Online Astrology Consultation

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So you might be looking for online astrologers who provide online astrology services.

And quite obviously you are here because you are looking for solutions for your ongoing problems which could be related to career, marriage, relationship, health or even traveling like going abroad.

So what most of the people do usually is that they search popular terms on Google like Gajakesari Yoga ( most likely when you see that in your own Horoscope) or other yoga's.

So once your search is complete you land on to some website like mine 🙂

And then you talk with the online astrologer there and he or she starts doing your Horoscope readings at some price.

But here you may miss some vital points which you should be knowing before going ahead for your online astrology consultation.

See terms like online astrologer, online astrology consultations, and online horoscope readings are very popular nowadays.

Even people tend to put free online astrology readings while looking for astrologers. But trust me nothing is free in this world and quality comes at a price.

If you want free reports then go to and download your computer-generated reports, similarly, there are many sites for that but such free reports don't help at all.

If they do then plz let me know about it.

Now my article is about online astrology readings which you can get here at and same time I will make you aware of many aspects which one should remember before approaching an online astrologer like me.

The following information is going to be very helpful to you and after reading this article you will be able to make a better choice and your online astrology consultation will prove worth for your hard earn money.

What I am going to mention here is probably not mentioned in any Astrology website because of lack of intent from astrologer and same time ignorance on your part.

3 Steps For Accurate Online Horoscope Consultation

Horoscope reading is all about reading your natal and divisional birth chart for which the following details are always necessary:

1.Date of Birth.
2.Time of Birth.
3.Place of Birth.

I guess you know this already but many of you don't know that how even a small error can give a wrong conclusion on your horoscope.

So let's being;

Role Of Date Of Birth In Online Astrology Reading

As you all know, Date of birth is simply your birth date and you use it everywhere in your documents and other relevant places.

But for the purpose of horoscope consultations always give you real birth details to your Astrologer.

For example, if you were born on 11-11-1990 then make sure astrology calculations for your personalized report is calculated on these birth details.

Though usually, this type of error is not common in the Western world but in India people have different dates in their school and college certificates and many time they don't use their real birth date.

If you don't believe me then look at the following Google results about the wrong date of birth.

You will get my point here once you go through it especially this one proves the condition of many of us out there.

I have personally attended few clients where they were not aware of their actual date of birth.

For some reasons their parents put a wrong date in school and they forgot about the actual one.

Even in my professional certificates, my date of birth is stated as 15th of December but my actual birth date and month is 11th of November.

In such cases position of planets will not come correctly.

For example, in the year 1988 Jupiter was in Taurus whereas in 1990 was in Gemini check the image below.

Same way position of other planets will also get affected and wrong results will come.

Don't do this mistake if your looking for an accurate astrology consultation from an online astrologer and make sure you ask your parents about any changes in your date of birth.

Here it is the responsibility of the client to give the right date of birth to an online astrologer

In such cases, astrologer should try to find the right horoscope for them, though it is difficult but not impossible.

Most of the online astrologer charges money for it but here at you don't need to pay for this.

I try my best to rectify horoscope as much as possible and if not satisfied with the results I don't proceed further on it.

Role Of Time Of Birth In Online Astrology Consultation

Time of birth is the most common occurring error where reasons can be many.

In astrology correct birth time is everything and sometimes even the slightest error can lead to a completely different analysis of a Horoscope.

Let me elaborate you in detail why accurate birth time is important for astrology consultation.

Astrology calculations done on a wrong birth time can lead you into two situations:

  1. Wrong ascendant chart.
  2. Wrong divisional charts.

I will explain to you above two points with an example where I will use the different birth time for same Date and Place of birth.

Follow my steps here;

First, generate Horoscope on following birth details.

  • D.O.B: 27-6-2018.
  • Time: 23:42
  • Place: Delhi.

