You will have newfound energy and a positive spirit that you can transfer into action.
Overall a good transit will be for you, and Saturn can bring many changes in your life.
2. WEALTH- Wealth-wise, 2022 will improve many good things; debts that are the biggest concern for you will get less and less with time.
You should start fresh and make new plans.
I am sure you will find ways to improve your financial condition drastically.
Your earning capacity will increase with time, and Saturn transit 2022 in the Aquarius sign will bless you with a new start that will allow you good wealth in 2022.
So stay hopeful and give some shots in speculations because Jupiter transit will allow you good decision capabilities, which will lead you towards gains.
Rahu transit 2022 in Aries sign through your 8th house shows disputes in inheritance.
but you will be able to find your way to get it.
3. RELATIONSHIP- Current Marriage issues will resolve for you, and there will be hope in your marriage.
If you are looking for a spouse, 2022 will bring some issues.
If you are going through a divorce, then there will be an outcome that will be a balanced one.
If you are looking to convert your love affair into marriage, there will be obstacles in your path.
You should take utmost care of your spouse's health because Saturn, the 6th lord, can cause harm to your spouse's well-being.
With a father, mother, or siblings, there will be some complex situations in their own life, leading to worries in the family.
4. HEALTH- Saturn is lord of the 6th house, which is a malefic house, and at the same time has lordship over the 7th house, which is a maraka house for you.
It means Saturn transit 2022 can cause harm to health.
There are some changes of physical injuries to you in the middle of the year 2022, so drive slow and watch your surroundings.
But overall, you will be feeling energetic and healthy.
The excellent energy level will be there, and you will start recovering from your old health issues.
You may become more health-conscious and may focus on bodybuilding.
You may sign up for an expensive retreat, and there will be a positive outcome from it.
If you have addictions, then be careful because many mental struggles will be happening to deal with them.
The best remedy to protect your health and well-being is by making your ascendant lord Sun strong.
There are many simple remedies for the planet Sun mentioned in this link.
Same time you should read Vishnu Sahasranamam daily because this can lead to protection in your life.
Effects & Predictions For Virgo Ascendant
Virgo is the 6th sign in the natural zodiac scheme and spans 150-180 degrees.
It is a Dual sign with an Earth element in it.
Planet Mercury rules over Virgo and is considered a brilliant sign among all.
Many scholars and intellectuals have auspicious Virgo in their natal Horoscope.
Saturn is lord of the 5th and 6th house for the Virgo ascendant sign and is a benefic planet unless it is afflicted or weak in division charts.
Saturn rules over the following aspects for Virgo ascendant natives:
- Progeny.
- Education.
- Mantra Siddhi.
- Stomach area.
- Past life merits.
- Disease.
- Debts.
- Enemies.
- Maternal Uncle.
- Fighting spirit.
- Legal matters.
Saturn can bless them with success and wealth when well placed in the natal Horoscope.
Therefore, plant Saturn has the potency to form Raja yoga when associated with other benefic planets.
Saturn will transit on the 5th house which rules over the following:
- Kids.
- Education.
- Love affairs.
- Wisdom.
- Pats life good karma.
- Honors.
- Fame.
- Creativity.
- Stomach.
- Open mindness.
And will aspect the 7th house of marriage, 11th house of gains, and 2nd house of earnings.
Hands down, they will have the best transit of Saturn out of all signs.
Use the link given below to read its effects in detail.
Effects & Predictions For Libra Ascendant
For Libra ascendant, Saturn transit 2022 is going to be very important because Saturn is lord of the 4th & 5th houses.
It is a Yoga karaka planet for Libra ascendant natives and rules over the following significations for them:
- Home.
- Family.
- Domestic peace.
- Properties.
- Cars.
- Assets.
- Education.
- Kids.
- Love affair.
- Past life deeds.
- Passion.
Saturn can bless them with success and wealth when well placed in the natal Horoscope.
Therefore, plant Saturn has the potency to form Rajyoga when associated with other benefic planets.
