Divisional charts are like mini horoscopes which are created by dividing each sign of natal chart (D-1) into a number of sections.
For example, an important and widely used divisional chart "dashamsa (d-10) is created by dividing each sign of D-1 into 10 equal parts.
If you don't know what divisional charts look like, you can refer to the image given below which contains Hora(d-2), Drekkna(d-3), Chaturthamsha(d-4), Saptamsha(d-7), and Navamsha(d-9) divisional charts in it.
Why Are Divisional Charts So Important?
A Horoscope reading in Vedic astrology is incomplete without the use of Divisional Charts. In fact, many people do a big mistake by ignoring divisional charts completely.
There are 12 signs in astrology and each sign rises for 2 hours in the eastern horizon which is also called the ascendant sign.
Now, those who are born in that frame of 2 hours will have the same ascendant sign and there can be hundred of thousand people who have the same natal house and chart(D-1).
Despite that, they don't share the same destiny and every aspect of their life is different from others.
Not even twins share the same destiny or life patterns.
Clearly, there is something that creates a difference in the destiny of people even if they share the exact date of birth, time, and place.
It happens because of divisional charts because ascendant of divisional charts changes very fast and sometimes even of few seconds of difference can change the ascendant of Divisional Charts completely which leads to different results of Dasha and planetary behavior.
Therefore it is best to deal with divisional charts if you want to pursue astrology seriously.
Same divisional charts can easily test the ability of an astrologer because they are complex to understand and there are no standard rules available that can help in interpreting divisional charts.
Even after such complexity, we keep hearing about the use of divisional charts in astrology and special emphasis has been given to them by our sages.
In the own words of sage Parashar:
"no conclusion can be made on any horoscope without considering revelant divisional charts"
Now, you all have heard of navamsa chart and you know everyone focuses on it while giving a horoscope reading.
In the same way, all divisional charts are the microscopic version of houses in a horoscope and they provide minutes details that can not be accessed from the natal birth chart(D-1).
For a better understanding of its functions, you can compare a Horoscope to an Outer body of a Car whereas its engine and other important parts are akin to Divisional charts. Without important parts, you can not use your Car effectively and it will be parked in your place with no use.
Without the use of Divisional charts you can not unlock mysteries which lies within a Horoscope.
Divisional charts should be used along with a natal birth chart(d-1) then only you can read a horoscope effectively.
Suppose in a Horoscope you want to know about mother, property, or domestic environment here, obviously, you will look into the 4th house in Horoscope first.
But in order to get a complete view and predictions related to the 4th house, you need to give attention to divisional chart Chaturthamsa ( D-4) which will give you a complete insight on affairs related to the 4th house of a Horoscope.
To validate the above statement let's see a example Horoscope.
Natal and Navamsha of example horoscope
The example horoscope have Taurus ascendant with navamsha as Gemini sign. Native bought property in Mars mahadasha and despite Mars retrograde state in natal and its debilitation in navamsha he was able to have what he wanted. If you look at his D-4 (chaturthamsha), planet Mars is placed in own sign of Scorpio in the first house itself. Mars is karaka of real estate also.
In the same way, there are various divisional charts that help to churn minute details of different houses of a Horoscope.
In nutshell, Without the use of relevant divisional charts, you can not predict effectively.
This article of mine will lead you to every aspect of the divisional chart and includes the following topics:
How To Calculate Divisional Chart?
All divisional charts originate from natal birth charts also known as D-1. Where rising degrees of ascendant decide the ascendant of all divisional charts and same way planetary degrees of 9 planets in natal birth chart decides the position of planets in the divisional chart.
There are two major ways you can construct Divisional charts for a Horoscope:
- With astrology software- it is the easiest way to construct a divisional chart, just put birth details and within a few seconds, you will get your Divisional charts ready. You can use this navamsa chart calculator to generate a navamsa chart.
- Ready-made tables- in this method ready-made tables are used to construct divisional charts.