This will give me following natal chart and planetary degrees.

astrology birth chart
astrology consultation

You can clearly notice that ascendant of D-1 is at end of Beginning of Pisces sign at 00° 24' now if I decrease the birth time by 2 minutes to 21:40 then I will get the following natal birth chart and planetary degrees.

And since here I have to choose one ascendant either Pisces or Aquarius and proceed further with it but how I am supposed to do the horoscope readings if the ascendant chart is wrong!

You can clearly see that the horoscope reading will go wrong here despite the fact that the error in birth time is of only 2 minutes.

For your explanation role of planets changes from Ascendant to Ascendant and all aspect bends based on lordship of planets like astrology yoga.

Now just think if there is a birth time error of even 2 minutes and the client is not aware of this?

And if such is the case then how astrology readings is possible here because I will be reading a wrong ascendant chart.

Crux is that sometimes even 2 minute of birth time error can lead to wrong horoscope ascendant chart which affects the accuracy of your horoscope readings.

What more baffling here is that most of the astrologers don't even bother to tell their client about it.

Giving astrology readings on the wrong ascendant is like sending someone to New York though they want to go to Mexico.

When ever I get such cases where Ascendant degrees are at the beginning or at the end of the Ascendant sign, i tell that to my client and I make sure that I look into the possibility of both the ascendant for the native.

And for that I follow my own steps(comes from experience) for birth time rectification where I ask for following important details from the client:

  • Height.
  • Weight.
  • Education qualifications.
  • Any illness or injury in past.
  • Current profession.
  • Any achievement in past.
  • Relation with parents.
  •  Marriage date(if married).
  • Children's birth date(if any).

These details easily allow me to fix the birth time as much as possible, I also use few other other techniques to fix ascendant of natal birth chart but the above mentioned parameters are my first step towards a complete  birth chart rectification.

Now we will discuss the birth time error which leads to the wrong navamsha thus wrong astrology readings.

This is the most common error in birth time and almost 70-80% of people don't know their right navamsha due to a slight error in their birth time.

Navamsha ascendant changes within 10 minutes and many time birth time shows a navamsha ascendant which can change even by slight variation of the birth time.

In other words navamsa ascendant is at the boundary of two ascendant.

In such kind of birth time errors, there is no one at the fault because during the birth of a child no one can note the exact birth time in fact the whole birth time theory like which birth time should be used in astrology is kind of controversial.

Rather I believe that we should try to look which navamsha fits on the person and that should be based on his life events and physical features.

Mistake of even few minutes here and there  will show the wrong navamsha and no one can make good astrology readings from it.

I call it second's sensitive navamsa.

Follow this example for proper clarifications on it.

You will need this table for your reference here.

This table shows which navamsha ascendant will rise for particular degrees of natal birth chart.

Now with following birth details, I got Aquarius rising with Sagittarius navamsha.

DATE OF BIRTH: 27-06-2018



Now you can see that the rising ascendant of D-1 is at 9° 55" and if we increase the birth time by two minutes it will go past 10° 00" which will gives us Capricorn navamsha ( use the table).

Use of navamsha for astrology consultation

Got my point now!!

As you can see with the given example the navamsa Ascendant is changing just by moving birth time ahead by only two minutes.

A wrong navamsha leads to a worng reading of horoscope because yoga or rajyoga forming in navamsha will have a different meaning.

Also, navamsha is seen for marriage and a wrong ascendant of navamsha will lead to a wrong analysis of marriage-related predictions.

Same time you can not judge career properly without correct navamsha.

I highly focus on this because navamsha is the most important divisional chart in astrology and outcome of any Dasha and Transit depends on it.

To rectify this I do the same procedure which I have mentioned in Natal ascendant rectification.

Role Of Place Of Birth In Online Horoscope Consultation.

You might be thinking there can't be much error in place of birth since it is a simple parameter.

But I can prove you wrong here easily.


Though this error is not so common in India but countries like USA, Russia and Europe there are few factors which needs to be considered.

Countries like USA, Canada, Russia etc. have multiple longitude passing through them and change of every 15° of longitude results in the change in one hour.