In 2022, Saturn will Transit through their 4th house, which rules over the domestic environment, vehicles, mother, peace of mind, family values, and luxury in life.
And will aspect the 7th house of marriage, 11th house of gains, and 2nd house of earnings.
Hands down, they will have the best transit of Saturn out of all signs.
1.CAREER- Since Saturn will be aspecting the 10th house, this Transit will impact your career directly. There will be an improvement in work conditions, and issues from the past will start to vanish now.
Relationships with seniors will improve, and your performance will be better and appreciated by seniors and co-workers.
If you are waiting for a promotion or a salary hike, then there is a good chance that you will get it in 2022, provided you have a supportive dasha.
This Transit is beneficial if you are in banking, real estate, stock market, or deals with furniture or construction.
If you are looking for an abroad posting, keep your eyes and ears open because an opportunity will come your way in mid August-2022.
Overall this Transit of Saturn has a great potential to change your life for good.
2. WEALTH- The aspect of Saturn over your 1st house will make you wise and sharp in money matters.
You will be able to take full advantage of a supportive condition and will be able to make gains from it.
You will be able to make gains via speculation and, at the same time, will make decisions that will give good profits in the future.
Also, there is a good chance that gains from inheritance will be coming your way and will solve ongoing disputes in 2022.
Saturn transit 2022 is looking excellent for wealth generation for you.
3. RELATIONSHIP- During the year 2022, you will get a chance for Marriage and will be able to find the right kind of spouse.
If you are already married, then this Saturn transit 2022 will lead to a peaceful relationship with your spouse.
You will be able to spend a relaxing time with your spouse. The association will improve significantly; overall an excellent transit to enjoy family time.
If you have issues with your father, then this Transit may make it slightly complex, but in the end, a solution will come.
Your relationship will be good with your mother, and her health will improve.
Whereas siblings will be having a great time in their lives, opportunities may come in their lives abroad.
4. HEALTH- Health wise, this Saturn transit in Capricorn can help you.
If you are going through any health issues, this Transit can prove a boon for you.
The proper treatment will be available, and you will find the right cure for your health issues.
There will be awareness in you, and you will indulge yourself in a healthy lifestyle.
You may become very conscious about your appearance and make great efforts to look good overall an excellent transit from a health point of view.
The best way to gain the best results from this Transit is by making Saturn strong. It can be done by proper Gem Therapy using a Jyotish Quality Blue Sapphire.
Also, you can read Shri Hanuman Chalisa, Bajrang Baan or Hanuman Ashtak for more better results.
Effects For Scorpio Ascendant
Saturn is lord of the third and fourth house here and is a malefic planet for them.
Despite that planet, Saturn rules over very important significations for them.
Some of it is mentioned below:
- Courage.
- Sibling.
- Efforts.
- Short travels.
- Ability to create resistance.
- Home.
- Domestic peace.
- Chest region in the body.
- Basic education.
- Mother.
Saturn's planetary relationship with Mercury in the Natal chart can create havoc in natives' life.
They can not ignore this Transit in because very positive changes are likely to happen.
In 2022, planet Saturn transit will be through their 3rd house in the Capricorn sign.
Transit Saturn will cast its aspect over the 5th, 9th, and 12th house and will affect the following significations for them:
- Sibling.
- Courage.
- Efforts.
- Hobbies.
- Education.
- Passion.
- Love affair.
- Father.
- Long-distance travels.
- Abroad.
- Expenses.
Let's see how various areas of their lives will be affected by this transit of Saturn in 2022.
1. CAREER-Transit of Saturn in 2022 looks progressive for your Career and success in your work field.
The presence of Saturn in the 3rd house is going to change a lot of things for you.
The newfound energy and hunger for success will keep you going ahead, and you will be making plans for gains and will be looking for new opportunities.
Issues at the workplace will be handled well by you, and you will be able to break free from enemies.
If you are looking for a job, you will have it by the end of August 2022.
If there are issues at the workplace, you will be able to handle them smartly.
Similarly, a chance to go abroad may come, which you will be able to grab with both hands. Saturn transit 2022 will benefit you immensely in business, sports, or politics.