For example, the table given below can be used to construct navamsa (d-9) for any horoscope.
Navamsa Calculation Table
Same way for other divisional charts separate tables can be used and you can easily drive the position of planets for that particular divisional chart.
I prefer method no.2 because it allows you to engage with the horoscope and helps to understand the divisional charts in a better way.
But using the above two methods won't tell you the exact longitudes(degrees) of planets in any Divisional chart.
Degrees of planets in Divisional Chart
For finding the longitude of a planet in any Divisional chart multiply the degrees, minutes, seconds by the number of the Divisional chart (2 for hora, 3 for drekkana, and so on) now leave the completed signs and retain the degrees, minutes, seconds as the longitude of planets for that divisional chart.
For example, if planet Jupiter is at 12 degrees 04 minutes in any sign and we want to calculate the longitude of planet Jupiter in D-7. Here, Simple multiply 12 degrees 4 minutes by 7 and you will get 84 degrees 28 minutes.
Now from 84 degrees 28 minutes remove two completed signs(subtract 60) which will give us 24 degree and 28 minutes and this will be the longitude of planet Jupiter in D-7.
Knowing the longitude of planets in divisional charts can help you a lot and I will discuss it in my future posts.
Different Types Of Divisional Charts & Their Significations
There are total of 20 different types of divisional charts (excluding higher divisional charts D-81, D-108, D-144) which deal with specific houses and significations in a Horoscope and for their effective use, sages have developed four divisional charts schemes where certain no. of divisional charts are studied together.
Divisional Charts Schemes:
- Shadvarga( the group of six divisional charts).
- Saptvarga( the group of seven divisional charts).
- Dasvarga(the group of 10 divisional charts).
- Shadashvarga( the group of 16 divisional charts).
Out of these four, the most versatile and important is Shadashvarga.
Let's discuss the Shadashvarga scheme along with significations ruled by divisional charts in it:
- Rashi/Natal Chart(D-1)- the basis of all divisional charts and gives the first clue about every aspect of human life.
- Hora Chart(D-2)- used for wealth, speech, and family.
- Drekkana(D-3)- used for co-borns, courage, and strength.
- Chaturamsha(D-4)-used for home, mother, property, destiny, and immovable assets.
- Saptamsa(D-7)-used for sex life, children's and ability to produce children's.
- Navamsa(D-9)- used for the spouse, married life, luck, and it is also known as the microscopic version of the natal birth chart.
- Dashamsa(D-10)- used for career, professional success, honor, status, and demotion.
- Dwadasmsa(D-12)- used for information on parents and lineage.
- Shodasmsa(D-16)-used for general happiness, moveable assets, etc.
- Vimshamsa(D-20)-used for spiritual activities, progress in spiritual practices, and results of worship.
- Chaturvimshamsa(D-24)- used for achievement in academics, learning, and education patterns.
- Saptavimshamsa(D-27)- used for physical strength and stamina.
- Trimshamsa(D-30)-used for miseries, illnesses, and evils.
- Khavedamsa(D-40)- used for auspicious effects in life.
- Akshvedamsa(D-45)- used for general character and conduct.
- Shastiamsa(D-60)- used for judging all aspects of life.
Apart from above mentioned divisional charts, there are a few other Divisional charts known as non-parashari divisional charts which are as follows:
- Panchamsa(D-5)- for past life merits, spiritual inclinations, and mantra siddhi.
- Shashtamsa(D-6)- for debt, disputes, and proneness to illnesses.
- Ashtamsa(D-8)- for inheritance, longevity, and accident.
- Labhamsa(D-11)- for unearned income, unaccounted money, and speculation.
As you can see above there are many divisional charts and a question that can arise in your mind is which one is most important among them and which divisional chart holds most important while judging the strength of planets.
The answer to this question is quite simple and one needs to look into Vimshopk Bala allotted to each division chart.