Conclusion here is that if the time zone is not used correctly than your astrology consultation won't come right.

Now the other factor which requires attention is Day Light Saving Time.

If your not familiar with D.S.T then you can follow this detailed Wikipedia article.

And if not applied properly it will lead to the wrong ascendant again.

These above mentioned issues comes quite frequently with clients from the USA and Europe.

Most of the time your astrology software might not be updated with recent D.S.T changed in a particular place.

I always do a manual check for current D.S.T using "Google Search" so that I can provide the effective horoscope readings to my clients.

Now I guess you have understood the right way to start a Horoscope consultation from a able astrologer.

But in case if you want to generate a free horoscope by yourself, you can use the following link which leads to astrosage online astrology portal.

There using this software you can generate your own horoscope.

I gave this particular link because their software is the most updated and have lots of features which can be overwhelming for a beginner.

Here, suppose you decided to opt for professional astrology consultation from a expert.

Make sure you take account following factors before choosing your astrologer.

  • Reputation.
  • Knowledge & Versatility.
  • Affordable & Flexible services.

Reputation Of Online Astrologer

Reputation is something which you can not be build overnight and is a process which takes years or decades.

Choosing a astrologer based on reputation can be a hard task because most of "online astrologer" are backed by professional website developer who make sure that there website comes on the first page of google and that's where people can get tricked.

I bet you seen many time in your Google search results, something like this "best astrologer from Delhi" "best astrologer from Bangalore" etc.

Since I am quite a expert in Search engine optimization I know how Google search works and how people pays to Advt and digital marketer to come on top of Google results.

Anytime you see any website while pursuing your search for online astrologer make sure you check their "Knowledge base astrology articles"

I have seen hundreds of websites where there were no astrology articles at all.

They were at top of Google results because of a highly optimized website, nothing else!!

Coming back to the reputation of a astrologer, there are astrologer like Shri K.N Rao who needs no introduction but than there are astrologer like these who pilled up tons of videos which lead to nothing but confusion.

In simple words, it is hard to gauge the reputation of an astrologer just because you see someone on top of google, Tv channels etc.

It doesn't mean that they are expert in their craft. Most of the times it is just a commercially focused endeavor.

Knowledge and Versatility During Horoscope Consultation

This is by far the most important aspect which you should look before proceeding further your your astrology consultation.

Knowledge as said earlier can be gauged by the article written by a astrologer but gauging

Versatility can be a hard task for a beginner.

Where versatility is equally proportional to the ability of a astrologer with different kind of astrology methods.

Where Parashari is the most followed and popular one but same time an astrologer should be able to use Jaimini, Asthakvarga and Yogini astrology because using them together leads to less error and accurate horoscope readings.

Suppose I found in your horoscope reading that you will be getting married soon but Jaimini is not indicating marriage within the same time frame.

Then I will use Yogini to confirm my judgement.

This is where Versatility of a astrologer is gets exposed and before you choose your online astrologer to make sure you question his Versatility.

Here at I always use at least three branches of astrology and my favorites are:

  1. Parashari.
  2. Jaimini.
  3. Asthakvarga.
  4. Yogini.

In my astrology services, I always gives consultation after applying different methods.

Affordable & Flexible Service.

It is a sad truth that astrology is becoming a business and every other day some new website is showing up proclaiming that they are the best and when supported by strong website professional they show up on your Google results like this.

Not to forget they charge a lot for no reasons also and one they are done with your one time astrology consultation they don't assist you again unless you pay again.

It should not be like this and the astrologer should assist the client throughput their life without any charges.

I know I am saying a big thing here but this what I follow in my work.

I never charge again from my client and assist them whenever they need me.

Online Astrology Consultation Services By THEVEDICHOROSCOPE.COM

Take a look at our astrology services which are affordable and flexible.