This transit can give you a rise.
Whereas if you are in stocks or any speculation, you should think and plan before making any decision on investments.
Naturally, you will be thinking a lot about ways to raise your life standards.
You may want to take guidance from experienced people around you, which may prove an excellent decision for you.
Overall, excellent transit to make your Career better, and you surely don't want to miss its opportunities.
2. WEALTH- Saturn transit 2022 is not about creating huge gains; it is about forming a foundation on which you will be building your castle.
This transit will push you hard for new opportunities for wealth gains, and luckily, if you are in the Dasha of Moon or Jupiter, you will find things going as per your plans.
But despite all the restrictions, you will still be making much better money than in previous years.
At the same time, your expenses will also be high, especially for traveling and hobbies.
Speculation will attract your attention, and provided you have it in your Horoscope; you will be able to take full advantage of it.
Saturn transit 2022 will be an excellent time to spend on your self-development, and it is like an investment that will lead to gains in the future for you.
3. RELATIONSHIP- This transit of Saturn in 2022 will relieve your marriage issues, and you will be able to go well along with your spouse.
If there are any health issues with your spouse, they will go down with time, and by the end of 2022, your spouse will be over the sickness.
If you are looking for a Marriage partner, then surely this transit can help you with it, and the middle of the year 2022 looks like a good time to get married to someone you like.
With Father, your relationship may turn sour, or his life will be affected in 2022.
The same kind of situation may develop with a mother, so you need to be patient with them.
On the other hand, siblings will have a progressive life and may excel in their work fields.
With children, there is a need to guide them in their lives because they may go off track on their own.
There will be a delay in childbirth, and with some treatment, you will be able to fulfill your desires.
4. HEALTH- Saturn transit 2022 will prove beneficial for your health; you still can't slack off entirely.
The aspect of Saturn over your 5th house can bother your stomach and digestive system.
It may be the sole health issue you will face during this Saturn transit in the Aquarius sign.
Otherwise, the energy levels will be up, and a protective layer by transit Jupiter will be with you.
Wear a Jyotish quality Yellow Sapphire to minimize the harmful effects of Saturn transit.
Effects Sagittarius Ascendant
Sagittarius ascendant people are unique because it is a fiery sign yet ruled by benefic Jupiter, so they are like warrior priests.
Their approach to life is practical and, at the same time, a bit dreamy also.
They make successful managers and even science in politics and sports.
Their leadership quality is unmatched, especially when they have to lead many people.
They are blessed with the sharp insight to gain success in economics or business.
For Sagittarius ascendant, Saturn is lord of the 2nd and 3rd house and is a malefic planet for them; if afflicted in the natal Horoscope, it can cause severe issues in life.
Generally, Saturn rules over the following aspects for Sagittarius ascendant natives:
- Salary.
- Capability for earnings.
- Speech.
- Food Habits.
- Talking abilities.
- Family values.
- Courage.
- Strength.
- Grit & Determination.
- Siblings.
- Traveling.
During Saturn transit 2022, planet Saturn will be over the 2nd house.
It will aspect the 4th, 8th, and 11th house, and the following significations will be under the influence of Saturn.
- Health.
- Mother.
- Mental peace.
- Domestic environment.
- Assets.
- Inheritance.
- Longevity.
- In-laws.
- Gains.
- Friends.
- Networking.
1. CAREER- If you are salaried or in the service sector, this Transit will lead to better growth and money flow.
Promotion or salary hike will be there but after July.
From the end of July 2022, things will be rather harmful.
Though Saturn transit, will bring lots of your good past actions in front of everyone and will start to give good results for you.
There can be a transfer for you, and you may find a place of your liking, so a favorable transit for your career.
Suppose you are in business or make money via speculation. In that case, this Transit will provide you to break the slowdown which you have been experiencing for a long time.
You will be able to expand your business and make some more investments, and you will be able to witness gains from September 2022.
This year will lead to some positive events at your business, and speculation will also suit you very well.
