Astrology Combination For Air Hostess

astrology combination for air hostess

With a lucrative salary and opportunities to travel worldwide, Air Hostess has become a great option for young students.

No doubt being an Air Hostess is a great way to earn a handsome salary and same time provides one to travel and meet new people which in turn broadens one’s views and makes one smart.

But getting into an Aircraft as an Air Hostess is not meant for everyone and requires some condition or criteria to be met, which are as follows:

  • Fit body.
  • Good height.
  • Elegant looks.
  • Natural ability to interact with people easily.
  • Temperament
  • Confidence
  • Analytical abilities
  • Perseverance.

If you dissect the above points you will find the role of the following planets and houses in it.

1. Sun- Planet Sun is natural Atmakaraka and is the significator of the first house. A strong Sun in a horoscope will give a strong body and physical strength.

2. Mercury- Mercury is our speech and an unaffiliated Mercury allows one to learn languages easily. Same time it makes one communication skills good which allows one to speak fluently with people of various origins and countries.

3. Moon– The Moon governs over our hair and a clean unaffiliated Moon gives one good hair. Same time unaffiliated Moon makes one good at bheaveiour and considering the hectic schedule an Air Hostess faces, this is the most important factor out of all.

4. Mercury– It represents our logic and analytical abilities because sports require you to use a lot of analytical abilities. Whereas sports like chess revolve around the planet Mercury only.

5. Rahu– Rahu is Karaka of foreign things and also rules over Air travel. With Rahu in certain houses of a horoscope, can easily allow one to join such jobs where Air travel and interaction with foreign people.

6. Saturn– Getting success in any field is not a one-night phenomenon, it is a process where along with natural talent one needs to practice every hour to improve their skill and here planet Saturn becomes very important. Saturn pushes you and makes sure you have enough perseverance to work at your full potential.

7. Mars- An unaffiliated Mars is very much required for Air Hostess, a well-placed Mars gives one good energy level and makes one enthusiastic for work.

As per astrology the following yoga and planetary placements are required for getting a job as an Air Hostess.

Overall to be an Air Hostess, in a Horoscope 1st, 3rd, 10th, and 12th houses should be strong and interconnected with each other, and along with that auspicious dasha should be operative.

Same time 4th and the 12th houses should be connected with Rahu.

In the horoscope of many Air Hostess, the 4th house is seen as afflicted because the 4th house is your stay at home and Air Hostess don’t stay at their home most of the time.

In divisional chart D-10 4th house connection with the 12th house also supports the job as an Air Hostess.
Let’s check the horoscope of an Air Hostess and see how above mentioned planetary combinations apply to them.

Example Horoscope

planetary combination for air hostess

You can see here that Jupiter is in its own sign in the 4th house creating a Hamsa Yoga.

The direct aspect of Jupiter over the 10th house is very supportive here and the native(a girl) joined international airlines right away after her training at “Frankfinn“.

Many times what happens what even after their training many candidates have to wait long for a job opportunity and in such cases having an auspicious 10th house works in favor and provides one job opportunity right away.

Now as you can see her ascendant and 10th lords are the same and are in exchange yoga with the 12th house lord Sun, which shows that the person is connected with a job where abroad visits and stays will be very prominent.

Rahu is in the 9th house and aspecting ascendant which further marks its approval here.

Same way there are other combinations also but for the sake of simplicity, I have pointed to the major ones only.

You can email or contact me using the link given below to learn Astrology from me.


About the Author
naveen rana

Hello all! My name is Naveen Rana and earlier I worked in shipping industry.
Apart from solving Horoscopes, I hike around mountains and do photography. For more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given more information about myself.

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