Full Horoscope Analysis

Full Horoscope Analysis is the most demanded request and is available at 3800/ 60USD. In this report, all aspect of your Horoscope will be discussed. The analysis will be done via methods of Parashari, Jaimini, Ashtakvarga and Yogini. Here all aspect of life will be analyzed and Dasha results will be mentioned. Your specific questions will also be answered in this Horoscope report.

Career Consultation

In this astrology report. I will  analysis various aspects of your career like promotion, salary hike, transfer, job problems etc. Overall this astrology consultation is a full package where every aspect of career will be analyzed.
There is a modification for this service.

Marriage Consultation

In this astrology report, emphasis will be over your marriage and related affairs.

This report will be containing the following points in a detailed manner.

  • Timing of marriage.
  • Nature of marriage.
  • Quality of marriage.
  • Physical features of the spouse.
  • Status of the spouse.
  • Timings when good/bad events, which are likely to happen.

Yearly Horoscope Reading

In this astrology report, your Varshphal(yearly horoscope) will be analyzed along with your main birth chart with running dasha. The analysis will be done in the following key areas of your life:

  • Marriage.
  • Career.
  • Relationship.
  • Health.
  • Wealth.
  • Education.
  • Travel.

Apart from above mentioned areas, you can ask other questions which you think is necessary.

Ask A Question

This astrology service caters the need of those who wants a answer to their specific questions like job timings, marriage timing etc.

Gemstone Report

For gemstone recommendation, the whole chart will be analyzed along with the current situation of the native. The recommendation will be done using standard astrology principles like lordship, aspects, current dash-Antar Dasha and natural malefic/benefic nature of planets. You can ask for Gemstone recommendation for specific desire like to remove obstacles in marriage/carrier and any other area where you’re struggling.

Matchmaking Report

This astrology consultation is for for those who believe in horoscope match making before selecting a life partner.
In India still, many people prefer to match horoscope to examine a number of proposals before saying yes to one.
Here I must tell you that matchmaking is not limited to Guna Milan only, any software can do that for you.

For proper matchmaking, you need to analysis health, character, wealth aspects of a marriage proposal. Same time need to analysis relative positions of planets in both the charts and it should be done to assess mutual love between girl and boy because marriage itself sustains on Love, rest of the parameters comes later.

Order Your Horoscope Analysis

You Have Seen How I Do Analysis & I Can Do The Same For You

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About the Author
naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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  1. Hello Naveenji, I sent a request for consultation on 7th Oct and received a small report on 18th Oct with some comments. I need to get reply from your side on the queries. So, request you to kindly respond with a time to have discussion on my chart readings. Kind Regards, Shashank

  2. Dear Naveen,

    I would like to have a detailed insight of my birth chart i have a lot of mobile apps in my cell but i don’t understand much, i am having hell trouble in my career life which is disturbing my domestic life its my 2nd marriage the first one left me i have a daughter and due to astrosage i am Capricorn and time of birth is 7:00 AM but i want to know whether the time is correct or not 29-01-79 is my DOB and born in Lahore Pakistan.
    I am in deep shit in current job due to no reason at all and its being so difficult to get new job, wherever i go i return empty handed whereas there was a time when everyone wanted to take me on job till 2014 and then the black era started, and now wherever i go they don’t like me whereas i am almost 5th most senior person in the whole country for this department i am a banker. please advise me about the time correction and the detailed report, i use yodha app and they asked me to wear opal in little finger which i am wearing right now. i wore blue sapphire but that made my finances worse and i was in debt and nothing to eat or live i had something from my friend and then sold off my sapphire and got a little better with finances. i have become hopeless and cant live like this my new wife is very understanding but i feel that marrying me made her miser too and now she is not rich enough which she was in her father’s home. Have a daughter whose custody i took through court and manage her finances with difficulty. my first marriage was a court/love marriage….. what to do and thing is that i am a muslim too. hope you help me.

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You can order your Horoscope analysis and your Horoscope will be analyzed using Vimshottari, Jaimini & Yogini Dasha.