2. WEALTH- Since Saturn transit will be going through your 2nd house in its sign.
I am sure that your finances will start to pick up now.
As evident in the Career section, your career will see pleasant moments now, and accordingly, your wealth will also.
Though, Saturn transit 2022 is going to be best for those who are in the service sector.
For a business person, Saturn transit will be beneficial.
You can expect more gains in this Transit but remember Ketu transit 2022 through your 10th house needs some attention.
3. RELATIONSHIP- Again, a relief for you is coming in relationships because the testing aspect of Saturn over the 7th house won't be present now.
During Saturn transit 2022, the presence of Saturn in its sign in the second house will lead to better times with spouse and family.
Though there can be times when you will miss your family due to physical distance, this may happen due to work responsibilities and duties.
If you are unmarried, this transit shows hopes for marriage.
With the support of Jupiter transit in 1st house, you will be able to settle down in the end phases of the year 2022.
If you are planning for a kid, then again, a supportive indication is seen, and you will be able to become a parent.
Relationships with parents and siblings will improve further, and the difficulties which your Father has been experiencing for quite a long time will start to vanish now.
Your Mother will experience some health issues which will settle down with time.
4. HEALTH- I think this transition of Saturn transit can revive you. The laziness and confusion you have been experiencing so far will disappear.
But unnecessary tensions will be there, which you should avoid. Restless you may become, which will lead to errors in completing the tasks.
There will be a new energy level in you, and any ongoing health issue will find a cure.
However, it is suggested that you watch your diet and food intake.
If you have a habit of smoking or drinking, try to reduce it as much as possible because naturally, in the 2nd house, Saturn will make you indulge in these things.
Wear a Jyotish quality Yellow Sapphire to minimize the harmful effects of Saturn transit.
Effects For Capricorn Ascendant
Capricorn is the 10th sign in the natural zodiac scheme, and it spans from 270 to 300 degrees.
Planet Saturn rules it with Earth element, a planet where Mars achieves exaltation and Jupiter becomes debilitated.
It forms one of the Artha trine along with Taurus and Virgo signs.
Saturn rules over the Capricorn sign, but Capricorn is the Earth sign, unlike the Aquarius sign.
It means that Capricorn ascendant natives are very grounded people, humble, and don't like to show off.
They believe in working hard and taking care of the family.
They think about world peace and development in society and always look for the bigger picture.
They don't care about their own needs; they care more about the world.
If you have to see the objective element of Saturn, which is the well-being of the word, then it can be seen through the Capricorn sign.
A native of Capricorn ascendants is generally fortunate regarding management and ruling over a place.
They lead over a place as a president, mayor, or chief minister of a province.
In a relationship, their attitude is usually clumsy due to the rulership of the moon over the 7th house.
And this shows the fluctuations they feel towards the spouse, and that's one area they need to work on; as I said earlier, they don't think about themselves.
They think about other people more.
All this leads to some carelessness in relationships and marriages on their part.
For Capricorn ascendant planet Saturn is lord of the 1st and 2nd house and is the most important planet for them.
Saturn rules the following significations for Capricorn.
- Their existence.
- Body.
- Color.
- Hair type.
- Family.
- Speech.
- Food habits.
- Longevity of spouse.
- Maraka.
- Values.
- Morals.
Saturn rules over everything from your thinking pattern, how you react, height, body, and the whole Horoscope lies heavily on the shoulder of mighty Saturn.
During Saturn transit 2022 will be over their 1st house and will aspect the 3rd, 7th, and the 10th house and will affect the following significations for them:
- Health.
- Looks.
- Changes in the body.
- Sibling.
- Courage.
- Efforts.
- Hobbies.
- Spouse.
- Marriage.
- Career.
- Status.
This Saturn transit will be an interesting one. Use the link given below to read its effects in detail.
Let's see how it will affect various areas of their lives.
1. CAREER-Throughout 2022, planet Saturn will affect your 10th house of career and status, which means there will be a rise for you now.
Though it will come slowly, with patience and effort, it will be coming for sure.