In Shodashvarga ( the group of 16 divisional charts) following unit of strength is allotted to divisional charts.
Note: unit represents the Vimshopak Bala allotted to divisional chart.
- Natal Chart(D-1)- 3.5 units.
- Hora Chart(D-2)- 1 unit.
- Drekkana(D-3)- 1 unit.
- Chaturthamsa (D-4)-0.5 unit.
- Saptamsa (D-7)-0.5 unit.
- Navamsa (D-9)-3 units.
- Dashamsa (D-10)- 0.5 unit.
- Dwadasmsa (D-12)-0.5 unit.
- Shodasmsa (D-16)-2 units.
- Vimshamsa (D-20)-0.5 unit.
- Chaturvimshamsa(D-24)-0.5 unit.
- Saptavimshamsa (D-27)-1 unit.
- Trimshamsa (D-30)- 1.5 units.
- Khavedamsa (D-40)-0.5 unit.
- Akshvedamsa (D-45)-0.5 unit.
- Shastiamsa (D-60)- 5 units.
As you can see Natal Birth Chart, Navamsa and Shastiamsa charts have higher Vimshopak Bala and surprisingly Shastiamsa (D-60) have more Vimshopak Bala than any other Divisional chart.
Not just in Shodashvarga scheme, even in dasvarga scheme Shastiamsa is alloted 4 units whereas main birth chart(D-1) & navamsa(D-9) have 3.5 and 4 units are allotted to them respectively.
All this proves that the following divisional charts should be given more importance:
- Navamsa(D-9).
- Shastiamsa(D-60).
Measurement Of Planetary Strength Using Divisional Charts
Divisional charts are the basis of planetary strength calculation which is known as Shadbala.
A planet in Divisional Charts can be placed in the following signs:
- In its exaltation sign.
- In its own sign.
- In its friend sign.
- In its enemy sign.
- In its debilitation sign.
But since we are dealing with multiple divisional charts here, we would like to examine the combined strength of a planet in many divisional charts.
For that, we need some system where we can easily gauge the strength of planets from divisional charts.
To make things easy, sages have given a beautiful and easy method where planets placed in exaltation or their own sign in divisional charts are considered to be BENEFICIALLY placed.
In this system, a special nomenclature is used for planets, which indicates its strength to bestow good results.
These special nomenclatures are as follows:
Note: Varga is used here instead of the divisional chart.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Two Vargas it is known as Bhedka.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Three Vargas it is known as Kusum.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Four Vargas it is known as Nag pushpa.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Five Vargas it is known as Kanduk.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Six Vargas it is known as Keral.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Seven Vargas it is known as Kalpvraksha.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Eight Vargas it is known as Chandan Van.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Nine Vargas it is known as Poorna Chandra.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Ten Vargas it is known as Uchchsevara.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Eleven Vargas it is known as Dhanvantri.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Twelve Vargas it is known as Surya Kant.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Thirteen Vargas it is known as Vidurm.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Fourteen Vargas it is known as Indra Asan.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Fifteen Vargas it is known as Gan Loka.
- If a planet has benefic placement in Sixteen Vargas it is known as Sri Vallabha.
Adopting this method can easily help you to gauge the strength of a planet and you will be able to predict the results of Dasha more effectively.
How Divisional Charts Helps In Predicting events?
While judging any horoscope we always look into Dasha to predict the outcome of any Dasha.
The first step here is the condition of Dasha Lord in natal chart(D-1) and based on that some broad conclusions are made.
Now, to get into more details we need to look into Divisional Charts where lordship of Dasha lord and its placement is divisional charts are checked thoroughly using standard rules of astrology.
Now, to get into more details we need to look into Divisional Charts where lordship of Dasha lord and its placement is divisional charts are checked thoroughly using standard rules of astrology.
It may happen that Dasha lord is debilitated or afflicted in the natal chart but in Divisional Charts is strong and well placed. In such a case, your prediction for certain dasha will not be correct because attention was not given to divisional charts.
