Whether we like it or not but importance of money can’t be denied especially in the present era of the modern world where making money is the main priority of everyone. Sometimes you might wonder how some people are more capable of making money than others and also born in a rich family is also a thing which makes a person not worry on account of wealth, the USA even being born in some countries like the USA, Switzerland(50 dollars per hour) can bless you with easy money rather than being born in countries with the lower economic structure Most of the highly successful businessman’s are from USA and half of the world is using their products because the system there supports entrepreneurs. So when you look at the above situations you might find a role of luck or destiny in it, here I will prefer to call it as Pre-Destiny. Anytime you look into charts of people having a great amount of wealth you will find Good wealth making yogas or you can say DHAN YOGA and RAJ YOGA. In Vedic astrology, sages have mentioned lots of combinations of wealth and a few other things which should be checked before giving judgment on wealth. In your birth chart, Prime importance is given to your first house which is called as ascendant and ascendant should be strong in any case if you want to make wealth or enjoy Read More
In Vedic Astrology there are many ways you can asses wealth prospects of a person like wealth yogas,raaj yogas,indu lagans etc.But LAABH MANDOOK HORA is unique and gives us ample clue on quantum of wealth a person is going to gain in his life.Also it can give you some clues on sources of wealth, weather it will be inherited,self made or from abroad sources etc. Method to compute Laabh Mandook Hora. Construction of Laabh Mandook Hora is based on Parashari Hora Chart(D-2) but the only difference here is that planets can go to zodiacs of any other planets unlike in Parashari Hora Chart where planets can either only go to LEO or CANCER zodiac. Here in Mandook Hora Chart a planet in first hora which means planets having degrees between 00 to 15 will remain in same zodiac in Mandook Hora Chart,while a planet in second hora which means planet having degrees between 15 to 30 will be placed in eleventh sign from it. Here in Mandook Hora reference of eleventh house is being used and eleventh house in astrology stands for financial gains. In fact eleventh house is more powerful than second house in terms of giving financial gains especially for businessmans. All planets gives good results in eleventh house, the more number of planets connected to your eleventh house more financial gains you will experience in your life. Now I will explain the construction of Mandook Read More
In Vedic Astrology there are many ways you can assess wealth prospects of a person like wealth yogas, raaj yogas, indu lagans etc.But LAABH MANDOOK HORA is unique and gives us ample clue on quantum of wealth a person is going to gain in his life.Also it can give you some clues on sources of wealth, weather it will be inherited, self made or from abroad sources etc. Traditional Parasari Hora doesn’t give many clues on this unless you really know how to read it. As per my opinion, Labh Mandook Hora is best to serve the purpose of knowing the wealth of a person. In Jagannath hora astrology software, you can fix your preferences for D-2 and there you will find other options also. Read More
Dhana yoga in a Horoscope are very easy to detect and unlike special Rajyogas like Vishu Yoga etc, there are not much custom made Dhan Yoga and involvement of 2nd and 11th house or their lords are compulsory especially 11th house and its lord. These Dhanyoags should be checked in navamsha also. The most potent Dhanyoga in astrology is a custom dhanyoga known as Laxmi Yoga. Definition– if the lord of Lagna is powerful and the lord of the 9th occupies own or exaltation sign identical with a Kendra or Thrikona, Lakshmi Yoga is caused. Results– The person will be wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, handsome appearance, a good ruler, and enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life. There are few versions of Laxmi Yoga: 1.It can be formed by the mutual association of lords of Lagna and the 9th. 2.It can be formed by the lord of the 9th occupying Kendra, Trikona or exaltation and same time ascendant should be well disposed of. 3. It can also be formed by the lord of the 9th and Venus being posited in own or exaltation signs which should be Kendras or Trikonas. Apart from Laxmi Yoga following Dhanyogas are mentioned in Chapter-41 of BPHS. Most of these Dhana yoga are mentioned in this article here and few guidelines need to be followed before making any judgement. Read More