This transit is looking beneficial because there is an indication that you will command more respect now.
But, still, chances of getting transferred and enmity with someone at the workplace will be there.
Good scope for promotion or salary hike, a new horizon for a career is seen, all thanks to Saturn transit 2022 for that.
You need to give your best and then see its gains.
If you are looking for an abroad posting, then again, luck will be on your side, and finally, you will be able to make your dream come true.
If you are into Business, then this transit of Saturn will bring you a good amount of progress.
It can provide you solid growth provided you have Rajyoga in your Horoscope.
If you make money via speculation, then Saturn transit 2022 will keep you on the right track, and you will be able to make beneficial decisions.
2. WEALTH- A rise in wealth is undoubtedly the best aspect of this transit, and there will be immense growth in your bank balance.
Saturn transit 2022 will allow you to overcome the prevalent negativity for quite a long time.
There is an indication that you will gain from your Father, and he may help you with the necessary funding.
A great year will be and you need to make decisions wisely.
There will be unnecessary expenditures during the construction of the house.
3. RELATIONSHIP- Marriage is indeed on the cards for you, provided you are in marriage giving dasha.
The direct aspect of Saturn over the 10th house during Saturn transit 2022 is very capable of giving marriage.
If you like someone, that person will respond very well to your feelings.
You can expect some fun time with your spouse if you are already married. There is an indication of holidays or some vacation.
There will be a peaceful time in the relationship.
However, if you are experiencing some issues in marriage, then this transit of Saturn will smooth things down for you.
Progeny is also on the cards. You can plan a child now; childbirth will be accessible unless things are too complicated in your natal Horoscope.
Again, I see some indications with parents and siblings that the tough time you were experiencing with your Father will become better now.
With Mother also, I see improvement in the relationship, and the parents' health is looking good.
Your siblings will finally be able to point in the right direction, and efforts will lead to progress in their careers.
4. HEALTH- Saturn transit will make way for Saturn over your 1st house. You can expect new energy.
Same time, there will be interest in physical fitness activities. But, again, you will be able to find the right combinations that will work well for you.
If you have any health issues, you can expect relief and cure in 2022. Boost of transit of Saturn through Capricorn will help your immune system very well.
The best way to harness the sound effects of Saturn transit is via a Jyotish Quality Blue Sapphire or Amethyst on the middle finger of the right hand.
This way, you will be able to gain the best from this transit of planet Saturn.
Effects For Aquarius Ascendant
Aquarius is the most innovative sign and rules over the 300-330 degrees on celestial spheres and is ruled by planet Saturn and is one of the most potent and successful signs.
It is an Airy sign and is immovable by nature.
No planet gets exalted or debilitated in it.
It is a barrel sign but very balanced at the same time.
Aquarius ascendant natives are very practical in their daily life and courageous when it comes to careers.
Same time they are very innovative, but their innovation revolves around the basic principles, which I found very commendable.
They never try to change the rules. On the contrary, they play along with the regulations differently, making them quite successful.
It is seen that a good Saturn in their native Horoscope brings some major success to them.
In relationships, they are excellent but often tend to have ego tussles with their partner.
Leo sign rises over the 7th house, ruled by the planet Sun.
Despite that, they tend to have the most successful marriages compared to other signs.
Planet Venus works as a Yogakraka for them.
In contrast, planet Mercury acts as a booster to success, provided it is not affected.
For Aquarius ascendant natives, Saturn is lord of the 1st and 12th house. Therefore, it is a significant planet for them by being the ascendant lord.
Saturn rules over the following significations for them:
- Self.
- Body.
- Health.
- Thinking.
- Color.
- Hair type and its density.
- Abroad.
- Meditation ability.
- Spiritual interest.
- Expenses.
- Moksha house.
Saturn also rules over their determination.
In 2022, planet Saturn will Transit through its 12th house and will aspect 2nd, 6th, and 9th house, and the following significations will come under the scanner of the planet Saturn:
- Abroad
- Isolation.
- Expenses.
- Earnings.