Make sure you use them in your all horoscope readings.
So far we have covered different types of Divisional Charts, its importance, methods of computation and their usages.
Now the most important topics which are required to discuss is rules for examination of divisional charts or in simple words we need some guidelines which can help one to read divisional charts.
Though there are different rules for each Divisional Chart but there are some set rules which are universally applicable to all divisional charts.
Let's explore these rules along with examples.
How To Read/Study Divisional Charts?
Not much solid information is given on how to read divisional charts, but if you apply a simple logic then you can figure out how to approach them. Yes, some standard principals are to be followed and you cannot cook up your own rules without testing them on Horoscopes.
- Treat all divisional charts as a normal birth chart and apply all standard rules of astrology on them including aspects, yoga, raja yoga and dhanyoga. The Greater number of Raja Yoga or other kinds of auspicious yoga like Gajakesari Yoga etc will make that particular divisional chart strong and good results related to that divisional chart will come to pass. For example, rajyoga in D-12 indicates wealthy parents whereas Dhanyoga there shows loving and caring parents.
- The key rule of unafflicted ascendant Lord is also applicable here and for good results, ascendant lord of any Divisional chart should not be afflicted. Ideally, it should be placed in Trine or Kendra houses then only good results concerning that divisional chart will be realized. For example, a strong and unafflicted ascendant of navamsa (d-9) assures happy married life.
- This rule is about the exception to rule no.2 where planet Mercury in 8th in any divisional chart is considered as good same way Mars in 6th house of any divisional chart whereas Venus in 12th house of navamsa and Saturn in 8th house of D-8 is considered as good.
- The effects and results of yoags present in divisional charts operate throughout life but strong results will be felt during dasha of planets involved in such yogas. For example, Gajakesari Yoga in navamsa indicates a wealthy and spiritual spouse but its results will be more pronounced during dasha of either Moon or Jupiter.
- A planet placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house in natal chart and again remains in dusthana houses in the divisional chart will not gives auspicious results for that divisional chart.
- A planet placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house of either natal birth chart (D-1) or navamsa chart(D-9) when becomes ascendant lord of any divisional chart will lead to bad effects concerning that divisional chart.
- Vargottama lagna for any divisional charts gives very auspicious results. For example, Vargottama lagna of D-10 will make native very work oriented and success will come to him easily.
- A combust planet or a planet defeated in a planetary war will not give auspicious results in any divisional chart.
- A planet in its debilitation in any divisional chart will give good results only when cancellation of debilitation is achieved by that planet.
- Exaltation of ascendant lord of D-1, D-3, D-9 and D-12 will make native long live, same results will come to pass if they are placed in own or friends signs.
- Planets in 3rd and 8th house of any divisional chart does not perform well for that divisional chart. For example, Dasha of planet placed in 3rd house of dashamsa(D-10) will lead to retirement from job.
- Placement of the karaka(significator) of a divisional chart in ascendant of the divisional chart will work like karaka bhava nasho and bad results of that divisional chart will be felt. For example, Mercury in ascendant of D-24 will spoil education, Venus in ascendant of D-9 will spoil marriage. Same way Sun or Moon in ascendant of D-12 will not prove good for parents and Jupiter in ascendant of D-7 will prove bad for progeny.
- Stress will be caused in matters related to that divisional chart when Rahu-Ketu or 8th house lord from the natal birth chart(D-1) is placed in ascendant of that divisional chart.
- For timings of events, sub subperiod of well-placed planet in a divisional chart should be selected. For example, exalted Moon in 4th house of D-4 will lead to the construction of house during Dasha of planet Moon.
- As per B.P.H.S "the division falling in signs owned by the lord of the angles from the arudha will be considered as good divisions.
- When the ascendant lord of any divisional chart is combust in the natal birth chart (D-1), then the good results if that divisional chart will not happen in native life.