- Enemies.
- Legal matters.
- Maternal relations.
- Family.
- Father.
- Religion.
- Divine grace.
This Saturn transit 2022 seems to be auspicious, and the Pisces ascendant also has the support of Jupiter transit.
Let's see how they will be affected by this Transit of Saturn.
1. CAREER- Transit of Saturn isn't that great and may cause some issues; there will be situations where you will be seeing your enemies on the rise.
Though with the support of Jupiter transit, you will be able to defeat them.
It would be best to be careful about what you are doing and what you are saying because Rahu transit will be over your 2nd house of speech.
The best is to mind your own business and let this Transit settle down for you.
There can be opportunities abroad after a hard-fought battle among your competitors. If you had such combinations in your Horoscope, make one travel abroad for work.
If you are employed, then there is a good chance that you will be able to crack an exam and land a job for yourself.
Suppose Business is your primary source of income. In that case, this Transit indicates that you may take one loan for raw materials or expansion of Business.
Try not to go overboard with your debts and keep a check on people who work for you.
This Transit will prove best for athletes and politicians mainly, and lawyers are also likely to benefit.
Overall, Saturn Transit in Capricorn is not bad for you; just some precautions and wisdom are required
2. WEALTH- The direct aspect of Saturn over the 6th house shows the need for loans in 2022, which may lead to good results because your investment will lead to gains for you.
Your money will mainly come from abroad.
Expenses will be under control, and you will be making wise investments.
You must have read negative results elsewhere on the internet, but I can assure you that Saturn transit 2022 in your 12th house will bless you with wealth.
Provided you have Dhanyoga in your Horoscope.
Still, I suggest you control a few things in your lifestyle and be in planning mode for the future, especially if you are in the age group of 30-35.
3. RELATIONSHIPS- Saturn transit in Capricorn shows some issues on the Marriage front.
If combinations of bad marriages are present in your Horoscope, you should be careful.
There will be a physical distance between the spouse due to work and unnecessary transfer.
If you are looking for a marriage partner, there can be more delays finding a partner for yourself.
But have patience because 2022 will bring good news for you because, in the end, Jupiter transit is aspecting your 7th house of Marriage.
If you are already married, you can expect some differences in opinion from your spouse. However, they won't be large unless you have severe harmful combinations for bad Marriage.
For matters related to children, this Transit looks auspicious, and from 12th July 2022, the window will start.
If you have grown-up kids, don't stress about their behavior because things will start to get on track with time, patience is required with kids.
With parents, this Transit will cause some drifts, and you may have some arguments with your father, but the mother will remain supportive.
However, still, you need to understand and respect them as much as possible.
This Transit doesn't impact siblings, and their lives will be the same as before.
I don't see many changes in the year ahead.
4. HEALTH- During this Saturn transit, your health will improve, and you may start going to the gym or joining a sport.
There will be a focus on improving your appearance, and you will be giving your best in it.
Any ongoing health issue will find its cure but not right away; you do need to give your best efforts for this.
Naturally, some expenditures will occur on account of health, but at least you will be able to find the cure.
The best way to harness the sound effects of Saturn transit 2022 is via a Jyotish Quality Blue Sapphire or Amethyst on the middle finger of the right hand.
Effects For Pisces Ascendant
Pisces is the last sign of the natural zodiac scheme and spans from 330 to 360 degrees and is ruled by planet Jupiter which forms Hamsa Yoga and one more auspicious Gajakesari Yoga.
It is a very spiritual sign and forms the formidable Moksha trine with Cancer and Scorpio sign.
The nature of Pisces is Dual, and the main element is water.
It is a dreamy sign which rules over spiritual advancement, philosophy, Vedic texts, and mantras.
It also rules over the part of the brain, which gives us solace and peace, and benefic planets in the sign of Pisces make natives peaceful and a poet.
Saturn is lord of the 11th and 12th house and rules over following for Pisces ascendant.
- Gains.
- Friends.
- Achievements.
- Elder siblings.
- Abroad matters.
- Sleep.
- Dreams.
- Expenses.
- The desire for salvation.
- Intuition.
- Hospitals.
Even though Saturn is malefic for Pisces ascendant, it can be a very beneficial planet when endowed with strength and connected with Mars or Jupiter, especially for finances and success.
During Saturn transit 2022, planet Saturn will be transiting over the 11th house and will aspect 1st, 5th, and 8th house, respectively.
And following significations will come under the influence of Saturn transit in Capricorn.
- Health.
- Physical presence.
- Gains.
- Networking.
- Friends.
- Children.
- Passion.
- Hobbies.
- Love matters.
- Longevity.
The Transit of Saturn is looking very promising.
However, it also has some negative shade because the Saturn aspect will be falling over the 8th house.
I feel that Saturn transit will be life-changing for you.
It can bring once-in-a-lifetime opportunities in your way, considering Saturn transit from the 11th house.
This year can become memorable for you though we need to see the overall potency of the Horoscope and other factors. Use the link given below to read its effects in detail.
This year can become memorable for you though we need to see the overall potency of the Horoscope and other factors.
1. CAREER- The presence of Saturn in the 11th house in its sign of Capricorn means victory and success for you, which means a promotion or a salary hike.
Anything you will touch is going to turn into Gold.
Appreciation and accolades from all directions will fall upon you.
If you are looking to go abroad, then this is when you will be able to make it, and the months of August and September going to be very supportive.
If you are into Business, you can expect outstanding gains are expected and the abroad factor can play a good role in it.
Saturn will allow you expansion and new ventures, which will enable you to gain shortly.
Your influence will rise, and people will seek your advice and start to see you differently.
In short, a good time to invest in something new and expand.
The double Transit of Saturn and Jupiter shows a very period where you can change your fortune.
If speculation is your forte, don't make fast decisions; instead, think and consult experts and make a move.
It is an excellent transit that shows the best career shape of your life.
2. WEALTH- The 11th house is the house of gains, and the presence of Saturn there through its sign means you will be finally able to realize the best form of fate, and your lifestyle is going to change with it.
With a good flow of money, you will be able to spend on your needs and desires.
Such Transit can make one rich, provided the required Dhanyoga is present in the Horoscope.
Suppose you are looking to gain via inheritance. In that case, this Transit of Saturn can bring a golden opportunity, and you will be able to make sudden gains from it.
Overall an excellent transit for wealth generation for you, and make sure you don't miss it.
3. RELATIONSHIP- Saturn transit in Capricorn will not affect your marital status or married life.
Things will remain the same, though; with success and cash flow, you will be having a party sort of environment at home.
There will be expenditures on a spouse that will bring some great time together.
Suppose you are in the middle of a love affair and want to convert it into marriage. In that case, this Transit can put some obstacles in your path, so be careful and don't let any miscommunication happen between you two.
This Saturn transit 2022 will lead to good times and improved relationships with parents and siblings.
Your father will be making a significant decision in his life.
There is an indication that he may retire now.
With mother, this Transit can cause some health issues since Saturn will be in 8th from the 4th house.
Your eldest sibling will gain the most in 2022, and you will see growth in their lives.
4. HEALTH- Now, this is the negative side of this Transit; see, Saturn will have an aspect on your 1st house, which has a significant say in health status.
At the same time aspect of Saturn over the 8th house has the capabilities to start a long-term sickness.
There is an indication that your digestive system may go weak, and you need to maintain good food habits for it.
So be careful with health, and this is the only downside of Saturn transit in Capricorn.
Since this Transit of Saturn is a massive change in life, you should read Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam whenever possible.
This will help you deal with this Transit's slowness in the year 2022.
Only few months are remaining before Saturn transit in Capricorn ends. There will be good effects for following signs:
- Aries.
- Taurus.
- Libra.
- Capricorn.
- Pisces.
Whereas for the other zodiac signs, there will be ups and downs and they will have to perform remedies to counter the negatives effects of it.
Saturn is not easy to please and there will be challenges and obstacles but with hard-work and persistence good results will come.