The above-mentioned rules are very important and work all the time and from my own experiences, I have felt that people get scared to use divisional charts, which lead to wrong predictions in astrology.
You should never hesitate to use divisional charts and try to find new ways to utilize them properly. But there are certain errors that come into play while using divisional charts which I will discuss now.
Common Mistakes In Application Of Divisional Charts
This particular topic has to be covered here because, in the excitement, you may start using divisional charts, and due to errors, confusion will be bound to happen.
1. Birth Time Error: This is the main and most prominent factor that will lead to failure of usage of divisional charts. Divisional charts are casted using the degrees of the natal ascendant, and it means error in birth time is going to affect the whole process. Let me show you an example and you can do this exercise with me.
Let's use the following birth details:
Date Of Birth
Time Of Birth
07:29 AM
Place Of Birth
Caste the horoscope using above details, and you will find Sagittarius ascendant and Aries navamsha.

Navamsha have changed to Taurus sign here
Now change the birth time to 07:30, you will find that navamsha has changed and it happened by increasing the birth time by only one minutes.

Navamsha have changed to Taurus sign here
So you do see, how sensitive it can get when it comes to the birth time. The whole analysis will change in just 1 minutes.
To avoid such mistakes you need to rectify birth time which comes with practice. Most astrologers will not even ask you about the accuracy of the birth time and that leads to issues in predictions.
2. Bending of astrology rules: This is also very common because people tend to change the standard rules of astrology as per their convenience. It should be avoided at all cost and best is to stick with principals laid in the classics of astrology like B.P.H.S, Phaladeepika etc.
Conclusions: Divisional charts are worth giving time
Divisional charts are the soul of astrology, they allow us to dissect a horoscope at a very minute level and brings wonderful results which are not possible by using natal chart alone.
If not all, at least divisional charts like drekkana(d-3), navamsa(d-9) and dashamsa(d-10) should be analyzed and mastered properly because they deal with important life affairs, have higher Vimposhak bala and have a major say in results of dasha, without them astrology is incomplete.
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The author gives wide and clear explanations of divisional charts in this article. It is like a summary of BPHS. Modern astrologers nowadays consider divisional charts, as we can use software. Past astrologers mainly consider the natal chart and the nawamsa chart. However, they made very clear predictions even neglecting the divisional charts. However, they used techniques that use DV charts, such as planets located in benefic signs that are considered positive such as Meena. In this case, astrologers don’t consider all divisional charts but grab planets stay in those charts. A planet that stays in benefic Rashi in D-60 can be called a planet that gets power same as its exaltation sign. In the Nawamsa chart, it's equal to the power of the own sign, and in other charts, power is equal to a friendly state. Such a ways astrologers use many ways to adopt divisional charts.
Amazing article 👏 Sir…keep it up!
thank you:)
Amazing work on divisional charts. Good 👍
Bending of astrology rules: How not to ? Can you give a few examples ?
Sar Namaskar,
I want a good new Divisional chart faladesh software. How can I get this Software Sar?Please help me Sar for this…. How can I get free Divisional chart faladesh software?
Hi, software can never do a faladesh. A software will only give you data by computing the codes given in it. You have to read the data and make analysis. Don’t believe in computer generated reports.
dear sir
the calculation part of the D7 which you have given with an example of Jupiter
"For example, if planet Jupiter is at 12 degrees 04 minutes in any sign and we want to calculate the longitude of planet Jupiter in D-7. Here, Simple multiply 12 degrees 4 minutes by 7 and you will get 84 degrees 28 minutes.
Now from 84 degrees 28 minutes remove two completed signs(subtract 60) which will give us 1 degree 22 minutes and this will be the longitude of planet Jupiter in D-7."
in this when you deduct 60 from 84 it should be 24 degree and 28 minutes but you have mentioned it as 1 degree 22 minutes can you explain this part plese